Senate Committee Substitute

SCS/HCS/HB 1231 - This act modifies various provisions regarding the Prosecuting Attorneys and Circuit Attorneys' Retirement System, termination of parental rights, the production of source documents for drivers' license renewal, adoption advertisement, trusts, civil immunity for supervisors of community service workers, judgship positions, court surcharges, the crimes of unlawful funeral protests and violence to an employee of the department of mental health, and civil procedure.


The act creates a permanent joint committee of the General Assembly to be known as the Joint Committee on the Justice System. The Committee shall consist of members of the General Assembly and three ex officio members. The Committee is charged with reviewing of all aspects of the state's justice system and making any recommendations for legislative change to the General Assembly. A permanent subcommittee of the Committee shall be established to periodically review the criminal code. An advisory committee may be established to aid the subcommittee, consisting of representatives of the Missouri Supreme Court, the Attorney General, and other individuals known to be interested in the improvement of the state's criminal laws (21.880).

This provision is substantially similar to provisions contained in SS/SB 575 (2014).


This act specifies that the Regional Justice Information Service (REJIS) is designated a "Criminal Justice Agency" for the purposes of federal law. It also provides that REJIS has the power to facilitate criminal identification activities, store, collect and disseminate criminal history information, and provide criminal history support to political subdivisions (43.675).

This provision is identical to HB 2128 (2014) and HCS/SB 621 (2014).


This act provides that when a county votes in favor of making the county prosecutor position a full-time position, then such position shall qualify for the retirement benefits available for a full-time prosecutor of a county of the first classification and such county shall contribute the same amount that is paid by counties of the first classification into the Prosecuting Attorneys and Circuit Attorneys' Retirement Fund, regardless of the county's classification(56.363).

The act modifies the definition of "compensation" for the purposes of the Prosecuting Attorneys and Circuit Attorneys' Retirement System to include any salary reduction amounts authorized under a cafeteria plan or eligible deferred compensation plan, and specifies that the term "compensation" does not include reimbursement for any expenses, consideration for agreeing to terminate employment, or other nonrecurring or unusual payment that is not part of regular remuneration (56.805).

These provisions are identical to provisions contained in HB 1821 (2014) and HCS/SCS/SB 672 (2014).

Currently, each county must transfer a certain sum of money to the Prosecuting Attorneys and Circuit Attorneys' Retirement System Fund. The act provides that each county's contribution shall be adjusted in accordance with the retirement system's funded ratio and a schedule provided in the act (56.807).

The act also states that a four dollar surcharge, payable to the retirement system, shall be assessed in cases where a person pleads guilty and pays a fine through a fine collection center (56.807, 488.026).

These provisions are identical to provisions contained in HCS/SCS/SB 672 (2014) and HB 1821 (2014), and substantially similar to provisions contained in HCS/SB 621 (2014) and HCS/SB 615 (2014).

No former or current member of the retirement system may transfer creditable service unless the member is already previously vested in the system (56.833).

All non-vested members of the retirement system serving in counties of the first classification or any city not within a county shall receive one year of creditable service for each year served. Non-vested members serving in counties that have elected to make the position of county prosecutor a full-time position shall receive one year creditable service for each year served as a full-time county prosecutor and sixty percent creditable service for each year served as a part-time prosecuting attorney. Any part-time vested member who ceased being a member for more than six months before returning as a full-time member shall be entitled to part-time retirement benefits for creditable service as calculated on the date the member was first terminated. The creditable service earned by the member after rejoining the system as a full-time member shall begin a new vesting period (56.850, 56.860).

These provisions are identical to provisions contained in HB 1821 (2014) and HCS/SCS/SB 672 (2014).


Currently, for the purposes of the State Legal Expense Fund a free health clinic is defined as a nonprofit community health center, exempt from federal taxation, which provides primary care and preventative services to people without health insurance without charge. This act changes the term "free health clinic" to "community health clinic" and modifies its definition by removing the without charge qualification.

The act also excludes federally funded community health centers and rural health clinics from the description of nonprofit community health centers for the purposes of the State Legal Expense Fund.

This act is identical to the perfected version of SS/SB 758 (2014).


This act amends the current provision regarding the Children's Division discretion to make reasonable efforts for reunification of a child with a parent to include aggravating factors which affect the fitness of the parent which include alcohol, controlled substances dependency, or prescription drug dependency. The act lists the further considerations a court may consider under such circumstances (211.183).

This act modifies the termination of parental rights provisions by adding to the circumstances under which a parent is considered unfit to be a party to the parent and child relationship because of a consistent pattern of committing a specific abuse.

