Topical Index

Last Generated: 2/2/2025 12:48 PM

Abortion (5)

SB 33 - Wallingford - Modifies provisions relating to inspection of abortion facilities

SB 302 - Riddle - Requires referrals for out of state abortions to be accompanied by specified printed materials

SB 306 - Onder - Prohibits any public funds or governmental economic incentives to be authorized for a project involving abortion services, human cloning, or prohibited human research

SB 418 - Chappelle-Nadal - Changes how school districts and charter schools may conduct instruction in human sexuality and sexually transmitted infections

HB 190 - Swan - Modifies provisions relating to inspection of abortion facilities

Administration, Office of (13)

SB 14 - Munzlinger - Requires all departments and divisions of the state, including statewide offices, to post copies of contracts entered into for the provision of legal services from outside firms on the Missouri Accountability Portal

SB 148 - Parson - Modifies provisions relating to business regulations

SB 185 - LeVota - Modifies provisions relating to the state budget and fiscal notes

SB 286 - Schaaf - Requires that all state-owned data centers become consolidated to the State Data Center

SB 347 - Dixon - Codifies part of the Omnibus State Reorganization Act of 1974

SB 348 - Schaefer - Requires the transfer of excess fund balances to the state general revenue fund

SB 389 - Silvey - Modifies provisions relating to competitive bidding

SB 429 - Schaaf - Creates the Mortgage Foreclosure Mediation Code

SB 508 - Holsman - Creates the Office of Administration Energy Conservation Fund

SB 511 - Schaaf - Requires healthcare contractors providing services to prison inmates to provide certain information to the Office of Administration

SCR 39 - Dixon - Requires the Board of Public Buildings to reassign office space within the State Capitol

HB 430 - Curtman - Establishes the Taxpayer Transparency Act

HB 1184 - Hummel - Changes the "Farm-to-School Act" to the "Farm to Table Act"

Administrative Law (14)

SB 107 - Sater - Authorizes certain boards and commissions under the Division of Professional Registration to issue opinions for educational purposes and modifies laws relating to speech-language pathologists and audiologists

SB 109 - Schaefer - Modifies provisions of law regarding claims against public higher education institutions covered by the State Legal Expense Fund and administrative leave for public employees

SB 146 - Pearce - Modifies provisions of law relating to various regulated professions and establishes the Missouri Health Information Exchange Commission and the Perinatal Advisory Council

SB 154 - Wallingford - Requires those practicing music therapy to have a license issued by the Director of the Division of Professional Registration

SB 225 - Romine - Modifies Department of Natural Resources permit decision appeal procedures

SB 363 - Parson - Creates the Board of Administrative Appeals and provides that a person is entitled a hearing before the Board following a proceeding before a governmental agency

SB 457 - Sater - Modifies provisions relating to health care professionals and services

SB 458 - Sater - Modifies provisions of law regarding healthcare

SB 459 - Libla - Modifies rulemaking procedures for rules which affect businesses

SB 505 - Wieland - Modifies provisions of the Athletic Trainers Practice Act

HB 422 - Burlison - Provides that certain boards and commissions under the Division of Professional Registration may issue opinions for educational purposes

HB 634 - Burlison - Establishes certain requirements that must be met in order to regulate a previously unregulated occupation or profession

HB 838 - Cross - Authorizes tax preparers, enrolled agents, and CPAs to represent individuals on tax matters before the Administrative Hearing Commission

HCR 21 - Miller - Urges the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to withdraw their proposed rule expanding the definition of "waters of the United States"

Administrative Rules (9)

SB 107 - Sater - Authorizes certain boards and commissions under the Division of Professional Registration to issue opinions for educational purposes and modifies laws relating to speech-language pathologists and audiologists

SB 363 - Parson - Creates the Board of Administrative Appeals and provides that a person is entitled a hearing before the Board following a proceeding before a governmental agency

SB 457 - Sater - Modifies provisions relating to health care professionals and services

SB 459 - Libla - Modifies rulemaking procedures for rules which affect businesses

SB 472 - Schaaf - Requires advanced radiology practitioners and radiologic technologists to be licensed by the State Board of Registration for the Healing Arts

SB 521 - Kehoe - Authorizes the Public Service Commission to adopt rules governing the relationship between water and electrical corporations to effectuate potential energy savings

SB 563 - Wieland - Modifies requirements for certain state agency statements to be promulgated in accordance with the requirements of the Administrative Procedures Act

HB 32 - Hoskins - Prohibits increases in user fees imposed by the state until 2019 and reauthorizes a deduction for job creation by small businesses

HB 1305 - Rowden - Requires any comprehensive state energy plan to be approved by the General Assembly and creates the Regulatory Improvement Commission

Agriculture and Animals (53)

SB 12 - Munzlinger - Modifies provisions relating to agriculture

SB 39 - LeVota - Moves sections of law known as the "Animal Care Act" and "Canine Cruelty Prevention Act" to the Occupations and Professions Chapter

SB 54 - Munzlinger - Prohibits certain types of nuisance actions from being brought when the property owner has a government issued permit

SB 55 - Munzlinger - Modifies the definition of livestock by changing the word "buffalo" to "bison"

SB 56 - Munzlinger - Allows certain Missouri non-residents to receive reduced hunting, fishing, and trapping permit fees

SB 131 - Parson - Modifies provisions relating to agriculture

SB 132 - Parson - Modifies provisions relating to evidence of financial responsibility for certified commercial pesticide applicators

SB 133 - Parson - Extends the equine activity liability waiver to livestock activities

SB 137 - Parson - Requires that all fees collected under the Missouri Livestock Marketing Law not yield revenues greater than the cost of administration

SB 138 - Parson - Repeals a provision relating to beef commodity merchandising program fees

SB 139 - Parson - Creates the Missouri Dairy Revitalization Act of 2015

SB 143 - Romine - Modifies the crime of animal trespass

SB 148 - Parson - Modifies provisions relating to business regulations

SB 163 - Nasheed - Creates a tax credit for adoption of dogs or cats from a shelter

SB 177 - Munzlinger - Creates programs for beginning farmers

SB 178 - Munzlinger - Modifies provisions relating to captive cervids

SB 180 - Chappelle-Nadal - Creates a tax credit for adoption of dogs or cats from a shelter

SB 208 - Sater - Repeals a provision relating to beef commodity merchandising program fees

SB 209 - Sater - Extends the equine activity liability waiver to livestock activities

SB 255 - Schaaf - Allows those licensed by the Department of Agriculture to grow and handle industrial hemp

SB 292 - Munzlinger - Changes the percentage of agricultural acreage that may be foreign owned

SB 293 - Parson - Allows the Wine and Grape Tax Credit to be used for used equipment and caps the credit at one million dollars annually

SB 324 - Munzlinger - Modifies the definition of property as it is used in provisions of law regarding certain private nuisance actions

SB 361 - Parson - Allows the AgriMissouri Advisory Commission to establish a fee for sellers electing to use the AgriMissouri trademark so long as the fees do not yield revenue greater than administering the objectives of the Commission and the trademark

SB 371 - Munzlinger - Repeals a section relating to the expiration date of economic subsidies for Missouri qualified fuel ethanol producers

SB 374 - Schatz - Creates an income tax deduction for payments received as part of a program that compensates agricultural producers for losses from disaster or emergency

SB 386 - Keaveny - Modifies provisions relating to hemp extract

SB 469 - Munzlinger - Repeals the Advisory Council to the Director of the Missouri Agriculture Experiment Station and establishes the Fertilizer Control Board

SB 500 - Riddle - Modifies provisions relating to honey

SB 553 - Munzlinger - Modifies the authority of county health center boards to promulgate rules to enhance public health and prevent disease

SB 557 - LeVota - Requires the Department of Conservation to reimburse any automobile owner up to $500 for damages sustained to an automobile due to hitting or being hit by a deer

SCR 10 - Munzlinger - Urges the Missouri Congressional delegation to make changes to the school lunch program in the Child Nutrition Act Reauthorization in 2015

SCR 25 - Munzlinger - Establishes the Missouri Wildlife Revitalization Task Force

SCR 30 - Kehoe - Condemns certain California laws relating to shelled eggs and calls upon the legislature and the voters of California to repeal such laws

SCR 33 - Curls - Urges the Missouri Congressional delegation to support the use of science-based data to assess the impacts and regulation of modern agricultural technologies

HB 29 - Dugger - Modifies provisions relating to foreign ownership of agricultural land

HB 100 - Gosen - Modifies provisions relating to the administration of topical agricultural products

HB 141 - Reiboldt - Modifies provisions relating to beef commodity merchandising program fees

HB 233 - Franklin - Modifies provisions relating to the payment of fees to certain state entities by agricultural entities

HB 258 - Reiboldt - Modifies provisions relating to animal trespass

HB 259 - Reiboldt - Creates the Missouri Dairy Revitalization Act of 2015

HB 375 - McGaugh - Modifies provisions relating to the duty of care a landowner owes a person entering without a fee onto the land for recreational use

HB 388 - Hoskins - Modifies provisions relating to weight limitations for vehicles hauling livestock and agricultural products

HB 479 - Houghton - Exempts data collected under the federal Animal Disease Traceability Program from being subject to disclosure except under certain circumstances

HB 506 - Zerr - Allows the Wine and Grape Tax Credit to be used for used equipment and caps the credit at one million dollars annually

HB 807 - Cornejo - Modifies provisions relating to courts, civil actions, wills and trusts, life insurance, crimes, and public defenders

HB 830 - Curtman - Allows those licensed by the Department of Agriculture to grow and handle industrial hemp

HB 882 - McGaugh - Modifies provisions relating to agriculture

HB 982 - Rowden - Allows the University of Missouri extension council in any county to obtain financing in order to obtain real property

HB 1093 - Houghton - Modifies provisions relating to honey

HB 1184 - Hummel - Changes the "Farm-to-School Act" to the "Farm to Table Act"

HCR 28 - Houghton - Urges the Missouri Congressional delegation to make changes to the school lunch program in the Child Nutrition Act Reauthorization of 2015

HCR 49 - Alferman - Condemns certain California laws relating to shelled eggs and calls upon the legislature and the voters of California to repeal such laws

Agriculture Dept. (27)

SB 12 - Munzlinger - Modifies provisions relating to agriculture

SB 39 - LeVota - Moves sections of law known as the "Animal Care Act" and "Canine Cruelty Prevention Act" to the Occupations and Professions Chapter

SB 55 - Munzlinger - Modifies the definition of livestock by changing the word "buffalo" to "bison"

SB 131 - Parson - Modifies provisions relating to agriculture

SB 132 - Parson - Modifies provisions relating to evidence of financial responsibility for certified commercial pesticide applicators

SB 137 - Parson - Requires that all fees collected under the Missouri Livestock Marketing Law not yield revenues greater than the cost of administration

SB 138 - Parson - Repeals a provision relating to beef commodity merchandising program fees

SB 139 - Parson - Creates the Missouri Dairy Revitalization Act of 2015

SB 177 - Munzlinger - Creates programs for beginning farmers

SB 178 - Munzlinger - Modifies provisions relating to captive cervids

SB 208 - Sater - Repeals a provision relating to beef commodity merchandising program fees

SB 255 - Schaaf - Allows those licensed by the Department of Agriculture to grow and handle industrial hemp

SB 292 - Munzlinger - Changes the percentage of agricultural acreage that may be foreign owned

SB 361 - Parson - Allows the AgriMissouri Advisory Commission to establish a fee for sellers electing to use the AgriMissouri trademark so long as the fees do not yield revenue greater than administering the objectives of the Commission and the trademark

SB 371 - Munzlinger - Repeals a section relating to the expiration date of economic subsidies for Missouri qualified fuel ethanol producers

SB 386 - Keaveny - Modifies provisions relating to hemp extract

SB 469 - Munzlinger - Repeals the Advisory Council to the Director of the Missouri Agriculture Experiment Station and establishes the Fertilizer Control Board

SB 520 - Kehoe - Modifies the per barrel fee for the inspection of certain motor fuels

SCR 33 - Curls - Urges the Missouri Congressional delegation to support the use of science-based data to assess the impacts and regulation of modern agricultural technologies

HB 29 - Dugger - Modifies provisions relating to foreign ownership of agricultural land

HB 100 - Gosen - Modifies provisions relating to the administration of topical agricultural products

HB 141 - Reiboldt - Modifies provisions relating to beef commodity merchandising program fees

HB 233 - Franklin - Modifies provisions relating to the payment of fees to certain state entities by agricultural entities

HB 259 - Reiboldt - Creates the Missouri Dairy Revitalization Act of 2015

HB 479 - Houghton - Exempts data collected under the federal Animal Disease Traceability Program from being subject to disclosure except under certain circumstances

HB 830 - Curtman - Allows those licensed by the Department of Agriculture to grow and handle industrial hemp

HB 882 - McGaugh - Modifies provisions relating to agriculture

Aircraft and Airports (1)

SB 377 - Schatz - Creates an exemption for sales of aircraft to nonresidents

Alcohol (11)

SB 30 - Cunningham - Increases the penalty for knowingly allowing a minor to drink or possess alcohol or failing to stop a minor from drinking or possessing alcohol

SB 148 - Parson - Modifies provisions relating to business regulations

SB 254 - Kraus - Modifies provisions relating to motor vehicle license plates

SB 312 - Schmitt - Allows any person licensed to sell liquor in the original package at retail to sell 32 to 128 ounces of draft beer for consumption off the premises

SB 373 - Libla - Creates the Division of Alcohol and Tobacco Control Fund for the enforcement of liquor and tobacco laws and directs fees from liquor licenses and permits to the fund

HB 121 - Gosen - Permits certain advertising of liquor by retailers and creates a brew-on-premises liquor license

HB 149 - Fitzpatrick - Allows the issuance of a license to sell liquor by the drink on any boat licensed by the United States Coast Guard to carry 30 or more passengers

HB 180 - Cookson - Prohibits the sale of powdered alcohol and modifies penalties for providing liquor to minors

HB 279 - Cornejo - Modifies provisions relating to liquor licenses and advertising of liquor sales and creates the Division of Alcohol and Tobacco Control Fund

HB 506 - Zerr - Allows the Wine and Grape Tax Credit to be used for used equipment and caps the credit at one million dollars annually

HB 842 - McDaniel - Creates the Division of Alcohol and Tobacco Control Fund for the administration of liquor and tobacco laws

Ambulances and Ambulance Districts (7)

SB 167 - Schaaf - Extends the sunset on certain healthcare provider reimbursement allowance taxes and prohibits enforcement of contract provisions that prevent disclosure of payment amounts for health care

SB 210 - Schaefer - Extends the sunset on certain healthcare provider reimbursement allowance taxes and modifies provisions relating to MO HealthNet and DSH payments

SB 261 - Schaefer - Extends the sunset on the ground ambulance service reimbursement allowance tax to September 30, 2016

SB 294 - Schaaf - Extends the sunset on certain healthcare provider reimbursement allowance taxes and prohibits enforcement of any contractual provision that prevents disclosure of the contractual payment amount for health care services

HB 185 - Love - Requires a certain type of security for funds deposited by an ambulance district

HB 530 - Roden - Modifies provisions relating to fire protection and ambulance districts

HB 868 - Rhoads - Modifies provisions relating to tax increment financing, emergency service providers, and board members of fire protection and ambulance districts

Annexation (5)

SB 72 - Nasheed - Disincorporates all villages in St. Louis County beginning January 1, 2015, and provides that the area comprising the former villages may not be incorporated or annexed by a city

SB 221 - Schatz - Modifies provisions relating to annexations and sales taxes in St. Louis County

SB 326 - Sater - Modifies provisions relating to political subdivision audits, county office vacancies, county budgets, special purpose districts, annexations, and sewer districts

SB 430 - Curls - Requires cities, towns, and villages proposing to annex a portion of a state highway to also annex a specified portion of the area on either side of the highway

HB 511 - Mathews - Exempts annexations occurring under certain circumstances from boundary commission review

Appropriations (35)

SB 12 - Munzlinger - Modifies provisions relating to agriculture

SB 21 - Chappelle-Nadal - Modifies and enacts provisions relating to law enforcement officers

SB 81 - Dixon - Authorizes additional circuit judges for certain circuits when indicated by annual judicial performance report and provides that Division Twelve of the 16th Judicial Circuit shall sit in the City of Independence

SB 139 - Parson - Creates the Missouri Dairy Revitalization Act of 2015

SB 185 - LeVota - Modifies provisions relating to the state budget and fiscal notes

SB 201 - Dixon - Modifies the state's requirements to reimburse counties for certain costs related to imprisonment and electronic monitoring for criminal offenders

SB 259 - Wallingford - Designates the priority for the state with respect to any funding for family planning services

SB 281 - Silvey - Provides reimbursement for behavior assessment and intervention

SB 348 - Schaefer - Requires the transfer of excess fund balances to the state general revenue fund

SB 447 - Wieland - Repeals the death penalty and creates the Death Penalty Costs Reinvestment Fund

SCR 6 - Schaaf - Disapproves the salary recommendations of the Citizen's Commission on Compensation for Elected Officials

SJR 9 - Schmitt - Amends the Constitution to limit general revenue appropriations and mandate state income tax rate reductions in certain situations

SR 200 - Schaaf - Urges the Governor to not issue bonds for a stadium without legislative or voter approval and states that the Senate will not automatically appropriate money to service such bonds

HB 1 - Flanigan - Appropriates money to the Board of Fund Commissioners

HB 2 - Flanigan - Appropriates money for the expenses, grants, refunds, and distributions of the State Board of Education and Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

HB 3 - Flanigan - Appropriates money for the expenses, grants, refunds, and distributions of the Department of Higher Education

HB 4 - Flanigan - Appropriates money for the expenses, grants, refunds, and distributions of the Department of Revenue and Department of Transportation

HB 5 - Flanigan - Appropriates money for the expenses, grants, refunds, and distributions of the Office of Administration, Department of Transportation, and Department of Public Safety

HB 6 - Flanigan - Appropriates money for the expenses, grants, refunds, and distributions of the Department of Agriculture, Department of Natural Resources, and Department of Conservation

HB 7 - Flanigan - Appropriates money for the expenses and distributions of the departments of Economic Development; Insurance, Financial Institutions and Professional Registration; and Labor and Industrial Relations

HB 8 - Flanigan - Appropriates money for the expenses, grants, refunds, and distributions of the Department of Public Safety

HB 9 - Flanigan - Appropriates money for the expenses, grants, refunds, and distributions of the Department of Corrections

HB 10 - Flanigan - Appropriates money for the expenses, grants, refunds, and distributions of the Department of Mental Health, Board of Public Buildings, and Department of Health and Senior Services

HB 11 - Flanigan - Appropriates money for the expenses, grants, and distributions of the Department of Social Services

HB 12 - Flanigan - Appropriates money for the expenses, grants, refunds, and distributions of statewide elected officials, the Judiciary, Office of the State Public Defender, and General Assembly

HB 13 - Flanigan - Appropriates money for real property leases and related services

HB 14 - Flanigan - Appropriates money for supplemental purposes

HB 16 - Flanigan - Appropriates money for supplemental purposes

HB 17 - Flanigan - Appropriates money for capital improvement and other purposes as provided in Article IV, Section 28

HB 18 - Flanigan - Appropriates money for capital improvement projects involving the maintenance, repair, replacement, and improvement of state buildings and facilities

HB 19 - Flanigan - Appropriates money for capital improvements.

HB 259 - Reiboldt - Creates the Missouri Dairy Revitalization Act of 2015

HB 672 - Frederick - Provides reimbursement for behavior assessment and intervention

HCR 4 - Barnes - Disapproves the salary recommendations of the Missouri Citizens' Commission on Compensation for Elected Officials

HJR 34 - Burlison - Amends the Constitution to limit general revenue appropriations and mandate state income tax rate reductions in certain situations and subject tax credits to appropriations

Arts and Humanities (1)

SB 162 - Nasheed - Authorizes certain tax increment financing projects in St. Louis City to have a longer project period

Attorney General, State (36)

SB 14 - Munzlinger - Requires all departments and divisions of the state, including statewide offices, to post copies of contracts entered into for the provision of legal services from outside firms on the Missouri Accountability Portal

SB 21 - Chappelle-Nadal - Modifies and enacts provisions relating to law enforcement officers

SB 43 - Nasheed - Requires law enforcement agencies to adopt written policies regarding officer-involved deaths and allows the Attorney General to investigate officer-involved deaths

SB 48 - Sifton - Institutes a gift ban for the members of the General Assembly and their candidate committees

SB 51 - Onder - Modifies Missouri's Health Care Freedom Act by prohibiting the state from implementing a health insurance exchange, prohibiting insurers from accepting remuneration, and prescribing duties of the Attorney General for enforcement of the Act

SB 54 - Munzlinger - Prohibits certain types of nuisance actions from being brought when the property owner has a government issued permit

SB 59 - Dixon - Modifies the process for filling vacancies in certain statewide and General Assembly offices

SB 94 - Emery - Modifies retirement benefits for newly elected members of the General Assembly and statewide elected officials

SB 97 - LeVota - Modifies the membership and functions of the Ethics Commission and imposes campaign contribution limits

SB 109 - Schaefer - Modifies provisions of law regarding claims against public higher education institutions covered by the State Legal Expense Fund and administrative leave for public employees

SB 130 - Walsh - Creates a right to unpaid leave for employees that are affected by domestic violence

SB 179 - Sater - Establishes the Missouri Child Protection Registry

SB 199 - Dixon - Allows an armed offender docket in Jackson County and modifies the self-defense statute and the statute specifying when police officers are justified in using deadly force

SB 225 - Romine - Modifies Department of Natural Resources permit decision appeal procedures

SB 331 - Libla - Modifies provisions relating to emergencies, requirements for police officers at protests, and recordings from law enforcement cameras

SB 352 - Schaefer - Allows the Attorney General to institute civil and criminal proceedings relating to criminal enterprises and racketeering

SB 393 - Schupp - Establishes a Task Force on the Death Penalty and places a moratorium on the death penalty until January 1, 2018

SB 429 - Schaaf - Creates the Mortgage Foreclosure Mediation Code

SB 475 - Dempsey - Grants the President Pro Tem and the Speaker standing to intervene in cases challenging the constitutionality of state law and authorizes individual legislators to hire outside counsel when sued in their official capacity

SB 476 - Kehoe - Modifies provisions relating to the Department of Natural Resources

SB 487 - Richard - Modifies provisions relating to civil actions brought under merchandising practices and products liability provisions of law

SB 516 - Sifton - Bans the sale of event tickets that have a credit card entry restriction to consumers without a signed acknowledgment by the consumer

SB 530 - Onder - Enacts multiple provisions to protect the privacy of student data

SB 531 - Emery - Creates the Missouri Empowerment Scholarship Accounts Program

SB 559 - Chappelle-Nadal - Modifies provisions relating to racial profiling in policing

SB 560 - Chappelle-Nadal - Allows a person to possess up to one ounce of marijuana and provides a licensure process for retail marijuana stores, cultivation facilities, and products manufacturers

SB 567 - Chappelle-Nadal - Provides that a person shall be liable for depriving another of a Missouri Constitutional right while acting under the color of law

SCR 5 - Romine - Creates the Missouri Lead Industry Employment, Economic Development and Environmental Remediation Task Force

SCR 26 - Dempsey - Creates the Human Trafficking Task Force

SJR 13 - Schaaf - Establishes the Missouri Anti-Corruption Amendment

HB 92 - Miller - Modifies provisions relating to the Department of Natural Resources

HB 807 - Cornejo - Modifies provisions relating to courts, civil actions, wills and trusts, life insurance, crimes, and public defenders

HCR 12 - Cierpiot - Encourages the State Attorney General to join a lawsuit against President Barack Obama's immigration policies currently underway in Texas

HCR 38 - Haahr - Establishes the Human Trafficking Task Force

HCR 49 - Alferman - Condemns certain California laws relating to shelled eggs and calls upon the legislature and the voters of California to repeal such laws

HJR 24 - Cierpiot - Extends term limits to all statewide elected officials

Attorneys (17)

SB 37 - Romine - Awards attorney's fees and court costs in cases where a settlement offer was previously rejected and when the court rules on a motion to dismiss for failure to state a claim

SB 80 - Dixon - Modifies provisions relating to county prosecuting attorneys

SB 91 - Dixon - Modifies laws relating to public defenders

SB 109 - Schaefer - Modifies provisions of law regarding claims against public higher education institutions covered by the State Legal Expense Fund and administrative leave for public employees

SB 216 - Keaveny - Establishes the Missouri Commercial Receivership Act

SB 227 - Emery - Modifies provisions relating to the collateral source rule and provides that parties may introduce evidence of the cost, rather than the value, of the medical treatment rendered

SB 235 - Dixon - Repeals a provision of law allowing attorneys in criminal cases to fax or mail their notice of entry of appearance

SB 246 - Hegeman - Mandates that judges must disqualify themselves from hearing a proceeding in certain situations

SB 360 - Parson - Establishes the Civil Litigation Funding Act

SB 385 - Keaveny - Repeals a provision of current law, which specifies that the St. Louis City Sheriff may employ an attorney who may receive a salary of $3,000 to $15,000 per year

SB 447 - Wieland - Repeals the death penalty and creates the Death Penalty Costs Reinvestment Fund

SB 475 - Dempsey - Grants the President Pro Tem and the Speaker standing to intervene in cases challenging the constitutionality of state law and authorizes individual legislators to hire outside counsel when sued in their official capacity

SB 526 - Riddle - Modifies the powers and duties of the Office of the Public Counsel

SB 536 - Schaaf - Requires state agencies to waive certain privileges with regard to documents requested by members of the General Assembly

HB 684 - Koenig - Provides that child protective investigators shall provide community service program information to parents and establishes the Supporting and Strengthening Families Act

HB 799 - Roeber - Modifies provisions regarding judicial circuits

HB 838 - Cross - Authorizes tax preparers, enrolled agents, and CPAs to represent individuals on tax matters before the Administrative Hearing Commission

Auditor, State (23)

SB 5 - Schmitt - Modifies distribution of traffic fines and court costs collected by municipal courts

SB 14 - Munzlinger - Requires all departments and divisions of the state, including statewide offices, to post copies of contracts entered into for the provision of legal services from outside firms on the Missouri Accountability Portal

SB 48 - Sifton - Institutes a gift ban for the members of the General Assembly and their candidate committees

SB 59 - Dixon - Modifies the process for filling vacancies in certain statewide and General Assembly offices

SB 87 - Emery - Requires persons who submit petitions for political subdivision audits to reside or own property in the subdivision and allows for signatures to be rescinded

SB 94 - Emery - Modifies retirement benefits for newly elected members of the General Assembly and statewide elected officials

SB 97 - LeVota - Modifies the membership and functions of the Ethics Commission and imposes campaign contribution limits

SB 147 - Schaaf - Modifies the law relating to the ethical behavior of public officials and lobbyists

SB 152 - Wallingford - Modifies provisions relating to environmental protection

SB 203 - Dixon - Modifies the authority of the State Auditor

SB 240 - Keaveny - Requires the State Auditor to make a one-time report on the costs of administering the death penalty

SB 315 - Dixon - Modifies provisions relating to political subdivisions

SB 326 - Sater - Modifies provisions relating to political subdivision audits, county office vacancies, county budgets, special purpose districts, annexations, and sewer districts

SB 327 - Onder - Modifies provisions relating to municipal courts

SB 476 - Kehoe - Modifies provisions relating to the Department of Natural Resources

SCR 38 - Richard - Authorizes independent certified public accountant or certified public accounting firm to conduct an audit of State Auditor's office

SJR 13 - Schaaf - Establishes the Missouri Anti-Corruption Amendment

HB 271 - Hoskins - Requires certain grant agreements to describe the State Auditor's authority with respect to property, equipment, and facilities purchased with the funds from the grant

HB 777 - Pfautsch - Modifies laws regarding audits for transportation development districts

HB 923 - Miller - Modifies provisions relating to the environment

HB 994 - Bondon - Requires persons who submit petitions for political subdivision audits to reside or own property in the subdivision and allows for signatures to be rescinded

HB 1058 - Miller - Modifies provisions relating to the Department of Natural Resources

HJR 24 - Cierpiot - Extends term limits to all statewide elected officials

Banks and Financial Institutions (22)

SB 148 - Parson - Modifies provisions relating to business regulations

SB 157 - Wallingford - Modifies provisions relating to business filing fees

SB 174 - Schmitt - Establishes the Missouri Achieving a Better Life Experience Program

SB 184 - LeVota - Modifies provisions relating to business filing fees

SB 187 - Curls - Amends laws relating to small loans

SB 244 - Schmitt - Creates the Senior Savings Protection Act

SB 282 - Parson - Requires insurers to mail notices cancelling, refusing to renew, or refusing to issue automobile insurance policies through certain United States postal service methods

SB 345 - Wasson - Modifies provisions relating to financial transactions

SB 360 - Parson - Establishes the Civil Litigation Funding Act

SB 429 - Schaaf - Creates the Mortgage Foreclosure Mediation Code

SB 487 - Richard - Modifies provisions relating to civil actions brought under merchandising practices and products liability provisions of law

SB 489 - Cunningham - Exempts certain entities from civil actions brought under unlawful merchandising practices provisions of law

SB 524 - Cunningham - Modifies provisions relating to contractual fees charged by certain financial institutions

HB 29 - Dugger - Modifies provisions relating to foreign ownership of agricultural land

HB 254 - Crawford - Makes it a class B felony to physically take property from a person when the property is owned by a financial institution

HB 513 - McCaherty - Modifies provisions relating to business filing fees

HB 587 - Dugger - Modifies provisions relating to licensing fees paid by entities and persons licensed under the Missouri Sale of Checks Law, credit service organizations, and consumer credit lenders

HB 636 - Barnes - Creates the Senior Savings Protection Act

HB 807 - Cornejo - Modifies provisions relating to courts, civil actions, wills and trusts, life insurance, crimes, and public defenders

HB 982 - Rowden - Allows the University of Missouri extension council in any county to obtain financing in order to obtain real property

HB 1064 - Shull - Modifies provisions relating to contractual fees charged by certain financial institutions

HB 1098 - Crawford - Modifies provisions relating to trust companies

Bingo (2)

HB 1318 - Brown - Reduces the duration of organizational membership requirement for the administration of bingo games

HJR 7 - Engler - Removes restrictions on bingo advertising and educes the duration of organizational membership requirement for the administration of bingo games

Boards, Commissions, Committees, Councils (103)

SB 1 - Pearce - Modifies provisions relating to elementary and secondary education

SB 9 - Schaaf - Modifies the duties and powers of the Joint Committee on MO HealthNet

SB 13 - Munzlinger - Modifies provisions relating to career and technical education

SB 16 - Dixon - Prohibits gubernatorial appointees from serving more than sixty days after the expiration of their term of office

SB 22 - Chappelle-Nadal - Modifies provisions relating to elementary and secondary education

SB 27 - Emery - Modifies provisions relating to elementary and secondary education

SB 28 - Emery - Requires the State Board of Education to develop a simplified annual school report card for each school attendance center using a letter grade of A to F

SB 29 - Emery - Modifies provisions relating to the employment of teachers in school districts

SB 39 - LeVota - Moves sections of law known as the "Animal Care Act" and "Canine Cruelty Prevention Act" to the Occupations and Professions Chapter

SB 49 - Sifton - Modifies provisions relating to elementary and secondary education

SB 58 - Dixon - Modifies and repeals a number of existing, expired or obsolete committees

SB 64 - Emery - Requires the State Board of Education to classify school districts as either unaccredited, provisionally accredited, accredited, or accredited with distinction

SB 70 - LeVota - Modifies provisions relating to school accreditation and student transfers

SB 84 - Chappelle-Nadal - Establishes term limits for State Board of Education members

SB 88 - LeVota - Provides that appointed officers shall only hold office until their term ends

SB 91 - Dixon - Modifies laws relating to public defenders

SB 95 - LeVota - Modifies laws relating to the number of professional boards that an executive director can serve on and who can request licensee information

SB 97 - LeVota - Modifies the membership and functions of the Ethics Commission and imposes campaign contribution limits

SB 103 - LeVota - Allows members of the General Assembly to request confidential professional licensee information

SB 107 - Sater - Authorizes certain boards and commissions under the Division of Professional Registration to issue opinions for educational purposes and modifies laws relating to speech-language pathologists and audiologists

SB 110 - Schaefer - Modifies the appointment and employment authority of the University of Missouri Board of Curators

SB 113 - Dixon - Modifies provisions relating to education

SB 131 - Parson - Modifies provisions relating to agriculture

SB 142 - Romine - Requires the Department of Natural Resources to take certain actions when submitting certain plans to the Environmental Protection Agency

SB 146 - Pearce - Modifies provisions of law relating to various regulated professions and establishes the Missouri Health Information Exchange Commission and the Perinatal Advisory Council

SB 152 - Wallingford - Modifies provisions relating to environmental protection

SB 161 - Nasheed - Modifies requirements for school antibullying policies and modifies provisions relating to reading instruction and student promotion in certain school districts

SB 171 - Romine - Modifies provisions relating to high school equivalency degree testing

SB 172 - Romine - Modifies provisions relating to elementary and secondary education

SB 174 - Schmitt - Establishes the Missouri Achieving a Better Life Experience Program

SB 191 - Curls - Creates the "Center for the Neighborhoods Fund" in the state treasury to establish a center for the neighborhoods to conduct applied urban research and outreach programs

SB 197 - Brown - Modifies provisions regarding various healthcare professionals, disease reporting to DHSS, and establishes the Perinatal Advisory Council and the Joint Committee on MO HealthNet

SB 214 - Pearce - Modifies law relating to emerging issues

SB 225 - Romine - Modifies Department of Natural Resources permit decision appeal procedures

SB 246 - Hegeman - Mandates that judges must disqualify themselves from hearing a proceeding in certain situations

SB 250 - Onder - Creates the Missouri Electrical Industry Licensing Board and licensure requirements for a statewide electrical contractor's license

SB 255 - Schaaf - Allows those licensed by the Department of Agriculture to grow and handle industrial hemp

SB 270 - Nasheed - Modifies public retirement systems

SB 299 - Pearce - Modifies the eligibility requirements for the Bright Flight Scholarship Program and adds a forgivable loan component

SB 315 - Dixon - Modifies provisions relating to political subdivisions

SB 328 - Schupp - Modifies provisions relating to mental health

SB 334 - Nasheed - Modifies provisions relating to the boards of regents of state colleges and universities and broadens the degree-granting authority of Harris-Stowe State University

SB 337 - Munzlinger - Bans the Conservation Commission and the Department of Conservation from engaging in prohibited conduct with a connected not-for-profit corporation

SB 358 - Kehoe - Modifies the policy statement of the Missouri Clean Water Law

SB 361 - Parson - Allows the AgriMissouri Advisory Commission to establish a fee for sellers electing to use the AgriMissouri trademark so long as the fees do not yield revenue greater than administering the objectives of the Commission and the trademark

SB 363 - Parson - Creates the Board of Administrative Appeals and provides that a person is entitled a hearing before the Board following a proceeding before a governmental agency

SB 380 - Wieland - Modifies provisions relating to health care

SB 393 - Schupp - Establishes a Task Force on the Death Penalty and places a moratorium on the death penalty until January 1, 2018

SB 400 - Onder - Provides that the state shall not require maintenance of licensure or any form of specialty medical board certification to practice medicine

SB 416 - Wasson - Modifies provisions of law regarding the disposition of deceased human remains, collaborative practice arrangements, regulating new professions, and creates the Missouri Health Information Exchange Commission

SB 440 - Sifton - Changes the requirements for school antibullying policies

SB 457 - Sater - Modifies provisions relating to health care professionals and services

SB 458 - Sater - Modifies provisions of law regarding healthcare

SB 469 - Munzlinger - Repeals the Advisory Council to the Director of the Missouri Agriculture Experiment Station and establishes the Fertilizer Control Board

SB 472 - Schaaf - Requires advanced radiology practitioners and radiologic technologists to be licensed by the State Board of Registration for the Healing Arts

SB 473 - Schaaf - Modifies provisions relating to urban school districts

SB 476 - Kehoe - Modifies provisions relating to the Department of Natural Resources

