
HCS/HB 986 - This act modifies provisions relating to MO HealthNet services in order to comply with federal requirements under the Affordable Care Act (ACA) of 2010, and creates a Joint Committee on Medicaid Transformation.


This act reauthorizes the Ticket-to-Work program until 2019. Currently the program is set to expire on August 28, 2013. (Section 208.146)


This act extends coverage for former foster youth up to age 26. (Section 208.151)

This act adds definitions for modified adjusted gross income (MAGI) methodologies and adds new federal requirements for all MO HealthNet applicants and participants to qualify for benefits regarding residency, citizenship or qualified alien status, and a Social Security number. (Section 208.990.1 and 5; 208.995.1)

Effective January 1, 2014, the Department of Social Services shall conduct an annual redetermination of all MO HealthNet participants' eligibility as provided under federal rule. (Section 208.990.2)

All applications for MO HealthNet shall be submitted in accordance with federal rule and applicants shall provide the required information and documentation necessary to make an eligibility determination necessary or for any purpose directly connected to the administration of the MO HealthNet program. (Section 208.990.4)

This act also outlines all of the current MO HealthNet participants whose eligibility shall be determined based on MAGI methodologies effective January 1, 2014, and how such participants shall receive all applicable benefits as under current law in Section 208.152. (Section 208.995.2 (1),(2) and (3))


This act creates the Joint Committee on Medicaid Transformation. The committee shall consist of six members of the Senate, with four members appointed by the President Pro Tem and two members by the minority leader of Senate, and six members of the House of Representatives, with four members appointed by the Speaker and two members by the minority leader of the House.

The committee shall prepare a report by December 31, 2013, making recommendations regarding improvements that can be made to the state medical assistance health care delivery system in this state. The list of specific issues to study are detailed in the act. The committee shall expire in January 1, 2014.

There is an emergency clause for the establishment of the committee.


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