
SB 798 - This act requires the State Board of Education to convene work groups whenever it develops, evaluates, modifies, or revises either academic performance standards or learning standards. The work groups must include individuals of diverse viewpoints. The State Board must hold at least two public hearings whenever it develops, evaluates, modifies, or revises either academic performance standards or learning standards. The State Board must also solicit feedback and comments from the Joint Committee on Education and academic researchers of diverse viewpoints.

The State Board of Education is prohibited from implementing or taking any action relating to the Common Core State Standards. School districts and charter schools are prohibited from using the Common Core State Standards to comply with the requirement to provide instruction in the essential knowledge, skills, and competencies at appropriate grade levels. Any actions taken by the State Board of Education prior to August 28, 2014, not in compliance with state statute are void ab initio. School districts and charter schools may adopt their own education standards provided they are in the public domain.

This act abrogates any regulation that in whole or in part conflicts with the act. (Section 160.514)

The State Board of Education must modify, and revise as necessary, the statewide assessment system. The State Board of Education cannot adopt or develop a criterion-referenced assessment instrument based on the Common Core State Standards. In addition, the academic performance of students cannot be transferred out of state in any form for reporting to non-state education entities.

This act repeals two provisions that terminated in 2006. (Section 160.518)

When the State Board establishes, evaluates, modifies, or revises academic performance standards, learning standards, and the statewide assessment system, it must consider the work done by other states, experts, and associations. This act repeals the requirement that the State Board of Education adopt the work done by consortia of other states when establishing academic standards and the statewide assessment system. In addition, the State Board of Education must consider null and void by legislative action any memorandum of agreement with any assessment consortium funded by the United States Department of Education.

The Commissioner of Education must notify the General Assembly within six months of updating the statewide assessment system, as described in the act. The General Assembly may veto any update by concurrent resolution, as described in the act.

The Commissioner of Education must update a procedure to allow the State Board to regularly receive advice and counsel from certain groups whenever it develops, evaluates, modifies or revises academic performance standards, learning standards, or the statewide assessment system.

This act repeals obsolete references to the Commission on Performance that was previously repealed. (Section 160.526)

This act repeals authorization for the Department of Economic Development, Department of Elementary and Secondary Education, and Department of Higher Education to directly enter into agreements with the P-20 Council. Instead, the departments will be bound by statutory requirements for state purchasing and contracting. (Section 160.820)

The State Board of Education's authority to classify the public schools of the state and to formulate rules governing school accreditation must allow individual school districts to determine targeted priorities for the district, plan of action, resource needs for implementing the plan, and evaluation criteria. (Section 161.092)


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