- SB 605 - Dixon - Modifies provisions relating to higher education
LR: 4203H.03C HCS SB 605
- 12/4/2013 -- Prefiled
- SB 606 - Dixon - Repeals provisions which require persons who solicit on behalf of prepaid legal services to be licensed as an insurance agent
LR: 4575H.02T HCS SB 606
- 12/4/2013 -- Prefiled
- SB 607 - Dixon - Modifies provisions relating to sales taxes
LR: 4456H.02C HCS SB 607
- 12/4/2013 -- Prefiled
- SB 608 - Holsman - Prohibits the gathering of intelligence about a person unless there is evidence of criminal activity and requires warrants to search curbside garbage that is awaiting collection
LR: 4164S.02I
- 12/4/2013 -- Prefiled
- SJR 37 - Dixon - Removes language which appoints judicial officers to serve as a legislative district reapportionment commission
LR: 4226S.01I
- 12/4/2013 -- Prefiled