Truly Agreed to and Finally Passed

SCS/HCS/HRB 1299 - This act codifies a number of previous reorganizations of executive branch agencies that were done by executive order within the Departments of Social Services, Labor and Industrial Relations, Economic Development, Health and Senior Services, Public Safety, and Transportation.

The Division of Design and Construction in the Office of Administration is renamed the Division of Facilities Management, Design and Construction and the Division of Data Processing and Telecommunications is renamed the Information Technology Services Division.

The act eliminates the Division of Family Services in the Department of Social Services and transfers its duties and authority to the Family Support Division or the Children's Division and updates statutory references accordingly.

The Division of Job Development and Training within the Department of Labor and Industrial Relations is eliminated and its authority and duties are transferred to the Division of Workforce Development within the Department of Economic Development. Obsolete federal program references are removed and updates to the appropriate statutory references are made.

The act renames the Missouri Minority Business Development Commission as the Missouri Minority Business Advocacy Commission. An outdated provision requiring the Department of Economic Development and the Office of Administration to develop a plan to increase procurements from minority businesses by all state departments and submit that plan to the Governor by July 1994 is removed.

The Division of Aging within the Department of Health and Senior Services is eliminated and its authority and duties are transferred to the department and updates statutory references accordingly.

The duty to establish a procedure for the reimbursement of the costs of tuition, books, and fees to any public community college or vocational or technical school is transferred from the Commissioner of Education by rule and regulation to the Department of Higher Education. The Missouri Assistive Technology Advisory Council is moved from the Office of Administration to the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education.

The Division of Medical Services within the Department of Social Services is renamed as the MO HealthNet Division and updates to the appropriate statutory references are made.

The act moves the Life Sciences Research Board from the Office of Administration to the Department of Economic Development and changes it from a type III division to a type III agency.

The act transfers the Division of Highway Safety and its authority, powers, duties, and functions from the Department of Public Safety to the Department of Transportation.

The Division of Child Support Enforcement within the Department of Social Services is eliminated and its authority and duties are transferred to the Family Support Division in the Department.

The act authorizes any person to appeal to the Administrative Hearing Commission any decision made by the Department of Public Safety regarding a claim filed on or after August 28, 2013, for compensation to victims of crime and specifies a person’s rights regarding the appeal.

The authority, functions, record, and other powers of the Division of Employment Security within the Department of Labor and Industrial Relations related to job training and labor exchange funded with or based upon Wagner-Peyser funds and other federal and state workforce development programs administered by the Division of Employment Security are transferred to the Division of Workforce Development within the Department of Economic Development.

The act repeals an outdated provision requiring the Missouri Minority Advocacy Commission to submit a plan to increase procurement from minority businesses by state departments and to recommend legislation to the General Assembly. The act also repeals obsolete provisions regarding private industry councils under the Job Training Partnership Act that were repealed by Section 199 of the Workforce Reinvestment Act.

This act is similar to SRB 715 (2014) and HCS/HB 1181 (2014).


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