SB 479 - Onder - Modifies laws regarding the licensure of midwives

SB 496 - Hegeman - Establishes the Missouri Palliative Care and Quality of Life Interdisciplinary Advisory Council and the Palliative Care Consumer and Professional Information Education Program

SB 498 - Wasson - Modifies provisions of the Missouri Preneed Funeral Contract Act

SB 505 - Wieland - Modifies provisions of the Athletic Trainers Practice Act

SB 506 - Riddle - Adds sheltered workshop boards to the definition of "political subdivision" for purposes of laws allowing political subdivisions to cooperate with public and private entities

SB 530 - Onder - Enacts multiple provisions to protect the privacy of student data

SB 547 - Riddle - Creates the permanent Joint Committee on Capitol Police to oversee the capitol police and modifies the jurisdiction and duties of the capitol police

SB 548 - Sifton - Requires the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education to employ a dyslexia specialist and creates the Legislative Task Force on Dyslexia

SB 553 - Munzlinger - Modifies the authority of county health center boards to promulgate rules to enhance public health and prevent disease

SCR 3 - Wallingford - Establishes the Joint Committee on Solid Waste Management District Operations

SCR 12 - Wasson - Establishes the Missouri Multiple Sclerosis Task Force

SCR 25 - Munzlinger - Establishes the Missouri Wildlife Revitalization Task Force

SCR 26 - Dempsey - Creates the Human Trafficking Task Force

SJR 1 - Munzlinger - Modifies the membership composition and terms of service of the commissioners on the Conservation Commission

SJR 2 - Dixon - Changes the procedures for the redistricting of the state Senate and House of Representatives districts

HB 42 - Wood - Modifies provisions relating to elementary and secondary education

HB 92 - Miller - Modifies provisions relating to the Department of Natural Resources

HB 100 - Gosen - Modifies provisions relating to the administration of topical agricultural products

HB 112 - Franklin - Provides that certain licensing boards of health care professionals may contract with entities to collect workforce data from their licensees

HB 141 - Reiboldt - Modifies provisions relating to beef commodity merchandising program fees

HB 210 - Conway - Allows community college police officers to establish regulations to control vehicular traffic on any thoroughfare owned or maintained by the college

HB 272 - Hoskins - Modifies the eligibility requirements for the Bright Flight Scholarship Program and adds a forgivable loan component

HB 326 - Leara - Specifies that each defined benefit pension plan must establish a board member education program

HB 343 - Lair - Establishes a committee to assess the continuation of the Money Follows the Person Demonstration Program

HB 377 - Swan - Modifies provisions relating to remediation prevention for public school students

HB 380 - Swan - Requires the State Board of Education to establish minimum requirements for a career and technical education certificate

HB 422 - Burlison - Provides that certain boards and commissions under the Division of Professional Registration may issue opinions for educational purposes

HB 458 - Allen - Modifies provisions relating to school district antibullying policies and enacts provisions relating to youth suicide prevention and awareness

HB 530 - Roden - Modifies provisions relating to fire protection and ambulance districts

HB 536 - Redmon - Modifies appointment procedures for commissioners to the Mid-America Port Commission

HB 634 - Burlison - Establishes certain requirements that must be met in order to regulate a previously unregulated occupation or profession

HB 671 - Frederick - Modifies provisions relating to physician and surgeon licensure

HB 742 - Bahr - Modifies the operations of the academic standards work groups and creates a Council for Community Education and a Task Force on School Safety Improvement within the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

HB 751 - Walker - Modifies the definition of "political subdivision" as it relates to its cooperation with other political subdivisions to include county sheltered workshop boards

HB 776 - Higdon - Creates the Commission on Capitol Security Infrastructure

HB 875 - Hinson - Modifies provisions relating to libraries

HB 882 - McGaugh - Modifies provisions relating to agriculture

HB 923 - Miller - Modifies provisions relating to the environment

HB 979 - Dugger - Modifies the bonding requirement for the treasurer of a seven-director school district

HB 982 - Rowden - Allows the University of Missouri extension council in any county to obtain financing in order to obtain real property

HB 1053 - Justus - Adds two public members to emergency services boards in Taney and St. Francois County

HB 1058 - Miller - Modifies provisions relating to the Department of Natural Resources

HB 1063 - Fitzpatrick - Establishes the State Capitol Complex Committee

HB 1127 - Johnson - Modifies provisions relating to urban school districts

HB 1305 - Rowden - Requires any comprehensive state energy plan to be approved by the General Assembly and creates the Regulatory Improvement Commission

HCR 38 - Haahr - Establishes the Human Trafficking Task Force

Boats and Watercraft (9)

SB 231 - Kehoe - Modifies provisions relating to watercraft

SB 483 - Silvey - Expands the requirement for children to wear personal flotation devices

HB 110 - McCaherty - Creates three new tax credits for entities using port facilities in Missouri

HB 132 - Brattin - Creates a fuel tax exemption for fuel delivered to marinas for use solely in watercraft

HB 149 - Fitzpatrick - Allows the issuance of a license to sell liquor by the drink on any boat licensed by the United States Coast Guard to carry 30 or more passengers

HB 269 - Miller - Modifies the type of fire extinguishers required for class two motorboats

HB 402 - Phillips - Designates the first full week before Memorial Day as "Safe Boating Week"

HB 836 - Ross - Repeals a provision relating to motorboat passengers

HB 1076 - Brown - Creates an exemption from motorboat noise level limits for motorboats registered for and actually participating in any fishing tournament held at the Harry S. Truman Reservoir

Bonds - General Obligation and Revenue (9)

SB 148 - Parson - Modifies provisions relating to business regulations

SB 319 - Schaaf - Requires approval from the General Assembly for certain bond extension the by St. Louis Regional Convention and Sports Complex Authority

SB 330 - Parson - Modifies provisions relating to bond issuance

SB 460 - Silvey - Prohibits the executive branch from extending existing bonds or issuing new bonds without legislative or voter approval

SCR 8 - Parson - Creates a state buildings project list to be funded by revenue bonds issued by the State Board of Public Buildings

SCR 9 - Parson - Creates a higher education buildings project list to be funded by revenue bonds issued by the State Board of Public Buildings

SR 200 - Schaaf - Urges the Governor to not issue bonds for a stadium without legislative or voter approval and states that the Senate will not automatically appropriate money to service such bonds

HB 150 - Fitzpatrick - Modifies the duration of unemployment compensation, the method to pay federal advances, and raises the fund trigger causing contribution rate reductions

HB 375 - McGaugh - Modifies provisions relating to the duty of care a landowner owes a person entering without a fee onto the land for recreational use

Bonds - Surety (11)

SB 12 - Munzlinger - Modifies provisions relating to agriculture

SB 92 - Emery - Modifies bond requirements for certain county offices

SB 132 - Parson - Modifies provisions relating to evidence of financial responsibility for certified commercial pesticide applicators

SB 456 - Kehoe - Modifies provisions relating to the ownership of motor vehicles

SB 476 - Kehoe - Modifies provisions relating to the Department of Natural Resources

SB 495 - Hegeman - Requires candidates for public administrator to provide an affidavit stating that the candidate meets the bonding requirements

SB 531 - Emery - Creates the Missouri Empowerment Scholarship Accounts Program

HB 92 - Miller - Modifies provisions relating to the Department of Natural Resources

HB 100 - Gosen - Modifies provisions relating to the administration of topical agricultural products

HB 979 - Dugger - Modifies the bonding requirement for the treasurer of a seven-director school district

HB 1002 - Berry - Modifies provisions related to motor vehicles

Business and Commerce (50)

SB 4 - Schmitt - Increases the amount of the personal income tax cut and the business income deduction in current law

SB 12 - Munzlinger - Modifies provisions relating to agriculture

SB 18 - Kraus - Requires the Department of Revenue to notify sellers if there is a change in sales tax law interpretation

SB 106 - Kraus - Waives Secretary of State fees for new businesses and requires business licenses to be issued within sixty days

SB 132 - Parson - Modifies provisions relating to evidence of financial responsibility for certified commercial pesticide applicators

SB 139 - Parson - Creates the Missouri Dairy Revitalization Act of 2015

SB 148 - Parson - Modifies provisions relating to business regulations

SB 149 - Parson - Creates state and local sales and use tax exemptions for data storage centers and allows municipalities to enter into loan agreements, or sell, lease, or mortgage municipal property for a technology business facility project

SB 157 - Wallingford - Modifies provisions relating to business filing fees

SB 178 - Munzlinger - Modifies provisions relating to captive cervids

SB 184 - LeVota - Modifies provisions relating to business filing fees

SB 187 - Curls - Amends laws relating to small loans

SB 232 - Kehoe - Creates additional requirements for tow truck businesses

SB 266 - Schaefer - Prohibits municipalities from providing certain services already being provided within the boundaries of the municipality without a vote of the people

SB 343 - Wasson - Creates state and local sales and use tax exemptions for data storage centers and allows municipalities to enter into loan agreements, or sell, lease, or mortgage municipal property for a technology business facility project

SB 345 - Wasson - Modifies provisions relating to financial transactions

SB 352 - Schaefer - Allows the Attorney General to institute civil and criminal proceedings relating to criminal enterprises and racketeering

SB 353 - Silvey - Creates state and local sales and use tax exemptions for data storage centers and allows municipalities to enter into loan agreements, or sell, lease, or mortgage municipal property for a technology business facility project

SB 358 - Kehoe - Modifies the policy statement of the Missouri Clean Water Law

SB 360 - Parson - Establishes the Civil Litigation Funding Act

SB 361 - Parson - Allows the AgriMissouri Advisory Commission to establish a fee for sellers electing to use the AgriMissouri trademark so long as the fees do not yield revenue greater than administering the objectives of the Commission and the trademark

SB 371 - Munzlinger - Repeals a section relating to the expiration date of economic subsidies for Missouri qualified fuel ethanol producers

SB 403 - Kehoe - Modifies provisions relating to ratemaking for gas corporations

SB 408 - Libla - Modifies provisions relating to the licensing and commissioning of corporate security advisors by the Department of Public Safety

SB 409 - Wallingford - Modifies provisions relating to emergencies

SB 413 - Romine - Modifies provisions relating to natural resource damages authorized to be recovered by the state natural resources trustee

SB 438 - Dempsey - Creates the Municipal Telecommunications Business License Tax Modernization Act

SB 456 - Kehoe - Modifies provisions relating to the ownership of motor vehicles

SB 459 - Libla - Modifies rulemaking procedures for rules which affect businesses

SB 487 - Richard - Modifies provisions relating to civil actions brought under merchandising practices and products liability provisions of law

SB 500 - Riddle - Modifies provisions relating to honey

SB 510 - Holsman - Establishes criteria for renewable power purchase agreements

SB 521 - Kehoe - Authorizes the Public Service Commission to adopt rules governing the relationship between water and electrical corporations to effectuate potential energy savings

SB 526 - Riddle - Modifies the powers and duties of the Office of the Public Counsel

SCR 30 - Kehoe - Condemns certain California laws relating to shelled eggs and calls upon the legislature and the voters of California to repeal such laws

HB 100 - Gosen - Modifies provisions relating to the administration of topical agricultural products

HB 141 - Reiboldt - Modifies provisions relating to beef commodity merchandising program fees

HB 259 - Reiboldt - Creates the Missouri Dairy Revitalization Act of 2015

HB 440 - Koenig - Allows sellers to advertise that sales tax will be assumed by the seller

HB 468 - Berry - Extends the last year of availability of incentives for new or expanded business headquarters from 2020 to 2025

HB 513 - McCaherty - Modifies provisions relating to business filing fees

HB 531 - Solon - Requires that nicotine liquid containers sold at retail satisfy federal child-resistant effectiveness standards

HB 587 - Dugger - Modifies provisions relating to licensing fees paid by entities and persons licensed under the Missouri Sale of Checks Law, credit service organizations, and consumer credit lenders

HB 714 - Lauer - Modifies provisions relating to emergency communications services

HB 722 - Shaul - Prohibits certain types of ordinances from being adopted by political subdivisions

HB 743 - Shull - Reauthorizes a tax credit for small business guaranty fees

HB 878 - Rhoads - Modifies provisions relating to the licensing and commissioning of corporate security advisors by the Department of Public Safety

HB 1002 - Berry - Modifies provisions related to motor vehicles

HB 1093 - Houghton - Modifies provisions relating to honey

HCR 32 - Ross - Adopts the House Majority Floor Leader's filing with the EPA as the state's official position on the Clean Power Plan, and urges the EPA to withdraw the proposed Clean Power Plan rule

Campaign Finance (9)

SB 2 - Pearce - Establishes campaign contributions for individuals and political party committees

SB 96 - LeVota - Establishes campaign contribution limits

SB 97 - LeVota - Modifies the membership and functions of the Ethics Commission and imposes campaign contribution limits

SB 123 - Schupp - Modifies the law relating to ethics

SB 124 - Schupp - Requires tax-exempt organizations to disclose date, amount, and name of persons or entities making donations to such organizations

SB 134 - Holsman - Creates a method for publicly financing election campaigns for legislative and statewide candidates and caps contributions to political party committees

SB 428 - Curls - Modifies the enforcement power of the Missouri Ethics Commission

SB 543 - Schupp - Modifies provisions relating to disclosure requirements made to the Ethics Commission

SJR 13 - Schaaf - Establishes the Missouri Anti-Corruption Amendment

Capital Improvements (6)

SB 74 - Holsman - Establishes the Capital Green Program to provide funding for energy efficiency improvements to certain state buildings

SB 330 - Parson - Modifies provisions relating to bond issuance

SB 460 - Silvey - Prohibits the executive branch from extending existing bonds or issuing new bonds without legislative or voter approval

SB 508 - Holsman - Creates the Office of Administration Energy Conservation Fund

HB 776 - Higdon - Creates the Commission on Capitol Security Infrastructure

HB 1024 - Higdon - Establishes a commission on capitol security infrastructure

Cemeteries (2)

SB 416 - Wasson - Modifies provisions of law regarding the disposition of deceased human remains, collaborative practice arrangements, regulating new professions, and creates the Missouri Health Information Exchange Commission

HB 618 - Fraker - Modifies provisions of law regarding the disposition of deceased human remains and the electronic vital records system

Certificate of Need (1)

SB 53 - Schaaf - Modifies certificate of need requirements for long-term care facilities

Charities (8)

SB 378 - Schatz - Creates several new exemptions to the tax on the titling of motor vehicles

SB 463 - Dixon - Removes the sunsets on the Residential Treatment Agency Tax Credit and the Developmental Disability Care Provider Tax Credit

SB 484 - Wieland - Allows taxpayers to deduct the full amount of costs associated with a search and rescue operation

SB 551 - Hegeman - Creates a tax credit for donation to an endowment fund of a community foundation

HB 869 - Solon - Modifies provisions relating to the titling of motor vehicles, trailers, boats, and outboard motors

HB 996 - Hoskins - Extends the sunset on the Residential Treatment Agency Tax Credit and the Developmental Disability Care Provider Tax Credit to 2020

HB 1318 - Brown - Reduces the duration of organizational membership requirement for the administration of bingo games

HJR 7 - Engler - Removes restrictions on bingo advertising and educes the duration of organizational membership requirement for the administration of bingo games

Children and Minors (49)

SB 23 - Chappelle-Nadal - Creates the crimes of failing to stop illegal firearm possession, negligent storage of a firearm, and failure to notify a school of firearm ownership

SB 25 - Sater - Creates a tax credit based on the number of the taxpayer's dependent children

SB 30 - Cunningham - Increases the penalty for knowingly allowing a minor to drink or possess alcohol or failing to stop a minor from drinking or possessing alcohol

SB 60 - Chappelle-Nadal - Creates the crimes of failing to stop illegal weapon possession, negligent storage of a weapon, and failure to notify a school of weapon ownership

SB 148 - Parson - Modifies provisions relating to business regulations

SB 174 - Schmitt - Establishes the Missouri Achieving a Better Life Experience Program

SB 179 - Sater - Establishes the Missouri Child Protection Registry

SB 200 - Dixon - Modifies provisions relating to sentencing of juvenile criminal offenders, an armed offender docket pilot project, and criminal sentence reductions

SB 213 - Wallingford - Requires children under the age of 18 to be prosecuted for most criminal offenses in juvenile courts unless the child is certified as an adult

SB 256 - Sater - Establishes a pilot program allowing noncustodial parents to reduce the amount of state debt owed

SB 269 - Nasheed - Prohibits the use of restraints on children under the age of 17 during court proceedings except in certain circumstances

SB 280 - Keaveny - Modifies the punishment scheme for juvenile offenders of first degree murder and provides a petition process for juvenile offenders currently serving life without parole

SB 320 - Wallingford - Requires any juvenile certified as an adult be detained in a juvenile facility until the juvenile has been sentenced

SB 321 - Hegeman - Allows victims of sexual assault to receive protective orders and modifies the definitions of sexual assault and stalking as they relate to orders of protection

SB 341 - Riddle - Modifies provisions of law relating to the protection of children and other vulnerable persons

SB 354 - Sater - Allows the Department of Health and Senior Services to supply qualifying individuals with amino acid-based elemental formulas

SB 410 - Wallingford - Modifies provisions relating to criminal nonsupport and provides a method for expungement of a one-time offense of criminal nonsupport

SB 422 - Schaaf - Establishes requirements regarding life-sustaining treatment policies

SB 425 - Libla - Modifies provisions relating to adoption and parental rights

SB 427 - Sifton - Mandates the establishment of safe sleeping protocols in child care facilities providing care for children under one year of age

SB 450 - Emery - Expands the dependency exemption for income taxes to stillbirths

SB 453 - LeVota - Expands the Amber Alert System to include missing endangered persons

SB 464 - Dixon - Prohibits sharing of visual or aural recordings or photographs of minors alleged to be victims of child abuse, except in limited circumstances

SB 466 - Schmitt - Requires disclosure of life-sustaining treatment policies of health care facilities and prohibits denial of life-sustaining treatment or anatomical gifts under specified circumstances

SB 467 - Sifton - Removes the statute of limitations on civil actions and prosecutions involving offenses against children

SB 471 - Schaaf - Expands the dependency exemption for income taxes to stillbirths

SB 482 - Schupp - Modifies provisions relating to child care facility licensure

SB 518 - Wallingford - Modifies provisions relating to the reentry of children released from Children Division's custody

SB 525 - Brown - Requires the Children's Division to list an individual as a perpetrator of child abuse and neglect upon receipt of notice of a court order or judgment

SB 533 - Riddle - Modifies provisions relating to children, including safe sleep, immunizations, and the Perinatal Advisory Council

SB 562 - Wieland - Specifies that the parental right to raise, care, and educate their child is a fundamental right

SB 565 - Wallingford - Modifies provisions involving child custody orders

SCR 1 - Nasheed - Designates January as Sex Trafficking Awareness Month in Missouri

SCR 17 - Hegeman - Urges schools, little league and recreational programs, law enforcement, and prosecutors to do all they can to put an end to threats and assaults on sports officials

SCR 26 - Dempsey - Creates the Human Trafficking Task Force

SJR 12 - Onder - Proposes a constitutional amendment guaranteeing parents the fundamental right to control the education of their minor children

HB 152 - Haahr - Adds advertising a child as available to participate in certain sex acts to the crime of sexual trafficking of a child

HB 180 - Cookson - Prohibits the sale of powdered alcohol and modifies penalties for providing liquor to minors

HB 501 - Montecillo - Requires course materials relating to sexual education to contain information regarding sexual predators, online predators, and the consequences of inappropriate text messaging

HB 531 - Solon - Requires that nicotine liquid containers sold at retail satisfy federal child-resistant effectiveness standards

HB 556 - Wood - Modifies provisions relating to children and families

HB 635 - Burlison - Modifies provisions of law relating to the Amber Alert System and the Amber Alert System Oversight Committee

HB 665 - Franklin - Allows Department of Health and Senior Services to supply qualifying individuals with amino acid-based elemental formulas

HB 684 - Koenig - Provides that child protective investigators shall provide community service program information to parents and establishes the Supporting and Strengthening Families Act

HB 734 - Haefner - Modifies provisions of law relating to child protection

HB 807 - Cornejo - Modifies provisions relating to courts, civil actions, wills and trusts, life insurance, crimes, and public defenders

HB 976 - Franklin - Modifies provisions relating to children, including immunization, amino acid-based elemental formula, court orders, juveniles with problem sexual behavior, safe sleep protocols, and the Children's Services Fund

HB 1149 - Lauer - Modifies provisions relating to youth in custody of the Division of Youth Services and creates a special class of trust funds for the money of youth in the division's custody

HCR 16 - Gannon - Recognizes September 2015 as "Missouri Whole Child Month"

Chiropractors (1)

HB 422 - Burlison - Provides that certain boards and commissions under the Division of Professional Registration may issue opinions for educational purposes

Circuit Clerk (3)

SB 67 - Cunningham - Authorizes certain court surcharges, Buchanan County to establish a county municipal court, certain circuits with a SORTS facility to appoint a court marshal, requires certain reporting regarding municipal courts and modifies procedure in landlord tenant cases

SB 148 - Parson - Modifies provisions relating to business regulations

SB 539 - Brown - Allows the county commission, or a county officer designated by the county commission, to provide passport services if the circuit court clerk does not provide the services

Cities, Towns and Villages (42)

SB 5 - Schmitt - Modifies distribution of traffic fines and court costs collected by municipal courts

SB 67 - Cunningham - Authorizes certain court surcharges, Buchanan County to establish a county municipal court, certain circuits with a SORTS facility to appoint a court marshal, requires certain reporting regarding municipal courts and modifies procedure in landlord tenant cases

SB 68 - Romine - Provides that directors of industrial development corporations in St. Francois County may be taxpayers and registered voters in the county

SB 72 - Nasheed - Disincorporates all villages in St. Louis County beginning January 1, 2015, and provides that the area comprising the former villages may not be incorporated or annexed by a city

SB 101 - LeVota - Allows constitutional charter cities that have 100,000 or more inhabitants to enact certain types of ordinances

SB 121 - Walsh - Allows third and fourth class cities to adopt certain ordinances relating to residential rental property

SB 146 - Pearce - Modifies provisions of law relating to various regulated professions and establishes the Missouri Health Information Exchange Commission and the Perinatal Advisory Council

SB 155 - Nasheed - Creates the Neighborhood Watch Fund for the creation of neighborhood watch organizations throughout the state

SB 176 - Schmitt - Makes grammatical changes to a provision regarding municipal courts to align with revisions made to the Criminal Code in 2014

SB 191 - Curls - Creates the "Center for the Neighborhoods Fund" in the state treasury to establish a center for the neighborhoods to conduct applied urban research and outreach programs

SB 221 - Schatz - Modifies provisions relating to annexations and sales taxes in St. Louis County

SB 228 - Curls - Allows certain people to enter abandoned property to secure it, remove trash and graffiti, and maintain the grounds, and provides immunity from civil and criminal liability

SB 229 - Curls - Modifies provisions regarding the ability of neighborhood organizations to bring nuisance actions in certain cities and counties

SB 242 - Dixon - Allows Greene County, or any city within the county, to impose a sales tax, upon voter approval, to fund early childhood education

SB 245 - Hegeman - Modifies provisions relating to political subdivisions

SB 266 - Schaefer - Prohibits municipalities from providing certain services already being provided within the boundaries of the municipality without a vote of the people

SB 272 - Riddle - Changes the laws regarding motor vehicle height and weight limits in certain city commercial zones

SB 308 - Curls - Specifies that Kansas City may require the registration of certain properties

SB 323 - Munzlinger - Authorizes non-resident candidates for certain municipal offices

SB 327 - Onder - Modifies provisions relating to municipal courts

SB 356 - Nasheed - Requires law enforcement agencies in certain cities to require their officers to wear a camera while on duty and in uniform and record all contacts with people

SB 375 - Schatz - Adds projects which provide economic benefits to sewer and water operations to the types of projects eligible under the Property Assessment Clean Energy Act

SB 385 - Keaveny - Repeals a provision of current law, which specifies that the St. Louis City Sheriff may employ an attorney who may receive a salary of $3,000 to $15,000 per year

SB 387 - Wasson - Modifies provisions required to be in nuisance abatement ordinances enacted by municipalities and counties

SB 395 - Holsman - Modifies provisions relating to cannabis

SB 398 - Schatz - Authorizes municipalities to use design-build on water and waste water projects and prohibits such projects from being denied grants based on design-build utilization

SB 409 - Wallingford - Modifies provisions relating to emergencies

SB 430 - Curls - Requires cities, towns, and villages proposing to annex a portion of a state highway to also annex a specified portion of the area on either side of the highway

SB 438 - Dempsey - Creates the Municipal Telecommunications Business License Tax Modernization Act

SB 451 - Dixon - Modifies provisions relating to petitions for the expungement of criminal records

SB 452 - Schmitt - Provides that no person shall be found guilty of failure to appear if the criminal matter solely involves certain traffic-related infractions

SB 455 - Kehoe - Prohibits political subdivisions from establishing a minimum wage in excess of federal or state law

SB 497 - Hegeman - Modifies provisions relating to special purpose districts

SB 527 - Keaveny - Specifies that a majority of the circuit and associate circuit judges of the 22nd Judicial Circuit sitting en banc must appoint the sheriff of the City of St. Louis

SB 560 - Chappelle-Nadal - Allows a person to possess up to one ounce of marijuana and provides a licensure process for retail marijuana stores, cultivation facilities, and products manufacturers

SJR 3 - Chappelle-Nadal - Makes St. Louis City a part of St. Louis County

HB 122 - McGaugh - Modifies provisions relating to self defense, the crime of unlawful use of weapons, and concealed carry training requirements

HB 268 - Miller - Modifies provisions relating to taxation

HB 511 - Mathews - Exempts annexations occurring under certain circumstances from boundary commission review

HB 530 - Roden - Modifies provisions relating to fire protection and ambulance districts

HB 675 - Rowden - Changes the laws regarding motor vehicle height and weight limits in certain city commercial zones

HB 714 - Lauer - Modifies provisions relating to emergency communications services

Civil Procedure (39)

SB 17 - Dixon - Changes intersectional references relating to court costs

SB 37 - Romine - Awards attorney's fees and court costs in cases where a settlement offer was previously rejected and when the court rules on a motion to dismiss for failure to state a claim

SB 54 - Munzlinger - Prohibits certain types of nuisance actions from being brought when the property owner has a government issued permit

SB 67 - Cunningham - Authorizes certain court surcharges, Buchanan County to establish a county municipal court, certain circuits with a SORTS facility to appoint a court marshal, requires certain reporting regarding municipal courts and modifies procedure in landlord tenant cases

SB 93 - Emery - Creates the Campus Free Expression Act to protect free expression on the campuses of public institutions of higher education

SB 109 - Schaefer - Modifies provisions of law regarding claims against public higher education institutions covered by the State Legal Expense Fund and administrative leave for public employees

SB 140 - Parson - Provides that defendants in tort actions shall only be held severally liable and not jointly

SB 164 - Sifton - Exempts in bankruptcy proceedings life insurance proceeds for the burial of a family member, modifies insurance foreign investment limits, changes the requirements for the valuation of reserves for life insurance, and modifies provisions regarding qualified spousal trusts

SB 181 - Curls - Changes the notice requirement to a tenant in a foreclosure action from ten days to ninety days

SB 182 - Curls - Changes the amount of damages that a tenant can recover when the security deposit is wrongfully withheld by a landlord

SB 183 - Curls - Repeals provisions regarding nonjudicial foreclosure proceedings and requires all foreclosure proceedings to be handled judicially

SB 192 - Munzlinger - Modifies provisions of law relating to products liability claims

SB 216 - Keaveny - Establishes the Missouri Commercial Receivership Act

SB 227 - Emery - Modifies provisions relating to the collateral source rule and provides that parties may introduce evidence of the cost, rather than the value, of the medical treatment rendered

SB 228 - Curls - Allows certain people to enter abandoned property to secure it, remove trash and graffiti, and maintain the grounds, and provides immunity from civil and criminal liability

SB 233 - Kehoe - Modifies provisions relating to expert witnesses

SB 239 - Brown - Creates a statutory cause of action for damages against health care providers

SB 246 - Hegeman - Mandates that judges must disqualify themselves from hearing a proceeding in certain situations

SB 248 - Schaefer - Prohibits public higher education institutions from denying religious student associations benefits available to other student associations and from discriminating against them

SB 256 - Sater - Establishes a pilot program allowing noncustodial parents to reduce the amount of state debt owed

SB 309 - Curls - Provides that a landlord must keep security deposits in a depository institution and changes the amount a tenant can recover when the security deposit is wrongfully withheld

SB 324 - Munzlinger - Modifies the definition of property as it is used in provisions of law regarding certain private nuisance actions

SB 340 - Pearce - Changes an intersectional reference in a provision of law regarding the determination of heirship

SB 412 - Romine - Modifies laws regarding arbitration agreements between employers and at-will employees

SB 448 - Wieland - Modifies the laws relating to the assignment of liability in contracts for construction work

SB 458 - Sater - Modifies provisions of law regarding healthcare

SB 467 - Sifton - Removes the statute of limitations on civil actions and prosecutions involving offenses against children

SB 475 - Dempsey - Grants the President Pro Tem and the Speaker standing to intervene in cases challenging the constitutionality of state law and authorizes individual legislators to hire outside counsel when sued in their official capacity

SB 481 - Onder - Modifies laws regarding qualified spousal trusts

SB 564 - Kehoe - Allows a court to modify a jury's verdict in an action against a health care provider for medical malpractice

SB 567 - Chappelle-Nadal - Provides that a person shall be liable for depriving another of a Missouri Constitutional right while acting under the color of law

SJR 7 - Richard - Establishes a constitutional limit on punitive damages

HB 104 - Haahr - Prohibits public higher education institutions from denying religious student associations benefits available to other student associations and from discriminating against them

HB 108 - McCaherty - Establishes a two-year statute of limitations for claims of malpractice or negligence against mental health professionals

HB 118 - Burlison - Establishes a statutory cause of action for damages against health care providers

HB 276 - Cornejo - Exempts in bankruptcy proceedings life insurance proceeds for the burial of a family member, modifies insurance foreign investment limits, changes the requirements for the valuation of reserves for life insurance, and modifies provisions regarding qualified spousal trusts

HB 583 - Cross - Allows a tenant to enter the rental property following eviction with the landlord's permission in certain situations

HB 684 - Koenig - Provides that child protective investigators shall provide community service program information to parents and establishes the Supporting and Strengthening Families Act

HB 799 - Roeber - Modifies provisions regarding judicial circuits

Civil Rights (10)

SB 21 - Chappelle-Nadal - Modifies and enacts provisions relating to law enforcement officers

SB 93 - Emery - Creates the Campus Free Expression Act to protect free expression on the campuses of public institutions of higher education

SB 199 - Dixon - Allows an armed offender docket in Jackson County and modifies the self-defense statute and the statute specifying when police officers are justified in using deadly force

SB 248 - Schaefer - Prohibits public higher education institutions from denying religious student associations benefits available to other student associations and from discriminating against them

SB 567 - Chappelle-Nadal - Provides that a person shall be liable for depriving another of a Missouri Constitutional right while acting under the color of law

SCR 16 - Schupp - Ratifies the Equal Rights Amendment to the United States Constitution

SCR 18 - Schupp - Expresses the support of the General Assembly for the practice of Falun Dafa, also known as Falun Gong

HB 104 - Haahr - Prohibits public higher education institutions from denying religious student associations benefits available to other student associations and from discriminating against them

HB 462 - Bahr - Creates provisions prohibiting binding agreements that run with the land to prevent displaying political signs

HCR 18 - McCann Beatty - Recognizes July 1, 2015, as "Lucile Bluford Day" in Missouri in honor of a brave and persistent civil rights activist

Compacts (1)

SB 433 - Dixon - Adopts the Compact for a Balanced Budget

Conservation Dept. (6)

SB 56 - Munzlinger - Allows certain Missouri non-residents to receive reduced hunting, fishing, and trapping permit fees

SB 131 - Parson - Modifies provisions relating to agriculture

SB 178 - Munzlinger - Modifies provisions relating to captive cervids

SB 337 - Munzlinger - Bans the Conservation Commission and the Department of Conservation from engaging in prohibited conduct with a connected not-for-profit corporation

SB 557 - LeVota - Requires the Department of Conservation to reimburse any automobile owner up to $500 for damages sustained to an automobile due to hitting or being hit by a deer

SJR 1 - Munzlinger - Modifies the membership composition and terms of service of the commissioners on the Conservation Commission

Constitutional Amendments (23)

SB 104 - Kraus - Modifies provisions relating to elections

SB 433 - Dixon - Adopts the Compact for a Balanced Budget

SB 568 - Munzlinger - Modifies various provisions relating to elections

SCR 16 - Schupp - Ratifies the Equal Rights Amendment to the United States Constitution

SCR 20 - Emery - Urges the United States Congress to propose the Regulation Freedom Amendment to the U.S. Constitution

SCR 21 - Dixon - Applies to Congress for the calling of a convention to propose certain amendments to the United States Constitution which place limits on the federal government

SCR 24 - Holsman - Urges Congress to call an Article V Convention for the purpose of proposing amendments to the United States Constitution

SJR 1 - Munzlinger - Modifies the membership composition and terms of service of the commissioners on the Conservation Commission

SJR 2 - Dixon - Changes the procedures for the redistricting of the state Senate and House of Representatives districts

SJR 3 - Chappelle-Nadal - Makes St. Louis City a part of St. Louis County

SJR 5 - Kraus - Allows for photographic identification for voting

SJR 6 - Curls - Authorizes the creation of Show-me Small Business Districts

SJR 7 - Richard - Establishes a constitutional limit on punitive damages

SJR 8 - Schmitt - Changes the date for final passage of bills in a regular session of the General Assembly

SJR 9 - Schmitt - Amends the Constitution to limit general revenue appropriations and mandate state income tax rate reductions in certain situations

SJR 10 - Sater - Modifies the constitutional provisions relating to initiative petitions

SJR 12 - Onder - Proposes a constitutional amendment guaranteeing parents the fundamental right to control the education of their minor children

SJR 13 - Schaaf - Establishes the Missouri Anti-Corruption Amendment

SJR 14 - Dixon - Modifies the gubernatorial appointment process

SJR 15 - Cunningham - Modifies the process for approving the salary schedule of the Missouri Citizens' Commission on Compensation for Elected Officials

HJR 7 - Engler - Removes restrictions on bingo advertising and educes the duration of organizational membership requirement for the administration of bingo games

HJR 24 - Cierpiot - Extends term limits to all statewide elected officials

HJR 34 - Burlison - Amends the Constitution to limit general revenue appropriations and mandate state income tax rate reductions in certain situations and subject tax credits to appropriations

Construction and Building Codes (3)

SB 47 - Holsman - Prohibits planned communities from barring the installation of solar energy systems

SB 376 - Schatz - Creates the Competitive Energy for Missouri Jobs Act

HB 844 - Hough - Modifies provisions relating to construction management

Consumer Protection (9)

SB 159 - Parson - Modifies the title insurance law with respect to the performance of escrow, settlement, or closing services by title insurers, agencies, and agents

SB 160 - Brown - Modifies provisions relating to the regulation of a corporation's rate of return on equity by the Public Service Commission

SB 187 - Curls - Amends laws relating to small loans

SB 360 - Parson - Establishes the Civil Litigation Funding Act

SB 498 - Wasson - Modifies provisions of the Missouri Preneed Funeral Contract Act

SB 516 - Sifton - Bans the sale of event tickets that have a credit card entry restriction to consumers without a signed acknowledgment by the consumer

SCR 37 - Wieland - Establishes the Missouri Predatory Towing Practices Task Force

HB 531 - Solon - Requires that nicotine liquid containers sold at retail satisfy federal child-resistant effectiveness standards

HB 636 - Barnes - Creates the Senior Savings Protection Act

Contracts and Contractors (19)

SB 52 - Schaaf - Prohibits restrictive physician employment contracts

SB 83 - Chappelle-Nadal - Prohibits a workforce development agency from knowingly omitting from any bidding process an entity with whom it has a contract

SB 222 - Schatz - Bans political subdivisions from requiring the removal or relocation of infrastructure owned by a communication service provider unless certain conditions are met

