
SB 931 - This act provides for the election of State Board of Education members instead of the current system of members being appointed by the Governor with the advice and consent of the Senate.

The first election of State Board of Education members will occur at the general election in 2016. Board members will be elected based on congressional district residence. Members will serve a term of four years, except for the initial appointees, as described in the act. Members must be at least thirty years of age, have resided in the state for at least five years, and have resided in their congressional district for at least one year immediately preceding the election. Members are limited to serving two terms. Members cannot be connected with any public, private, or denominational school, college, or university, or be the holder of or a candidate for any other public office.

If the number of Missouri congressional districts decreases, the board member from the eliminated district would be elected on a statewide basis.

A board member will be subject to a recall vote if a petition signed by at least twenty-five percent of the total votes cast for Governor at the last general election that he or she represents. If the petition is verified, the recall election will be held no more than sixty days later.

This act repeals the prohibition on no more than four members being of the same political party.

This act is contingent on passage of a constitutional amendment to Article IX, Section 2(a) of the Missouri Constitution to allow the voters to elect the members of the State Board of Education.

This act is identical to HB 1818 (2014).


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