Senate Committee Substitute

SCS/HCS/HB 2141 - This act defines measurement standards and tax rates for compressed and liquefied natural gas as a motor fuel. This act also removes compressed and liquefied natural gas from the alternative fuel decal and tax system unless an owner or operator of the natural gas fueled motor vehicles operates a natural gas fueling station as of December 31, 2015, exclusively for the use of fueling those vehicles and the owner or operator opts to continue apply for and use the alternative fuel decals. Any owner or operator that sells at retail natural gas motor fuel from their natural gas fueling station or declines to renew alternative fuel decals for their vehicles shall no longer be eligible to participate in the alternative fuel decal system. Any fuel that an owner or operator of a natural gas fueled motor vehicle purchases at any location other than their own shall be subject to the per gallon tax rates for compressed and liquefied natural gas for that purchase. This act also adds compressed natural gas meters, liquefied natural gas meters, electrical charging stations, and hydrogen fuel meters to the list of meters requiring registration, inspection and calibration.

The provisions of this act become effective on January 1, 2016.

This act is substantially similar to SCS/SB 970 (2014) and contains provisions substantially similar to SB 920 (2014).


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