SB 359 - Kehoe - Modifies the law relating to construction management services

SB 360 - Parson - Establishes the Civil Litigation Funding Act

SB 367 - Kraus - Modifies the law relating to construction management services

SB 376 - Schatz - Creates the Competitive Energy for Missouri Jobs Act

SB 388 - Wasson - Modifies provisions relating to construction management services and allows political subdivisions to use construction manager-at-risk and design-build methods

SB 436 - Walsh - Modifies a provision relating to electrical contractor licenses issued by political subdivisions

SB 448 - Wieland - Modifies the laws relating to the assignment of liability in contracts for construction work

SB 498 - Wasson - Modifies provisions of the Missouri Preneed Funeral Contract Act

SB 510 - Holsman - Establishes criteria for renewable power purchase agreements

SB 534 - Schaaf - Makes a technical correction by changing the word "must" to "shall"

SCR 7 - Brown - Urges the Department of Defense and the Congressional delegation to protect, preserve, and promote state military bases and agencies

HB 824 - Korman - Allows sewer providers to contract with certain water providers for termination of water service for nonpayment of a sewer bill

HB 844 - Hough - Modifies provisions relating to construction management

HB 1048 - Kidd - Modifies the law relating to design-build contracts

HB 1064 - Shull - Modifies provisions relating to contractual fees charged by certain financial institutions

HCR 20 - Lynch - Urges the Department of Defense and the Congressional delegation to protect, preserve and promote state military bases and agencies

Cooperatives (5)

SB 157 - Wallingford - Modifies provisions relating to business filing fees

SB 184 - LeVota - Modifies provisions relating to business filing fees

SB 510 - Holsman - Establishes criteria for renewable power purchase agreements

SB 522 - Kehoe - Modifies the measurement of damages in civil actions for trespass or expanded use of an easement against a rural electric cooperative

HB 513 - McCaherty - Modifies provisions relating to business filing fees

Corporations (19)

SB 19 - Kraus - Creates a new method of allocating corporate income between states for tax purposes

SB 68 - Romine - Provides that directors of industrial development corporations in St. Francois County may be taxpayers and registered voters in the county

SB 131 - Parson - Modifies provisions relating to agriculture

SB 148 - Parson - Modifies provisions relating to business regulations

SB 157 - Wallingford - Modifies provisions relating to business filing fees

SB 160 - Brown - Modifies provisions relating to the regulation of a corporation's rate of return on equity by the Public Service Commission

SB 184 - LeVota - Modifies provisions relating to business filing fees

SB 310 - Emery - Allows electrical corporations to recover depreciation expense and return for qualifying electric plants placed in service

SB 337 - Munzlinger - Bans the Conservation Commission and the Department of Conservation from engaging in prohibited conduct with a connected not-for-profit corporation

SB 378 - Schatz - Creates several new exemptions to the tax on the titling of motor vehicles

SB 403 - Kehoe - Modifies provisions relating to ratemaking for gas corporations

SB 509 - Holsman - Modifies the Net Metering and Easy Connection Act

SB 510 - Holsman - Establishes criteria for renewable power purchase agreements

SB 521 - Kehoe - Authorizes the Public Service Commission to adopt rules governing the relationship between water and electrical corporations to effectuate potential energy savings

HB 125 - Black - Modifies the membership requirements for certain industrial development corporations formed by certain municipalities

HB 233 - Franklin - Modifies provisions relating to the payment of fees to certain state entities by agricultural entities

HB 513 - McCaherty - Modifies provisions relating to business filing fees

HB 864 - Solon - Modifies provisions requiring LLC's owning rental or unoccupied property to list a property manager with the City of Kansas City

HB 869 - Solon - Modifies provisions relating to the titling of motor vehicles, trailers, boats, and outboard motors

Corrections Dept. (17)

SB 67 - Cunningham - Authorizes certain court surcharges, Buchanan County to establish a county municipal court, certain circuits with a SORTS facility to appoint a court marshal, requires certain reporting regarding municipal courts and modifies procedure in landlord tenant cases

SB 76 - Sifton - Requires every individual who is 17 years old or older and arrested for any felony offense to provide a biological sample for DNA profiling

SB 86 - Emery - Allows a court to place a person on electronic monitoring with victim notification if a person has been charged with, or found guilty of, violating an order of protection

SB 188 - Curls - Requires the Department of Corrections to increase the number of prisoners who earn GEDs and provide certain job- related training programs

SB 189 - Curls - Provides a process for the Parole Board to review the case histories of offenders serving more than 15 years in prison and recommend clemency or allow release on parole

SB 201 - Dixon - Modifies the state's requirements to reimburse counties for certain costs related to imprisonment and electronic monitoring for criminal offenders

SB 213 - Wallingford - Requires children under the age of 18 to be prosecuted for most criminal offenses in juvenile courts unless the child is certified as an adult

SB 252 - Romine - Prohibits two-way telecommunications devices and their component parts in correctional centers and jails

SB 355 - Brown - Requires certain employees of the Department of Corrections to receive hazardous duty pay

SB 511 - Schaaf - Requires healthcare contractors providing services to prison inmates to provide certain information to the Office of Administration

SB 532 - Riddle - Allows the presiding judge of certain circuits to appoint a circuit court marshal

SB 563 - Wieland - Modifies requirements for certain state agency statements to be promulgated in accordance with the requirements of the Administrative Procedures Act

SCR 26 - Dempsey - Creates the Human Trafficking Task Force

HB 129 - Brattin - Requires the assessment of fees and charges for certain health care services in correctional centers

HB 612 - Fitzwater - Modifies provisions relating to the possession of contraband in jails and prisons and tax collection by regional jail districts

HB 1184 - Hummel - Changes the "Farm-to-School Act" to the "Farm to Table Act"

HCR 38 - Haahr - Establishes the Human Trafficking Task Force

Counties (48)

SB 5 - Schmitt - Modifies distribution of traffic fines and court costs collected by municipal courts

SB 50 - Sifton - Prohibits political subdivisions that participate in the St. Louis County sales tax pool from receiving sales tax revenue to the extent that more than 50% of their annual general operating revenues come from traffic fines

SB 67 - Cunningham - Authorizes certain court surcharges, Buchanan County to establish a county municipal court, certain circuits with a SORTS facility to appoint a court marshal, requires certain reporting regarding municipal courts and modifies procedure in landlord tenant cases

SB 68 - Romine - Provides that directors of industrial development corporations in St. Francois County may be taxpayers and registered voters in the county

SB 72 - Nasheed - Disincorporates all villages in St. Louis County beginning January 1, 2015, and provides that the area comprising the former villages may not be incorporated or annexed by a city

SB 79 - Dixon - Allows counties to join a state's attorney system

SB 80 - Dixon - Modifies provisions relating to county prosecuting attorneys

SB 92 - Emery - Modifies bond requirements for certain county offices

SB 131 - Parson - Modifies provisions relating to agriculture

SB 155 - Nasheed - Creates the Neighborhood Watch Fund for the creation of neighborhood watch organizations throughout the state

SB 201 - Dixon - Modifies the state's requirements to reimburse counties for certain costs related to imprisonment and electronic monitoring for criminal offenders

SB 202 - Dixon - Allows sheriffs and deputies to assist in other counties throughout the state

SB 221 - Schatz - Modifies provisions relating to annexations and sales taxes in St. Louis County

SB 229 - Curls - Modifies provisions regarding the ability of neighborhood organizations to bring nuisance actions in certain cities and counties

SB 242 - Dixon - Allows Greene County, or any city within the county, to impose a sales tax, upon voter approval, to fund early childhood education

SB 245 - Hegeman - Modifies provisions relating to political subdivisions

SB 272 - Riddle - Changes the laws regarding motor vehicle height and weight limits in certain city commercial zones

SB 320 - Wallingford - Requires any juvenile certified as an adult be detained in a juvenile facility until the juvenile has been sentenced

SB 326 - Sater - Modifies provisions relating to political subdivision audits, county office vacancies, county budgets, special purpose districts, annexations, and sewer districts

SB 327 - Onder - Modifies provisions relating to municipal courts

SB 331 - Libla - Modifies provisions relating to emergencies, requirements for police officers at protests, and recordings from law enforcement cameras

SB 339 - Munzlinger - Authorizes all third and fourth class counties to collect a property tax to pay for road rock on county roads

SB 384 - Munzlinger - Provides five percent salary increases for county office holders and raises the maximum allowable salary for sheriffs

SB 387 - Wasson - Modifies provisions required to be in nuisance abatement ordinances enacted by municipalities and counties

SB 395 - Holsman - Modifies provisions relating to cannabis

SB 405 - Hegeman - Raises the outer threshold amount for a county to be eligible to collect a greater percentage of the total taxes collected as a fee

SB 409 - Wallingford - Modifies provisions relating to emergencies

SB 430 - Curls - Requires cities, towns, and villages proposing to annex a portion of a state highway to also annex a specified portion of the area on either side of the highway

SB 435 - Walsh - Allows the Governor to convey the State's interest in specified property owned by the state in St. Louis County to the county

SB 451 - Dixon - Modifies provisions relating to petitions for the expungement of criminal records

SB 452 - Schmitt - Provides that no person shall be found guilty of failure to appear if the criminal matter solely involves certain traffic-related infractions

SB 495 - Hegeman - Requires candidates for public administrator to provide an affidavit stating that the candidate meets the bonding requirements

SB 539 - Brown - Allows the county commission, or a county officer designated by the county commission, to provide passport services if the circuit court clerk does not provide the services

SB 553 - Munzlinger - Modifies the authority of county health center boards to promulgate rules to enhance public health and prevent disease

SB 560 - Chappelle-Nadal - Allows a person to possess up to one ounce of marijuana and provides a licensure process for retail marijuana stores, cultivation facilities, and products manufacturers

SB 561 - Wasson - Allows certain offenses to be prosecuted in the county in which the victim resides or conducts business or where stolen property was located

SJR 3 - Chappelle-Nadal - Makes St. Louis City a part of St. Louis County

HB 324 - Shumake - Authorizes Shelby County to collect a property tax to pay for road rock on county roads

HB 401 - Fraker - Extends the expiration date on a provision that allows counties to decrease their annual budgets to July 1, 2026

HB 511 - Mathews - Exempts annexations occurring under certain circumstances from boundary commission review

HB 612 - Fitzwater - Modifies provisions relating to the possession of contraband in jails and prisons and tax collection by regional jail districts

HB 643 - Hinson - Modifies laws regarding to local government retirement systems including LAGERS, CERF, and the Police Retirement System of St. Louis

HB 675 - Rowden - Changes the laws regarding motor vehicle height and weight limits in certain city commercial zones

HB 714 - Lauer - Modifies provisions relating to emergency communications services

HB 799 - Roeber - Modifies provisions regarding judicial circuits

HB 882 - McGaugh - Modifies provisions relating to agriculture

HB 1053 - Justus - Adds two public members to emergency services boards in Taney and St. Francois County

HB 1179 - Alferman - Modifies the law relating to public office vacancies

County Government (28)

SB 5 - Schmitt - Modifies distribution of traffic fines and court costs collected by municipal courts

SB 12 - Munzlinger - Modifies provisions relating to agriculture

SB 67 - Cunningham - Authorizes certain court surcharges, Buchanan County to establish a county municipal court, certain circuits with a SORTS facility to appoint a court marshal, requires certain reporting regarding municipal courts and modifies procedure in landlord tenant cases

SB 79 - Dixon - Allows counties to join a state's attorney system

SB 80 - Dixon - Modifies provisions relating to county prosecuting attorneys

SB 148 - Parson - Modifies provisions relating to business regulations

SB 201 - Dixon - Modifies the state's requirements to reimburse counties for certain costs related to imprisonment and electronic monitoring for criminal offenders

SB 202 - Dixon - Allows sheriffs and deputies to assist in other counties throughout the state

SB 221 - Schatz - Modifies provisions relating to annexations and sales taxes in St. Louis County

SB 245 - Hegeman - Modifies provisions relating to political subdivisions

SB 289 - Schatz - Modifies the law relating to public office vacancies

SB 315 - Dixon - Modifies provisions relating to political subdivisions

SB 326 - Sater - Modifies provisions relating to political subdivision audits, county office vacancies, county budgets, special purpose districts, annexations, and sewer districts

SB 384 - Munzlinger - Provides five percent salary increases for county office holders and raises the maximum allowable salary for sheriffs

SB 455 - Kehoe - Prohibits political subdivisions from establishing a minimum wage in excess of federal or state law

SB 495 - Hegeman - Requires candidates for public administrator to provide an affidavit stating that the candidate meets the bonding requirements

SB 539 - Brown - Allows the county commission, or a county officer designated by the county commission, to provide passport services if the circuit court clerk does not provide the services

SB 553 - Munzlinger - Modifies the authority of county health center boards to promulgate rules to enhance public health and prevent disease

SJR 3 - Chappelle-Nadal - Makes St. Louis City a part of St. Louis County

HB 125 - Black - Modifies the membership requirements for certain industrial development corporations formed by certain municipalities

HB 401 - Fraker - Extends the expiration date on a provision that allows counties to decrease their annual budgets to July 1, 2026

HB 511 - Mathews - Exempts annexations occurring under certain circumstances from boundary commission review

HB 692 - Entlicher - Modifies the provisions relating to the election of political party committees

HB 758 - Rowland - Allows St. Francois County and Taney County to enact nuisance abatement ordinances

HB 982 - Rowden - Allows the University of Missouri extension council in any county to obtain financing in order to obtain real property

HB 1053 - Justus - Adds two public members to emergency services boards in Taney and St. Francois County

HB 1127 - Johnson - Modifies provisions relating to urban school districts

HB 1179 - Alferman - Modifies the law relating to public office vacancies

County Officials (21)

SB 21 - Chappelle-Nadal - Modifies and enacts provisions relating to law enforcement officers

SB 31 - Cunningham - Requires a probation officer to notify the prosecutor if he or she has probable cause to believe a probationer has violated a condition of probation

SB 79 - Dixon - Allows counties to join a state's attorney system

SB 80 - Dixon - Modifies provisions relating to county prosecuting attorneys

SB 92 - Emery - Modifies bond requirements for certain county offices

SB 120 - Walsh - Requires law enforcement agencies to adopt written policies for investigating officer-involved deaths and modifies provisions related to victims' rights

SB 202 - Dixon - Allows sheriffs and deputies to assist in other counties throughout the state

SB 211 - Walsh - Modifies provisions relating to participants in the address confidentiality program administered by the Secretary of State

SB 289 - Schatz - Modifies the law relating to public office vacancies

SB 326 - Sater - Modifies provisions relating to political subdivision audits, county office vacancies, county budgets, special purpose districts, annexations, and sewer districts

SB 384 - Munzlinger - Provides five percent salary increases for county office holders and raises the maximum allowable salary for sheriffs

SB 405 - Hegeman - Raises the outer threshold amount for a county to be eligible to collect a greater percentage of the total taxes collected as a fee

SB 495 - Hegeman - Requires candidates for public administrator to provide an affidavit stating that the candidate meets the bonding requirements

SB 539 - Brown - Allows the county commission, or a county officer designated by the county commission, to provide passport services if the circuit court clerk does not provide the services

SCR 17 - Hegeman - Urges schools, little league and recreational programs, law enforcement, and prosecutors to do all they can to put an end to threats and assaults on sports officials

HB 122 - McGaugh - Modifies provisions relating to self defense, the crime of unlawful use of weapons, and concealed carry training requirements

HB 218 - Wilson - Modifies provisions relating to mutual aid by law enforcement officers, the costs of imprisonment and electronic monitoring, and concealed carry permit fees

HB 613 - Crawford - Modifies provisions relating the collection of property taxes

HB 692 - Entlicher - Modifies the provisions relating to the election of political party committees

HB 994 - Bondon - Requires persons who submit petitions for political subdivision audits to reside or own property in the subdivision and allows for signatures to be rescinded

HB 1179 - Alferman - Modifies the law relating to public office vacancies

Courts (88)

SB 5 - Schmitt - Modifies distribution of traffic fines and court costs collected by municipal courts

SB 17 - Dixon - Changes intersectional references relating to court costs

SB 21 - Chappelle-Nadal - Modifies and enacts provisions relating to law enforcement officers

SB 31 - Cunningham - Requires a probation officer to notify the prosecutor if he or she has probable cause to believe a probationer has violated a condition of probation

SB 37 - Romine - Awards attorney's fees and court costs in cases where a settlement offer was previously rejected and when the court rules on a motion to dismiss for failure to state a claim

SB 54 - Munzlinger - Prohibits certain types of nuisance actions from being brought when the property owner has a government issued permit

SB 66 - Emery - Requires the Senate to try all impeachments except for the impeachment of the Governor, which shall be tried by the Chief Justice of the Missouri Supreme Court

SB 67 - Cunningham - Authorizes certain court surcharges, Buchanan County to establish a county municipal court, certain circuits with a SORTS facility to appoint a court marshal, requires certain reporting regarding municipal courts and modifies procedure in landlord tenant cases

SB 79 - Dixon - Allows counties to join a state's attorney system

SB 80 - Dixon - Modifies provisions relating to county prosecuting attorneys

SB 81 - Dixon - Authorizes additional circuit judges for certain circuits when indicated by annual judicial performance report and provides that Division Twelve of the 16th Judicial Circuit shall sit in the City of Independence

SB 86 - Emery - Allows a court to place a person on electronic monitoring with victim notification if a person has been charged with, or found guilty of, violating an order of protection

SB 91 - Dixon - Modifies laws relating to public defenders

SB 100 - LeVota - Expands the list of offenses eligible for expungement and requires courts to accept certain petitions for expungement under seal and to close hearings on those petitions

SB 104 - Kraus - Modifies provisions relating to elections

SB 109 - Schaefer - Modifies provisions of law regarding claims against public higher education institutions covered by the State Legal Expense Fund and administrative leave for public employees

SB 112 - Dixon - Modifies provisions dealing with criminal offenses to align with changes made in the 2014 Criminal Code revision

SB 140 - Parson - Provides that defendants in tort actions shall only be held severally liable and not jointly

SB 165 - Nasheed - Creates a petition process for the expungement of records relating to certain criminal offenses

SB 176 - Schmitt - Makes grammatical changes to a provision regarding municipal courts to align with revisions made to the Criminal Code in 2014

SB 183 - Curls - Repeals provisions regarding nonjudicial foreclosure proceedings and requires all foreclosure proceedings to be handled judicially

SB 199 - Dixon - Allows an armed offender docket in Jackson County and modifies the self-defense statute and the statute specifying when police officers are justified in using deadly force

SB 200 - Dixon - Modifies provisions relating to sentencing of juvenile criminal offenders, an armed offender docket pilot project, and criminal sentence reductions

SB 213 - Wallingford - Requires children under the age of 18 to be prosecuted for most criminal offenses in juvenile courts unless the child is certified as an adult

SB 216 - Keaveny - Establishes the Missouri Commercial Receivership Act

SB 225 - Romine - Modifies Department of Natural Resources permit decision appeal procedures

SB 227 - Emery - Modifies provisions relating to the collateral source rule and provides that parties may introduce evidence of the cost, rather than the value, of the medical treatment rendered

SB 228 - Curls - Allows certain people to enter abandoned property to secure it, remove trash and graffiti, and maintain the grounds, and provides immunity from civil and criminal liability

SB 229 - Curls - Modifies provisions regarding the ability of neighborhood organizations to bring nuisance actions in certain cities and counties

SB 233 - Kehoe - Modifies provisions relating to expert witnesses

SB 235 - Dixon - Repeals a provision of law allowing attorneys in criminal cases to fax or mail their notice of entry of appearance

SB 239 - Brown - Creates a statutory cause of action for damages against health care providers

SB 240 - Keaveny - Requires the State Auditor to make a one-time report on the costs of administering the death penalty

SB 246 - Hegeman - Mandates that judges must disqualify themselves from hearing a proceeding in certain situations

SB 258 - Wallingford - Extends the authority for regional jail districts to impose a sales tax until September 30, 2027

SB 269 - Nasheed - Prohibits the use of restraints on children under the age of 17 during court proceedings except in certain circumstances

SB 280 - Keaveny - Modifies the punishment scheme for juvenile offenders of first degree murder and provides a petition process for juvenile offenders currently serving life without parole

SB 303 - Keaveny - Requires law enforcement agencies to develop certain policies for eyewitness identification procedures

SB 304 - Keaveny - Modifies provisions relating to custodial interrogations of criminal suspects

SB 307 - Curls - Expands the crimes eligible for expungement and modifies the time period a person must wait before being eligible to petition for expungement

SB 309 - Curls - Provides that a landlord must keep security deposits in a depository institution and changes the amount a tenant can recover when the security deposit is wrongfully withheld

SB 320 - Wallingford - Requires any juvenile certified as an adult be detained in a juvenile facility until the juvenile has been sentenced

SB 321 - Hegeman - Allows victims of sexual assault to receive protective orders and modifies the definitions of sexual assault and stalking as they relate to orders of protection

SB 326 - Sater - Modifies provisions relating to political subdivision audits, county office vacancies, county budgets, special purpose districts, annexations, and sewer districts

SB 327 - Onder - Modifies provisions relating to municipal courts

SB 341 - Riddle - Modifies provisions of law relating to the protection of children and other vulnerable persons

SB 352 - Schaefer - Allows the Attorney General to institute civil and criminal proceedings relating to criminal enterprises and racketeering

SB 357 - Nasheed - Requires each law enforcement agency in St. Louis County to be accredited by a certain commission by January 1, 2017

SB 382 - Dixon - Modifies provisions relating to procedures in criminal proceedings

SB 393 - Schupp - Establishes a Task Force on the Death Penalty and places a moratorium on the death penalty until January 1, 2018

SB 410 - Wallingford - Modifies provisions relating to criminal nonsupport and provides a method for expungement of a one-time offense of criminal nonsupport

SB 412 - Romine - Modifies laws regarding arbitration agreements between employers and at-will employees

SB 417 - Chappelle-Nadal - Specifies when a law enforcement officer is justified to use deadly force and requires a special prosecutor be appointed to investigate instances of such deadly force

SB 426 - Parson - Allows community mental health liaisons to access specified confidential records maintained by specified institutions

SB 439 - LeVota - Provides that Division Twelve of the Sixteenth Judicial Circuit shall sit at the City of Independence

SB 447 - Wieland - Repeals the death penalty and creates the Death Penalty Costs Reinvestment Fund

SB 451 - Dixon - Modifies provisions relating to petitions for the expungement of criminal records

SB 452 - Schmitt - Provides that no person shall be found guilty of failure to appear if the criminal matter solely involves certain traffic-related infractions

SB 467 - Sifton - Removes the statute of limitations on civil actions and prosecutions involving offenses against children

SB 475 - Dempsey - Grants the President Pro Tem and the Speaker standing to intervene in cases challenging the constitutionality of state law and authorizes individual legislators to hire outside counsel when sued in their official capacity

SB 487 - Richard - Modifies provisions relating to civil actions brought under merchandising practices and products liability provisions of law

SB 489 - Cunningham - Exempts certain entities from civil actions brought under unlawful merchandising practices provisions of law

SB 497 - Hegeman - Modifies provisions relating to special purpose districts

SB 501 - Riddle - Authorizes an additional circuit judge for the forty-fifth judicial circuit

SB 522 - Kehoe - Modifies the measurement of damages in civil actions for trespass or expanded use of an easement against a rural electric cooperative

SB 525 - Brown - Requires the Children's Division to list an individual as a perpetrator of child abuse and neglect upon receipt of notice of a court order or judgment

SB 527 - Keaveny - Specifies that a majority of the circuit and associate circuit judges of the 22nd Judicial Circuit sitting en banc must appoint the sheriff of the City of St. Louis

SB 532 - Riddle - Allows the presiding judge of certain circuits to appoint a circuit court marshal

SB 547 - Riddle - Creates the permanent Joint Committee on Capitol Police to oversee the capitol police and modifies the jurisdiction and duties of the capitol police

SB 561 - Wasson - Allows certain offenses to be prosecuted in the county in which the victim resides or conducts business or where stolen property was located

SB 564 - Kehoe - Allows a court to modify a jury's verdict in an action against a health care provider for medical malpractice

SJR 2 - Dixon - Changes the procedures for the redistricting of the state Senate and House of Representatives districts

SJR 4 - Emery - Requires the Senate, beginning January 1, 2017, to try all impeachments except for the impeachment of the Governor, which shall be tried by the Chief Justice of the Missouri Supreme Court

SJR 7 - Richard - Establishes a constitutional limit on punitive damages

HB 108 - McCaherty - Establishes a two-year statute of limitations for claims of malpractice or negligence against mental health professionals

HB 118 - Burlison - Establishes a statutory cause of action for damages against health care providers

HB 258 - Reiboldt - Modifies provisions relating to animal trespass

HB 276 - Cornejo - Exempts in bankruptcy proceedings life insurance proceeds for the burial of a family member, modifies insurance foreign investment limits, changes the requirements for the valuation of reserves for life insurance, and modifies provisions regarding qualified spousal trusts

HB 473 - Higdon - Allows Buchanan County to establish a county municipal court and the presiding judge of certain circuits to appoint a circuit court marshal, and establishes reporting requirements regarding municipal courts

HB 556 - Wood - Modifies provisions relating to children and families

HB 658 - Ross - Enacts provisions relating to recognition of student participation in the Constitution Project of the Missouri Supreme Court

HB 684 - Koenig - Provides that child protective investigators shall provide community service program information to parents and establishes the Supporting and Strengthening Families Act

HB 740 - Jones - Changes provisions relating to driver's license suspension for failure to appear for moving traffic violations

HB 799 - Roeber - Modifies provisions regarding judicial circuits

HB 807 - Cornejo - Modifies provisions relating to courts, civil actions, wills and trusts, life insurance, crimes, and public defenders

HB 1044 - Corlew - Authorizes the circuit court of Jackson County to establish and armed offender docket

HCR 12 - Cierpiot - Encourages the State Attorney General to join a lawsuit against President Barack Obama's immigration policies currently underway in Texas

HCR 38 - Haahr - Establishes the Human Trafficking Task Force

Courts, Juvenile (6)

SB 67 - Cunningham - Authorizes certain court surcharges, Buchanan County to establish a county municipal court, certain circuits with a SORTS facility to appoint a court marshal, requires certain reporting regarding municipal courts and modifies procedure in landlord tenant cases

SB 213 - Wallingford - Requires children under the age of 18 to be prosecuted for most criminal offenses in juvenile courts unless the child is certified as an adult

SB 320 - Wallingford - Requires any juvenile certified as an adult be detained in a juvenile facility until the juvenile has been sentenced

SB 518 - Wallingford - Modifies provisions relating to the reentry of children released from Children Division's custody

HB 799 - Roeber - Modifies provisions regarding judicial circuits

HB 1149 - Lauer - Modifies provisions relating to youth in custody of the Division of Youth Services and creates a special class of trust funds for the money of youth in the division's custody

Credit and Bankruptcy (8)

SB 164 - Sifton - Exempts in bankruptcy proceedings life insurance proceeds for the burial of a family member, modifies insurance foreign investment limits, changes the requirements for the valuation of reserves for life insurance, and modifies provisions regarding qualified spousal trusts

SB 183 - Curls - Repeals provisions regarding nonjudicial foreclosure proceedings and requires all foreclosure proceedings to be handled judicially

SB 216 - Keaveny - Establishes the Missouri Commercial Receivership Act

SB 228 - Curls - Allows certain people to enter abandoned property to secure it, remove trash and graffiti, and maintain the grounds, and provides immunity from civil and criminal liability

SB 516 - Sifton - Bans the sale of event tickets that have a credit card entry restriction to consumers without a signed acknowledgment by the consumer

HB 64 - Dugger - Modifies provisions relating to open-end credit fees

HB 276 - Cornejo - Exempts in bankruptcy proceedings life insurance proceeds for the burial of a family member, modifies insurance foreign investment limits, changes the requirements for the valuation of reserves for life insurance, and modifies provisions regarding qualified spousal trusts

HB 807 - Cornejo - Modifies provisions relating to courts, civil actions, wills and trusts, life insurance, crimes, and public defenders

Credit Unions (5)

SB 487 - Richard - Modifies provisions relating to civil actions brought under merchandising practices and products liability provisions of law

SB 489 - Cunningham - Exempts certain entities from civil actions brought under unlawful merchandising practices provisions of law

SB 524 - Cunningham - Modifies provisions relating to contractual fees charged by certain financial institutions

HB 807 - Cornejo - Modifies provisions relating to courts, civil actions, wills and trusts, life insurance, crimes, and public defenders

HB 1064 - Shull - Modifies provisions relating to contractual fees charged by certain financial institutions

Crimes and Punishment (89)

SB 3 - Pearce - Expands ban on using cell phones while driving to all drivers and to include telephone calls

SB 5 - Schmitt - Modifies distribution of traffic fines and court costs collected by municipal courts

SB 17 - Dixon - Changes intersectional references relating to court costs

SB 21 - Chappelle-Nadal - Modifies and enacts provisions relating to law enforcement officers

SB 23 - Chappelle-Nadal - Creates the crimes of failing to stop illegal firearm possession, negligent storage of a firearm, and failure to notify a school of firearm ownership

SB 30 - Cunningham - Increases the penalty for knowingly allowing a minor to drink or possess alcohol or failing to stop a minor from drinking or possessing alcohol

SB 31 - Cunningham - Requires a probation officer to notify the prosecutor if he or she has probable cause to believe a probationer has violated a condition of probation

SB 42 - Nasheed - Modifies the provision allowing law enforcement officers to use deadly force in certain circumstances

SB 44 - Nasheed - Prohibits employers from inquiring into or considering the criminal records of applicants before offering a conditional offer of employment

SB 60 - Chappelle-Nadal - Creates the crimes of failing to stop illegal weapon possession, negligent storage of a weapon, and failure to notify a school of weapon ownership

SB 76 - Sifton - Requires every individual who is 17 years old or older and arrested for any felony offense to provide a biological sample for DNA profiling

SB 79 - Dixon - Allows counties to join a state's attorney system

SB 80 - Dixon - Modifies provisions relating to county prosecuting attorneys

SB 86 - Emery - Allows a court to place a person on electronic monitoring with victim notification if a person has been charged with, or found guilty of, violating an order of protection

SB 99 - LeVota - Creates crimes related to counterfeit, fake, diluted, or black market drugs

SB 100 - LeVota - Expands the list of offenses eligible for expungement and requires courts to accept certain petitions for expungement under seal and to close hearings on those petitions

SB 112 - Dixon - Modifies provisions dealing with criminal offenses to align with changes made in the 2014 Criminal Code revision

SB 120 - Walsh - Requires law enforcement agencies to adopt written policies for investigating officer-involved deaths and modifies provisions related to victims' rights

SB 131 - Parson - Modifies provisions relating to agriculture

SB 141 - Parson - Raises the amount the Crime Victims' Compensation Fund can pay to eligible victims and provides that the Public Safety Department can negotiate costs on behalf of victims

SB 143 - Romine - Modifies the crime of animal trespass

SB 155 - Nasheed - Creates the Neighborhood Watch Fund for the creation of neighborhood watch organizations throughout the state

SB 158 - Schaefer - Adds a statutory aggravating circumstance for murder in the first degree for certain acts of terrorism

SB 165 - Nasheed - Creates a petition process for the expungement of records relating to certain criminal offenses

SB 176 - Schmitt - Makes grammatical changes to a provision regarding municipal courts to align with revisions made to the Criminal Code in 2014

SB 188 - Curls - Requires the Department of Corrections to increase the number of prisoners who earn GEDs and provide certain job- related training programs

SB 189 - Curls - Provides a process for the Parole Board to review the case histories of offenders serving more than 15 years in prison and recommend clemency or allow release on parole

SB 199 - Dixon - Allows an armed offender docket in Jackson County and modifies the self-defense statute and the statute specifying when police officers are justified in using deadly force

SB 200 - Dixon - Modifies provisions relating to sentencing of juvenile criminal offenders, an armed offender docket pilot project, and criminal sentence reductions

SB 201 - Dixon - Modifies the state's requirements to reimburse counties for certain costs related to imprisonment and electronic monitoring for criminal offenders

SB 211 - Walsh - Modifies provisions relating to participants in the address confidentiality program administered by the Secretary of State

SB 212 - Walsh - Adds an element to the crime of aggravated or first degree stalking

SB 213 - Wallingford - Requires children under the age of 18 to be prosecuted for most criminal offenses in juvenile courts unless the child is certified as an adult

SB 240 - Keaveny - Requires the State Auditor to make a one-time report on the costs of administering the death penalty

SB 252 - Romine - Prohibits two-way telecommunications devices and their component parts in correctional centers and jails

SB 254 - Kraus - Modifies provisions relating to motor vehicle license plates

SB 255 - Schaaf - Allows those licensed by the Department of Agriculture to grow and handle industrial hemp

SB 256 - Sater - Establishes a pilot program allowing noncustodial parents to reduce the amount of state debt owed

SB 267 - Schaefer - Increases the penalties and driver license suspension periods for those who fail to yield the right-of-way in certain instances

SB 269 - Nasheed - Prohibits the use of restraints on children under the age of 17 during court proceedings except in certain circumstances

SB 274 - Schupp - Applies ban on using cell phones related to text messaging while driving to all drivers

SB 275 - Schupp - Requires the driver and all passengers in a car or truck to wear a safety belt with certain exceptions

SB 280 - Keaveny - Modifies the punishment scheme for juvenile offenders of first degree murder and provides a petition process for juvenile offenders currently serving life without parole

SB 303 - Keaveny - Requires law enforcement agencies to develop certain policies for eyewitness identification procedures

SB 304 - Keaveny - Modifies provisions relating to custodial interrogations of criminal suspects

SB 307 - Curls - Expands the crimes eligible for expungement and modifies the time period a person must wait before being eligible to petition for expungement

SB 320 - Wallingford - Requires any juvenile certified as an adult be detained in a juvenile facility until the juvenile has been sentenced

SB 321 - Hegeman - Allows victims of sexual assault to receive protective orders and modifies the definitions of sexual assault and stalking as they relate to orders of protection

SB 327 - Onder - Modifies provisions relating to municipal courts

SB 331 - Libla - Modifies provisions relating to emergencies, requirements for police officers at protests, and recordings from law enforcement cameras

SB 333 - Nasheed - Allows the family or next of kin of a deceased crime victim to designate a funeral home as a claimant eligible for compensation from the Crime Victims' Compensation Fund

SB 341 - Riddle - Modifies provisions of law relating to the protection of children and other vulnerable persons

SB 352 - Schaefer - Allows the Attorney General to institute civil and criminal proceedings relating to criminal enterprises and racketeering

SB 382 - Dixon - Modifies provisions relating to procedures in criminal proceedings

SB 393 - Schupp - Establishes a Task Force on the Death Penalty and places a moratorium on the death penalty until January 1, 2018

SB 395 - Holsman - Modifies provisions relating to cannabis

SB 410 - Wallingford - Modifies provisions relating to criminal nonsupport and provides a method for expungement of a one-time offense of criminal nonsupport

SB 417 - Chappelle-Nadal - Specifies when a law enforcement officer is justified to use deadly force and requires a special prosecutor be appointed to investigate instances of such deadly force

SB 447 - Wieland - Repeals the death penalty and creates the Death Penalty Costs Reinvestment Fund

SB 451 - Dixon - Modifies provisions relating to petitions for the expungement of criminal records

SB 452 - Schmitt - Provides that no person shall be found guilty of failure to appear if the criminal matter solely involves certain traffic-related infractions

SB 467 - Sifton - Removes the statute of limitations on civil actions and prosecutions involving offenses against children

SB 529 - Onder - Allows the concealed carrying of firearms on public transportation, including buses and trains, except school buses and Amtrak property

SB 547 - Riddle - Creates the permanent Joint Committee on Capitol Police to oversee the capitol police and modifies the jurisdiction and duties of the capitol police

SB 556 - Pearce - Modifies definitions and safety provisions for pedestrians and bicycles

SB 559 - Chappelle-Nadal - Modifies provisions relating to racial profiling in policing

SB 560 - Chappelle-Nadal - Allows a person to possess up to one ounce of marijuana and provides a licensure process for retail marijuana stores, cultivation facilities, and products manufacturers

