SB 851
Creates additional requirements for tow truck businesses and penalties for tow trucks responding to accidents in violation of the provisions of the act
LR Number:
Last Action:
2/18/2014 - Bill Withdrawn
Journal Page:
Calendar Position:
Effective Date:
August 28, 2014

Current Bill Summary

SB 851 - This act creates new requirements for towing companies operating tow trucks. The new requirements include displaying the business address in a location visible from the street, minimum two thousand square feet of vehicle storage space, minimum seven foot fencing around the vehicle storage space, minimum business hours for viewing and retrieval of stored vehicles, and maintaining a published and operational telephone and telephone number. This act also adds Franklin county to the exempted county list.

This act establishes a requirement that the Missouri State Highway Patrol and local law enforcement agencies compile rotational lists of licensed towing companies for the purpose of calling tow trucks to the scene of motor vehicle accidents. Any tow truck operator who stops and attempts to tow a vehicle from the scene of a motor vehicle accident without having been called from the rotational list shall be subject to criminal penalties as described in this act.



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