Truly Agreed to and Finally Passed

SCS/HB 1136 - This act modifies various provisions relating to elections.

The act defines "electronic voting machine" as any part of an electronic voting system on which a voter is able to cast a ballot.

Under current law, Missouri Youth Election Participants are not entitled to compensation. The act repeals this provision.

Current law requires election authorities to inspect voting records at least once a year. The act repeals the yearly requirement.

The act repeals provisions that establish the specific ballot form for electronic voting systems.

The use of a separate paper ballot for questions or presidential primary are authorized and separate write-in ballots may be provided.

The act repeals references to and requirements for recording counters, metal seals, marking devices, and tally books with respect to electronic voting machines.

Provisions requiring the election authority to supply, to each polling place, voter instruction cards informing the voter how to operate electronic voting machines and supply models of marking devices and portions of the face of a voting machine are repealed.

The act allows judges to mark electronic pollbooks after voters are identified.

Provisions are modified to require distinguishing marks to be made for a valid vote instead of a cross (X). References to ballot cards are repealed.

The act repeals a provision authorizing the delivery of ballots voted prior to 11:00a.m. to the counting location prior to the closing of the polls.

Electronic voting machines are required to be secured instead of locked and sealed.

The act allows election authorities to use electronic voting machines within a 30 day restricted period contained in current law, in a subsequent election when the election is required to be held under Missouri law and the data relating to the initial election is removed and secured.

Under current law, a copy of a printed return sheet is required to be posted on the outside of each polling place. The act repeals this provision.

Under current law, candidates for certain local offices are exempt from requirements barring other candidates from running for or taking office because of tax arrearage or felony convictions or filing for more than one office. This act removes the exemptions for those candidates.


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