SB 561 - Wasson - Allows certain offenses to be prosecuted in the county in which the victim resides or conducts business or where stolen property was located

SB 563 - Wieland - Modifies requirements for certain state agency statements to be promulgated in accordance with the requirements of the Administrative Procedures Act

SCR 1 - Nasheed - Designates January as Sex Trafficking Awareness Month in Missouri

SCR 17 - Hegeman - Urges schools, little league and recreational programs, law enforcement, and prosecutors to do all they can to put an end to threats and assaults on sports officials

SCR 26 - Dempsey - Creates the Human Trafficking Task Force

SJR 7 - Richard - Establishes a constitutional limit on punitive damages

HB 122 - McGaugh - Modifies provisions relating to self defense, the crime of unlawful use of weapons, and concealed carry training requirements

HB 152 - Haahr - Adds advertising a child as available to participate in certain sex acts to the crime of sexual trafficking of a child

HB 180 - Cookson - Prohibits the sale of powdered alcohol and modifies penalties for providing liquor to minors

HB 209 - Conway - Modifies provisions relating to the Crime Victims' Compensation Fund

HB 210 - Conway - Allows community college police officers to establish regulations to control vehicular traffic on any thoroughfare owned or maintained by the college

HB 254 - Crawford - Makes it a class B felony to physically take property from a person when the property is owned by a financial institution

HB 258 - Reiboldt - Modifies provisions relating to animal trespass

HB 322 - Shumake - Allows political subdivisions to submit fingerprints to the Highway Patrol for criminal background checks of applicants for employment or licenses or permits

HB 375 - McGaugh - Modifies provisions relating to the duty of care a landowner owes a person entering without a fee onto the land for recreational use

HB 612 - Fitzwater - Modifies provisions relating to the possession of contraband in jails and prisons and tax collection by regional jail districts

HB 752 - Dugger - Provides that a public employee who commits a Class B felony for stealing or receiving stolen property shall not receive retirement benefits

HB 807 - Cornejo - Modifies provisions relating to courts, civil actions, wills and trusts, life insurance, crimes, and public defenders

HB 830 - Curtman - Allows those licensed by the Department of Agriculture to grow and handle industrial hemp

HB 1044 - Corlew - Authorizes the circuit court of Jackson County to establish and armed offender docket

HB 1149 - Lauer - Modifies provisions relating to youth in custody of the Division of Youth Services and creates a special class of trust funds for the money of youth in the division's custody

HCR 38 - Haahr - Establishes the Human Trafficking Task Force

Criminal Procedure (34)

SB 17 - Dixon - Changes intersectional references relating to court costs

SB 67 - Cunningham - Authorizes certain court surcharges, Buchanan County to establish a county municipal court, certain circuits with a SORTS facility to appoint a court marshal, requires certain reporting regarding municipal courts and modifies procedure in landlord tenant cases

SB 86 - Emery - Allows a court to place a person on electronic monitoring with victim notification if a person has been charged with, or found guilty of, violating an order of protection

SB 112 - Dixon - Modifies provisions dealing with criminal offenses to align with changes made in the 2014 Criminal Code revision

SB 143 - Romine - Modifies the crime of animal trespass

SB 158 - Schaefer - Adds a statutory aggravating circumstance for murder in the first degree for certain acts of terrorism

SB 165 - Nasheed - Creates a petition process for the expungement of records relating to certain criminal offenses

SB 199 - Dixon - Allows an armed offender docket in Jackson County and modifies the self-defense statute and the statute specifying when police officers are justified in using deadly force

SB 200 - Dixon - Modifies provisions relating to sentencing of juvenile criminal offenders, an armed offender docket pilot project, and criminal sentence reductions

SB 213 - Wallingford - Requires children under the age of 18 to be prosecuted for most criminal offenses in juvenile courts unless the child is certified as an adult

SB 233 - Kehoe - Modifies provisions relating to expert witnesses

SB 235 - Dixon - Repeals a provision of law allowing attorneys in criminal cases to fax or mail their notice of entry of appearance

SB 246 - Hegeman - Mandates that judges must disqualify themselves from hearing a proceeding in certain situations

SB 256 - Sater - Establishes a pilot program allowing noncustodial parents to reduce the amount of state debt owed

SB 269 - Nasheed - Prohibits the use of restraints on children under the age of 17 during court proceedings except in certain circumstances

SB 280 - Keaveny - Modifies the punishment scheme for juvenile offenders of first degree murder and provides a petition process for juvenile offenders currently serving life without parole

SB 303 - Keaveny - Requires law enforcement agencies to develop certain policies for eyewitness identification procedures

SB 304 - Keaveny - Modifies provisions relating to custodial interrogations of criminal suspects

SB 307 - Curls - Expands the crimes eligible for expungement and modifies the time period a person must wait before being eligible to petition for expungement

SB 320 - Wallingford - Requires any juvenile certified as an adult be detained in a juvenile facility until the juvenile has been sentenced

SB 352 - Schaefer - Allows the Attorney General to institute civil and criminal proceedings relating to criminal enterprises and racketeering

SB 382 - Dixon - Modifies provisions relating to procedures in criminal proceedings

SB 393 - Schupp - Establishes a Task Force on the Death Penalty and places a moratorium on the death penalty until January 1, 2018

SB 410 - Wallingford - Modifies provisions relating to criminal nonsupport and provides a method for expungement of a one-time offense of criminal nonsupport

SB 417 - Chappelle-Nadal - Specifies when a law enforcement officer is justified to use deadly force and requires a special prosecutor be appointed to investigate instances of such deadly force

SB 447 - Wieland - Repeals the death penalty and creates the Death Penalty Costs Reinvestment Fund

SB 451 - Dixon - Modifies provisions relating to petitions for the expungement of criminal records

SB 452 - Schmitt - Provides that no person shall be found guilty of failure to appear if the criminal matter solely involves certain traffic-related infractions

SB 467 - Sifton - Removes the statute of limitations on civil actions and prosecutions involving offenses against children

SB 561 - Wasson - Allows certain offenses to be prosecuted in the county in which the victim resides or conducts business or where stolen property was located

SB 563 - Wieland - Modifies requirements for certain state agency statements to be promulgated in accordance with the requirements of the Administrative Procedures Act

HB 258 - Reiboldt - Modifies provisions relating to animal trespass

HB 799 - Roeber - Modifies provisions regarding judicial circuits

HB 1044 - Corlew - Authorizes the circuit court of Jackson County to establish and armed offender docket

Dairies and Dairy Products (3)

SB 12 - Munzlinger - Modifies provisions relating to agriculture

SB 139 - Parson - Creates the Missouri Dairy Revitalization Act of 2015

HB 259 - Reiboldt - Creates the Missouri Dairy Revitalization Act of 2015

Dentists (8)

SB 197 - Brown - Modifies provisions regarding various healthcare professionals, disease reporting to DHSS, and establishes the Perinatal Advisory Council and the Joint Committee on MO HealthNet

SB 383 - Wallingford - Requires any health insurers to make updates to their electronic and paper dental services provider materials available to plan members

SB 472 - Schaaf - Requires advanced radiology practitioners and radiologic technologists to be licensed by the State Board of Registration for the Healing Arts

HB 112 - Franklin - Provides that certain licensing boards of health care professionals may contract with entities to collect workforce data from their licensees

HB 119 - Lichtenegger - Requires public water systems and public water supply districts to notify certain persons and entities prior to modifications to water fluoridation

HB 422 - Burlison - Provides that certain boards and commissions under the Division of Professional Registration may issue opinions for educational purposes

HB 832 - Brown - Provides that inspections of certain x-ray systems shall not be required more frequently than every six years

HB 867 - Frederick - Establishes dental and medical education days, as well as authorizes a multicenter study into the root causes of depression among dental and medical students

Disabilities (14)

SB 174 - Schmitt - Establishes the Missouri Achieving a Better Life Experience Program

SB 237 - Keaveny - Bars discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity

SB 244 - Schmitt - Creates the Senior Savings Protection Act

SB 295 - Schaaf - Raises the Mo HealthNet eligibility income limits for elderly and disabled persons

SB 322 - Dempsey - Modifies provisions relating to public assistance

SB 453 - LeVota - Expands the Amber Alert System to include missing endangered persons

SB 463 - Dixon - Removes the sunsets on the Residential Treatment Agency Tax Credit and the Developmental Disability Care Provider Tax Credit

SB 466 - Schmitt - Requires disclosure of life-sustaining treatment policies of health care facilities and prohibits denial of life-sustaining treatment or anatomical gifts under specified circumstances

SCR 12 - Wasson - Establishes the Missouri Multiple Sclerosis Task Force

SCR 28 - LeVota - Urges a commitment to equal rights for people with cognitive disabilities to access technology and information

HB 636 - Barnes - Creates the Senior Savings Protection Act

HB 787 - Sommer - Adds mental health service dogs to the definition of service dogs

HB 996 - Hoskins - Extends the sunset on the Residential Treatment Agency Tax Credit and the Developmental Disability Care Provider Tax Credit to 2020

HB 1002 - Berry - Modifies provisions related to motor vehicles

Domestic Relations (7)

SB 86 - Emery - Allows a court to place a person on electronic monitoring with victim notification if a person has been charged with, or found guilty of, violating an order of protection

SB 130 - Walsh - Creates a right to unpaid leave for employees that are affected by domestic violence

SB 256 - Sater - Establishes a pilot program allowing noncustodial parents to reduce the amount of state debt owed

SB 425 - Libla - Modifies provisions relating to adoption and parental rights

SB 555 - Emery - Modifies provisions of the law relating to marriages other than a marriage between a man and a woman

HB 95 - Miller - Permits court-ordered reimbursement of insurance costs during dissolution of marriage proceedings

HB 557 - Bahr - Specifies that parental liberty to direct the upbringing, education, and care of his or her children is a fundamental right not subject to infringement without demonstrating a compelling governmental interest

Drugs and Controlled Substances (15)

SB 63 - Sater - Establishes the Narcotics Control Act

SB 99 - LeVota - Creates crimes related to counterfeit, fake, diluted, or black market drugs

SB 100 - LeVota - Expands the list of offenses eligible for expungement and requires courts to accept certain petitions for expungement under seal and to close hearings on those petitions

SB 111 - Schaaf - Establishes a Prescription Drug Monitoring Program

SB 146 - Pearce - Modifies provisions of law relating to various regulated professions and establishes the Missouri Health Information Exchange Commission and the Perinatal Advisory Council

SB 255 - Schaaf - Allows those licensed by the Department of Agriculture to grow and handle industrial hemp

SB 313 - Wallingford - Authorizes certain advanced practice registered nurses, physician assistants, and assistant physicians to prescribe hydrocodone

SB 386 - Keaveny - Modifies provisions relating to hemp extract

SB 395 - Holsman - Modifies provisions relating to cannabis

SB 457 - Sater - Modifies provisions relating to health care professionals and services

SB 458 - Sater - Modifies provisions of law regarding healthcare

SB 560 - Chappelle-Nadal - Allows a person to possess up to one ounce of marijuana and provides a licensure process for retail marijuana stores, cultivation facilities, and products manufacturers

HB 130 - Rehder - Establishes the Prescription Drug Monitoring Program Act

HB 538 - Lynch - Allows pharmacists and pharmacy technicians to sell and dispense opioid antagonists

HB 830 - Curtman - Allows those licensed by the Department of Agriculture to grow and handle industrial hemp

Easements and Conveyances (9)

SB 253 - Romine - Expands the authority of the Governor to convey easements without the approval of the General Assembly and expands the rights granted by the easements

SB 317 - Brown - Allows the Governor to convey properties located in Pulaski County, Christian County, St. Charles County, and St. Louis County to the State Highways and Transportation Commission

SB 369 - Pearce - Expands the authority of the Governor to convey easements without the approval of the General Assembly and allows the Governor to convey certain specified properties

SB 435 - Walsh - Allows the Governor to convey the State's interest in specified property owned by the state in St. Louis County to the county

SB 499 - Wasson - Modifies laws regarding professional land surveyors

SB 522 - Kehoe - Modifies the measurement of damages in civil actions for trespass or expanded use of an easement against a rural electric cooperative

HB 462 - Bahr - Creates provisions prohibiting binding agreements that run with the land to prevent displaying political signs

HB 947 - Wiemann - Authorizes the Governor to convey certain state properties

HB 1052 - Miller - Modifies provisions relating to land surveyors

Economic Development (21)

SB 45 - Holsman - Creates a new program to distribute empowerment microgrants

SB 57 - Dixon - Creates a sales tax exemption for fitness facilities, gyms, and dance studios

SB 83 - Chappelle-Nadal - Prohibits a workforce development agency from knowingly omitting from any bidding process an entity with whom it has a contract

SB 194 - Richard - Extends the date that a business must commence operations to qualify for a business facility tax credit

SB 284 - Munzlinger - Creates the Manufacturing Infrastructure Investment Act

SB 371 - Munzlinger - Repeals a section relating to the expiration date of economic subsidies for Missouri qualified fuel ethanol producers

SB 376 - Schatz - Creates the Competitive Energy for Missouri Jobs Act

SB 413 - Romine - Modifies provisions relating to natural resource damages authorized to be recovered by the state natural resources trustee

SB 461 - Wieland - Authorizes any Missouri port authority to establish an advanced industrial manufacturing zone for the development or redevelopment of certain structures

SB 519 - Richard - Creates a separate $4 million cap for state supplemental tax increment financing projects in St. Louis City associated with geospatial-intelligence facilities

SB 541 - Pearce - Reauthorizes the film production tax credit and modifies provisions relating to it

SB 551 - Hegeman - Creates a tax credit for donation to an endowment fund of a community foundation

HB 32 - Hoskins - Prohibits increases in user fees imposed by the state until 2019 and reauthorizes a deduction for job creation by small businesses

HB 110 - McCaherty - Creates three new tax credits for entities using port facilities in Missouri

HB 125 - Black - Modifies the membership requirements for certain industrial development corporations formed by certain municipalities

HB 325 - McCaherty - Establishes the Bring Jobs Home Act which creates an income tax deduction for businesses relocating jobs to Missouri

HB 468 - Berry - Extends the last year of availability of incentives for new or expanded business headquarters from 2020 to 2025

HB 514 - Leara - Authorizes sites containing former automobile manufacturing plants in St. Louis County to qualify for State Supplemental Tax Increment Financing

HB 627 - King - Creates the Manufacturing Infrastructure Investment Act

HB 918 - Johnson - Creates the Missouri International Business Advertising Fund and requires General Assembly approval of any comprehensive state energy plan

HB 1305 - Rowden - Requires any comprehensive state energy plan to be approved by the General Assembly and creates the Regulatory Improvement Commission

Economic Development Dept. (26)

SB 27 - Emery - Modifies provisions relating to elementary and secondary education

SB 28 - Emery - Requires the State Board of Education to develop a simplified annual school report card for each school attendance center using a letter grade of A to F

SB 64 - Emery - Requires the State Board of Education to classify school districts as either unaccredited, provisionally accredited, accredited, or accredited with distinction

SB 65 - Emery - Creates the Equal Opportunity Scholarship Program to provide scholarships to students from unaccredited school districts for certain educational costs

SB 149 - Parson - Creates state and local sales and use tax exemptions for data storage centers and allows municipalities to enter into loan agreements, or sell, lease, or mortgage municipal property for a technology business facility project

SB 171 - Romine - Modifies provisions relating to high school equivalency degree testing

SB 195 - Schmitt - Requires all tax credit programs created on or after August 28, 2015, to comply with the Tax Credit Accountability Act of 2004

SB 268 - Pearce - Modifies the Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics Fund and creates the Economic-Education Partnership Act

SB 284 - Munzlinger - Creates the Manufacturing Infrastructure Investment Act

SB 343 - Wasson - Creates state and local sales and use tax exemptions for data storage centers and allows municipalities to enter into loan agreements, or sell, lease, or mortgage municipal property for a technology business facility project

SB 353 - Silvey - Creates state and local sales and use tax exemptions for data storage centers and allows municipalities to enter into loan agreements, or sell, lease, or mortgage municipal property for a technology business facility project

SB 398 - Schatz - Authorizes municipalities to use design-build on water and waste water projects and prohibits such projects from being denied grants based on design-build utilization

SB 461 - Wieland - Authorizes any Missouri port authority to establish an advanced industrial manufacturing zone for the development or redevelopment of certain structures

SB 541 - Pearce - Reauthorizes the film production tax credit and modifies provisions relating to it

SB 548 - Sifton - Requires the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education to employ a dyslexia specialist and creates the Legislative Task Force on Dyslexia

HB 110 - McCaherty - Creates three new tax credits for entities using port facilities in Missouri

HB 325 - McCaherty - Establishes the Bring Jobs Home Act which creates an income tax deduction for businesses relocating jobs to Missouri

HB 476 - Fitzwater - Modifies state funding for small school districts

HB 627 - King - Creates the Manufacturing Infrastructure Investment Act

HB 882 - McGaugh - Modifies provisions relating to agriculture

HB 918 - Johnson - Creates the Missouri International Business Advertising Fund and requires General Assembly approval of any comprehensive state energy plan

HB 923 - Miller - Modifies provisions relating to the environment

HB 1001 - Korman - Changes certain statutory references from the Department of Natural Resources to the Department of Economic Development

HB 1058 - Miller - Modifies provisions relating to the Department of Natural Resources

HB 1305 - Rowden - Requires any comprehensive state energy plan to be approved by the General Assembly and creates the Regulatory Improvement Commission

HB 1312 - Rowden - Requires state departments that administer tax credits to submit an annual report to the General Assembly regarding its tax credit programs

Education, Elementary and Secondary (88)

SB 1 - Pearce - Modifies provisions relating to elementary and secondary education

SB 6 - Keaveny - Modifies provisions relating to state funding for education

SB 7 - Keaveny - Repeals the separate calculation used for hold-harmless school districts with an average daily attendance of 350 or less

SB 13 - Munzlinger - Modifies provisions relating to career and technical education

SB 14 - Munzlinger - Requires all departments and divisions of the state, including statewide offices, to post copies of contracts entered into for the provision of legal services from outside firms on the Missouri Accountability Portal

SB 22 - Chappelle-Nadal - Modifies provisions relating to elementary and secondary education

SB 27 - Emery - Modifies provisions relating to elementary and secondary education

SB 28 - Emery - Requires the State Board of Education to develop a simplified annual school report card for each school attendance center using a letter grade of A to F

SB 29 - Emery - Modifies provisions relating to the employment of teachers in school districts

SB 49 - Sifton - Modifies provisions relating to elementary and secondary education

SB 50 - Sifton - Prohibits political subdivisions that participate in the St. Louis County sales tax pool from receiving sales tax revenue to the extent that more than 50% of their annual general operating revenues come from traffic fines

SB 61 - Chappelle-Nadal - Allows school districts and charter schools to establish and implement an age-appropriate curriculum to educate students about domestic violence and teen dating violence prevention

SB 64 - Emery - Requires the State Board of Education to classify school districts as either unaccredited, provisionally accredited, accredited, or accredited with distinction

SB 65 - Emery - Creates the Equal Opportunity Scholarship Program to provide scholarships to students from unaccredited school districts for certain educational costs

SB 70 - LeVota - Modifies provisions relating to school accreditation and student transfers

SB 71 - LeVota - Requires the Department of Higher Education to establish a reimbursement procedure through the A+ Program for a student's portion of fees for dual credit courses

SB 84 - Chappelle-Nadal - Establishes term limits for State Board of Education members

SB 104 - Kraus - Modifies provisions relating to elections

SB 108 - Romine - WITHDRAWN

SB 113 - Dixon - Modifies provisions relating to education

SB 114 - Kraus - Allows school and library districts to be reimbursed for 50% of their tax increment under a TIF plan

SB 116 - Kraus - Creates an exemption from the proof of residency and domicile for school registration for students whose parents are stationed out of state

SB 146 - Pearce - Modifies provisions of law relating to various regulated professions and establishes the Missouri Health Information Exchange Commission and the Perinatal Advisory Council

SB 161 - Nasheed - Modifies requirements for school antibullying policies and modifies provisions relating to reading instruction and student promotion in certain school districts

SB 171 - Romine - Modifies provisions relating to high school equivalency degree testing

SB 172 - Romine - Modifies provisions relating to elementary and secondary education

SB 173 - Romine - Modifies state funding for small school districts

SB 175 - Schmitt - Removes a reference to an obsolete section of law

SB 179 - Sater - Establishes the Missouri Child Protection Registry

SB 219 - Wallingford - Repeals a July 1, 2014, termination date so that retiring teachers with thirty-one or more years of creditable service will receive a retirement allowance with a 2.55 multiplier

SB 241 - Keaveny - Prohibits the use of corporal punishment and the use of spanking to discipline students in public schools

SB 251 - Onder - Allows students to enroll in another school district or charter school for purposes of attending virtual courses or programs

SB 270 - Nasheed - Modifies public retirement systems

SB 271 - Silvey - Requires high school students and students seeking a high school equivalency certificate to receive a passing grade on a basic civics test

SB 273 - Riddle - Requires high school students and students seeking a high school equivalency certificate to receive a passing grade on a basic civics test

SB 290 - Schaefer - Modifies provisions relating to the education of gifted children

SB 315 - Dixon - Modifies provisions relating to political subdivisions

SB 328 - Schupp - Modifies provisions relating to mental health

SB 341 - Riddle - Modifies provisions of law relating to the protection of children and other vulnerable persons

SB 357 - Nasheed - Requires each law enforcement agency in St. Louis County to be accredited by a certain commission by January 1, 2017

SB 365 - Schmitt - Modifies provisions relating to students with special needs

SB 378 - Schatz - Creates several new exemptions to the tax on the titling of motor vehicles

SB 418 - Chappelle-Nadal - Changes how school districts and charter schools may conduct instruction in human sexuality and sexually transmitted infections

SB 424 - Pearce - Delays until July 1, 2017 the requirement that the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education prorate payments to formula districts if the foundation formula is not fully funded

SB 440 - Sifton - Changes the requirements for school antibullying policies

SB 468 - Sifton - Requires each public school to test each enrolling student for dyslexia and related disorders and provide treatment

SB 473 - Schaaf - Modifies provisions relating to urban school districts

SB 493 - Brown - Requires public school students to pass a course in cardiopulmonary resuscitation to receive a certificate of graduation

SB 502 - Schmitt - Requires that an objective test or measure be used to determine whether a youth athlete is suspected of sustaining a brain injury or concussion during a game or practice

SB 530 - Onder - Enacts multiple provisions to protect the privacy of student data

SB 531 - Emery - Creates the Missouri Empowerment Scholarship Accounts Program

SB 538 - Schaaf - Makes a technical correction to a statute establishing a nonrenewable scholarship program for students entering a teacher education program

SB 546 - Schaefer - Establishes privacy protection for student information used by school service providers of websites, mobile applications, or online services

SB 548 - Sifton - Requires the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education to employ a dyslexia specialist and creates the Legislative Task Force on Dyslexia

SB 562 - Wieland - Specifies that the parental right to raise, care, and educate their child is a fundamental right

SB 563 - Wieland - Modifies requirements for certain state agency statements to be promulgated in accordance with the requirements of the Administrative Procedures Act

SCR 10 - Munzlinger - Urges the Missouri Congressional delegation to make changes to the school lunch program in the Child Nutrition Act Reauthorization in 2015

SCR 17 - Hegeman - Urges schools, little league and recreational programs, law enforcement, and prosecutors to do all they can to put an end to threats and assaults on sports officials

SCR 31 - Cunningham - Urges Congress to reinstate the Secure Rural Schools program

SJR 12 - Onder - Proposes a constitutional amendment guaranteeing parents the fundamental right to control the education of their minor children

HB 41 - Wood - Repeals obsolete provisions of the elementary and secondary education foundation formula

HB 42 - Wood - Modifies provisions relating to elementary and secondary education

HB 63 - Dugger - Modifies provisions relating to persons seeking public office

HB 120 - Davis - Modifies provisions relating to the privacy of students, prospective students, and employees through the use of certain technologies

HB 377 - Swan - Modifies provisions relating to remediation prevention for public school students

HB 380 - Swan - Requires the State Board of Education to establish minimum requirements for a career and technical education certificate

HB 405 - Gannon - Requires the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education to subsidize at least fifty percent of the examination fee for first-time test takers of the high school equivalency examination

HB 457 - Hicks - Requires public school students to receive a thirty minute instruction in cardiopulmonary resuscitation and the proper performance of the Heimlich maneuver or other first aid for choking

HB 458 - Allen - Modifies provisions relating to school district antibullying policies and enacts provisions relating to youth suicide prevention and awareness

HB 476 - Fitzwater - Modifies state funding for small school districts

HB 478 - Fitzwater - Repeals a July 1, 2014, termination date so that retiring teachers with thirty-one or more years of creditable service will receive a retirement allowance with a 2.55 multiplier

HB 499 - Roden - Specifies that the Pledge of Allegiance must be recited at least once per school day in schools supported by public funds

HB 501 - Montecillo - Requires course materials relating to sexual education to contain information regarding sexual predators, online predators, and the consequences of inappropriate text messaging

HB 565 - Spencer - Creates the Missouri Course Access Program to permit public school students to enroll in certain courses to supplement coursework at the student's school of enrollment

HB 578 - Swan - Requires high school students and students seeking a high school equivalency certificate to receive a passing grade on a basic civics test

HB 637 - Pfautsch - Modifies provisions relating to the education of gifted children

HB 658 - Ross - Enacts provisions relating to recognition of student participation in the Constitution Project of the Missouri Supreme Court

HB 742 - Bahr - Modifies the operations of the academic standards work groups and creates a Council for Community Education and a Task Force on School Safety Improvement within the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

HB 869 - Solon - Modifies provisions relating to the titling of motor vehicles, trailers, boats, and outboard motors

HB 979 - Dugger - Modifies the bonding requirement for the treasurer of a seven-director school district

HB 1023 - Swan - Modifies provisions relating to school quality and creates the School Quality Task Force within the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

HB 1054 - Spencer - Excuses school districts' compliance with the professional development funds spending requirement and the fund placement and expenditure requirement in the following fiscal year if the Governor withheld funds from the foundation formula

HB 1127 - Johnson - Modifies provisions relating to urban school districts

HB 1184 - Hummel - Changes the "Farm-to-School Act" to the "Farm to Table Act"

HCR 16 - Gannon - Recognizes September 2015 as "Missouri Whole Child Month"

HCR 28 - Houghton - Urges the Missouri Congressional delegation to make changes to the school lunch program in the Child Nutrition Act Reauthorization of 2015

HCR 34 - Rowland - Urges Congress to reinstate the Secure Rural Schools program

HCR 38 - Haahr - Establishes the Human Trafficking Task Force

Education, Higher (45)

SB 12 - Munzlinger - Modifies provisions relating to agriculture

SB 14 - Munzlinger - Requires all departments and divisions of the state, including statewide offices, to post copies of contracts entered into for the provision of legal services from outside firms on the Missouri Accountability Portal

SB 71 - LeVota - Requires the Department of Higher Education to establish a reimbursement procedure through the A+ Program for a student's portion of fees for dual credit courses

SB 93 - Emery - Creates the Campus Free Expression Act to protect free expression on the campuses of public institutions of higher education

SB 104 - Kraus - Modifies provisions relating to elections

SB 109 - Schaefer - Modifies provisions of law regarding claims against public higher education institutions covered by the State Legal Expense Fund and administrative leave for public employees

SB 110 - Schaefer - Modifies the appointment and employment authority of the University of Missouri Board of Curators

SB 113 - Dixon - Modifies provisions relating to education

SB 139 - Parson - Creates the Missouri Dairy Revitalization Act of 2015

SB 174 - Schmitt - Establishes the Missouri Achieving a Better Life Experience Program

SB 177 - Munzlinger - Creates programs for beginning farmers

SB 191 - Curls - Creates the "Center for the Neighborhoods Fund" in the state treasury to establish a center for the neighborhoods to conduct applied urban research and outreach programs

SB 207 - Pearce - Authorizes an employer to retain an employee's withholding tax for five years if the employee has graduated with a STEM degree from a Missouri Innovation Campus

SB 224 - Romine - Requires a student to be a United States citizen or permanent resident in order to be eligible to receive reimbursements from the A+ Schools Program

SB 248 - Schaefer - Prohibits public higher education institutions from denying religious student associations benefits available to other student associations and from discriminating against them

SB 255 - Schaaf - Allows those licensed by the Department of Agriculture to grow and handle industrial hemp

SB 268 - Pearce - Modifies the Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics Fund and creates the Economic-Education Partnership Act

SB 299 - Pearce - Modifies the eligibility requirements for the Bright Flight Scholarship Program and adds a forgivable loan component

SB 311 - Emery - Prohibits public higher education institutions from denying religious student associations benefits available to other student associations

SB 334 - Nasheed - Modifies provisions relating to the boards of regents of state colleges and universities and broadens the degree-granting authority of Harris-Stowe State University

SB 366 - Schmitt - Modifies the provisions of the Missouri higher education savings program

SB 378 - Schatz - Creates several new exemptions to the tax on the titling of motor vehicles

SB 420 - Schmitt - Provides for direct deposit of income tax refund to MOST accounts

SB 465 - Schmitt - Requires each public college and university to post on its website specified information for each course that it offers

SB 538 - Schaaf - Makes a technical correction to a statute establishing a nonrenewable scholarship program for students entering a teacher education program

SB 563 - Wieland - Modifies requirements for certain state agency statements to be promulgated in accordance with the requirements of the Administrative Procedures Act

SCR 7 - Brown - Urges the Department of Defense and the Congressional delegation to protect, preserve, and promote state military bases and agencies

SCR 9 - Parson - Creates a higher education buildings project list to be funded by revenue bonds issued by the State Board of Public Buildings

SCR 11 - Schmitt - Urges Congress to not remove the tax-deferred treatment of 529 college savings plans

HB 100 - Gosen - Modifies provisions relating to the administration of topical agricultural products

HB 104 - Haahr - Prohibits public higher education institutions from denying religious student associations benefits available to other student associations and from discriminating against them

HB 187 - Fitzpatrick - Modifies provisions relating to postsecondary education public benefits

HB 210 - Conway - Allows community college police officers to establish regulations to control vehicular traffic on any thoroughfare owned or maintained by the college

HB 259 - Reiboldt - Creates the Missouri Dairy Revitalization Act of 2015

HB 272 - Hoskins - Modifies the eligibility requirements for the Bright Flight Scholarship Program and adds a forgivable loan component

HB 377 - Swan - Modifies provisions relating to remediation prevention for public school students

HB 405 - Gannon - Requires the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education to subsidize at least fifty percent of the examination fee for first-time test takers of the high school equivalency examination

HB 567 - Dunn - Designates December 4 as "Alpha Phi Alpha Day" in Missouri in honor of the first black intercollegiate Greek-letter fraternity established for African-Americans

HB 867 - Frederick - Establishes dental and medical education days, as well as authorizes a multicenter study into the root causes of depression among dental and medical students

HB 867 - Frederick - Establishes dental and medical education days, as well as authorizes a multicenter study into the root causes of depression among dental and medical students

HB 869 - Solon - Modifies provisions relating to the titling of motor vehicles, trailers, boats, and outboard motors

HB 982 - Rowden - Allows the University of Missouri extension council in any county to obtain financing in order to obtain real property

HB 1023 - Swan - Modifies provisions relating to school quality and creates the School Quality Task Force within the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

HCR 20 - Lynch - Urges the Department of Defense and the Congressional delegation to protect, preserve and promote state military bases and agencies

HCR 27 - McGaugh - Designates April 24, 2016, as "Alpha Gamma Rho Day" in Missouri

Elderly (12)

SB 82 - Chappelle-Nadal - Requires long-term care facilities to be encouraged to institute policies facilitating familial involvement in the well-being and support of its residents

SB 112 - Dixon - Modifies provisions dealing with criminal offenses to align with changes made in the 2014 Criminal Code revision

SB 234 - Kehoe - Modifies mandated reporting requirements for sexual assault victims in a long-term care facility

SB 244 - Schmitt - Creates the Senior Savings Protection Act

SB 295 - Schaaf - Raises the Mo HealthNet eligibility income limits for elderly and disabled persons

SB 332 - Nasheed - Establishes the Missouri Senior Farmers' Market Nutrition Program

SB 380 - Wieland - Modifies provisions relating to health care

SB 414 - Wasson - Modifies provisions relating to long-term care facility special care units

SB 453 - LeVota - Expands the Amber Alert System to include missing endangered persons

SB 515 - Sater - Requires emergency medical technicians, firefighters, and first responders to be mandatory reporters for in-home services client abuse or neglect

HB 343 - Lair - Establishes a committee to assess the continuation of the Money Follows the Person Demonstration Program

HB 636 - Barnes - Creates the Senior Savings Protection Act

Elections (48)

SB 1 - Pearce - Modifies provisions relating to elementary and secondary education

SB 2 - Pearce - Establishes campaign contributions for individuals and political party committees

SB 5 - Schmitt - Modifies distribution of traffic fines and court costs collected by municipal courts

SB 11 - Richard - Modifies the law relating to the ethical behavior of public officials and lobbyists

SB 22 - Chappelle-Nadal - Modifies provisions relating to elementary and secondary education

SB 34 - Wallingford - Extends voter registration requirements

SB 41 - LeVota - Modifies the law relating to election authorities

SB 69 - LeVota - Modifies the law relating to election authorities

SB 81 - Dixon - Authorizes additional circuit judges for certain circuits when indicated by annual judicial performance report and provides that Division Twelve of the 16th Judicial Circuit shall sit in the City of Independence

SB 92 - Emery - Modifies bond requirements for certain county offices

SB 104 - Kraus - Modifies provisions relating to elections

SB 105 - Kraus - Allows military and overseas voters to vote in all elections involving federal office, statewide office, state legislative office, or statewide initiatives

SB 117 - Brown - Modifies process for selecting candidates for special elections

SB 123 - Schupp - Modifies the law relating to ethics

SB 134 - Holsman - Creates a method for publicly financing election campaigns for legislative and statewide candidates and caps contributions to political party committees

SB 136 - Sifton - Allows emergency workers to request, receive and submit absentee ballots

SB 147 - Schaaf - Modifies the law relating to the ethical behavior of public officials and lobbyists

SB 169 - Schaaf - Modifies the law relating to voting procedures

SB 170 - Kraus - Modifies the law relating to voting procedures

SB 266 - Schaefer - Prohibits municipalities from providing certain services already being provided within the boundaries of the municipality without a vote of the people

SB 289 - Schatz - Modifies the law relating to public office vacancies

SB 323 - Munzlinger - Authorizes non-resident candidates for certain municipal offices

SB 338 - Munzlinger - Modifies the provisions relating to the election of political party committees

SB 399 - Onder - Establishes the paper ballot as the official ballot and requires audits before election certification

SB 421 - Dixon - Modifies ballot language for the public safety sales tax in Springfield

SB 454 - LeVota - Modifies the membership of the county political party committees in Jackson County

SB 473 - Schaaf - Modifies provisions relating to urban school districts

SB 486 - Sifton - Modifies class one election offenses

SB 495 - Hegeman - Requires candidates for public administrator to provide an affidavit stating that the candidate meets the bonding requirements

SB 523 - Kraus - Modifies provisions relating to election challengers

SB 568 - Munzlinger - Modifies various provisions relating to elections

SJR 2 - Dixon - Changes the procedures for the redistricting of the state Senate and House of Representatives districts

SJR 5 - Kraus - Allows for photographic identification for voting

SJR 10 - Sater - Modifies the constitutional provisions relating to initiative petitions

SJR 13 - Schaaf - Establishes the Missouri Anti-Corruption Amendment

SJR 14 - Dixon - Modifies the gubernatorial appointment process

HB 30 - Dugger - Requires a person to submit a specified form of photo identification in order to vote in a public election with specified exemptions

HB 42 - Wood - Modifies provisions relating to elementary and secondary education

HB 63 - Dugger - Modifies provisions relating to persons seeking public office

HB 336 - McGaugh - Modifies provisions relating to elections

HB 341 - Dugger - Specifies that beginning January 1, 2016, certain elective county offices must file ethics reports with the Missouri Ethics Commission instead of local election authorities

HB 530 - Roden - Modifies provisions relating to fire protection and ambulance districts