The new circumstances are:

- If the parent is the birth mother and within 8 hours after a child's birth, either the child's birth mother or the child has tested positive for alcohol, cocaine, heroin, methamphetamine, or a controlled substance or prescription drug, excepting those drugs administered to the mother for medical treatment and the birth mother is the biological mother of at least one other child who was adjudicated an abused or neglected minor and has previously failed to complete recommended treatment services by the Children's Division through a family centered services case.

- Within a three-year period immediately prior to termination adjudication, the parent has pled guilty to or has been convicted of a felony involving the possession, manufacture or distribution of cocaine, heroin or methamphetamine and the parent is the biological parent of at least one other child who was adjudicated an abused or neglected minor and has previously failed to complete recommended treatment services by the Children's Division through a family centered services case (211.447).

These provisions are identical to HCS/SCS/SB 530 (2014), and HCS/HB 1492 (2014).


The act specifies that a person who has presented documents to obtain a driver's license, nondriver's license, or instruction permit must not be required to present the documents again to obtain a renewal or replacement except for documents that demonstrate lawful presence of an applicant who is not a citizen or if it is reasonably believed by the Department of Revenue that the prior license may have been issued as a result of a fraudulent act of the applicant or the applicant is applying for or renewing a commercial driver's license or instruction permit(302.067).

This provision is identical to provisions contained in HCS/HB 1447 (2014).


Currently, each court must mail a handbook created by the Office of State Courts Administrator to individuals involved in a dissolution of marriage proceeding involving minor children. The act specifies that the court must "provide" the handbook to each party to the dissolution rather than "mail" (452.556).


Only the Children's Division, a licensed attorney, or a Missouri licensed child placing agency may place an advertisement in a telephone directory or other advertising distributed within the state that provides that a child is offered for adoption or that the attorney or agency is able to place or receive a child for adoption. The advertisement must include certain information such as the attorney's bar number or the child agency's licensure number, as well as contact information. Any person who knowingly violates this provision shall be guilty of a Class A misdemeanor (453.700).

These provisions are substantially similar to provisions in HB 1788 (2014).


Currently, the public interest exception to the mootness doctrine applies to an appeal of a full order of protection which has expired and subjects the person against whom the order is issued to significant collateral consequences. This act repeals the requirement that the order of protection must subject the person against whom the order is issued to significant collateral consequences in order for the public exception to the mootness doctrine to apply (455.007).


The act specifies that property held in some form of joint ownership with a right of survivorship by a husband and wife shall be treated as being held as tenants by the entirety upon the property's transfer to a qualified spousal trust (456.950).

This provision is substantially similar to SB 499 (2014).

A provision in a trust instrument requiring mediation or arbitration is enforceable. However, provisions requiring mediation or arbitration of disputes relating to the validity of the trust are not enforceable unless all interested parties consent to the mediation or arbitration (456.2-205).

This provision is identical to SB 654 (2014).

Currently, "no-contest" or "in terrorem" clauses are enforceable. These types of provisions in a trust or will generally provide that a beneficiary forfeits interest in the trust or will property if the beneficiary contests the trust or will.

This act provides that when an irrevocable trust contains a no-contest clause, as defined in the act, then an interested person may still file a petition with a court for a ruling on whether a particular claim for relief would trigger forfeiture. The petition for such a ruling may be filed either as a separate judicial proceeding or along with other claims for relief. The act specifies that when ruling on the petition, the court shall consider the text of the clause, and the context of the terms of the trust and factual allegations in the petition. The court shall not accept evidence beyond what is provided in the pleadings and the trust instrument.

The act states that the judgment on the application of a no-contest clause is appealable. Following the ruling, if claims are subsequently filed in which differing facts are asserted from those which the no-contest clause judgment was based upon, then the party in whose favor the judgment was rendered shall have no protection from enforcement of the no-contest clause provided under this act.

The act also provides the types of circumstances in which a no-contest clause is not enforceable such as objections to venue or a claim for relief concerning an accounting error. In these situations the court may award attorneys' fees and costs (456.4-420).

Similar to a trust, the act states that if a will contains a no-contest clause an interested person may file a petition with the court for determination on whether a court action would trigger the application of the no-contest clause or trigger forfeiture (474.395).

These provisions are identical to SB 500 (2014).


The act repeals provisions of law which state that when a judicial weighted workload indicates for three consecutive years that a judicial circuit with a population of one-hundred thousand or more is in need of four or more full-time judicial positions, then there shall be one additional associate circuit judge position in such circuit(Section 478.320).

Currently, the twenty-first judicial circuit has nineteen circuit judges. This amendment provides that the twenty-first circuit shall have twenty circuit judges which shall sit in twenty divisions. The twenty-first circuit shall also have an additional associate circuit judge which shall be in addition to the associate circuit judges provided for under the current statutory formula (478.437).

