SB 776
Requires sheriffs to be notified prior to the service of a warrant and be present when warrants are served
LR Number:
Last Action:
2/19/2014 - Second Read and Referred S General Laws Committee
Journal Page:
Calendar Position:
Effective Date:
August 28, 2014

Current Bill Summary

SB 776 - This act provides that before serving a warrant issued by a United States Court, the federal agent must be accompanied by the sheriff, or his or her designee, of the county where the warrant is to be served. In addition, state law enforcement officers must also be accompanied by a sheriff or designee when serving a warrant.

Federal and state law enforcement officers may file a petition with the associate circuit judge in the county where the warrant is to be served for a waiver of the accompaniment requirement if the officer believes the sheriff has a conflict of interest. The sheriff must protect the rights of anyone directly affected by the warrant and make a report on the incident. It is a Class A misdemeanor to fail to serve a warrant without the accompaniment of a sheriff.