HB 533 - Dugger - Modifies provisions relating to candidate deadlines

HB 692 - Entlicher - Modifies the provisions relating to the election of political party committees

HB 1039 - Dugger - Changes filing fees for candidates in presidential primaries

HB 1127 - Johnson - Modifies provisions relating to urban school districts

HB 1179 - Alferman - Modifies the law relating to public office vacancies

HJR 1 - Dugger - Proposes a constitutional amendment specifying that a person seeking to vote in a public election may be required by general law to provide a valid government-issued photo identification

Elementary and Secondary Education Dept. (38)

SB 1 - Pearce - Modifies provisions relating to elementary and secondary education

SB 6 - Keaveny - Modifies provisions relating to state funding for education

SB 13 - Munzlinger - Modifies provisions relating to career and technical education

SB 14 - Munzlinger - Requires all departments and divisions of the state, including statewide offices, to post copies of contracts entered into for the provision of legal services from outside firms on the Missouri Accountability Portal

SB 22 - Chappelle-Nadal - Modifies provisions relating to elementary and secondary education

SB 49 - Sifton - Modifies provisions relating to elementary and secondary education

SB 70 - LeVota - Modifies provisions relating to school accreditation and student transfers

SB 84 - Chappelle-Nadal - Establishes term limits for State Board of Education members

SB 108 - Romine - WITHDRAWN

SB 146 - Pearce - Modifies provisions of law relating to various regulated professions and establishes the Missouri Health Information Exchange Commission and the Perinatal Advisory Council

SB 161 - Nasheed - Modifies requirements for school antibullying policies and modifies provisions relating to reading instruction and student promotion in certain school districts

SB 172 - Romine - Modifies provisions relating to elementary and secondary education

SB 174 - Schmitt - Establishes the Missouri Achieving a Better Life Experience Program

SB 197 - Brown - Modifies provisions regarding various healthcare professionals, disease reporting to DHSS, and establishes the Perinatal Advisory Council and the Joint Committee on MO HealthNet

SB 251 - Onder - Allows students to enroll in another school district or charter school for purposes of attending virtual courses or programs

SB 271 - Silvey - Requires high school students and students seeking a high school equivalency certificate to receive a passing grade on a basic civics test

SB 273 - Riddle - Requires high school students and students seeking a high school equivalency certificate to receive a passing grade on a basic civics test

SB 290 - Schaefer - Modifies provisions relating to the education of gifted children

SB 328 - Schupp - Modifies provisions relating to mental health

SB 365 - Schmitt - Modifies provisions relating to students with special needs

SB 424 - Pearce - Delays until July 1, 2017 the requirement that the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education prorate payments to formula districts if the foundation formula is not fully funded

SB 440 - Sifton - Changes the requirements for school antibullying policies

SB 447 - Wieland - Repeals the death penalty and creates the Death Penalty Costs Reinvestment Fund

SB 468 - Sifton - Requires each public school to test each enrolling student for dyslexia and related disorders and provide treatment

SB 493 - Brown - Requires public school students to pass a course in cardiopulmonary resuscitation to receive a certificate of graduation

SB 530 - Onder - Enacts multiple provisions to protect the privacy of student data

SB 531 - Emery - Creates the Missouri Empowerment Scholarship Accounts Program

SCR 26 - Dempsey - Creates the Human Trafficking Task Force

HB 42 - Wood - Modifies provisions relating to elementary and secondary education

HB 380 - Swan - Requires the State Board of Education to establish minimum requirements for a career and technical education certificate

HB 405 - Gannon - Requires the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education to subsidize at least fifty percent of the examination fee for first-time test takers of the high school equivalency examination

HB 457 - Hicks - Requires public school students to receive a thirty minute instruction in cardiopulmonary resuscitation and the proper performance of the Heimlich maneuver or other first aid for choking

HB 565 - Spencer - Creates the Missouri Course Access Program to permit public school students to enroll in certain courses to supplement coursework at the student's school of enrollment

HB 578 - Swan - Requires high school students and students seeking a high school equivalency certificate to receive a passing grade on a basic civics test

HB 637 - Pfautsch - Modifies provisions relating to the education of gifted children

HB 742 - Bahr - Modifies the operations of the academic standards work groups and creates a Council for Community Education and a Task Force on School Safety Improvement within the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

HB 1023 - Swan - Modifies provisions relating to school quality and creates the School Quality Task Force within the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

HB 1184 - Hummel - Changes the "Farm-to-School Act" to the "Farm to Table Act"

Emergencies (18)

SB 21 - Chappelle-Nadal - Modifies and enacts provisions relating to law enforcement officers

SB 26 - Sater - Establishes requirements for authorized entities to stock epinephrine (EPI) auto-injectors for use in emergencies

SB 118 - Brown - Requires Mo HealthNet participants to pay an eight dollar copay for the use of emergency room services for the treatment of a nonemergency condition

SB 136 - Sifton - Allows emergency workers to request, receive and submit absentee ballots

SB 297 - Holsman - Creates the Civil Disaster Response Corps

SB 331 - Libla - Modifies provisions relating to emergencies, requirements for police officers at protests, and recordings from law enforcement cameras

SB 374 - Schatz - Creates an income tax deduction for payments received as part of a program that compensates agricultural producers for losses from disaster or emergency

SB 409 - Wallingford - Modifies provisions relating to emergencies

SB 453 - LeVota - Expands the Amber Alert System to include missing endangered persons

SB 484 - Wieland - Allows taxpayers to deduct the full amount of costs associated with a search and rescue operation

HB 218 - Wilson - Modifies provisions relating to mutual aid by law enforcement officers, the costs of imprisonment and electronic monitoring, and concealed carry permit fees

HB 296 - Kelley - Creates the First Informer Broadcasters Act

HB 444 - English - Creates a new income tax deduction for taxpayers completing fire fighter training

HB 457 - Hicks - Requires public school students to receive a thirty minute instruction in cardiopulmonary resuscitation and the proper performance of the Heimlich maneuver or other first aid for choking

HB 635 - Burlison - Modifies provisions of law relating to the Amber Alert System and the Amber Alert System Oversight Committee

HB 714 - Lauer - Modifies provisions relating to emergency communications services

HB 868 - Rhoads - Modifies provisions relating to tax increment financing, emergency service providers, and board members of fire protection and ambulance districts

HB 1053 - Justus - Adds two public members to emergency services boards in Taney and St. Francois County

Eminent Domain and Condemnation (1)

SB 522 - Kehoe - Modifies the measurement of damages in civil actions for trespass or expanded use of an easement against a rural electric cooperative

Employees - Employers (30)

SB 36 - Romine - Modifies the law relating to the Missouri Human Rights Act and employment discrimination

SB 44 - Nasheed - Prohibits employers from inquiring into or considering the criminal records of applicants before offering a conditional offer of employment

SB 52 - Schaaf - Prohibits restrictive physician employment contracts

SB 62 - Chappelle-Nadal - Creates a crime for employers who divulge certain personal information of employees and customers

SB 109 - Schaefer - Modifies provisions of law regarding claims against public higher education institutions covered by the State Legal Expense Fund and administrative leave for public employees

SB 126 - Brown - Requires election of collective bargaining representatives every two years

SB 127 - Brown - Bars employers from requiring employees to engage in or cease engaging in certain labor practices

SB 128 - Brown - Modifies prevailing wage laws and provisions relating to project labor agreements

SB 129 - Brown - Requires authorization for certain labor unions to use dues and fees to make political contributions and requires consent for withholding earnings from paychecks

SB 130 - Walsh - Creates a right to unpaid leave for employees that are affected by domestic violence

SB 193 - LeVota - Modifies the minimum wage laws

SB 215 - Nasheed - Modifies the minimum wage laws

SB 220 - Kehoe - Modifies the duration of unemployment compensation, the method to pay federal advances, and raises the fund trigger causing contribution rate reductions

SB 237 - Keaveny - Bars discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity

SB 247 - Sifton - Modifies provisions relating to employee wages

SB 336 - Kraus - Modifies provision relating to income tax withholdings on employee's tips

SB 412 - Romine - Modifies laws regarding arbitration agreements between employers and at-will employees

SB 455 - Kehoe - Prohibits political subdivisions from establishing a minimum wage in excess of federal or state law

SB 504 - Wieland - Modifies the law relating to administrative leave for public employees

SB 549 - Onder - Modifies provisions relating to collective bargaining representation for public employees

HB 116 - Burlison - Bars employers from requiring employees to engage in or cease engaging in certain labor practices

HB 120 - Davis - Modifies provisions relating to the privacy of students, prospective students, and employees through the use of certain technologies

HB 150 - Fitzpatrick - Modifies the duration of unemployment compensation, the method to pay federal advances, and raises the fund trigger causing contribution rate reductions

HB 322 - Shumake - Allows political subdivisions to submit fingerprints to the Highway Patrol for criminal background checks of applicants for employment or licenses or permits

HB 502 - Kelley - Allows employers to file withholdings taxes on an annual basis when the aggregate amount withheld in each of the previous four quarters is less than $100

HB 517 - Higdon - Modifies provisions relating to taxation

HB 519 - Vescovo - Modifies the law relating to administrative leave for public employees

HB 722 - Shaul - Prohibits certain types of ordinances from being adopted by political subdivisions

HB 1010 - Brown - Modifies the law relating to unemployment compensation benefits

HB 1019 - Austin - Modifies the law relating to the Missouri Human Rights Act and employment discrimination

Employment Security (3)

SB 220 - Kehoe - Modifies the duration of unemployment compensation, the method to pay federal advances, and raises the fund trigger causing contribution rate reductions

SB 404 - Kehoe - Modifies the definition of wages under the employment security law

HB 150 - Fitzpatrick - Modifies the duration of unemployment compensation, the method to pay federal advances, and raises the fund trigger causing contribution rate reductions

Energy (29)

SB 47 - Holsman - Prohibits planned communities from barring the installation of solar energy systems

SB 74 - Holsman - Establishes the Capital Green Program to provide funding for energy efficiency improvements to certain state buildings

SB 75 - Holsman - Modifies the definition of "customer-generator" in the Net Metering and Easy Connection Act

SB 142 - Romine - Requires the Department of Natural Resources to take certain actions when submitting certain plans to the Environmental Protection Agency

SB 152 - Wallingford - Modifies provisions relating to environmental protection

SB 160 - Brown - Modifies provisions relating to the regulation of a corporation's rate of return on equity by the Public Service Commission

SB 310 - Emery - Allows electrical corporations to recover depreciation expense and return for qualifying electric plants placed in service

SB 375 - Schatz - Adds projects which provide economic benefits to sewer and water operations to the types of projects eligible under the Property Assessment Clean Energy Act

SB 376 - Schatz - Creates the Competitive Energy for Missouri Jobs Act

SB 403 - Kehoe - Modifies provisions relating to ratemaking for gas corporations

SB 445 - Romine - Modifies provisions relating to environmental protection

SB 476 - Kehoe - Modifies provisions relating to the Department of Natural Resources

SB 491 - Schatz - Modifies civil penalties associated with violations of the Underground Facility Safety and Damage Prevention Act and federally mandated natural gas safety standards

SB 508 - Holsman - Creates the Office of Administration Energy Conservation Fund

SB 509 - Holsman - Modifies the Net Metering and Easy Connection Act

SB 510 - Holsman - Establishes criteria for renewable power purchase agreements

SB 521 - Kehoe - Authorizes the Public Service Commission to adopt rules governing the relationship between water and electrical corporations to effectuate potential energy savings

SB 522 - Kehoe - Modifies the measurement of damages in civil actions for trespass or expanded use of an easement against a rural electric cooperative

SB 526 - Riddle - Modifies the powers and duties of the Office of the Public Counsel

SCR 32 - Hegeman - Recognizes April 13, 2015 as "Missouri Lineworker Appreciation Day"

SCR 36 - Schmitt - Discourages the Environmental Protection Agency from promulgating any rule regulating the use of individual propane gas barbecue grills

HB 92 - Miller - Modifies provisions relating to the Department of Natural Resources

HB 918 - Johnson - Creates the Missouri International Business Advertising Fund and requires General Assembly approval of any comprehensive state energy plan

HB 923 - Miller - Modifies provisions relating to the environment

HB 1001 - Korman - Changes certain statutory references from the Department of Natural Resources to the Department of Economic Development

HB 1058 - Miller - Modifies provisions relating to the Department of Natural Resources

HB 1084 - Miller - Requires owners of a coal-fired electric generating source in a NAAQS nonattainment area to develop an ambient air quality monitoring or modeling network

HB 1305 - Rowden - Requires any comprehensive state energy plan to be approved by the General Assembly and creates the Regulatory Improvement Commission

HCR 32 - Ross - Adopts the House Majority Floor Leader's filing with the EPA as the state's official position on the Clean Power Plan, and urges the EPA to withdraw the proposed Clean Power Plan rule

Engineers (1)

HB 361 - Spencer - Designates the third week of February as "Engineer Awareness Week" in Missouri

Entertainment, Sports and Amusements (3)

SB 57 - Dixon - Creates a sales tax exemption for fitness facilities, gyms, and dance studios

SCR 36 - Schmitt - Discourages the Environmental Protection Agency from promulgating any rule regulating the use of individual propane gas barbecue grills

HB 117 - Burlison - Modifies how sales tax is imposed on places of amusement and entertainment

Environmental Protection (17)

SB 47 - Holsman - Prohibits planned communities from barring the installation of solar energy systems

SB 74 - Holsman - Establishes the Capital Green Program to provide funding for energy efficiency improvements to certain state buildings

SB 142 - Romine - Requires the Department of Natural Resources to take certain actions when submitting certain plans to the Environmental Protection Agency

SB 358 - Kehoe - Modifies the policy statement of the Missouri Clean Water Law

SB 413 - Romine - Modifies provisions relating to natural resource damages authorized to be recovered by the state natural resources trustee

SB 445 - Romine - Modifies provisions relating to environmental protection

SB 476 - Kehoe - Modifies provisions relating to the Department of Natural Resources

SB 510 - Holsman - Establishes criteria for renewable power purchase agreements

HB 92 - Miller - Modifies provisions relating to the Department of Natural Resources

HB 722 - Shaul - Prohibits certain types of ordinances from being adopted by political subdivisions

HB 923 - Miller - Modifies provisions relating to the environment

HB 1001 - Korman - Changes certain statutory references from the Department of Natural Resources to the Department of Economic Development

HB 1058 - Miller - Modifies provisions relating to the Department of Natural Resources

HB 1084 - Miller - Requires owners of a coal-fired electric generating source in a NAAQS nonattainment area to develop an ambient air quality monitoring or modeling network

HCR 21 - Miller - Urges the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to withdraw their proposed rule expanding the definition of "waters of the United States"

HCR 29 - Love - Urges Congress to make the historic Butterfield Overland Trail part of the National Trails System

HCR 32 - Ross - Adopts the House Majority Floor Leader's filing with the EPA as the state's official position on the Clean Power Plan, and urges the EPA to withdraw the proposed Clean Power Plan rule

Estates, Wills and Trusts (8)

SB 148 - Parson - Modifies provisions relating to business regulations

SB 164 - Sifton - Exempts in bankruptcy proceedings life insurance proceeds for the burial of a family member, modifies insurance foreign investment limits, changes the requirements for the valuation of reserves for life insurance, and modifies provisions regarding qualified spousal trusts

SB 340 - Pearce - Changes an intersectional reference in a provision of law regarding the determination of heirship

SB 481 - Onder - Modifies laws regarding qualified spousal trusts

SB 498 - Wasson - Modifies provisions of the Missouri Preneed Funeral Contract Act

HB 276 - Cornejo - Exempts in bankruptcy proceedings life insurance proceeds for the burial of a family member, modifies insurance foreign investment limits, changes the requirements for the valuation of reserves for life insurance, and modifies provisions regarding qualified spousal trusts

HB 684 - Koenig - Provides that child protective investigators shall provide community service program information to parents and establishes the Supporting and Strengthening Families Act

HB 807 - Cornejo - Modifies provisions relating to courts, civil actions, wills and trusts, life insurance, crimes, and public defenders

Ethics (11)

SB 11 - Richard - Modifies the law relating to the ethical behavior of public officials and lobbyists

SB 96 - LeVota - Establishes campaign contribution limits

SB 97 - LeVota - Modifies the membership and functions of the Ethics Commission and imposes campaign contribution limits

SB 123 - Schupp - Modifies the law relating to ethics

SB 124 - Schupp - Requires tax-exempt organizations to disclose date, amount, and name of persons or entities making donations to such organizations

SB 134 - Holsman - Creates a method for publicly financing election campaigns for legislative and statewide candidates and caps contributions to political party committees

SB 147 - Schaaf - Modifies the law relating to the ethical behavior of public officials and lobbyists

SB 428 - Curls - Modifies the enforcement power of the Missouri Ethics Commission

SB 543 - Schupp - Modifies provisions relating to disclosure requirements made to the Ethics Commission

SJR 13 - Schaaf - Establishes the Missouri Anti-Corruption Amendment

HB 341 - Dugger - Specifies that beginning January 1, 2016, certain elective county offices must file ethics reports with the Missouri Ethics Commission instead of local election authorities

Evidence (7)

SB 227 - Emery - Modifies provisions relating to the collateral source rule and provides that parties may introduce evidence of the cost, rather than the value, of the medical treatment rendered

SB 233 - Kehoe - Modifies provisions relating to expert witnesses

SB 303 - Keaveny - Requires law enforcement agencies to develop certain policies for eyewitness identification procedures

SB 304 - Keaveny - Modifies provisions relating to custodial interrogations of criminal suspects

SB 464 - Dixon - Prohibits sharing of visual or aural recordings or photographs of minors alleged to be victims of child abuse, except in limited circumstances

SB 555 - Emery - Modifies provisions of the law relating to marriages other than a marriage between a man and a woman

SB 562 - Wieland - Specifies that the parental right to raise, care, and educate their child is a fundamental right

Excavation (1)

SB 491 - Schatz - Modifies civil penalties associated with violations of the Underground Facility Safety and Damage Prevention Act and federally mandated natural gas safety standards

Family Law (5)

SB 256 - Sater - Establishes a pilot program allowing noncustodial parents to reduce the amount of state debt owed

SB 425 - Libla - Modifies provisions relating to adoption and parental rights

SB 565 - Wallingford - Modifies provisions involving child custody orders

SJR 12 - Onder - Proposes a constitutional amendment guaranteeing parents the fundamental right to control the education of their minor children

HB 95 - Miller - Permits court-ordered reimbursement of insurance costs during dissolution of marriage proceedings

Family Services Division (3)

SB 24 - Sater - Modifies provisions of law relating to the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families Program and the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program

SB 425 - Libla - Modifies provisions relating to adoption and parental rights

HB 976 - Franklin - Modifies provisions relating to children, including immunization, amino acid-based elemental formula, court orders, juveniles with problem sexual behavior, safe sleep protocols, and the Children's Services Fund

Federal - State Relations (36)

SB 14 - Munzlinger - Requires all departments and divisions of the state, including statewide offices, to post copies of contracts entered into for the provision of legal services from outside firms on the Missouri Accountability Portal

SB 142 - Romine - Requires the Department of Natural Resources to take certain actions when submitting certain plans to the Environmental Protection Agency

SB 285 - Kehoe - Modifies the definition of "waters of the state"

SB 413 - Romine - Modifies provisions relating to natural resource damages authorized to be recovered by the state natural resources trustee

SB 433 - Dixon - Adopts the Compact for a Balanced Budget

SB 445 - Romine - Modifies provisions relating to environmental protection

SB 449 - Kraus - Prohibits employers from recruiting or referring an illegal alien for employment

SB 462 - Schaefer - Creates an income tax deduction for certain penalties assessed under the Affordable Care Act and paid on a federal return

SCR 7 - Brown - Urges the Department of Defense and the Congressional delegation to protect, preserve, and promote state military bases and agencies

SCR 10 - Munzlinger - Urges the Missouri Congressional delegation to make changes to the school lunch program in the Child Nutrition Act Reauthorization in 2015

SCR 16 - Schupp - Ratifies the Equal Rights Amendment to the United States Constitution

SCR 19 - Schaefer - Applies to Congress for the calling of an Article V convention of states to propose certain amendments to the United States Constitution which place limits on the federal government

SCR 20 - Emery - Urges the United States Congress to propose the Regulation Freedom Amendment to the U.S. Constitution

SCR 21 - Dixon - Applies to Congress for the calling of a convention to propose certain amendments to the United States Constitution which place limits on the federal government

SCR 22 - Schaefer - Directs the Attorney General of Missouri to join in the pending legal action brought by the state of Texas against the implementation of the "Deferred Action for Parents of Americans and Lawful Permanent Residents" program

SCR 23 - Schmitt - Applies to Congress for the calling of an Article V convention of states to propose certain amendments to the United States Constitution which place limits on the federal government

SCR 24 - Holsman - Urges Congress to call an Article V Convention for the purpose of proposing amendments to the United States Constitution

SCR 27 - Onder - Insists that the Missouri Congressional delegation endeavor and resolve to repeal the Affordable Care Act

SCR 29 - Onder - Urges the President and Congress to repeal the federal excise tax on medical devices

SCR 31 - Cunningham - Urges Congress to reinstate the Secure Rural Schools program

SCR 33 - Curls - Urges the Missouri Congressional delegation to support the use of science-based data to assess the impacts and regulation of modern agricultural technologies

SCR 34 - Emery - Urges the federal government to return certain lands to western states where such lands are located

SCR 36 - Schmitt - Discourages the Environmental Protection Agency from promulgating any rule regulating the use of individual propane gas barbecue grills

HB 92 - Miller - Modifies provisions relating to the Department of Natural Resources

HB 531 - Solon - Requires that nicotine liquid containers sold at retail satisfy federal child-resistant effectiveness standards

HB 1084 - Miller - Requires owners of a coal-fired electric generating source in a NAAQS nonattainment area to develop an ambient air quality monitoring or modeling network

HCR 12 - Cierpiot - Encourages the State Attorney General to join a lawsuit against President Barack Obama's immigration policies currently underway in Texas

HCR 15 - Roden - Calls upon President Obama to support the TransCanada Keystone XL pipeline and the permitting for oil production off the northern coast of Alaska

HCR 20 - Lynch - Urges the Department of Defense and the Congressional delegation to protect, preserve and promote state military bases and agencies

HCR 21 - Miller - Urges the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to withdraw their proposed rule expanding the definition of "waters of the United States"

HCR 28 - Houghton - Urges the Missouri Congressional delegation to make changes to the school lunch program in the Child Nutrition Act Reauthorization of 2015

HCR 29 - Love - Urges Congress to make the historic Butterfield Overland Trail part of the National Trails System

HCR 32 - Ross - Adopts the House Majority Floor Leader's filing with the EPA as the state's official position on the Clean Power Plan, and urges the EPA to withdraw the proposed Clean Power Plan rule

HCR 34 - Rowland - Urges Congress to reinstate the Secure Rural Schools program

HCR 39 - Houghton - Urges the 2015 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee to reevaluate its recommendations regarding a reduction in meat consumption in Americans' diets

HCR 49 - Alferman - Condemns certain California laws relating to shelled eggs and calls upon the legislature and the voters of California to repeal such laws

Fees (36)

SB 56 - Munzlinger - Allows certain Missouri non-residents to receive reduced hunting, fishing, and trapping permit fees

SB 106 - Kraus - Waives Secretary of State fees for new businesses and requires business licenses to be issued within sixty days

SB 131 - Parson - Modifies provisions relating to agriculture

SB 137 - Parson - Requires that all fees collected under the Missouri Livestock Marketing Law not yield revenues greater than the cost of administration

SB 138 - Parson - Repeals a provision relating to beef commodity merchandising program fees

SB 148 - Parson - Modifies provisions relating to business regulations

SB 152 - Wallingford - Modifies provisions relating to environmental protection

SB 179 - Sater - Establishes the Missouri Child Protection Registry

SB 208 - Sater - Repeals a provision relating to beef commodity merchandising program fees

SB 327 - Onder - Modifies provisions relating to municipal courts

SB 345 - Wasson - Modifies provisions relating to financial transactions

SB 361 - Parson - Allows the AgriMissouri Advisory Commission to establish a fee for sellers electing to use the AgriMissouri trademark so long as the fees do not yield revenue greater than administering the objectives of the Commission and the trademark

SB 373 - Libla - Creates the Division of Alcohol and Tobacco Control Fund for the enforcement of liquor and tobacco laws and directs fees from liquor licenses and permits to the fund

SB 405 - Hegeman - Raises the outer threshold amount for a county to be eligible to collect a greater percentage of the total taxes collected as a fee

SB 409 - Wallingford - Modifies provisions relating to emergencies

SB 445 - Romine - Modifies provisions relating to environmental protection

SB 451 - Dixon - Modifies provisions relating to petitions for the expungement of criminal records

SB 459 - Libla - Modifies rulemaking procedures for rules which affect businesses

SB 469 - Munzlinger - Repeals the Advisory Council to the Director of the Missouri Agriculture Experiment Station and establishes the Fertilizer Control Board

SB 476 - Kehoe - Modifies provisions relating to the Department of Natural Resources

SB 500 - Riddle - Modifies provisions relating to honey

SB 520 - Kehoe - Modifies the per barrel fee for the inspection of certain motor fuels

SB 539 - Brown - Allows the county commission, or a county officer designated by the county commission, to provide passport services if the circuit court clerk does not provide the services

SB 552 - Munzlinger - Specifies that no additional fee may be charged, including any fee for fingerprinting or criminal background checks, to process concealed carry permit applications

HB 32 - Hoskins - Prohibits increases in user fees imposed by the state until 2019 and reauthorizes a deduction for job creation by small businesses

HB 64 - Dugger - Modifies provisions relating to open-end credit fees

HB 92 - Miller - Modifies provisions relating to the Department of Natural Resources

HB 129 - Brattin - Requires the assessment of fees and charges for certain health care services in correctional centers

HB 141 - Reiboldt - Modifies provisions relating to beef commodity merchandising program fees

HB 218 - Wilson - Modifies provisions relating to mutual aid by law enforcement officers, the costs of imprisonment and electronic monitoring, and concealed carry permit fees

HB 233 - Franklin - Modifies provisions relating to the payment of fees to certain state entities by agricultural entities

HB 513 - McCaherty - Modifies provisions relating to business filing fees

HB 714 - Lauer - Modifies provisions relating to emergency communications services

HB 743 - Shull - Reauthorizes a tax credit for small business guaranty fees

HB 842 - McDaniel - Creates the Division of Alcohol and Tobacco Control Fund for the administration of liquor and tobacco laws

HB 882 - McGaugh - Modifies provisions relating to agriculture

Fire Protection (4)

SB 326 - Sater - Modifies provisions relating to political subdivision audits, county office vacancies, county budgets, special purpose districts, annexations, and sewer districts

HB 269 - Miller - Modifies the type of fire extinguishers required for class two motorboats

HB 444 - English - Creates a new income tax deduction for taxpayers completing fire fighter training

HB 530 - Roden - Modifies provisions relating to fire protection and ambulance districts

Firearms and Fireworks (8)

SB 23 - Chappelle-Nadal - Creates the crimes of failing to stop illegal firearm possession, negligent storage of a firearm, and failure to notify a school of firearm ownership

SB 60 - Chappelle-Nadal - Creates the crimes of failing to stop illegal weapon possession, negligent storage of a weapon, and failure to notify a school of weapon ownership

SB 200 - Dixon - Modifies provisions relating to sentencing of juvenile criminal offenders, an armed offender docket pilot project, and criminal sentence reductions

SB 211 - Walsh - Modifies provisions relating to participants in the address confidentiality program administered by the Secretary of State

SB 529 - Onder - Allows the concealed carrying of firearms on public transportation, including buses and trains, except school buses and Amtrak property

SB 552 - Munzlinger - Specifies that no additional fee may be charged, including any fee for fingerprinting or criminal background checks, to process concealed carry permit applications

HB 122 - McGaugh - Modifies provisions relating to self defense, the crime of unlawful use of weapons, and concealed carry training requirements

HB 218 - Wilson - Modifies provisions relating to mutual aid by law enforcement officers, the costs of imprisonment and electronic monitoring, and concealed carry permit fees

Fishing and Hunting (4)

SB 56 - Munzlinger - Allows certain Missouri non-residents to receive reduced hunting, fishing, and trapping permit fees

SB 178 - Munzlinger - Modifies provisions relating to captive cervids

SCR 25 - Munzlinger - Establishes the Missouri Wildlife Revitalization Task Force

SJR 1 - Munzlinger - Modifies the membership composition and terms of service of the commissioners on the Conservation Commission

Funerals and Funeral Directors (7)

SB 164 - Sifton - Exempts in bankruptcy proceedings life insurance proceeds for the burial of a family member, modifies insurance foreign investment limits, changes the requirements for the valuation of reserves for life insurance, and modifies provisions regarding qualified spousal trusts

SB 333 - Nasheed - Allows the family or next of kin of a deceased crime victim to designate a funeral home as a claimant eligible for compensation from the Crime Victims' Compensation Fund

SB 416 - Wasson - Modifies provisions of law regarding the disposition of deceased human remains, collaborative practice arrangements, regulating new professions, and creates the Missouri Health Information Exchange Commission

SB 498 - Wasson - Modifies provisions of the Missouri Preneed Funeral Contract Act

HB 209 - Conway - Modifies provisions relating to the Crime Victims' Compensation Fund

HB 276 - Cornejo - Exempts in bankruptcy proceedings life insurance proceeds for the burial of a family member, modifies insurance foreign investment limits, changes the requirements for the valuation of reserves for life insurance, and modifies provisions regarding qualified spousal trusts

HB 618 - Fraker - Modifies provisions of law regarding the disposition of deceased human remains and the electronic vital records system

Gambling (4)

SB 146 - Pearce - Modifies provisions of law relating to various regulated professions and establishes the Missouri Health Information Exchange Commission and the Perinatal Advisory Council

SB 148 - Parson - Modifies provisions relating to business regulations

HB 1318 - Brown - Reduces the duration of organizational membership requirement for the administration of bingo games

HJR 7 - Engler - Removes restrictions on bingo advertising and educes the duration of organizational membership requirement for the administration of bingo games

General Assembly (70)

SB 1 - Pearce - Modifies provisions relating to elementary and secondary education

SB 9 - Schaaf - Modifies the duties and powers of the Joint Committee on MO HealthNet

SB 11 - Richard - Modifies the law relating to the ethical behavior of public officials and lobbyists

SB 13 - Munzlinger - Modifies provisions relating to career and technical education

SB 37 - Romine - Awards attorney's fees and court costs in cases where a settlement offer was previously rejected and when the court rules on a motion to dismiss for failure to state a claim

SB 38 - Romine - Modifies provisions relating to healthcare

SB 48 - Sifton - Institutes a gift ban for the members of the General Assembly and their candidate committees

SB 49 - Sifton - Modifies provisions relating to elementary and secondary education

SB 58 - Dixon - Modifies and repeals a number of existing, expired or obsolete committees

SB 59 - Dixon - Modifies the process for filling vacancies in certain statewide and General Assembly offices

SB 66 - Emery - Requires the Senate to try all impeachments except for the impeachment of the Governor, which shall be tried by the Chief Justice of the Missouri Supreme Court

SB 94 - Emery - Modifies retirement benefits for newly elected members of the General Assembly and statewide elected officials

SB 95 - LeVota - Modifies laws relating to the number of professional boards that an executive director can serve on and who can request licensee information

SB 102 - LeVota - Modifies the time period for, and contents of, fiscal notes on proposed legislation

SB 103 - LeVota - Allows members of the General Assembly to request confidential professional licensee information

SB 108 - Romine - WITHDRAWN

SB 146 - Pearce - Modifies provisions of law relating to various regulated professions and establishes the Missouri Health Information Exchange Commission and the Perinatal Advisory Council

SB 147 - Schaaf - Modifies the law relating to the ethical behavior of public officials and lobbyists

SB 148 - Parson - Modifies provisions relating to business regulations

SB 172 - Romine - Modifies provisions relating to elementary and secondary education

SB 177 - Munzlinger - Creates programs for beginning farmers

SB 185 - LeVota - Modifies provisions relating to the state budget and fiscal notes

SB 197 - Brown - Modifies provisions regarding various healthcare professionals, disease reporting to DHSS, and establishes the Perinatal Advisory Council and the Joint Committee on MO HealthNet

SB 240 - Keaveny - Requires the State Auditor to make a one-time report on the costs of administering the death penalty

SB 253 - Romine - Expands the authority of the Governor to convey easements without the approval of the General Assembly and expands the rights granted by the easements

SB 299 - Pearce - Modifies the eligibility requirements for the Bright Flight Scholarship Program and adds a forgivable loan component

SB 369 - Pearce - Expands the authority of the Governor to convey easements without the approval of the General Assembly and allows the Governor to convey certain specified properties

SB 416 - Wasson - Modifies provisions of law regarding the disposition of deceased human remains, collaborative practice arrangements, regulating new professions, and creates the Missouri Health Information Exchange Commission

SB 475 - Dempsey - Grants the President Pro Tem and the Speaker standing to intervene in cases challenging the constitutionality of state law and authorizes individual legislators to hire outside counsel when sued in their official capacity

SB 514 - Parson - Prohibits each house of the General Assembly from adoption of an amendment to a bill if certain conditions are not met

SB 530 - Onder - Enacts multiple provisions to protect the privacy of student data

SB 536 - Schaaf - Requires state agencies to waive certain privileges with regard to documents requested by members of the General Assembly

SB 547 - Riddle - Creates the permanent Joint Committee on Capitol Police to oversee the capitol police and modifies the jurisdiction and duties of the capitol police

SB 548 - Sifton - Requires the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education to employ a dyslexia specialist and creates the Legislative Task Force on Dyslexia

SCR 3 - Wallingford - Establishes the Joint Committee on Solid Waste Management District Operations

SCR 5 - Romine - Creates the Missouri Lead Industry Employment, Economic Development and Environmental Remediation Task Force

SCR 6 - Schaaf - Disapproves the salary recommendations of the Citizen's Commission on Compensation for Elected Officials

SCR 10 - Munzlinger - Urges the Missouri Congressional delegation to make changes to the school lunch program in the Child Nutrition Act Reauthorization in 2015

SCR 16 - Schupp - Ratifies the Equal Rights Amendment to the United States Constitution

SCR 18 - Schupp - Expresses the support of the General Assembly for the practice of Falun Dafa, also known as Falun Gong

SCR 20 - Emery - Urges the United States Congress to propose the Regulation Freedom Amendment to the U.S. Constitution

SCR 26 - Dempsey - Creates the Human Trafficking Task Force

SCR 27 - Onder - Insists that the Missouri Congressional delegation endeavor and resolve to repeal the Affordable Care Act

SCR 28 - LeVota - Urges a commitment to equal rights for people with cognitive disabilities to access technology and information

SCR 29 - Onder - Urges the President and Congress to repeal the federal excise tax on medical devices

SCR 39 - Dixon - Requires the Board of Public Buildings to reassign office space within the State Capitol

SJR 2 - Dixon - Changes the procedures for the redistricting of the state Senate and House of Representatives districts

SJR 4 - Emery - Requires the Senate, beginning January 1, 2017, to try all impeachments except for the impeachment of the Governor, which shall be tried by the Chief Justice of the Missouri Supreme Court

SJR 8 - Schmitt - Changes the date for final passage of bills in a regular session of the General Assembly

SJR 9 - Schmitt - Amends the Constitution to limit general revenue appropriations and mandate state income tax rate reductions in certain situations

SJR 13 - Schaaf - Establishes the Missouri Anti-Corruption Amendment

SJR 14 - Dixon - Modifies the gubernatorial appointment process

SJR 15 - Cunningham - Modifies the process for approving the salary schedule of the Missouri Citizens' Commission on Compensation for Elected Officials

SR 25 - Dempsey - Notice of Proposed Rule Change-Rules 25 and 28

HB 42 - Wood - Modifies provisions relating to elementary and secondary education

HB 272 - Hoskins - Modifies the eligibility requirements for the Bright Flight Scholarship Program and adds a forgivable loan component

HB 377 - Swan - Modifies provisions relating to remediation prevention for public school students

