SB 236
Provides that a Highway Patrol fund include money for the maintenance of Highway Patrol vehicles, watercraft, and aircraft and be used for the maintenance of such items
LR Number:
Last Action:
7/14/2013 - Governor took no action, sent to Secretary of State/Article III, Sec. 31
Journal Page:
Calendar Position:
Effective Date:
August 28, 2013
House Handler:

Current Bill Summary

SB 236 - Under current law, the Highway Patrol's Motor Vehicle, Aircraft, and Watercraft Revolving Fund, which is administered by the Superintendent of the Highway Patrol, includes funds received for the purchase of Highway Patrol vehicles, watercraft, and aircraft. The fund is to be used for the purchase of Highway Patrol vehicles, watercraft, and aircraft.

This act requires the fund to include money received for the purchase and maintenance of vehicles, watercraft, and aircraft and provides that the fund be used for the purchase and maintenance of such items. In addition, this act provides that the Highway Patrol must receive a specific appropriation before obligating any funds for the purchase of an individual unit that costs more than $100,000.

