- SB 180 - Chappelle-Nadal - Creates a tax credit for adoption of dogs or cats from a shelter
LR: 1128S.01I
- 1/5/2015 -- Prefiled
- SB 181 - Curls - Changes the notice requirement to a tenant in a foreclosure action from ten days to ninety days
LR: 0807S.01I
- 1/5/2015 -- Prefiled
- SB 182 - Curls - Changes the amount of damages that a tenant can recover when the security deposit is wrongfully withheld by a landlord
LR: 0810S.01I
- 1/5/2015 -- Prefiled
- SB 183 - Curls - Repeals provisions regarding nonjudicial foreclosure proceedings and requires all foreclosure proceedings to be handled judicially
LR: 0811S.01I
- 1/5/2015 -- Prefiled
- SB 184 - LeVota - Modifies provisions relating to business filing fees
LR: 1006S.01I
- 1/5/2015 -- Prefiled
- SB 185 - LeVota - Modifies provisions relating to the state budget and fiscal notes
LR: 0986S.01I
- 1/5/2015 -- Prefiled
- SB 186 - Curls - Provides for the expansion of MO HealthNet services beginning on January 1, 2016
LR: 0844S.01I
- 1/5/2015 -- Prefiled
- SB 187 - Curls - Amends laws relating to small loans
LR: 0723S.01I
- 1/5/2015 -- Prefiled
- SB 188 - Curls - Requires the Department of Corrections to increase the number of prisoners who earn GEDs and provide certain job- related training programs
LR: 0889S.01I
- 1/5/2015 -- Prefiled
- SB 189 - Curls - Provides a process for the Parole Board to review the case histories of offenders serving more than 15 years in prison and recommend clemency or allow release on parole
LR: 0842S.01I
- 1/5/2015 -- Prefiled
- SB 190 - Curls - Removes the expiration of the Kansas City transportation sales tax and modifies provisions relating to audits of transportation development districts
LR: 0805S.02T SCS SB 190
- 1/5/2015 -- Prefiled
- SB 191 - Curls - Creates the "Center for the Neighborhoods Fund" in the state treasury to establish a center for the neighborhoods to conduct applied urban research and outreach programs
LR: 0801S.01I
- 1/5/2015 -- Prefiled
- SJR 6 - Curls - Authorizes the creation of Show-me Small Business Districts
LR: 0804S.01I
- 1/5/2015 -- Prefiled