HB 565 - Spencer - Creates the Missouri Course Access Program to permit public school students to enroll in certain courses to supplement coursework at the student's school of enrollment

HB 634 - Burlison - Establishes certain requirements that must be met in order to regulate a previously unregulated occupation or profession

HB 742 - Bahr - Modifies the operations of the academic standards work groups and creates a Council for Community Education and a Task Force on School Safety Improvement within the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

HB 776 - Higdon - Creates the Commission on Capitol Security Infrastructure

HB 875 - Hinson - Modifies provisions relating to libraries

HB 1023 - Swan - Modifies provisions relating to school quality and creates the School Quality Task Force within the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

HB 1024 - Higdon - Establishes a commission on capitol security infrastructure

HB 1063 - Fitzpatrick - Establishes the State Capitol Complex Committee

HCR 4 - Barnes - Disapproves the salary recommendations of the Missouri Citizens' Commission on Compensation for Elected Officials

HCR 16 - Gannon - Recognizes September 2015 as "Missouri Whole Child Month"

HCR 28 - Houghton - Urges the Missouri Congressional delegation to make changes to the school lunch program in the Child Nutrition Act Reauthorization of 2015

HCR 29 - Love - Urges Congress to make the historic Butterfield Overland Trail part of the National Trails System

HJR 34 - Burlison - Amends the Constitution to limit general revenue appropriations and mandate state income tax rate reductions in certain situations and subject tax credits to appropriations

Governor & Lt. Governor (43)

SB 1 - Pearce - Modifies provisions relating to elementary and secondary education

SB 13 - Munzlinger - Modifies provisions relating to career and technical education

SB 14 - Munzlinger - Requires all departments and divisions of the state, including statewide offices, to post copies of contracts entered into for the provision of legal services from outside firms on the Missouri Accountability Portal

SB 16 - Dixon - Prohibits gubernatorial appointees from serving more than sixty days after the expiration of their term of office

SB 21 - Chappelle-Nadal - Modifies and enacts provisions relating to law enforcement officers

SB 22 - Chappelle-Nadal - Modifies provisions relating to elementary and secondary education

SB 48 - Sifton - Institutes a gift ban for the members of the General Assembly and their candidate committees

SB 49 - Sifton - Modifies provisions relating to elementary and secondary education

SB 59 - Dixon - Modifies the process for filling vacancies in certain statewide and General Assembly offices

SB 66 - Emery - Requires the Senate to try all impeachments except for the impeachment of the Governor, which shall be tried by the Chief Justice of the Missouri Supreme Court

SB 94 - Emery - Modifies retirement benefits for newly elected members of the General Assembly and statewide elected officials

SB 97 - LeVota - Modifies the membership and functions of the Ethics Commission and imposes campaign contribution limits

SB 147 - Schaaf - Modifies the law relating to the ethical behavior of public officials and lobbyists

SB 172 - Romine - Modifies provisions relating to elementary and secondary education

SB 185 - LeVota - Modifies provisions relating to the state budget and fiscal notes

SB 189 - Curls - Provides a process for the Parole Board to review the case histories of offenders serving more than 15 years in prison and recommend clemency or allow release on parole

SB 240 - Keaveny - Requires the State Auditor to make a one-time report on the costs of administering the death penalty

SB 253 - Romine - Expands the authority of the Governor to convey easements without the approval of the General Assembly and expands the rights granted by the easements

SB 315 - Dixon - Modifies provisions relating to political subdivisions

SB 317 - Brown - Allows the Governor to convey properties located in Pulaski County, Christian County, St. Charles County, and St. Louis County to the State Highways and Transportation Commission

SB 331 - Libla - Modifies provisions relating to emergencies, requirements for police officers at protests, and recordings from law enforcement cameras

SB 369 - Pearce - Expands the authority of the Governor to convey easements without the approval of the General Assembly and allows the Governor to convey certain specified properties

SB 393 - Schupp - Establishes a Task Force on the Death Penalty and places a moratorium on the death penalty until January 1, 2018

SB 413 - Romine - Modifies provisions relating to natural resource damages authorized to be recovered by the state natural resources trustee

SB 429 - Schaaf - Creates the Mortgage Foreclosure Mediation Code

SB 435 - Walsh - Allows the Governor to convey the State's interest in specified property owned by the state in St. Louis County to the county

SB 460 - Silvey - Prohibits the executive branch from extending existing bonds or issuing new bonds without legislative or voter approval

SB 560 - Chappelle-Nadal - Allows a person to possess up to one ounce of marijuana and provides a licensure process for retail marijuana stores, cultivation facilities, and products manufacturers

SRM 1 - Chappelle-Nadal - Remonstrates against Governor Nixon for his failed and incompetent leadership and calls for his resignation or impeachment

SCR 4 - Walsh - Recognizes every September 26th as Mesothelioma Awareness Day

SJR 2 - Dixon - Changes the procedures for the redistricting of the state Senate and House of Representatives districts

SJR 4 - Emery - Requires the Senate, beginning January 1, 2017, to try all impeachments except for the impeachment of the Governor, which shall be tried by the Chief Justice of the Missouri Supreme Court

SJR 9 - Schmitt - Amends the Constitution to limit general revenue appropriations and mandate state income tax rate reductions in certain situations

SJR 13 - Schaaf - Establishes the Missouri Anti-Corruption Amendment

SJR 14 - Dixon - Modifies the gubernatorial appointment process

SR 200 - Schaaf - Urges the Governor to not issue bonds for a stadium without legislative or voter approval and states that the Senate will not automatically appropriate money to service such bonds

HB 42 - Wood - Modifies provisions relating to elementary and secondary education

HB 742 - Bahr - Modifies the operations of the academic standards work groups and creates a Council for Community Education and a Task Force on School Safety Improvement within the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

HB 875 - Hinson - Modifies provisions relating to libraries

HB 947 - Wiemann - Authorizes the Governor to convey certain state properties

HB 1054 - Spencer - Excuses school districts' compliance with the professional development funds spending requirement and the fund placement and expenditure requirement in the following fiscal year if the Governor withheld funds from the foundation formula

HJR 24 - Cierpiot - Extends term limits to all statewide elected officials

HJR 34 - Burlison - Amends the Constitution to limit general revenue appropriations and mandate state income tax rate reductions in certain situations and subject tax credits to appropriations

Guardians (2)

SB 453 - LeVota - Expands the Amber Alert System to include missing endangered persons

HB 684 - Koenig - Provides that child protective investigators shall provide community service program information to parents and establishes the Supporting and Strengthening Families Act

Health Care (96)

SB 8 - Schaaf - Prohibits enforcement of any contractual provision that prevents disclosure of the contractual payment amount for health care services

SB 9 - Schaaf - Modifies the duties and powers of the Joint Committee on MO HealthNet

SB 10 - Schaaf - Modifies provisions relating to health care facility infection reporting

SB 26 - Sater - Establishes requirements for authorized entities to stock epinephrine (EPI) auto-injectors for use in emergencies

SB 38 - Romine - Modifies provisions relating to healthcare

SB 46 - Holsman - Requires hospitals and ambulatory surgical centers to report prices for most common procedures

SB 52 - Schaaf - Prohibits restrictive physician employment contracts

SB 78 - Sifton - Prohibits an insurer from requiring any waiting period for health insurance coverage for maternity benefits and requires coverage to begin immediately from the effective date of the health insurance policy or plan

SB 85 - Emery - WITHDRAWN

SB 90 - LeVota - Provides for the expansion of MO HealthNet services beginning on January 1, 2016

SB 118 - Brown - Requires Mo HealthNet participants to pay an eight dollar copay for the use of emergency room services for the treatment of a nonemergency condition

SB 119 - Brown - Modifies provisions of law regarding the Prescription Drug Repository Program

SB 122 - Walsh - Establishes a Health Care Directives Registry

SB 125 - Schupp - Authorizes eligibility for an alternative package of benefits for certain individuals under the MO HealthNet program

SB 141 - Parson - Raises the amount the Crime Victims' Compensation Fund can pay to eligible victims and provides that the Public Safety Department can negotiate costs on behalf of victims

SB 146 - Pearce - Modifies provisions of law relating to various regulated professions and establishes the Missouri Health Information Exchange Commission and the Perinatal Advisory Council

SB 151 - Sater - Sets a reimbursement rate for primary care physicians under Medicaid and requires MO HealthNet to contract with a third party for eligibility verification

SB 153 - Wallingford - Provides that a managed care plan's network is adequate if the health carrier is accredited by the Accreditation Association for Ambulatory Health Care

SB 167 - Schaaf - Extends the sunset on certain healthcare provider reimbursement allowance taxes and prohibits enforcement of contract provisions that prevent disclosure of payment amounts for health care

SB 174 - Schmitt - Establishes the Missouri Achieving a Better Life Experience Program

SB 186 - Curls - Provides for the expansion of MO HealthNet services beginning on January 1, 2016

SB 197 - Brown - Modifies provisions regarding various healthcare professionals, disease reporting to DHSS, and establishes the Perinatal Advisory Council and the Joint Committee on MO HealthNet

SB 204 - Parson - Requires that an applicant for a navigator license must take an exam created by the Department of Insurance and submit to a criminal background check

SB 210 - Schaefer - Extends the sunset on certain healthcare provider reimbursement allowance taxes and modifies provisions relating to MO HealthNet and DSH payments

SB 217 - Riddle - Requires certain types of intervention pain management to be performed only by physicians licensed under chapter 334

SB 218 - Riddle - Requires Mo HealthNet managed care organizations to allow the increase of or combination of healthy behavior incentives so that covered recipients are able to purchase specified infant and childcare items

SB 226 - Emery - Authorizes certain social workers and licensed professional counselors to provide behavioral health services in the MO HealthNet program to MO HealthNet managed care program participants

SB 230 - Romine - Modifies provisions relating to healthcare including telehealth, infection reporting, and the Perinatal Advisory Council

SB 243 - Schmitt - Modifies provisions relating to MO Healthnet managed care organizations rate setting

SB 257 - Sater - Provides an additional payment for low-weight babies to managed care organizations that provide MO HealthNet services

SB 260 - Schaefer - Extends the sunset on hospital reimbursement allowance tax to September 30, 2016

SB 261 - Schaefer - Extends the sunset on the ground ambulance service reimbursement allowance tax to September 30, 2016

SB 262 - Schaefer - Extends the sunset on the nursing facility reimbursement allowance tax to September 30, 2016

SB 263 - Schaefer - Extends the sunset on the pharmacy reimbursement allowance tax to September 30, 2016

SB 264 - Schaefer - Extends the sunset on the Medicaid manage care organization reimbursement allowance tax to September 30, 2016

SB 265 - Schaefer - Extends the sunset on the intermediate care facility for the intellectually disable reimbursement allowance tax to September 30, 2016

SB 277 - Walsh - Designates the month of November as "Epilepsy Awareness Month"

SB 287 - Silvey - Allows veterans and their spouses and dependent children, as well as spouses and dependent children of deceased veterans, to be eligible for MO HealthNet benefits

SB 294 - Schaaf - Extends the sunset on certain healthcare provider reimbursement allowance taxes and prohibits enforcement of any contractual provision that prevents disclosure of the contractual payment amount for health care services

SB 301 - Silvey - Modifies provisions relating to public assistance and MO HealthNet

SB 325 - Sater - Delineates procedures to be used by pharmacy benefit managers with regards to maximum allowable cost lists

SB 329 - Schupp - Requires employees and volunteers of specified public and private institutions to receive an influenza vaccination every year

SB 342 - Brown - Establishes the Perinatal Advisory Council and sets forth its duties

SB 380 - Wieland - Modifies provisions relating to health care

SB 386 - Keaveny - Modifies provisions relating to hemp extract

SB 395 - Holsman - Modifies provisions relating to cannabis

SB 407 - Onder - Provides for the reimbursement of emergency medical services for MO HealthNet participants by hospitals

SB 416 - Wasson - Modifies provisions of law regarding the disposition of deceased human remains, collaborative practice arrangements, regulating new professions, and creates the Missouri Health Information Exchange Commission

SB 418 - Chappelle-Nadal - Changes how school districts and charter schools may conduct instruction in human sexuality and sexually transmitted infections

SB 419 - Silvey - Creates the Healthcare Transformation Trust Fund

SB 422 - Schaaf - Establishes requirements regarding life-sustaining treatment policies

SB 426 - Parson - Allows community mental health liaisons to access specified confidential records maintained by specified institutions

SB 431 - Onder - Treats changes by the Missouri Medicaid Audit and Compliance Unit of reimbursement requirement interpretations as rules

SB 444 - Schaaf - Eliminates provision of MO HealthNet services through managed care programs

SB 457 - Sater - Modifies provisions relating to health care professionals and services

SB 462 - Schaefer - Creates an income tax deduction for certain penalties assessed under the Affordable Care Act and paid on a federal return

SB 466 - Schmitt - Requires disclosure of life-sustaining treatment policies of health care facilities and prohibits denial of life-sustaining treatment or anatomical gifts under specified circumstances

SB 478 - Onder - Allows for direct primary health care services to be provided through a medical retainer agreement between the physician and patient

SB 490 - LeVota - Establishes a program for fee for service and managed care MO HealthNet components to provide critical access medication management

SB 494 - LeVota - Modifies a reference to federal statute as it pertains to funding for federally qualified health centers

SB 496 - Hegeman - Establishes the Missouri Palliative Care and Quality of Life Interdisciplinary Advisory Council and the Palliative Care Consumer and Professional Information Education Program

SB 511 - Schaaf - Requires healthcare contractors providing services to prison inmates to provide certain information to the Office of Administration

SB 517 - Wasson - Modifies provisions relating to professional registration, death certificates, collaborative practice, & health information

SB 533 - Riddle - Modifies provisions relating to children, including safe sleep, immunizations, and the Perinatal Advisory Council

SB 537 - Schaaf - Makes a technical change in statute concerning a duty of the Department of Health and Human Services

SB 542 - Sater - Extends MO HealthNet managed care statewide for only the current managed care populations

SB 558 - Brown - Requires long-term care facilities to offer influenza vaccinations to specified employees

SB 563 - Wieland - Modifies requirements for certain state agency statements to be promulgated in accordance with the requirements of the Administrative Procedures Act

SB 566 - Silvey - Modifies the law regarding the health care market and establishes the Insure Missouri Program to provide health insurance to certain low-income adults

SCR 2 - Nasheed - Designates the month of November as Pica Awareness Month in Missouri

SCR 4 - Walsh - Recognizes every September 26th as Mesothelioma Awareness Day

SCR 12 - Wasson - Establishes the Missouri Multiple Sclerosis Task Force

SCR 27 - Onder - Insists that the Missouri Congressional delegation endeavor and resolve to repeal the Affordable Care Act

SCR 29 - Onder - Urges the President and Congress to repeal the federal excise tax on medical devices

HB 112 - Franklin - Provides that certain licensing boards of health care professionals may contract with entities to collect workforce data from their licensees

HB 118 - Burlison - Establishes a statutory cause of action for damages against health care providers

HB 129 - Brattin - Requires the assessment of fees and charges for certain health care services in correctional centers

HB 190 - Swan - Modifies provisions relating to inspection of abortion facilities

HB 209 - Conway - Modifies provisions relating to the Crime Victims' Compensation Fund

HB 319 - Barnes - Changes the laws regarding the provision of telehealth services

HB 343 - Lair - Establishes a committee to assess the continuation of the Money Follows the Person Demonstration Program

HB 457 - Hicks - Requires public school students to receive a thirty minute instruction in cardiopulmonary resuscitation and the proper performance of the Heimlich maneuver or other first aid for choking

HB 501 - Montecillo - Requires course materials relating to sexual education to contain information regarding sexual predators, online predators, and the consequences of inappropriate text messaging

HB 538 - Lynch - Allows pharmacists and pharmacy technicians to sell and dispense opioid antagonists

HB 589 - Hough - Modifies provisions relating to reimbursement for MO HealthNet services

HB 665 - Franklin - Allows Department of Health and Senior Services to supply qualifying individuals with amino acid-based elemental formulas

HB 712 - Solon - Requires hospitals to provide notice to patients regarding whether they are being admitted or placed in observation status

HB 769 - Frederick - Allows for direct primary health care services to be provided through a medical retainer agreement between the physician and patient

HB 778 - Ruth - Designates the 22nd week of each year as 22q awareness week

HB 808 - Cornejo - Establishes the Missouri Palliative Care and Quality of Life Interdisciplinary Advisory Council and the Palliative Care Consumer and Professional Information and Education Program

HB 832 - Brown - Provides that inspections of certain x-ray systems shall not be required more frequently than every six years

HB 861 - Fitzwater - Designates the first full week in March as "Multiple Sclerosis Awareness Week"

HB 976 - Franklin - Modifies provisions relating to children, including immunization, amino acid-based elemental formula, court orders, juveniles with problem sexual behavior, safe sleep protocols, and the Children's Services Fund

HB 1116 - Rehder - Designates May 7th as "ROHHAD Awareness Day" in Missouri

HB 1134 - Bernskoetter - Allows certain public employees and retirees to apply for medical benefits during retirement as specified in the act

HB 1243 - English - Requires that an applicant for a navigator license must take an exam created by the Department of Insurance and furnish a surety bond or other evidence of financial responsibility

Health Care Professionals (52)

SB 8 - Schaaf - Prohibits enforcement of any contractual provision that prevents disclosure of the contractual payment amount for health care services

SB 46 - Holsman - Requires hospitals and ambulatory surgical centers to report prices for most common procedures

SB 52 - Schaaf - Prohibits restrictive physician employment contracts

SB 63 - Sater - Establishes the Narcotics Control Act

SB 107 - Sater - Authorizes certain boards and commissions under the Division of Professional Registration to issue opinions for educational purposes and modifies laws relating to speech-language pathologists and audiologists

SB 111 - Schaaf - Establishes a Prescription Drug Monitoring Program

SB 146 - Pearce - Modifies provisions of law relating to various regulated professions and establishes the Missouri Health Information Exchange Commission and the Perinatal Advisory Council

SB 154 - Wallingford - Requires those practicing music therapy to have a license issued by the Director of the Division of Professional Registration

SB 167 - Schaaf - Extends the sunset on certain healthcare provider reimbursement allowance taxes and prohibits enforcement of contract provisions that prevent disclosure of payment amounts for health care

SB 197 - Brown - Modifies provisions regarding various healthcare professionals, disease reporting to DHSS, and establishes the Perinatal Advisory Council and the Joint Committee on MO HealthNet

SB 210 - Schaefer - Extends the sunset on certain healthcare provider reimbursement allowance taxes and modifies provisions relating to MO HealthNet and DSH payments

SB 217 - Riddle - Requires certain types of intervention pain management to be performed only by physicians licensed under chapter 334

SB 230 - Romine - Modifies provisions relating to healthcare including telehealth, infection reporting, and the Perinatal Advisory Council

SB 239 - Brown - Creates a statutory cause of action for damages against health care providers

SB 260 - Schaefer - Extends the sunset on hospital reimbursement allowance tax to September 30, 2016

SB 263 - Schaefer - Extends the sunset on the pharmacy reimbursement allowance tax to September 30, 2016

SB 264 - Schaefer - Extends the sunset on the Medicaid manage care organization reimbursement allowance tax to September 30, 2016

SB 265 - Schaefer - Extends the sunset on the intermediate care facility for the intellectually disable reimbursement allowance tax to September 30, 2016

SB 281 - Silvey - Provides reimbursement for behavior assessment and intervention

SB 294 - Schaaf - Extends the sunset on certain healthcare provider reimbursement allowance taxes and prohibits enforcement of any contractual provision that prevents disclosure of the contractual payment amount for health care services

SB 313 - Wallingford - Authorizes certain advanced practice registered nurses, physician assistants, and assistant physicians to prescribe hydrocodone

SB 316 - Brown - Creates requirements for co-payments and notice of insurance coverage for occupational therapy

SB 368 - Pearce - Provides that a degree in a program accredited by the Psychological Clinical Science Accreditation System meets various psychologist licensure requirements

SB 386 - Keaveny - Modifies provisions relating to hemp extract

SB 400 - Onder - Provides that the state shall not require maintenance of licensure or any form of specialty medical board certification to practice medicine

SB 407 - Onder - Provides for the reimbursement of emergency medical services for MO HealthNet participants by hospitals

SB 411 - Brown - Modifies examination requirements for physicians and surgeons

SB 415 - Wasson - Modifies provisions of law regarding advanced practice registered nurses practicing under collaborative practice arrangements

SB 416 - Wasson - Modifies provisions of law regarding the disposition of deceased human remains, collaborative practice arrangements, regulating new professions, and creates the Missouri Health Information Exchange Commission

SB 422 - Schaaf - Establishes requirements regarding life-sustaining treatment policies

SB 457 - Sater - Modifies provisions relating to health care professionals and services

SB 458 - Sater - Modifies provisions of law regarding healthcare

SB 466 - Schmitt - Requires disclosure of life-sustaining treatment policies of health care facilities and prohibits denial of life-sustaining treatment or anatomical gifts under specified circumstances

SB 472 - Schaaf - Requires advanced radiology practitioners and radiologic technologists to be licensed by the State Board of Registration for the Healing Arts

SB 478 - Onder - Allows for direct primary health care services to be provided through a medical retainer agreement between the physician and patient

SB 479 - Onder - Modifies laws regarding the licensure of midwives

SB 505 - Wieland - Modifies provisions of the Athletic Trainers Practice Act

SB 515 - Sater - Requires emergency medical technicians, firefighters, and first responders to be mandatory reporters for in-home services client abuse or neglect

SB 517 - Wasson - Modifies provisions relating to professional registration, death certificates, collaborative practice, & health information

SB 564 - Kehoe - Allows a court to modify a jury's verdict in an action against a health care provider for medical malpractice

HB 108 - McCaherty - Establishes a two-year statute of limitations for claims of malpractice or negligence against mental health professionals

HB 112 - Franklin - Provides that certain licensing boards of health care professionals may contract with entities to collect workforce data from their licensees

HB 118 - Burlison - Establishes a statutory cause of action for damages against health care providers

HB 130 - Rehder - Establishes the Prescription Drug Monitoring Program Act

HB 319 - Barnes - Changes the laws regarding the provision of telehealth services

HB 422 - Burlison - Provides that certain boards and commissions under the Division of Professional Registration may issue opinions for educational purposes

HB 538 - Lynch - Allows pharmacists and pharmacy technicians to sell and dispense opioid antagonists

HB 618 - Fraker - Modifies provisions of law regarding the disposition of deceased human remains and the electronic vital records system

HB 672 - Frederick - Provides reimbursement for behavior assessment and intervention

HB 769 - Frederick - Allows for direct primary health care services to be provided through a medical retainer agreement between the physician and patient

HB 867 - Frederick - Establishes dental and medical education days, as well as authorizes a multicenter study into the root causes of depression among dental and medical students

HB 868 - Rhoads - Modifies provisions relating to tax increment financing, emergency service providers, and board members of fire protection and ambulance districts

Health Dept. (37)

SB 10 - Schaaf - Modifies provisions relating to health care facility infection reporting

SB 33 - Wallingford - Modifies provisions relating to inspection of abortion facilities

SB 38 - Romine - Modifies provisions relating to healthcare

SB 46 - Holsman - Requires hospitals and ambulatory surgical centers to report prices for most common procedures

SB 53 - Schaaf - Modifies certificate of need requirements for long-term care facilities

SB 63 - Sater - Establishes the Narcotics Control Act

SB 82 - Chappelle-Nadal - Requires long-term care facilities to be encouraged to institute policies facilitating familial involvement in the well-being and support of its residents

SB 111 - Schaaf - Establishes a Prescription Drug Monitoring Program

SB 122 - Walsh - Establishes a Health Care Directives Registry

SB 146 - Pearce - Modifies provisions of law relating to various regulated professions and establishes the Missouri Health Information Exchange Commission and the Perinatal Advisory Council

SB 178 - Munzlinger - Modifies provisions relating to captive cervids

SB 197 - Brown - Modifies provisions regarding various healthcare professionals, disease reporting to DHSS, and establishes the Perinatal Advisory Council and the Joint Committee on MO HealthNet

SB 244 - Schmitt - Creates the Senior Savings Protection Act

SB 329 - Schupp - Requires employees and volunteers of specified public and private institutions to receive an influenza vaccination every year

SB 341 - Riddle - Modifies provisions of law relating to the protection of children and other vulnerable persons

SB 342 - Brown - Establishes the Perinatal Advisory Council and sets forth its duties

SB 386 - Keaveny - Modifies provisions relating to hemp extract

SB 395 - Holsman - Modifies provisions relating to cannabis

SB 422 - Schaaf - Establishes requirements regarding life-sustaining treatment policies

SB 427 - Sifton - Mandates the establishment of safe sleeping protocols in child care facilities providing care for children under one year of age

SB 482 - Schupp - Modifies provisions relating to child care facility licensure

SB 496 - Hegeman - Establishes the Missouri Palliative Care and Quality of Life Interdisciplinary Advisory Council and the Palliative Care Consumer and Professional Information Education Program

SB 500 - Riddle - Modifies provisions relating to honey

SB 553 - Munzlinger - Modifies the authority of county health center boards to promulgate rules to enhance public health and prevent disease

SB 563 - Wieland - Modifies requirements for certain state agency statements to be promulgated in accordance with the requirements of the Administrative Procedures Act

SCR 12 - Wasson - Establishes the Missouri Multiple Sclerosis Task Force

HB 112 - Franklin - Provides that certain licensing boards of health care professionals may contract with entities to collect workforce data from their licensees

HB 119 - Lichtenegger - Requires public water systems and public water supply districts to notify certain persons and entities prior to modifications to water fluoridation

HB 130 - Rehder - Establishes the Prescription Drug Monitoring Program Act

HB 457 - Hicks - Requires public school students to receive a thirty minute instruction in cardiopulmonary resuscitation and the proper performance of the Heimlich maneuver or other first aid for choking

HB 531 - Solon - Requires that nicotine liquid containers sold at retail satisfy federal child-resistant effectiveness standards

HB 556 - Wood - Modifies provisions relating to children and families

HB 808 - Cornejo - Establishes the Missouri Palliative Care and Quality of Life Interdisciplinary Advisory Council and the Palliative Care Consumer and Professional Information and Education Program

HB 832 - Brown - Provides that inspections of certain x-ray systems shall not be required more frequently than every six years

HB 868 - Rhoads - Modifies provisions relating to tax increment financing, emergency service providers, and board members of fire protection and ambulance districts

HB 1066 - Allen - Modifies provisions relating to health care facility infection reporting

HB 1184 - Hummel - Changes the "Farm-to-School Act" to the "Farm to Table Act"

Health, Public (30)

SB 10 - Schaaf - Modifies provisions relating to health care facility infection reporting

SB 26 - Sater - Establishes requirements for authorized entities to stock epinephrine (EPI) auto-injectors for use in emergencies

SB 101 - LeVota - Allows constitutional charter cities that have 100,000 or more inhabitants to enact certain types of ordinances

SB 119 - Brown - Modifies provisions of law regarding the Prescription Drug Repository Program

SB 122 - Walsh - Establishes a Health Care Directives Registry

SB 131 - Parson - Modifies provisions relating to agriculture

SB 178 - Munzlinger - Modifies provisions relating to captive cervids

SB 197 - Brown - Modifies provisions regarding various healthcare professionals, disease reporting to DHSS, and establishes the Perinatal Advisory Council and the Joint Committee on MO HealthNet

SB 276 - Walsh - Designates the third Thursday in November as the "Great American Smokeout Day"

SB 329 - Schupp - Requires employees and volunteers of specified public and private institutions to receive an influenza vaccination every year

SB 331 - Libla - Modifies provisions relating to emergencies, requirements for police officers at protests, and recordings from law enforcement cameras

SB 418 - Chappelle-Nadal - Changes how school districts and charter schools may conduct instruction in human sexuality and sexually transmitted infections

SB 493 - Brown - Requires public school students to pass a course in cardiopulmonary resuscitation to receive a certificate of graduation

SB 496 - Hegeman - Establishes the Missouri Palliative Care and Quality of Life Interdisciplinary Advisory Council and the Palliative Care Consumer and Professional Information Education Program

SB 500 - Riddle - Modifies provisions relating to honey

SB 502 - Schmitt - Requires that an objective test or measure be used to determine whether a youth athlete is suspected of sustaining a brain injury or concussion during a game or practice

SB 533 - Riddle - Modifies provisions relating to children, including safe sleep, immunizations, and the Perinatal Advisory Council

SB 553 - Munzlinger - Modifies the authority of county health center boards to promulgate rules to enhance public health and prevent disease

SCR 2 - Nasheed - Designates the month of November as Pica Awareness Month in Missouri

SCR 12 - Wasson - Establishes the Missouri Multiple Sclerosis Task Force

SCR 13 - Curls - Declares November 14, 2015, as Neuroblastoma Cancer Awareness Day

SCR 35 - Schmitt - Designates May 13, 2015, as Jump Day

SCR 36 - Schmitt - Discourages the Environmental Protection Agency from promulgating any rule regulating the use of individual propane gas barbecue grills

HB 88 - Walton Gray - Designates July 3 of each year as "Organ Donor Recognition Day"

HB 400 - Peters - Designates the month of November each year as "Epilepsy Awareness Month"

HB 479 - Houghton - Exempts data collected under the federal Animal Disease Traceability Program from being subject to disclosure except under certain circumstances

HB 531 - Solon - Requires that nicotine liquid containers sold at retail satisfy federal child-resistant effectiveness standards

HB 808 - Cornejo - Establishes the Missouri Palliative Care and Quality of Life Interdisciplinary Advisory Council and the Palliative Care Consumer and Professional Information and Education Program

HB 1066 - Allen - Modifies provisions relating to health care facility infection reporting

HCR 39 - Houghton - Urges the 2015 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee to reevaluate its recommendations regarding a reduction in meat consumption in Americans' diets

Higher Education Dept. (11)

SB 71 - LeVota - Requires the Department of Higher Education to establish a reimbursement procedure through the A+ Program for a student's portion of fees for dual credit courses

SB 113 - Dixon - Modifies provisions relating to education

SB 172 - Romine - Modifies provisions relating to elementary and secondary education

SB 207 - Pearce - Authorizes an employer to retain an employee's withholding tax for five years if the employee has graduated with a STEM degree from a Missouri Innovation Campus

SB 224 - Romine - Requires a student to be a United States citizen or permanent resident in order to be eligible to receive reimbursements from the A+ Schools Program

SB 268 - Pearce - Modifies the Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics Fund and creates the Economic-Education Partnership Act

SB 299 - Pearce - Modifies the eligibility requirements for the Bright Flight Scholarship Program and adds a forgivable loan component

SB 334 - Nasheed - Modifies provisions relating to the boards of regents of state colleges and universities and broadens the degree-granting authority of Harris-Stowe State University

SB 530 - Onder - Enacts multiple provisions to protect the privacy of student data

HB 807 - Cornejo - Modifies provisions relating to courts, civil actions, wills and trusts, life insurance, crimes, and public defenders

HB 1023 - Swan - Modifies provisions relating to school quality and creates the School Quality Task Force within the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

Highway Patrol (19)

SB 3 - Pearce - Expands ban on using cell phones while driving to all drivers and to include telephone calls

SB 43 - Nasheed - Requires law enforcement agencies to adopt written policies regarding officer-involved deaths and allows the Attorney General to investigate officer-involved deaths

SB 76 - Sifton - Requires every individual who is 17 years old or older and arrested for any felony offense to provide a biological sample for DNA profiling

SB 86 - Emery - Allows a court to place a person on electronic monitoring with victim notification if a person has been charged with, or found guilty of, violating an order of protection

SB 120 - Walsh - Requires law enforcement agencies to adopt written policies for investigating officer-involved deaths and modifies provisions related to victims' rights

SB 135 - Holsman - Allows qualified motorcycle operators to operate motorcycles and motortricycles without protective headgear under certain conditions

SB 196 - Schaaf - Bans the use of automated license plate reader systems and automated traffic enforcement systems and restricts storage and use as evidence of data collected prior to enactment

SB 255 - Schaaf - Allows those licensed by the Department of Agriculture to grow and handle industrial hemp

SB 274 - Schupp - Applies ban on using cell phones related to text messaging while driving to all drivers

SB 275 - Schupp - Requires the driver and all passengers in a car or truck to wear a safety belt with certain exceptions

SB 296 - Schaaf - Exempts users of enclosed three wheel vehicles that contain manufacturer-installed seat belts with shoulder restraints from the requirement to wear helmets

SB 344 - Wasson - Modifies regulation of auto cycle operators and exempts such operators from using protective headgear

SB 410 - Wallingford - Modifies provisions relating to criminal nonsupport and provides a method for expungement of a one-time offense of criminal nonsupport

SB 451 - Dixon - Modifies provisions relating to petitions for the expungement of criminal records

SB 453 - LeVota - Expands the Amber Alert System to include missing endangered persons

SB 544 - Schaefer - Defines "motorcycle profiling" and creates regulations to eliminate motorcycle profiling

HB 322 - Shumake - Allows political subdivisions to submit fingerprints to the Highway Patrol for criminal background checks of applicants for employment or licenses or permits

HB 562 - Davis - Modifies regulation of autocycle operators and exempts such operators from using protective headgear

HB 830 - Curtman - Allows those licensed by the Department of Agriculture to grow and handle industrial hemp

Historic Preservation (1)

HCR 29 - Love - Urges Congress to make the historic Butterfield Overland Trail part of the National Trails System

Holidays (24)

SB 276 - Walsh - Designates the third Thursday in November as the "Great American Smokeout Day"

SB 277 - Walsh - Designates the month of November as "Epilepsy Awareness Month"

SCR 2 - Nasheed - Designates the month of November as Pica Awareness Month in Missouri

SCR 4 - Walsh - Recognizes every September 26th as Mesothelioma Awareness Day

SCR 13 - Curls - Declares November 14, 2015, as Neuroblastoma Cancer Awareness Day

SCR 14 - Schaefer - Recognizes the third Monday in June as Ride to Work Day in Missouri

SCR 15 - Riddle - Designates March as Women Veterans' Month in Missouri

SCR 32 - Hegeman - Recognizes April 13, 2015 as "Missouri Lineworker Appreciation Day"

SCR 35 - Schmitt - Designates May 13, 2015, as Jump Day

HB 88 - Walton Gray - Designates July 3 of each year as "Organ Donor Recognition Day"

HB 361 - Spencer - Designates the third week of February as "Engineer Awareness Week" in Missouri

HB 400 - Peters - Designates the month of November each year as "Epilepsy Awareness Month"

HB 402 - Phillips - Designates the first full week before Memorial Day as "Safe Boating Week"

HB 404 - Phillips - Designates the week in which May 15 falls as "Missouri's Peace Officers Memorial Week"

HB 567 - Dunn - Designates December 4 as "Alpha Phi Alpha Day" in Missouri in honor of the first black intercollegiate Greek-letter fraternity established for African-Americans

HB 778 - Ruth - Designates the 22nd week of each year as 22q awareness week

HB 859 - Dunn - Designates April 15 of each year as "Jackie Robinson Day" in Missouri

HB 861 - Fitzwater - Designates the first full week in March as "Multiple Sclerosis Awareness Week"

HB 874 - Remole - Designates October 16th as "Walt Disney - A Day to Dream' Day" in Missouri

HB 1116 - Rehder - Designates May 7th as "ROHHAD Awareness Day" in Missouri

HB 1119 - Redmon - Designates the second Monday in April as "Missouri Lineworker Appreciation Day"

HCR 18 - McCann Beatty - Recognizes July 1, 2015, as "Lucile Bluford Day" in Missouri in honor of a brave and persistent civil rights activist

HCR 26 - Shull - Designates the month of March for the years 2015 thru 2025 as Women Veterans' Month

HCR 27 - McGaugh - Designates April 24, 2016, as "Alpha Gamma Rho Day" in Missouri

Hospitals (23)

SB 8 - Schaaf - Prohibits enforcement of any contractual provision that prevents disclosure of the contractual payment amount for health care services

SB 10 - Schaaf - Modifies provisions relating to health care facility infection reporting

SB 46 - Holsman - Requires hospitals and ambulatory surgical centers to report prices for most common procedures