Currently, the sixteenth judicial circuit has nine associate circuit judges with five of the judges located in Kansas City and four of the judges located in Independence. The act states that the sixteenth judicial circuit shall have ten associate circuit judges, which shall sit in divisions numbered 25 through 34. The 34th division shall sit in a location determined by the court en banc. This tenth associate circuit judge position shall not be included in the statutory formula for authorizing additional associate circuit judgeships under current law (478.464).

The act provides the thirty-first judicial circuit with an additional associate circuit judge, and specifies that the additional associate circuit judges, including one awarded under the current statutory formula, awarded in fiscal years 2014 and 2015 shall not be included in the statutory formula for authorizing additional associate circuit judgeships under current law (478.513).

The act states that in the eleventh judicial circuit there shall be an additional associate circuit judge position. This position shall be elected in 2016, and shall not be considered vacant until January 1, 2017, and shall not be included in the statutory formula for authorizing additional associate circuit judgeships under current law (478.600).

The thirty-eighth circuit shall have two circuit judges. The circuit judge in division two shall be elected in 2016, and such position shall not be considered vacant until January 1, 2017. The judge in division one shall be elected in 2018 (478.740).


The act reinstitutes the thirteenth judicial circuit's authority to appoint a drug court commissioner (478.610).

This provision is identical to provisions in HCS/HB 1448 (2014).


The act prohibits the adoption of local court rule which grants a judge the discretion to remove a communication, pleading, or file from a court file without the agreement of all parties (483.140).


This act provides that a surcharge of up to ten dollars may be collected in all criminal proceedings filed in the thirty-first judicial circuit if the surcharge was authorized by a county or municipal order, ordinance, or resolution.

The moneys collected from the surcharge must be use for the costs associated with the land assemblage and purchase, construction, maintenance and operation of any county or municipal judicial facility (488.2206).

These provisions are identical to provisions contained in the SCS/HB 1238 (2014), and substantially similar to SB 915 (2014).


The act provides that the City of Florissant may collect a surcharge of up to ten dollars for each municipal ordinance violation case. The moneys collected from the surcharge shall be used for the land assemblage and purchase, construction, maintenance, and upkeep of a municipal courthouse (488.2245).

This provision is identical to HB 2084 (2014).


The act provides that an action for injurious falsehood has a two year statute of limitations (516.140).


Under the act, any judgment awarding unpaid rent may be revived upon publication as set by existing law and need not be personally served on the defendant (516.350).

This provision is identical to HB 1351 (2014).


The act provides that the Department of Corrections must promulgate rules in order to administer the death penalty, and specifies that statements of general applicability that implement or prescribe law or policy by a state agency concerning the execution of inmates are not excluded from the definition of "rule" for the purposes of the rule making process (536.010, 546.720).

These provisions are similar to SCS/SBs 787 & 804 (2014), and identical to HB 1737 (2014).


The act grants limited civil immunity to any entity which supervises community service work performed in connection with a written deferred prosecution agreement (537.602).

This provision is identical to HB 1438 (2014), and identical to provisions contained in HCS/SB 100 (2013), HB 567 (2013), and HCS/HB 371 (2013).


Under current law, it is a Class B misdemeanor for a person to picket or otherwise protest within 300 feet of a funeral from one hour before it starts to one hour after it ends. The definition of funeral includes the ceremonies, processions, and memorial services held in connection with the burial or cremation of the dead.

This act creates a new section of law for the offense, specifies the types of establishments at which funerals or burial services may be held, provides a definition for "other protest activities, and modifies the definition of funeral (574.160).

These provisions are identical to HB 1372 (2014).


A person ordered to the Department of Mental Health after being determined by a court to be a sexually violent predator who knowingly commits violence against an employee of the Department or another offender housed in a secure facility shall be guilty of a Class B felony. Damage to any building or other property owned by the Department by such person is a Class C felony (632.520).

This provision is identical to HB 1243 (2014).


This act re-authorizes a grant program that expired in September of 2013 that supplied grants to law enforcement agencies investigating Internet sex crimes against children. The program is reauthorized for a period from August 28, 2014 until December 31, 2024.

In addition, this act repeals a provision requiring the General Assembly to annually appropriate $3 million to the Cyber Crime Investigation Fund.

Under current law, grants may be awarded from the fund to pay the salaries of detectives and computer forensic personnel. This act allows the grants to be used to pay the salaries of assistant prosecuting attorneys.

In addition, this act adds the executive director of the Missouri Office of Prosecution Services to a panel of officials who award grants from the fund (650.120).

This provision is similar to a provision of SB 575 (2014).


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