Bills Sponsored by Senator Kehoe

SB 139 - Modifies provisions regarding the Sunshine Law
SB 182 - Eliminates state and local use taxes on motor vehicle sales and modifies state and local sales taxes on such purchases
SB 207 - Allows electric corporations to recover costs for infrastructure replacement projects
SB 242 - Modifies the law relating to the sale or provision of certain commodities by certain school officials of seven- director districts that are located in a first class county
SB 278 - Establishes psychological stress of paid peace officers of a police department as an occupational disease
SB 279 - Modifies provisions relating to the retirement systems for state officers and employees
SB 356 - Terminates a manufacturer's liability when a product is materially altered by a person not in the business of selling the product
SB 410 - Renames Linn State Technical College as "State Technical College of Missouri" effective July 1, 2014
SB 411 - Modifies Missouri's commercial motor vehicle law to conform with Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration regulations
SB 412 - Prohibits beer manufacturers and liquor wholesalers from owning certain interests in each other
SB 458 - Reduces duration of state unemployment benefits until December 31, 2013
SB 459 - Requires that the Public Service Commission use the revenue allocation method in rate cases involving electric corporations
SB 460 - Designates a portion of U.S. Highway 69 in Clay County as the "Irvine O. Hockaday, Jr. Highway"
SJR 16 - Imposes a temporary one cent sales and use tax for transportation purposes
SR 62 - Use of the Chamber/Girls State
SR 63 - Use of the Chamber/MO Catholic Conference
SR 469 - Use of the Chamber - YMCA Youth in Leadership
SR 672 - Use of the Chamber/Silver Haired Legislature
HB 256 - Modifies provisions relating to the closure of certain records under the Missouri Sunshine Law
HB 349 - Allows certain property-carrying commercial motor vehicle owners to request two license plates under certain conditions
HB 404 - Modifies workers' compensation laws relating to occupational diseases for peace officers and insurance premium rates for construction employers
HB 673 - Renames Linn State Technical College as "State Technical College of Missouri" effective July 1, 2014

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