SB 115 - Kraus - Modifies provisions relating to taxation

SB 148 - Parson - Modifies provisions relating to business regulations

SB 167 - Schaaf - Extends the sunset on certain healthcare provider reimbursement allowance taxes and prohibits enforcement of contract provisions that prevent disclosure of payment amounts for health care

SB 197 - Brown - Modifies provisions regarding various healthcare professionals, disease reporting to DHSS, and establishes the Perinatal Advisory Council and the Joint Committee on MO HealthNet

SB 259 - Wallingford - Designates the priority for the state with respect to any funding for family planning services

SB 260 - Schaefer - Extends the sunset on hospital reimbursement allowance tax to September 30, 2016

SB 294 - Schaaf - Extends the sunset on certain healthcare provider reimbursement allowance taxes and prohibits enforcement of any contractual provision that prevents disclosure of the contractual payment amount for health care services

SB 298 - Kraus - Requires a hospital to provide oral and written notice of a patient's outpatient status and the impact of that status on the patient's health insurance coverage

SB 342 - Brown - Establishes the Perinatal Advisory Council and sets forth its duties

SB 407 - Onder - Provides for the reimbursement of emergency medical services for MO HealthNet participants by hospitals

SB 422 - Schaaf - Establishes requirements regarding life-sustaining treatment policies

SB 466 - Schmitt - Requires disclosure of life-sustaining treatment policies of health care facilities and prohibits denial of life-sustaining treatment or anatomical gifts under specified circumstances

SB 496 - Hegeman - Establishes the Missouri Palliative Care and Quality of Life Interdisciplinary Advisory Council and the Palliative Care Consumer and Professional Information Education Program

SB 545 - Schaefer - Allows certain county hospitals to invest 15% of their funds in mutual funds

HB 712 - Solon - Requires hospitals to provide notice to patients regarding whether they are being admitted or placed in observation status

HB 808 - Cornejo - Establishes the Missouri Palliative Care and Quality of Life Interdisciplinary Advisory Council and the Palliative Care Consumer and Professional Information and Education Program

HB 868 - Rhoads - Modifies provisions relating to tax increment financing, emergency service providers, and board members of fire protection and ambulance districts

HB 884 - Rowden - Specifies certain county hospitals may invest up to 15% of their funds in mutual funds

HB 1066 - Allen - Modifies provisions relating to health care facility infection reporting

HB 1184 - Hummel - Changes the "Farm-to-School Act" to the "Farm to Table Act"

Housing (9)

SB 36 - Romine - Modifies the law relating to the Missouri Human Rights Act and employment discrimination

SB 47 - Holsman - Prohibits planned communities from barring the installation of solar energy systems

SB 181 - Curls - Changes the notice requirement to a tenant in a foreclosure action from ten days to ninety days

SB 237 - Keaveny - Bars discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity

SB 390 - Curls - Creates a new tax credit for first time purchasers of homes in a blighted area that will be used for owner-occupancy

SB 391 - Curls - Modifies residential property receivership

SB 429 - Schaaf - Creates the Mortgage Foreclosure Mediation Code

HB 462 - Bahr - Creates provisions prohibiting binding agreements that run with the land to prevent displaying political signs

HB 1019 - Austin - Modifies the law relating to the Missouri Human Rights Act and employment discrimination

Immigration (5)

SB 224 - Romine - Requires a student to be a United States citizen or permanent resident in order to be eligible to receive reimbursements from the A+ Schools Program

SB 449 - Kraus - Prohibits employers from recruiting or referring an illegal alien for employment

SCR 22 - Schaefer - Directs the Attorney General of Missouri to join in the pending legal action brought by the state of Texas against the implementation of the "Deferred Action for Parents of Americans and Lawful Permanent Residents" program

HB 187 - Fitzpatrick - Modifies provisions relating to postsecondary education public benefits

HCR 12 - Cierpiot - Encourages the State Attorney General to join a lawsuit against President Barack Obama's immigration policies currently underway in Texas

Insurance - Automobile (7)

SB 279 - Brown - Requires all licensed insurance companies to report cancellation of motor vehicle insurance policies

SB 282 - Parson - Requires insurers to mail notices cancelling, refusing to renew, or refusing to issue automobile insurance policies through certain United States postal service methods

SB 351 - Schaefer - Creates a regulatory system for transportation network companies

SB 456 - Kehoe - Modifies provisions relating to the ownership of motor vehicles

SB 557 - LeVota - Requires the Department of Conservation to reimburse any automobile owner up to $500 for damages sustained to an automobile due to hitting or being hit by a deer

HB 391 - Gosen - Requires insurers to mail notices cancelling, refusing to renew, or refusing to issue automobile insurance policies through certain United States postal service methods

HB 1002 - Berry - Modifies provisions related to motor vehicles

Insurance - General (27)

SB 12 - Munzlinger - Modifies provisions relating to agriculture

SB 132 - Parson - Modifies provisions relating to evidence of financial responsibility for certified commercial pesticide applicators

SB 139 - Parson - Creates the Missouri Dairy Revitalization Act of 2015

SB 164 - Sifton - Exempts in bankruptcy proceedings life insurance proceeds for the burial of a family member, modifies insurance foreign investment limits, changes the requirements for the valuation of reserves for life insurance, and modifies provisions regarding qualified spousal trusts

SB 200 - Dixon - Modifies provisions relating to sentencing of juvenile criminal offenders, an armed offender docket pilot project, and criminal sentence reductions

SB 205 - Parson - Modifies regulations on the business of insurance

SB 206 - Parson - Requires insurers to file own risk and solvency assessment summary reports with the Department of Insurance, Financial Institutions, and Professional Registration

SB 282 - Parson - Requires insurers to mail notices cancelling, refusing to renew, or refusing to issue automobile insurance policies through certain United States postal service methods

SB 346 - Wasson - Modifies insurance foreign investment limits

SB 362 - Parson - Allows the Department of Insurance, Financial Institutions and Professional Registration to issue non-binding informational documents to insurers

SB 392 - Wieland - Modifies which members of fraternal benefit societies are exempt from insurance agent licensing

SB 402 - Wieland - Establishes provisions relating to workers' compensation large deductible policies

SB 434 - Schmitt - Adds health insurers as a type of insurer subject to the regulations regarding extraordinary dividend payments

SB 448 - Wieland - Modifies the laws relating to the assignment of liability in contracts for construction work

SB 470 - Parson - Allows a refund of a portion of expense savings to an insured under certain circumstances

SB 485 - Wieland - Modifies surplus and solvency regulations for 383 malpractice associations

SB 498 - Wasson - Modifies provisions of the Missouri Preneed Funeral Contract Act

SB 503 - Wieland - Creates a regulatory system for self-service storage insurance and the selling of such insurance

HB 50 - Gosen - Modifies regulations on the business of insurance

HB 100 - Gosen - Modifies provisions relating to the administration of topical agricultural products

HB 148 - Fitzpatrick - Specifies that beginning January 1, 2016, certain shareholders of S corporations may elect to reject workers' compensation insurance coverage

HB 276 - Cornejo - Exempts in bankruptcy proceedings life insurance proceeds for the burial of a family member, modifies insurance foreign investment limits, changes the requirements for the valuation of reserves for life insurance, and modifies provisions regarding qualified spousal trusts

HB 529 - Gosen - Modifies regulations on the business of insurance

HB 592 - Gosen - Modifies provisions relating to foreign investment limits

HB 609 - Gosen - Establishes provisions relating to workers' compensation large deductible policies

HB 709 - Gosen - Modifies regulations related to entities regulated by the Department of Insurance, Financial Institutions and Professional Registration

HB 1022 - Gosen - Authorizes a return of premiums paid by insureds

Insurance - Life (6)

SB 94 - Emery - Modifies retirement benefits for newly elected members of the General Assembly and statewide elected officials

SB 164 - Sifton - Exempts in bankruptcy proceedings life insurance proceeds for the burial of a family member, modifies insurance foreign investment limits, changes the requirements for the valuation of reserves for life insurance, and modifies provisions regarding qualified spousal trusts

SB 392 - Wieland - Modifies which members of fraternal benefit societies are exempt from insurance agent licensing

SB 498 - Wasson - Modifies provisions of the Missouri Preneed Funeral Contract Act

HB 70 - Gosen - Changes the requirements for the valuation of reserves for life insurance

HB 276 - Cornejo - Exempts in bankruptcy proceedings life insurance proceeds for the burial of a family member, modifies insurance foreign investment limits, changes the requirements for the valuation of reserves for life insurance, and modifies provisions regarding qualified spousal trusts

Insurance - Medical (35)

SB 8 - Schaaf - Prohibits enforcement of any contractual provision that prevents disclosure of the contractual payment amount for health care services

SB 51 - Onder - Modifies Missouri's Health Care Freedom Act by prohibiting the state from implementing a health insurance exchange, prohibiting insurers from accepting remuneration, and prescribing duties of the Attorney General for enforcement of the Act

SB 78 - Sifton - Prohibits an insurer from requiring any waiting period for health insurance coverage for maternity benefits and requires coverage to begin immediately from the effective date of the health insurance policy or plan

SB 89 - LeVota - Requires health carriers to file their premium rates and accompanying information with the Department of Insurance for approval

SB 94 - Emery - Modifies retirement benefits for newly elected members of the General Assembly and statewide elected officials

SB 145 - Pearce - Requires health benefit plans cover diagnosis and treatment of eating disorders

SB 153 - Wallingford - Provides that a managed care plan's network is adequate if the health carrier is accredited by the Accreditation Association for Ambulatory Health Care

SB 167 - Schaaf - Extends the sunset on certain healthcare provider reimbursement allowance taxes and prohibits enforcement of contract provisions that prevent disclosure of payment amounts for health care

SB 197 - Brown - Modifies provisions regarding various healthcare professionals, disease reporting to DHSS, and establishes the Perinatal Advisory Council and the Joint Committee on MO HealthNet

SB 204 - Parson - Requires that an applicant for a navigator license must take an exam created by the Department of Insurance and submit to a criminal background check

SB 227 - Emery - Modifies provisions relating to the collateral source rule and provides that parties may introduce evidence of the cost, rather than the value, of the medical treatment rendered

SB 294 - Schaaf - Extends the sunset on certain healthcare provider reimbursement allowance taxes and prohibits enforcement of any contractual provision that prevents disclosure of the contractual payment amount for health care services

SB 298 - Kraus - Requires a hospital to provide oral and written notice of a patient's outpatient status and the impact of that status on the patient's health insurance coverage

SB 316 - Brown - Creates requirements for co-payments and notice of insurance coverage for occupational therapy

SB 354 - Sater - Allows the Department of Health and Senior Services to supply qualifying individuals with amino acid-based elemental formulas

SB 383 - Wallingford - Requires any health insurers to make updates to their electronic and paper dental services provider materials available to plan members

SB 432 - Onder - Adds requirement for health benefit plan rate release

SB 434 - Schmitt - Adds health insurers as a type of insurer subject to the regulations regarding extraordinary dividend payments

SB 457 - Sater - Modifies provisions relating to health care professionals and services

SB 458 - Sater - Modifies provisions of law regarding healthcare

SB 513 - Parson - Allows health maintenance organizations to require cost sharing of its enrollees

SB 528 - Sater - Requires health carriers or managed care plans to offer medication synchronization services

SB 566 - Silvey - Modifies the law regarding the health care market and establishes the Insure Missouri Program to provide health insurance to certain low-income adults

SCR 27 - Onder - Insists that the Missouri Congressional delegation endeavor and resolve to repeal the Affordable Care Act

HB 198 - Morris - Requires health carriers or managed care plans to offer medication synchronization services

HB 202 - Morris - Prohibits a health carrier or other insurer that writes vision insurance from requiring an optometrist to provide services or materials at a discount that are not covered and reimbursed under the plan

HB 319 - Barnes - Changes the laws regarding the provision of telehealth services

HB 527 - Hill - Adds requirement for health benefit plan rate release

HB 665 - Franklin - Allows Department of Health and Senior Services to supply qualifying individuals with amino acid-based elemental formulas

HB 709 - Gosen - Modifies regulations related to entities regulated by the Department of Insurance, Financial Institutions and Professional Registration

HB 712 - Solon - Requires hospitals to provide notice to patients regarding whether they are being admitted or placed in observation status

HB 766 - Jones - Allows a health maintenance organization to require cost sharing of its enrollees

HB 769 - Frederick - Allows for direct primary health care services to be provided through a medical retainer agreement between the physician and patient

HB 1134 - Bernskoetter - Allows certain public employees and retirees to apply for medical benefits during retirement as specified in the act

HB 1243 - English - Requires that an applicant for a navigator license must take an exam created by the Department of Insurance and furnish a surety bond or other evidence of financial responsibility

Insurance - Property (3)

SB 159 - Parson - Modifies the title insurance law with respect to the performance of escrow, settlement, or closing services by title insurers, agencies, and agents

SB 394 - Wallingford - Allows homeowner insurance companies to offer earthquake coverage under the "Missouri Basic Property Insurance Inspection and Placement Program"

SB 503 - Wieland - Creates a regulatory system for self-service storage insurance and the selling of such insurance

Insurance Dept. (29)

SB 51 - Onder - Modifies Missouri's Health Care Freedom Act by prohibiting the state from implementing a health insurance exchange, prohibiting insurers from accepting remuneration, and prescribing duties of the Attorney General for enforcement of the Act

SB 78 - Sifton - Prohibits an insurer from requiring any waiting period for health insurance coverage for maternity benefits and requires coverage to begin immediately from the effective date of the health insurance policy or plan

SB 89 - LeVota - Requires health carriers to file their premium rates and accompanying information with the Department of Insurance for approval

SB 107 - Sater - Authorizes certain boards and commissions under the Division of Professional Registration to issue opinions for educational purposes and modifies laws relating to speech-language pathologists and audiologists

SB 148 - Parson - Modifies provisions relating to business regulations

SB 153 - Wallingford - Provides that a managed care plan's network is adequate if the health carrier is accredited by the Accreditation Association for Ambulatory Health Care

SB 154 - Wallingford - Requires those practicing music therapy to have a license issued by the Director of the Division of Professional Registration

SB 164 - Sifton - Exempts in bankruptcy proceedings life insurance proceeds for the burial of a family member, modifies insurance foreign investment limits, changes the requirements for the valuation of reserves for life insurance, and modifies provisions regarding qualified spousal trusts

SB 204 - Parson - Requires that an applicant for a navigator license must take an exam created by the Department of Insurance and submit to a criminal background check

SB 205 - Parson - Modifies regulations on the business of insurance

SB 206 - Parson - Requires insurers to file own risk and solvency assessment summary reports with the Department of Insurance, Financial Institutions, and Professional Registration

SB 360 - Parson - Establishes the Civil Litigation Funding Act

SB 362 - Parson - Allows the Department of Insurance, Financial Institutions and Professional Registration to issue non-binding informational documents to insurers

SB 383 - Wallingford - Requires any health insurers to make updates to their electronic and paper dental services provider materials available to plan members

SB 394 - Wallingford - Allows homeowner insurance companies to offer earthquake coverage under the "Missouri Basic Property Insurance Inspection and Placement Program"

SB 432 - Onder - Adds requirement for health benefit plan rate release

SB 434 - Schmitt - Adds health insurers as a type of insurer subject to the regulations regarding extraordinary dividend payments

SB 457 - Sater - Modifies provisions relating to health care professionals and services

SB 485 - Wieland - Modifies surplus and solvency regulations for 383 malpractice associations

SB 489 - Cunningham - Exempts certain entities from civil actions brought under unlawful merchandising practices provisions of law

SB 503 - Wieland - Creates a regulatory system for self-service storage insurance and the selling of such insurance

HB 50 - Gosen - Modifies regulations on the business of insurance

HB 70 - Gosen - Changes the requirements for the valuation of reserves for life insurance

HB 276 - Cornejo - Exempts in bankruptcy proceedings life insurance proceeds for the burial of a family member, modifies insurance foreign investment limits, changes the requirements for the valuation of reserves for life insurance, and modifies provisions regarding qualified spousal trusts

HB 422 - Burlison - Provides that certain boards and commissions under the Division of Professional Registration may issue opinions for educational purposes

HB 527 - Hill - Adds requirement for health benefit plan rate release

HB 529 - Gosen - Modifies regulations on the business of insurance

HB 709 - Gosen - Modifies regulations related to entities regulated by the Department of Insurance, Financial Institutions and Professional Registration

HB 769 - Frederick - Allows for direct primary health care services to be provided through a medical retainer agreement between the physician and patient

Internet, World-wide Web & E-mail (4)

SB 286 - Schaaf - Requires that all state-owned data centers become consolidated to the State Data Center

SB 546 - Schaefer - Establishes privacy protection for student information used by school service providers of websites, mobile applications, or online services

HB 120 - Davis - Modifies provisions relating to the privacy of students, prospective students, and employees through the use of certain technologies

HB 565 - Spencer - Creates the Missouri Course Access Program to permit public school students to enroll in certain courses to supplement coursework at the student's school of enrollment

Interstate Cooperation (2)

SCR 30 - Kehoe - Condemns certain California laws relating to shelled eggs and calls upon the legislature and the voters of California to repeal such laws

HCR 49 - Alferman - Condemns certain California laws relating to shelled eggs and calls upon the legislature and the voters of California to repeal such laws

Jackson County (5)

SB 81 - Dixon - Authorizes additional circuit judges for certain circuits when indicated by annual judicial performance report and provides that Division Twelve of the 16th Judicial Circuit shall sit in the City of Independence

SB 439 - LeVota - Provides that Division Twelve of the Sixteenth Judicial Circuit shall sit at the City of Independence

SB 454 - LeVota - Modifies the membership of the county political party committees in Jackson County

HB 799 - Roeber - Modifies provisions regarding judicial circuits

HB 1044 - Corlew - Authorizes the circuit court of Jackson County to establish and armed offender docket

Judges (23)

SB 17 - Dixon - Changes intersectional references relating to court costs

SB 37 - Romine - Awards attorney's fees and court costs in cases where a settlement offer was previously rejected and when the court rules on a motion to dismiss for failure to state a claim

SB 67 - Cunningham - Authorizes certain court surcharges, Buchanan County to establish a county municipal court, certain circuits with a SORTS facility to appoint a court marshal, requires certain reporting regarding municipal courts and modifies procedure in landlord tenant cases

SB 81 - Dixon - Authorizes additional circuit judges for certain circuits when indicated by annual judicial performance report and provides that Division Twelve of the 16th Judicial Circuit shall sit in the City of Independence

SB 140 - Parson - Provides that defendants in tort actions shall only be held severally liable and not jointly

SB 192 - Munzlinger - Modifies provisions of law relating to products liability claims

SB 216 - Keaveny - Establishes the Missouri Commercial Receivership Act

SB 227 - Emery - Modifies provisions relating to the collateral source rule and provides that parties may introduce evidence of the cost, rather than the value, of the medical treatment rendered

SB 233 - Kehoe - Modifies provisions relating to expert witnesses

SB 238 - LeVota - Prohibits retired judges or state employees from collecting retirement benefits while employed by a political subdivision

SB 239 - Brown - Creates a statutory cause of action for damages against health care providers

SB 246 - Hegeman - Mandates that judges must disqualify themselves from hearing a proceeding in certain situations

SB 439 - LeVota - Provides that Division Twelve of the Sixteenth Judicial Circuit shall sit at the City of Independence

SB 501 - Riddle - Authorizes an additional circuit judge for the forty-fifth judicial circuit

SB 527 - Keaveny - Specifies that a majority of the circuit and associate circuit judges of the 22nd Judicial Circuit sitting en banc must appoint the sheriff of the City of St. Louis

SB 532 - Riddle - Allows the presiding judge of certain circuits to appoint a circuit court marshal

SB 564 - Kehoe - Allows a court to modify a jury's verdict in an action against a health care provider for medical malpractice

SCR 6 - Schaaf - Disapproves the salary recommendations of the Citizen's Commission on Compensation for Elected Officials

SJR 7 - Richard - Establishes a constitutional limit on punitive damages

HB 473 - Higdon - Allows Buchanan County to establish a county municipal court and the presiding judge of certain circuits to appoint a circuit court marshal, and establishes reporting requirements regarding municipal courts

HB 799 - Roeber - Modifies provisions regarding judicial circuits

HB 807 - Cornejo - Modifies provisions relating to courts, civil actions, wills and trusts, life insurance, crimes, and public defenders

HCR 4 - Barnes - Disapproves the salary recommendations of the Missouri Citizens' Commission on Compensation for Elected Officials

Juries (7)

SB 140 - Parson - Provides that defendants in tort actions shall only be held severally liable and not jointly

SB 192 - Munzlinger - Modifies provisions of law relating to products liability claims

SB 227 - Emery - Modifies provisions relating to the collateral source rule and provides that parties may introduce evidence of the cost, rather than the value, of the medical treatment rendered

SB 233 - Kehoe - Modifies provisions relating to expert witnesses

SB 239 - Brown - Creates a statutory cause of action for damages against health care providers

SB 564 - Kehoe - Allows a court to modify a jury's verdict in an action against a health care provider for medical malpractice

SJR 7 - Richard - Establishes a constitutional limit on punitive damages

Kansas City (29)

SB 1 - Pearce - Modifies provisions relating to elementary and secondary education

SB 22 - Chappelle-Nadal - Modifies provisions relating to elementary and secondary education

SB 49 - Sifton - Modifies provisions relating to elementary and secondary education

SB 81 - Dixon - Authorizes additional circuit judges for certain circuits when indicated by annual judicial performance report and provides that Division Twelve of the 16th Judicial Circuit shall sit in the City of Independence

SB 101 - LeVota - Allows constitutional charter cities that have 100,000 or more inhabitants to enact certain types of ordinances

SB 146 - Pearce - Modifies provisions of law relating to various regulated professions and establishes the Missouri Health Information Exchange Commission and the Perinatal Advisory Council

SB 148 - Parson - Modifies provisions relating to business regulations

SB 161 - Nasheed - Modifies requirements for school antibullying policies and modifies provisions relating to reading instruction and student promotion in certain school districts

SB 190 - Curls - Removes the expiration of the Kansas City transportation sales tax and modifies provisions relating to audits of transportation development districts

SB 191 - Curls - Creates the "Center for the Neighborhoods Fund" in the state treasury to establish a center for the neighborhoods to conduct applied urban research and outreach programs

SB 228 - Curls - Allows certain people to enter abandoned property to secure it, remove trash and graffiti, and maintain the grounds, and provides immunity from civil and criminal liability

SB 229 - Curls - Modifies provisions regarding the ability of neighborhood organizations to bring nuisance actions in certain cities and counties

SB 245 - Hegeman - Modifies provisions relating to political subdivisions

SB 270 - Nasheed - Modifies public retirement systems

SB 300 - Silvey - Modifies provisions relating to retirement benefits

SB 308 - Curls - Specifies that Kansas City may require the registration of certain properties

SB 335 - Holsman - Modifies provisions requiring limited liability companies owning rental or unoccupied property to list a property manager with the city clerk

SB 369 - Pearce - Expands the authority of the Governor to convey easements without the approval of the General Assembly and allows the Governor to convey certain specified properties

SB 397 - Silvey - Authorizes community improvement districts created by Kansas City in Clay County to impose a sales tax and modifies what the funds may be used for

SB 439 - LeVota - Provides that Division Twelve of the Sixteenth Judicial Circuit shall sit at the City of Independence

HB 42 - Wood - Modifies provisions relating to elementary and secondary education

HB 515 - Leara - Modifies provisions relating to the Police Retirement System of the City of St. Louis and Police Retirement System of Kansas City

HB 629 - Leara - Modifies provisions relating to the Police Retirement System of Kansas City, Kansas City Public School Retirement System, and Public School Retirement System of the City of St. Louis

HB 630 - Leara - Modifies provisions relating to service credit for military leave within the Police Retirement System of Kansas City and the Civilian Employees' Retirement System of the Police Department of Kansas City

HB 799 - Roeber - Modifies provisions regarding judicial circuits

HB 807 - Cornejo - Modifies provisions relating to courts, civil actions, wills and trusts, life insurance, crimes, and public defenders

HB 864 - Solon - Modifies provisions requiring LLC's owning rental or unoccupied property to list a property manager with the City of Kansas City

HB 947 - Wiemann - Authorizes the Governor to convey certain state properties

HB 1044 - Corlew - Authorizes the circuit court of Jackson County to establish and armed offender docket

Labor and Industrial Relations Dept. (6)

SB 128 - Brown - Modifies prevailing wage laws and provisions relating to project labor agreements

SB 130 - Walsh - Creates a right to unpaid leave for employees that are affected by domestic violence

SB 144 - LeVota - Requires the Department of Labor and Industrial Relations to establish guidelines relating to gender pay equality

SB 193 - LeVota - Modifies the minimum wage laws

SB 215 - Nasheed - Modifies the minimum wage laws

SB 436 - Walsh - Modifies a provision relating to electrical contractor licenses issued by political subdivisions

Labor and Management (8)

SB 126 - Brown - Requires election of collective bargaining representatives every two years

SB 127 - Brown - Bars employers from requiring employees to engage in or cease engaging in certain labor practices

SB 128 - Brown - Modifies prevailing wage laws and provisions relating to project labor agreements

SB 129 - Brown - Requires authorization for certain labor unions to use dues and fees to make political contributions and requires consent for withholding earnings from paychecks

SB 193 - LeVota - Modifies the minimum wage laws

SB 215 - Nasheed - Modifies the minimum wage laws

SB 549 - Onder - Modifies provisions relating to collective bargaining representation for public employees

HB 116 - Burlison - Bars employers from requiring employees to engage in or cease engaging in certain labor practices

Lakes, Rivers and Waterways (4)

SB 285 - Kehoe - Modifies the definition of "waters of the state"

SB 461 - Wieland - Authorizes any Missouri port authority to establish an advanced industrial manufacturing zone for the development or redevelopment of certain structures

HB 92 - Miller - Modifies provisions relating to the Department of Natural Resources

HCR 21 - Miller - Urges the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to withdraw their proposed rule expanding the definition of "waters of the United States"

Landlords and Tenants (10)

SB 67 - Cunningham - Authorizes certain court surcharges, Buchanan County to establish a county municipal court, certain circuits with a SORTS facility to appoint a court marshal, requires certain reporting regarding municipal courts and modifies procedure in landlord tenant cases

SB 148 - Parson - Modifies provisions relating to business regulations

SB 181 - Curls - Changes the notice requirement to a tenant in a foreclosure action from ten days to ninety days

SB 182 - Curls - Changes the amount of damages that a tenant can recover when the security deposit is wrongfully withheld by a landlord

SB 309 - Curls - Provides that a landlord must keep security deposits in a depository institution and changes the amount a tenant can recover when the security deposit is wrongfully withheld

SB 335 - Holsman - Modifies provisions requiring limited liability companies owning rental or unoccupied property to list a property manager with the city clerk

HB 571 - Burlison - Removes the limit on the amount a landlord can receive as a security deposit

HB 583 - Cross - Allows a tenant to enter the rental property following eviction with the landlord's permission in certain situations

HB 864 - Solon - Modifies provisions requiring LLC's owning rental or unoccupied property to list a property manager with the City of Kansas City

HB 1330 - Cross - Allows landlords and tenants to agree to the payment of services required to return the rental property back to its condition at the commencement of the tenancy

Law Enforcement Officers and Agencies (56)

SB 21 - Chappelle-Nadal - Modifies and enacts provisions relating to law enforcement officers

SB 42 - Nasheed - Modifies the provision allowing law enforcement officers to use deadly force in certain circumstances

SB 43 - Nasheed - Requires law enforcement agencies to adopt written policies regarding officer-involved deaths and allows the Attorney General to investigate officer-involved deaths

SB 79 - Dixon - Allows counties to join a state's attorney system

SB 80 - Dixon - Modifies provisions relating to county prosecuting attorneys

SB 86 - Emery - Allows a court to place a person on electronic monitoring with victim notification if a person has been charged with, or found guilty of, violating an order of protection

SB 101 - LeVota - Allows constitutional charter cities that have 100,000 or more inhabitants to enact certain types of ordinances

SB 115 - Kraus - Modifies provisions relating to taxation

SB 120 - Walsh - Requires law enforcement agencies to adopt written policies for investigating officer-involved deaths and modifies provisions related to victims' rights

SB 146 - Pearce - Modifies provisions of law relating to various regulated professions and establishes the Missouri Health Information Exchange Commission and the Perinatal Advisory Council

SB 155 - Nasheed - Creates the Neighborhood Watch Fund for the creation of neighborhood watch organizations throughout the state

SB 165 - Nasheed - Creates a petition process for the expungement of records relating to certain criminal offenses

SB 199 - Dixon - Allows an armed offender docket in Jackson County and modifies the self-defense statute and the statute specifying when police officers are justified in using deadly force

SB 202 - Dixon - Allows sheriffs and deputies to assist in other counties throughout the state

SB 211 - Walsh - Modifies provisions relating to participants in the address confidentiality program administered by the Secretary of State

SB 213 - Wallingford - Requires children under the age of 18 to be prosecuted for most criminal offenses in juvenile courts unless the child is certified as an adult

SB 221 - Schatz - Modifies provisions relating to annexations and sales taxes in St. Louis County

SB 245 - Hegeman - Modifies provisions relating to political subdivisions

SB 252 - Romine - Prohibits two-way telecommunications devices and their component parts in correctional centers and jails

SB 283 - Kehoe - Allows political subdivisions to assign operation of a retirement plan to the Missouri Local Government Employees' Retirement System and modifies provisions relating to the Police Retirement System of the City of St. Louis

SB 300 - Silvey - Modifies provisions relating to retirement benefits

SB 303 - Keaveny - Requires law enforcement agencies to develop certain policies for eyewitness identification procedures

SB 304 - Keaveny - Modifies provisions relating to custodial interrogations of criminal suspects

SB 331 - Libla - Modifies provisions relating to emergencies, requirements for police officers at protests, and recordings from law enforcement cameras

SB 356 - Nasheed - Requires law enforcement agencies in certain cities to require their officers to wear a camera while on duty and in uniform and record all contacts with people

SB 357 - Nasheed - Requires each law enforcement agency in St. Louis County to be accredited by a certain commission by January 1, 2017

SB 373 - Libla - Creates the Division of Alcohol and Tobacco Control Fund for the enforcement of liquor and tobacco laws and directs fees from liquor licenses and permits to the fund

SB 384 - Munzlinger - Provides five percent salary increases for county office holders and raises the maximum allowable salary for sheriffs

SB 408 - Libla - Modifies provisions relating to the licensing and commissioning of corporate security advisors by the Department of Public Safety

SB 417 - Chappelle-Nadal - Specifies when a law enforcement officer is justified to use deadly force and requires a special prosecutor be appointed to investigate instances of such deadly force

SB 451 - Dixon - Modifies provisions relating to petitions for the expungement of criminal records

SB 527 - Keaveny - Specifies that a majority of the circuit and associate circuit judges of the 22nd Judicial Circuit sitting en banc must appoint the sheriff of the City of St. Louis

SB 532 - Riddle - Allows the presiding judge of certain circuits to appoint a circuit court marshal

SB 544 - Schaefer - Defines "motorcycle profiling" and creates regulations to eliminate motorcycle profiling

SB 547 - Riddle - Creates the permanent Joint Committee on Capitol Police to oversee the capitol police and modifies the jurisdiction and duties of the capitol police

SB 550 - Dixon - Makes data from law enforcement cameras a closed record, prohibits the state from requiring law enforcement cameras, and requires written policies on the use of cameras

SB 552 - Munzlinger - Specifies that no additional fee may be charged, including any fee for fingerprinting or criminal background checks, to process concealed carry permit applications

SB 559 - Chappelle-Nadal - Modifies provisions relating to racial profiling in policing

SCR 17 - Hegeman - Urges schools, little league and recreational programs, law enforcement, and prosecutors to do all they can to put an end to threats and assaults on sports officials

SCR 26 - Dempsey - Creates the Human Trafficking Task Force

HB 210 - Conway - Allows community college police officers to establish regulations to control vehicular traffic on any thoroughfare owned or maintained by the college

HB 218 - Wilson - Modifies provisions relating to mutual aid by law enforcement officers, the costs of imprisonment and electronic monitoring, and concealed carry permit fees

HB 322 - Shumake - Allows political subdivisions to submit fingerprints to the Highway Patrol for criminal background checks of applicants for employment or licenses or permits

HB 404 - Phillips - Designates the week in which May 15 falls as "Missouri's Peace Officers Memorial Week"

HB 515 - Leara - Modifies provisions relating to the Police Retirement System of the City of St. Louis and Police Retirement System of Kansas City

HB 629 - Leara - Modifies provisions relating to the Police Retirement System of Kansas City, Kansas City Public School Retirement System, and Public School Retirement System of the City of St. Louis

HB 630 - Leara - Modifies provisions relating to service credit for military leave within the Police Retirement System of Kansas City and the Civilian Employees' Retirement System of the Police Department of Kansas City

HB 635 - Burlison - Modifies provisions of law relating to the Amber Alert System and the Amber Alert System Oversight Committee

HB 643 - Hinson - Modifies laws regarding to local government retirement systems including LAGERS, CERF, and the Police Retirement System of St. Louis

HB 742 - Bahr - Modifies the operations of the academic standards work groups and creates a Council for Community Education and a Task Force on School Safety Improvement within the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

HB 762 - Higdon - Modifies provisions relating to the open records law, prohibits the state from requiring law enforcement cameras, and requires written policies on the use of cameras

HB 776 - Higdon - Creates the Commission on Capitol Security Infrastructure

HB 807 - Cornejo - Modifies provisions relating to courts, civil actions, wills and trusts, life insurance, crimes, and public defenders

HB 842 - McDaniel - Creates the Division of Alcohol and Tobacco Control Fund for the administration of liquor and tobacco laws

HB 878 - Rhoads - Modifies provisions relating to the licensing and commissioning of corporate security advisors by the Department of Public Safety

HCR 38 - Haahr - Establishes the Human Trafficking Task Force

Liability (31)

SB 12 - Munzlinger - Modifies provisions relating to agriculture

SB 54 - Munzlinger - Prohibits certain types of nuisance actions from being brought when the property owner has a government issued permit

SB 109 - Schaefer - Modifies provisions of law regarding claims against public higher education institutions covered by the State Legal Expense Fund and administrative leave for public employees

SB 131 - Parson - Modifies provisions relating to agriculture

SB 133 - Parson - Extends the equine activity liability waiver to livestock activities

SB 140 - Parson - Provides that defendants in tort actions shall only be held severally liable and not jointly

SB 148 - Parson - Modifies provisions relating to business regulations

SB 182 - Curls - Changes the amount of damages that a tenant can recover when the security deposit is wrongfully withheld by a landlord

SB 192 - Munzlinger - Modifies provisions of law relating to products liability claims

SB 209 - Sater - Extends the equine activity liability waiver to livestock activities

SB 227 - Emery - Modifies provisions relating to the collateral source rule and provides that parties may introduce evidence of the cost, rather than the value, of the medical treatment rendered

SB 239 - Brown - Creates a statutory cause of action for damages against health care providers

SB 309 - Curls - Provides that a landlord must keep security deposits in a depository institution and changes the amount a tenant can recover when the security deposit is wrongfully withheld

SB 324 - Munzlinger - Modifies the definition of property as it is used in provisions of law regarding certain private nuisance actions

SB 413 - Romine - Modifies provisions relating to natural resource damages authorized to be recovered by the state natural resources trustee

SB 416 - Wasson - Modifies provisions of law regarding the disposition of deceased human remains, collaborative practice arrangements, regulating new professions, and creates the Missouri Health Information Exchange Commission

SB 448 - Wieland - Modifies the laws relating to the assignment of liability in contracts for construction work

SB 475 - Dempsey - Grants the President Pro Tem and the Speaker standing to intervene in cases challenging the constitutionality of state law and authorizes individual legislators to hire outside counsel when sued in their official capacity

SB 487 - Richard - Modifies provisions relating to civil actions brought under merchandising practices and products liability provisions of law

SB 489 - Cunningham - Exempts certain entities from civil actions brought under unlawful merchandising practices provisions of law

SB 522 - Kehoe - Modifies the measurement of damages in civil actions for trespass or expanded use of an easement against a rural electric cooperative

