
SCS/SB 809 - This act modifies various provisions of law regarding licensing of architects, professional engineers, professional land surveyors, and professional landscape architects.

The act adds definitions of the terms "design coordination," "design survey," "incidental practice," "professional landscape architect," and "responsible charge." The term "landscape architect" is now changed to "professional landscape architect" throughout the chapter (327.011).

Any person appointed to the Board for Architects, Professional Engineers, Professional Land Surveyors and Professional Landscape Architects must have been engaged in the practice of the specified field as a Missouri licensee for at least ten years immediately preceding the appointment. When a vacancy occurs on the board and the vacancy to be filled requires the appointment of an architect then the president of the American Institute of Architects/Missouri shall submit to the Director of the Division of Professional Registration a list of five names to fill the vacancy. The act removes the provisions abolishing the Landscape Architectural Council (327.031).

Currently, each Board member shall not receive compensation exceeding fifty dollars for each day devoted to the affairs of the Board. The act changes this limit to seventy-five dollars per day (327.051).

The act removes language requiring the Board to inform in writing each applicant for licensure of the time and place for examination (327.151, 327.241, 327.331, 327.617).

Architects, professional engineers, land surveyors, and landscape architects shall be in responsible charge of certain work product which can affect the health, safety, and welfare of the public within their scope of practice (327.081, 327.181, 327.272, 327.603).

The act specifies that architects, professional engineers, land surveyors, and landscape architects shall affix a personal seal to all final technical submissions. Technical submissions include drawings, surveys, specifications, and reports prepared by the licensee (327.411).

The Board may license any architect, professional engineer, professional land surveyor, or professional landscape architect licensed in another state or province of Canada, or in another country, when such applicant has met certain qualifications and requirements for licensure (327.381).


The act provides a new definition for the practice of architecture, and states that licensing requirements shall not apply to the practice of architecture when a person is constructing a privately owned structure containing less than two thousand square feet, and which is not a part of a project which contains more than one structure. Additionally, licensing requirements will not apply to a person who remodels or repairs a privately owned multiple family dwelling containing three or four families provided that the alterations do not affect the safety features of the building or to construction observation by persons who ordinarily engage in contracting work (327.091, 327.101).

In order to apply to the board for licensure as an architect, a person must hold a certified Intern Development Program record with the National Council of Architectural Registration Boards and have passed all divisions of the Architect Registration Examination (327.131).

If an applicant fails to score a passing grade then the applicant may apply for reexamination by division, in accordance with guidelines established by the National Council of Architectural Registration Boards (327.161).

Currently, an architect, engineering, land surveyor, or landscape architecture license which is not renewed within three months of the renewal date is suspended automatically, and expires within nine months if the licensee fails to pay the reinstatement fee. This act states that the license shall expire on the renewal date, but that the licensee may, within the expiration date or at the discretion of the Board, pay a fee and have the license reinstated. (327.171, 327.261, 327.351, 327.621).


The act provides that practicing as an engineer in Missouri includes construction observation and the inspection of construction for compliance with specifications(327.181).

When an applicant for licensure as an engineer or professional land surveyor fails to make the necessary examination grade, such applicant may apply for reexamination in accordance with the guidelines established by the National Council of Examiners for Engineering and Surveying (327.251, 327.341).


The act adds that the practice of professional land surveying shall include the preparation of property descriptions, the surveying of rights-of-ways and easements, and work involving design surveys (327.272).

Currently, a professional land surveyor may request inactive license status. This act specifies that a licensee may return to active license status by notifying the board, paying the appropriate fees, and meeting all other requirements set by the board. If an inactive licensee does not maintain a current license in Missouri for five years immediately prior to reactivation the licensee may be required to take an additional exam (327.351).

The act repeals provisions which provide that the board shall issue a professional land surveying license to an individual with twenty years of experience and who passes certain exams (327.391).


The term "professional landscape architecture" is defined as the performance of professional services in connection with feasibility studies, design surveys, formulation of graphic and written criteria to govern the planning and design of land construction programs, and other similar duties detailed in the act (327.461).

An applicant for a professional landscape architecture license must make a passing grade on each examination, and a passing grade shall be fixed by the board, but shall not exceed the passing grade determined by the Council of Landscape Architectural Registration Boards (327.612).

The act repeals provisions of law which provide that the board may license without examination any landscape architect certified in another state or territory of the United States when qualifications are met (327.623). Provisions regarding the refusal to issue or renew a license have also been repealed (327.631).

This act is substantially similar to HB 1771 (2014).


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