SB 564 - Kehoe - Allows a court to modify a jury's verdict in an action against a health care provider for medical malpractice

SB 567 - Chappelle-Nadal - Provides that a person shall be liable for depriving another of a Missouri Constitutional right while acting under the color of law

SJR 7 - Richard - Establishes a constitutional limit on punitive damages

HB 100 - Gosen - Modifies provisions relating to the administration of topical agricultural products

HB 108 - McCaherty - Establishes a two-year statute of limitations for claims of malpractice or negligence against mental health professionals

HB 258 - Reiboldt - Modifies provisions relating to animal trespass

HB 375 - McGaugh - Modifies provisions relating to the duty of care a landowner owes a person entering without a fee onto the land for recreational use

HB 538 - Lynch - Allows pharmacists and pharmacy technicians to sell and dispense opioid antagonists

HB 618 - Fraker - Modifies provisions of law regarding the disposition of deceased human remains and the electronic vital records system

HB 868 - Rhoads - Modifies provisions relating to tax increment financing, emergency service providers, and board members of fire protection and ambulance districts

Libraries and Archives (2)

SB 114 - Kraus - Allows school and library districts to be reimbursed for 50% of their tax increment under a TIF plan

HB 875 - Hinson - Modifies provisions relating to libraries

Licenses - Driver's (7)

SB 3 - Pearce - Expands ban on using cell phones while driving to all drivers and to include telephone calls

SB 254 - Kraus - Modifies provisions relating to motor vehicle license plates

SB 274 - Schupp - Applies ban on using cell phones related to text messaging while driving to all drivers

SB 370 - Munzlinger - Regulates the use of automated traffic enforcement systems to enforce speed limits

SB 396 - Holsman - Prohibits any law enforcement officer from requiring a member of the crew of a locomotive or train to display a driver's license in connection with the operation of a locomotive or train

HB 179 - Chipman - Expands the documents that may be presented to obtain a veteran designation on a driver's license or identification card

HB 740 - Jones - Changes provisions relating to driver's license suspension for failure to appear for moving traffic violations

Licenses - Liquor and Beer (7)

SB 106 - Kraus - Waives Secretary of State fees for new businesses and requires business licenses to be issued within sixty days

SB 312 - Schmitt - Allows any person licensed to sell liquor in the original package at retail to sell 32 to 128 ounces of draft beer for consumption off the premises

SB 373 - Libla - Creates the Division of Alcohol and Tobacco Control Fund for the enforcement of liquor and tobacco laws and directs fees from liquor licenses and permits to the fund

HB 121 - Gosen - Permits certain advertising of liquor by retailers and creates a brew-on-premises liquor license

HB 149 - Fitzpatrick - Allows the issuance of a license to sell liquor by the drink on any boat licensed by the United States Coast Guard to carry 30 or more passengers

HB 279 - Cornejo - Modifies provisions relating to liquor licenses and advertising of liquor sales and creates the Division of Alcohol and Tobacco Control Fund

HB 842 - McDaniel - Creates the Division of Alcohol and Tobacco Control Fund for the administration of liquor and tobacco laws

Licenses - Misc (14)

SB 106 - Kraus - Waives Secretary of State fees for new businesses and requires business licenses to be issued within sixty days

SB 187 - Curls - Amends laws relating to small loans

SB 225 - Romine - Modifies Department of Natural Resources permit decision appeal procedures

SB 255 - Schaaf - Allows those licensed by the Department of Agriculture to grow and handle industrial hemp

SB 278 - Schatz - Modifies provisions relating to motor vehicles

SB 345 - Wasson - Modifies provisions relating to financial transactions

SB 386 - Keaveny - Modifies provisions relating to hemp extract

SB 443 - Schatz - Allows electronic recording of temporary permit sales as determined by the Department of Revenue

SB 560 - Chappelle-Nadal - Allows a person to possess up to one ounce of marijuana and provides a licensure process for retail marijuana stores, cultivation facilities, and products manufacturers

HB 35 - Walker - Creates provisions for permanent and historic registration of camping trailer license plates

HB 587 - Dugger - Modifies provisions relating to licensing fees paid by entities and persons licensed under the Missouri Sale of Checks Law, credit service organizations, and consumer credit lenders

HB 694 - Brattin - Modifies provisions relating to registration of certain motor vehicles

HB 830 - Curtman - Allows those licensed by the Department of Agriculture to grow and handle industrial hemp

HB 1002 - Berry - Modifies provisions related to motor vehicles

Licenses - Motor Vehicle (19)

SB 58 - Dixon - Modifies and repeals a number of existing, expired or obsolete committees

SB 146 - Pearce - Modifies provisions of law relating to various regulated professions and establishes the Missouri Health Information Exchange Commission and the Perinatal Advisory Council

SB 166 - Nasheed - Changes the name of the "I Have a Dream" specialty license plate to the "Dare to Dream" specialty license plate

SB 197 - Brown - Modifies provisions regarding various healthcare professionals, disease reporting to DHSS, and establishes the Perinatal Advisory Council and the Joint Committee on MO HealthNet

SB 254 - Kraus - Modifies provisions relating to motor vehicle license plates

SB 267 - Schaefer - Increases the penalties and driver license suspension periods for those who fail to yield the right-of-way in certain instances

SB 278 - Schatz - Modifies provisions relating to motor vehicles

SB 291 - Cunningham - Allows the Director of Revenue to establish rules and regulations to allow lienholders who have filed a lien electronically to release the lien by electronic means

SB 349 - Schaefer - Adds a motorcycle registration surcharge of five dollars to be deposited in the motorcycle safety trust fund

SB 443 - Schatz - Allows electronic recording of temporary permit sales as determined by the Department of Revenue

SB 446 - Schupp - Removes additional fee equal to the fee charged for personalized license plates for subsequent sets of special Purple Heart license plates

SB 458 - Sater - Modifies provisions of law regarding healthcare

HB 35 - Walker - Creates provisions for permanent and historic registration of camping trailer license plates

HB 229 - McCaherty - Creates a special motor vehicle license plate for any person who has been awarded the military service award known as the "Korea Defense Service Medal"

HB 403 - Phillips - Removes the additional fee for subsequent sets of special Purple Heart license plates and designates Missouri as a Purple Heart State

HB 553 - Pietzman - Allows motorcycle license plates to be mounted horizontally or vertically centered as long as the mounting meets the sight requirement

HB 686 - Hinson - Modifies provisions for registration of motor vehicles

HB 694 - Brattin - Modifies provisions relating to registration of certain motor vehicles

HB 1002 - Berry - Modifies provisions related to motor vehicles

Licenses - Professional (38)

SB 12 - Munzlinger - Modifies provisions relating to agriculture

SB 39 - LeVota - Moves sections of law known as the "Animal Care Act" and "Canine Cruelty Prevention Act" to the Occupations and Professions Chapter

SB 95 - LeVota - Modifies laws relating to the number of professional boards that an executive director can serve on and who can request licensee information

SB 103 - LeVota - Allows members of the General Assembly to request confidential professional licensee information

SB 106 - Kraus - Waives Secretary of State fees for new businesses and requires business licenses to be issued within sixty days

SB 107 - Sater - Authorizes certain boards and commissions under the Division of Professional Registration to issue opinions for educational purposes and modifies laws relating to speech-language pathologists and audiologists

SB 132 - Parson - Modifies provisions relating to evidence of financial responsibility for certified commercial pesticide applicators

SB 146 - Pearce - Modifies provisions of law relating to various regulated professions and establishes the Missouri Health Information Exchange Commission and the Perinatal Advisory Council

SB 154 - Wallingford - Requires those practicing music therapy to have a license issued by the Director of the Division of Professional Registration

SB 197 - Brown - Modifies provisions regarding various healthcare professionals, disease reporting to DHSS, and establishes the Perinatal Advisory Council and the Joint Committee on MO HealthNet

SB 204 - Parson - Requires that an applicant for a navigator license must take an exam created by the Department of Insurance and submit to a criminal background check

SB 250 - Onder - Creates the Missouri Electrical Industry Licensing Board and licensure requirements for a statewide electrical contractor's license

SB 313 - Wallingford - Authorizes certain advanced practice registered nurses, physician assistants, and assistant physicians to prescribe hydrocodone

SB 368 - Pearce - Provides that a degree in a program accredited by the Psychological Clinical Science Accreditation System meets various psychologist licensure requirements

SB 392 - Wieland - Modifies which members of fraternal benefit societies are exempt from insurance agent licensing

SB 400 - Onder - Provides that the state shall not require maintenance of licensure or any form of specialty medical board certification to practice medicine

SB 408 - Libla - Modifies provisions relating to the licensing and commissioning of corporate security advisors by the Department of Public Safety

SB 411 - Brown - Modifies examination requirements for physicians and surgeons

SB 415 - Wasson - Modifies provisions of law regarding advanced practice registered nurses practicing under collaborative practice arrangements

SB 416 - Wasson - Modifies provisions of law regarding the disposition of deceased human remains, collaborative practice arrangements, regulating new professions, and creates the Missouri Health Information Exchange Commission

SB 436 - Walsh - Modifies a provision relating to electrical contractor licenses issued by political subdivisions

SB 441 - Schaefer - Creates a definition for "correspondence" in the chapter regulating real estate brokers

SB 457 - Sater - Modifies provisions relating to health care professionals and services

SB 458 - Sater - Modifies provisions of law regarding healthcare

SB 472 - Schaaf - Requires advanced radiology practitioners and radiologic technologists to be licensed by the State Board of Registration for the Healing Arts

SB 479 - Onder - Modifies laws regarding the licensure of midwives

SB 499 - Wasson - Modifies laws regarding professional land surveyors

SB 505 - Wieland - Modifies provisions of the Athletic Trainers Practice Act

HB 100 - Gosen - Modifies provisions relating to the administration of topical agricultural products

HB 385 - Walker - Creates a definition for "correspondence" and "sold" in the chapter regulating real estate brokers

HB 422 - Burlison - Provides that certain boards and commissions under the Division of Professional Registration may issue opinions for educational purposes

HB 634 - Burlison - Establishes certain requirements that must be met in order to regulate a previously unregulated occupation or profession

HB 671 - Frederick - Modifies provisions relating to physician and surgeon licensure

HB 709 - Gosen - Modifies regulations related to entities regulated by the Department of Insurance, Financial Institutions and Professional Registration

HB 868 - Rhoads - Modifies provisions relating to tax increment financing, emergency service providers, and board members of fire protection and ambulance districts

HB 878 - Rhoads - Modifies provisions relating to the licensing and commissioning of corporate security advisors by the Department of Public Safety

HB 1052 - Miller - Modifies provisions relating to land surveyors

HB 1243 - English - Requires that an applicant for a navigator license must take an exam created by the Department of Insurance and furnish a surety bond or other evidence of financial responsibility

Liens (5)

SB 214 - Pearce - Modifies law relating to emerging issues

SB 291 - Cunningham - Allows the Director of Revenue to establish rules and regulations to allow lienholders who have filed a lien electronically to release the lien by electronic means

SB 391 - Curls - Modifies residential property receivership

SB 477 - Wallingford - Modifies the law relating to lien waivers

HB 524 - Dugger - Allows the Director of the Department of Revenue to adopt rules and regulations allowing specified motor vehicle or trailer lienholders to electronically release a lien

Lobbying (5)

SB 11 - Richard - Modifies the law relating to the ethical behavior of public officials and lobbyists

SB 48 - Sifton - Institutes a gift ban for the members of the General Assembly and their candidate committees

SB 147 - Schaaf - Modifies the law relating to the ethical behavior of public officials and lobbyists

SB 198 - Brown - Modifies law relating to patch-through telephone calls

SJR 13 - Schaaf - Establishes the Missouri Anti-Corruption Amendment

Manufactured Housing (3)

SB 32 - Cunningham - Creates a sales and use tax exemption for used manufactured homes

HB 111 - Crawford - Changes the laws regarding sales tax on used manufactured homes

HB 299 - Hoskins - Modifies provisions relating to taxation

Marriage and Divorce (6)

SB 164 - Sifton - Exempts in bankruptcy proceedings life insurance proceeds for the burial of a family member, modifies insurance foreign investment limits, changes the requirements for the valuation of reserves for life insurance, and modifies provisions regarding qualified spousal trusts

SB 256 - Sater - Establishes a pilot program allowing noncustodial parents to reduce the amount of state debt owed

SB 481 - Onder - Modifies laws regarding qualified spousal trusts

SB 555 - Emery - Modifies provisions of the law relating to marriages other than a marriage between a man and a woman

HB 276 - Cornejo - Exempts in bankruptcy proceedings life insurance proceeds for the burial of a family member, modifies insurance foreign investment limits, changes the requirements for the valuation of reserves for life insurance, and modifies provisions regarding qualified spousal trusts

HB 807 - Cornejo - Modifies provisions relating to courts, civil actions, wills and trusts, life insurance, crimes, and public defenders

Medicaid (39)

SB 9 - Schaaf - Modifies the duties and powers of the Joint Committee on MO HealthNet

SB 35 - Wallingford - Creates additional requirements for public assistance eligibility verification

SB 38 - Romine - Modifies provisions relating to healthcare

SB 85 - Emery - WITHDRAWN

SB 90 - LeVota - Provides for the expansion of MO HealthNet services beginning on January 1, 2016

SB 118 - Brown - Requires Mo HealthNet participants to pay an eight dollar copay for the use of emergency room services for the treatment of a nonemergency condition

SB 125 - Schupp - Authorizes eligibility for an alternative package of benefits for certain individuals under the MO HealthNet program

SB 151 - Sater - Sets a reimbursement rate for primary care physicians under Medicaid and requires MO HealthNet to contract with a third party for eligibility verification

SB 167 - Schaaf - Extends the sunset on certain healthcare provider reimbursement allowance taxes and prohibits enforcement of contract provisions that prevent disclosure of payment amounts for health care

SB 186 - Curls - Provides for the expansion of MO HealthNet services beginning on January 1, 2016

SB 197 - Brown - Modifies provisions regarding various healthcare professionals, disease reporting to DHSS, and establishes the Perinatal Advisory Council and the Joint Committee on MO HealthNet

SB 210 - Schaefer - Extends the sunset on certain healthcare provider reimbursement allowance taxes and modifies provisions relating to MO HealthNet and DSH payments

SB 218 - Riddle - Requires Mo HealthNet managed care organizations to allow the increase of or combination of healthy behavior incentives so that covered recipients are able to purchase specified infant and childcare items

SB 226 - Emery - Authorizes certain social workers and licensed professional counselors to provide behavioral health services in the MO HealthNet program to MO HealthNet managed care program participants

SB 230 - Romine - Modifies provisions relating to healthcare including telehealth, infection reporting, and the Perinatal Advisory Council

SB 243 - Schmitt - Modifies provisions relating to MO Healthnet managed care organizations rate setting

SB 257 - Sater - Provides an additional payment for low-weight babies to managed care organizations that provide MO HealthNet services

SB 264 - Schaefer - Extends the sunset on the Medicaid manage care organization reimbursement allowance tax to September 30, 2016

SB 281 - Silvey - Provides reimbursement for behavior assessment and intervention

SB 287 - Silvey - Allows veterans and their spouses and dependent children, as well as spouses and dependent children of deceased veterans, to be eligible for MO HealthNet benefits

SB 294 - Schaaf - Extends the sunset on certain healthcare provider reimbursement allowance taxes and prohibits enforcement of any contractual provision that prevents disclosure of the contractual payment amount for health care services

SB 295 - Schaaf - Raises the Mo HealthNet eligibility income limits for elderly and disabled persons

SB 298 - Kraus - Requires a hospital to provide oral and written notice of a patient's outpatient status and the impact of that status on the patient's health insurance coverage

SB 301 - Silvey - Modifies provisions relating to public assistance and MO HealthNet

SB 322 - Dempsey - Modifies provisions relating to public assistance

SB 407 - Onder - Provides for the reimbursement of emergency medical services for MO HealthNet participants by hospitals

SB 419 - Silvey - Creates the Healthcare Transformation Trust Fund

SB 431 - Onder - Treats changes by the Missouri Medicaid Audit and Compliance Unit of reimbursement requirement interpretations as rules

SB 444 - Schaaf - Eliminates provision of MO HealthNet services through managed care programs

SB 490 - LeVota - Establishes a program for fee for service and managed care MO HealthNet components to provide critical access medication management

SB 494 - LeVota - Modifies a reference to federal statute as it pertains to funding for federally qualified health centers

SB 542 - Sater - Extends MO HealthNet managed care statewide for only the current managed care populations

SB 566 - Silvey - Modifies the law regarding the health care market and establishes the Insure Missouri Program to provide health insurance to certain low-income adults

SCR 27 - Onder - Insists that the Missouri Congressional delegation endeavor and resolve to repeal the Affordable Care Act

HB 319 - Barnes - Changes the laws regarding the provision of telehealth services

HB 589 - Hough - Modifies provisions relating to reimbursement for MO HealthNet services

HB 712 - Solon - Requires hospitals to provide notice to patients regarding whether they are being admitted or placed in observation status

HB 796 - Haefner - Modifies provisions relating to SNAP, TANF, and Mo HealthNet

HB 985 - Haefner - Requires the Department of Social Services to contract with a third party to verify eligibility data for public assistance programs

Medical Procedures and Personnel (16)

SB 8 - Schaaf - Prohibits enforcement of any contractual provision that prevents disclosure of the contractual payment amount for health care services

SB 118 - Brown - Requires Mo HealthNet participants to pay an eight dollar copay for the use of emergency room services for the treatment of a nonemergency condition

SB 167 - Schaaf - Extends the sunset on certain healthcare provider reimbursement allowance taxes and prohibits enforcement of contract provisions that prevent disclosure of payment amounts for health care

SB 217 - Riddle - Requires certain types of intervention pain management to be performed only by physicians licensed under chapter 334

SB 227 - Emery - Modifies provisions relating to the collateral source rule and provides that parties may introduce evidence of the cost, rather than the value, of the medical treatment rendered

SB 239 - Brown - Creates a statutory cause of action for damages against health care providers

SB 294 - Schaaf - Extends the sunset on certain healthcare provider reimbursement allowance taxes and prohibits enforcement of any contractual provision that prevents disclosure of the contractual payment amount for health care services

SB 407 - Onder - Provides for the reimbursement of emergency medical services for MO HealthNet participants by hospitals

SB 415 - Wasson - Modifies provisions of law regarding advanced practice registered nurses practicing under collaborative practice arrangements

SB 472 - Schaaf - Requires advanced radiology practitioners and radiologic technologists to be licensed by the State Board of Registration for the Healing Arts

SB 479 - Onder - Modifies laws regarding the licensure of midwives

SB 505 - Wieland - Modifies provisions of the Athletic Trainers Practice Act

SB 564 - Kehoe - Allows a court to modify a jury's verdict in an action against a health care provider for medical malpractice

HB 118 - Burlison - Establishes a statutory cause of action for damages against health care providers

HB 672 - Frederick - Provides reimbursement for behavior assessment and intervention

HB 867 - Frederick - Establishes dental and medical education days, as well as authorizes a multicenter study into the root causes of depression among dental and medical students

Mental Health (15)

SB 85 - Emery - WITHDRAWN

SB 145 - Pearce - Requires health benefit plans cover diagnosis and treatment of eating disorders

SB 146 - Pearce - Modifies provisions of law relating to various regulated professions and establishes the Missouri Health Information Exchange Commission and the Perinatal Advisory Council

SB 226 - Emery - Authorizes certain social workers and licensed professional counselors to provide behavioral health services in the MO HealthNet program to MO HealthNet managed care program participants

SB 281 - Silvey - Provides reimbursement for behavior assessment and intervention

SB 368 - Pearce - Provides that a degree in a program accredited by the Psychological Clinical Science Accreditation System meets various psychologist licensure requirements

SB 380 - Wieland - Modifies provisions relating to health care

SB 426 - Parson - Allows community mental health liaisons to access specified confidential records maintained by specified institutions

SCR 28 - LeVota - Urges a commitment to equal rights for people with cognitive disabilities to access technology and information

HB 108 - McCaherty - Establishes a two-year statute of limitations for claims of malpractice or negligence against mental health professionals

HB 209 - Conway - Modifies provisions relating to the Crime Victims' Compensation Fund

HB 343 - Lair - Establishes a committee to assess the continuation of the Money Follows the Person Demonstration Program

HB 787 - Sommer - Adds mental health service dogs to the definition of service dogs

HB 867 - Frederick - Establishes dental and medical education days, as well as authorizes a multicenter study into the root causes of depression among dental and medical students

HB 868 - Rhoads - Modifies provisions relating to tax increment financing, emergency service providers, and board members of fire protection and ambulance districts

Mental Health Dept. (7)

SB 58 - Dixon - Modifies and repeals a number of existing, expired or obsolete committees

SB 67 - Cunningham - Authorizes certain court surcharges, Buchanan County to establish a county municipal court, certain circuits with a SORTS facility to appoint a court marshal, requires certain reporting regarding municipal courts and modifies procedure in landlord tenant cases

SB 197 - Brown - Modifies provisions regarding various healthcare professionals, disease reporting to DHSS, and establishes the Perinatal Advisory Council and the Joint Committee on MO HealthNet

SB 426 - Parson - Allows community mental health liaisons to access specified confidential records maintained by specified institutions

SB 532 - Riddle - Allows the presiding judge of certain circuits to appoint a circuit court marshal

SCR 26 - Dempsey - Creates the Human Trafficking Task Force

HCR 38 - Haahr - Establishes the Human Trafficking Task Force

Merchandising Practices (6)

SB 179 - Sater - Establishes the Missouri Child Protection Registry

SB 487 - Richard - Modifies provisions relating to civil actions brought under merchandising practices and products liability provisions of law

SB 489 - Cunningham - Exempts certain entities from civil actions brought under unlawful merchandising practices provisions of law

SB 516 - Sifton - Bans the sale of event tickets that have a credit card entry restriction to consumers without a signed acknowledgment by the consumer

HB 440 - Koenig - Allows sellers to advertise that sales tax will be assumed by the seller

HB 531 - Solon - Requires that nicotine liquid containers sold at retail satisfy federal child-resistant effectiveness standards

Military Affairs (12)

SB 34 - Wallingford - Extends voter registration requirements

SB 105 - Kraus - Allows military and overseas voters to vote in all elections involving federal office, statewide office, state legislative office, or statewide initiatives

SB 116 - Kraus - Creates an exemption from the proof of residency and domicile for school registration for students whose parents are stationed out of state

SCR 7 - Brown - Urges the Department of Defense and the Congressional delegation to protect, preserve, and promote state military bases and agencies

SCR 15 - Riddle - Designates March as Women Veterans' Month in Missouri

SCR 34 - Emery - Urges the federal government to return certain lands to western states where such lands are located

HB 403 - Phillips - Removes the additional fee for subsequent sets of special Purple Heart license plates and designates Missouri as a Purple Heart State

HB 630 - Leara - Modifies provisions relating to service credit for military leave within the Police Retirement System of Kansas City and the Civilian Employees' Retirement System of the Police Department of Kansas City

HB 1044 - Corlew - Authorizes the circuit court of Jackson County to establish and armed offender docket

HB 1070 - Davis - Establishes the Office of Military Advocate under the Department of Economic Development

HB 1184 - Hummel - Changes the "Farm-to-School Act" to the "Farm to Table Act"

HCR 20 - Lynch - Urges the Department of Defense and the Congressional delegation to protect, preserve and promote state military bases and agencies

Mining and Oil and Gas Production (7)

SB 413 - Romine - Modifies provisions relating to natural resource damages authorized to be recovered by the state natural resources trustee

SB 476 - Kehoe - Modifies provisions relating to the Department of Natural Resources

SB 554 - Munzlinger - Specifies that quarries and mining equipment will be assessed based on the previous year's production

SCR 5 - Romine - Creates the Missouri Lead Industry Employment, Economic Development and Environmental Remediation Task Force

SCR 40 - Romine - Creates the Study Commission on Mining Property Assessment

HB 92 - Miller - Modifies provisions relating to the Department of Natural Resources

HCR 15 - Roden - Calls upon President Obama to support the TransCanada Keystone XL pipeline and the permitting for oil production off the northern coast of Alaska

Mortgages and Deeds (6)

SB 47 - Holsman - Prohibits planned communities from barring the installation of solar energy systems

SB 183 - Curls - Repeals provisions regarding nonjudicial foreclosure proceedings and requires all foreclosure proceedings to be handled judicially

SB 345 - Wasson - Modifies provisions relating to financial transactions

SB 429 - Schaaf - Creates the Mortgage Foreclosure Mediation Code

SB 488 - Cunningham - Modifies provisions relating to mortgage loan originators

HB 926 - Crawford - Modifies provisions relating to mortgage loan originators

Motor Fuel (9)

SB 131 - Parson - Modifies provisions relating to agriculture

SB 148 - Parson - Modifies provisions relating to business regulations

SB 231 - Kehoe - Modifies provisions relating to watercraft

SB 371 - Munzlinger - Repeals a section relating to the expiration date of economic subsidies for Missouri qualified fuel ethanol producers

SB 520 - Kehoe - Modifies the per barrel fee for the inspection of certain motor fuels

SB 540 - Libla - Raises the tax on motor fuel and creates the Public-Private Partnership Authority Act

HB 132 - Brattin - Creates a fuel tax exemption for fuel delivered to marinas for use solely in watercraft

HB 882 - McGaugh - Modifies provisions relating to agriculture

HB 1001 - Korman - Changes certain statutory references from the Department of Natural Resources to the Department of Economic Development

Motor Vehicles (40)

SB 3 - Pearce - Expands ban on using cell phones while driving to all drivers and to include telephone calls

SB 50 - Sifton - Prohibits political subdivisions that participate in the St. Louis County sales tax pool from receiving sales tax revenue to the extent that more than 50% of their annual general operating revenues come from traffic fines

SB 131 - Parson - Modifies provisions relating to agriculture

SB 135 - Holsman - Allows qualified motorcycle operators to operate motorcycles and motortricycles without protective headgear under certain conditions

SB 150 - Parson - Exempts certain motor vehicles older than ten years from the sales tax on titling

SB 196 - Schaaf - Bans the use of automated license plate reader systems and automated traffic enforcement systems and restricts storage and use as evidence of data collected prior to enactment

SB 236 - Keaveny - Increases the fine for seat belt violations from $10 to $50

SB 249 - Holsman - Repeals exceptions to the duty of scrap metal operators to obtain certificates of title for certain inoperable vehicles

SB 267 - Schaefer - Increases the penalties and driver license suspension periods for those who fail to yield the right-of-way in certain instances

SB 272 - Riddle - Changes the laws regarding motor vehicle height and weight limits in certain city commercial zones

SB 274 - Schupp - Applies ban on using cell phones related to text messaging while driving to all drivers

SB 275 - Schupp - Requires the driver and all passengers in a car or truck to wear a safety belt with certain exceptions

SB 296 - Schaaf - Exempts users of enclosed three wheel vehicles that contain manufacturer-installed seat belts with shoulder restraints from the requirement to wear helmets

SB 344 - Wasson - Modifies regulation of auto cycle operators and exempts such operators from using protective headgear

SB 349 - Schaefer - Adds a motorcycle registration surcharge of five dollars to be deposited in the motorcycle safety trust fund

SB 378 - Schatz - Creates several new exemptions to the tax on the titling of motor vehicles

SB 452 - Schmitt - Provides that no person shall be found guilty of failure to appear if the criminal matter solely involves certain traffic-related infractions

SB 456 - Kehoe - Modifies provisions relating to the ownership of motor vehicles

SB 556 - Pearce - Modifies definitions and safety provisions for pedestrians and bicycles

SB 557 - LeVota - Requires the Department of Conservation to reimburse any automobile owner up to $500 for damages sustained to an automobile due to hitting or being hit by a deer

SCR 14 - Schaefer - Recognizes the third Monday in June as Ride to Work Day in Missouri

SCR 37 - Wieland - Establishes the Missouri Predatory Towing Practices Task Force

HB 207 - Curtman - Prohibits, upon voter approval, any political subdivision or state agency from using automated traffic enforcement systems

HB 210 - Conway - Allows community college police officers to establish regulations to control vehicular traffic on any thoroughfare owned or maintained by the college

HB 229 - McCaherty - Creates a special motor vehicle license plate for any person who has been awarded the military service award known as the "Korea Defense Service Medal"

HB 241 - Davis - Adds vehicles owned and operated by the Civil Support Team of the Missouri National Guard when used during operations involving hazardous materials to the definition of "emergency vehicle"

HB 299 - Hoskins - Modifies provisions relating to taxation

HB 375 - McGaugh - Modifies provisions relating to the duty of care a landowner owes a person entering without a fee onto the land for recreational use

HB 388 - Hoskins - Modifies provisions relating to weight limitations for vehicles hauling livestock and agricultural products

HB 523 - Burlison - Modifies requirements for protective headgear for operators and passengers of motorcycles and motortricycles

HB 524 - Dugger - Allows the Director of the Department of Revenue to adopt rules and regulations allowing specified motor vehicle or trailer lienholders to electronically release a lien

HB 553 - Pietzman - Allows motorcycle license plates to be mounted horizontally or vertically centered as long as the mounting meets the sight requirement

HB 562 - Davis - Modifies regulation of autocycle operators and exempts such operators from using protective headgear

HB 650 - Cornejo - Allows a motorcycle to be equipped with auxiliary lighting

HB 675 - Rowden - Changes the laws regarding motor vehicle height and weight limits in certain city commercial zones

HB 686 - Hinson - Modifies provisions for registration of motor vehicles

HB 740 - Jones - Changes provisions relating to driver's license suspension for failure to appear for moving traffic violations

HB 869 - Solon - Modifies provisions relating to the titling of motor vehicles, trailers, boats, and outboard motors

HB 882 - McGaugh - Modifies provisions relating to agriculture

HB 1002 - Berry - Modifies provisions related to motor vehicles

National Guard (1)

HB 241 - Davis - Adds vehicles owned and operated by the Civil Support Team of the Missouri National Guard when used during operations involving hazardous materials to the definition of "emergency vehicle"

Natural Resources Dept. (23)

SB 54 - Munzlinger - Prohibits certain types of nuisance actions from being brought when the property owner has a government issued permit

SB 142 - Romine - Requires the Department of Natural Resources to take certain actions when submitting certain plans to the Environmental Protection Agency

SB 152 - Wallingford - Modifies provisions relating to environmental protection

SB 225 - Romine - Modifies Department of Natural Resources permit decision appeal procedures

SB 285 - Kehoe - Modifies the definition of "waters of the state"

SB 358 - Kehoe - Modifies the policy statement of the Missouri Clean Water Law

SB 398 - Schatz - Authorizes municipalities to use design-build on water and waste water projects and prohibits such projects from being denied grants based on design-build utilization

SB 413 - Romine - Modifies provisions relating to natural resource damages authorized to be recovered by the state natural resources trustee

SB 445 - Romine - Modifies provisions relating to environmental protection

SB 476 - Kehoe - Modifies provisions relating to the Department of Natural Resources

SB 497 - Hegeman - Modifies provisions relating to special purpose districts

SB 553 - Munzlinger - Modifies the authority of county health center boards to promulgate rules to enhance public health and prevent disease

SCR 3 - Wallingford - Establishes the Joint Committee on Solid Waste Management District Operations

SCR 5 - Romine - Creates the Missouri Lead Industry Employment, Economic Development and Environmental Remediation Task Force

HB 92 - Miller - Modifies provisions relating to the Department of Natural Resources

HB 119 - Lichtenegger - Requires public water systems and public water supply districts to notify certain persons and entities prior to modifications to water fluoridation

HB 882 - McGaugh - Modifies provisions relating to agriculture

HB 923 - Miller - Modifies provisions relating to the environment

HB 1001 - Korman - Changes certain statutory references from the Department of Natural Resources to the Department of Economic Development

HB 1058 - Miller - Modifies provisions relating to the Department of Natural Resources

HB 1084 - Miller - Requires owners of a coal-fired electric generating source in a NAAQS nonattainment area to develop an ambient air quality monitoring or modeling network

HCR 21 - Miller - Urges the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to withdraw their proposed rule expanding the definition of "waters of the United States"

HCR 32 - Ross - Adopts the House Majority Floor Leader's filing with the EPA as the state's official position on the Clean Power Plan, and urges the EPA to withdraw the proposed Clean Power Plan rule

Newspapers and Publications (4)

SB 489 - Cunningham - Exempts certain entities from civil actions brought under unlawful merchandising practices provisions of law

HB 119 - Lichtenegger - Requires public water systems and public water supply districts to notify certain persons and entities prior to modifications to water fluoridation

HB 296 - Kelley - Creates the First Informer Broadcasters Act

HB 430 - Curtman - Establishes the Taxpayer Transparency Act

Notary Public (1)

SB 456 - Kehoe - Modifies provisions relating to the ownership of motor vehicles

Nurses (14)

SB 146 - Pearce - Modifies provisions of law relating to various regulated professions and establishes the Missouri Health Information Exchange Commission and the Perinatal Advisory Council

SB 197 - Brown - Modifies provisions regarding various healthcare professionals, disease reporting to DHSS, and establishes the Perinatal Advisory Council and the Joint Committee on MO HealthNet

SB 230 - Romine - Modifies provisions relating to healthcare including telehealth, infection reporting, and the Perinatal Advisory Council

SB 313 - Wallingford - Authorizes certain advanced practice registered nurses, physician assistants, and assistant physicians to prescribe hydrocodone

SB 415 - Wasson - Modifies provisions of law regarding advanced practice registered nurses practicing under collaborative practice arrangements

SB 416 - Wasson - Modifies provisions of law regarding the disposition of deceased human remains, collaborative practice arrangements, regulating new professions, and creates the Missouri Health Information Exchange Commission

SB 422 - Schaaf - Establishes requirements regarding life-sustaining treatment policies

SB 457 - Sater - Modifies provisions relating to health care professionals and services

SB 458 - Sater - Modifies provisions of law regarding healthcare

SB 466 - Schmitt - Requires disclosure of life-sustaining treatment policies of health care facilities and prohibits denial of life-sustaining treatment or anatomical gifts under specified circumstances

HB 112 - Franklin - Provides that certain licensing boards of health care professionals may contract with entities to collect workforce data from their licensees

HB 319 - Barnes - Changes the laws regarding the provision of telehealth services

HB 422 - Burlison - Provides that certain boards and commissions under the Division of Professional Registration may issue opinions for educational purposes

HB 618 - Fraker - Modifies provisions of law regarding the disposition of deceased human remains and the electronic vital records system

Nursing and Boarding Homes (15)

SB 53 - Schaaf - Modifies certificate of need requirements for long-term care facilities

SB 82 - Chappelle-Nadal - Requires long-term care facilities to be encouraged to institute policies facilitating familial involvement in the well-being and support of its residents

SB 148 - Parson - Modifies provisions relating to business regulations

SB 167 - Schaaf - Extends the sunset on certain healthcare provider reimbursement allowance taxes and prohibits enforcement of contract provisions that prevent disclosure of payment amounts for health care

SB 210 - Schaefer - Extends the sunset on certain healthcare provider reimbursement allowance taxes and modifies provisions relating to MO HealthNet and DSH payments

SB 234 - Kehoe - Modifies mandated reporting requirements for sexual assault victims in a long-term care facility

SB 262 - Schaefer - Extends the sunset on the nursing facility reimbursement allowance tax to September 30, 2016

SB 265 - Schaefer - Extends the sunset on the intermediate care facility for the intellectually disable reimbursement allowance tax to September 30, 2016

SB 294 - Schaaf - Extends the sunset on certain healthcare provider reimbursement allowance taxes and prohibits enforcement of any contractual provision that prevents disclosure of the contractual payment amount for health care services

SB 380 - Wieland - Modifies provisions relating to health care

SB 414 - Wasson - Modifies provisions relating to long-term care facility special care units

SB 422 - Schaaf - Establishes requirements regarding life-sustaining treatment policies

SB 558 - Brown - Requires long-term care facilities to offer influenza vaccinations to specified employees

HB 343 - Lair - Establishes a committee to assess the continuation of the Money Follows the Person Demonstration Program

HB 1184 - Hummel - Changes the "Farm-to-School Act" to the "Farm to Table Act"

Optometry (5)

SB 107 - Sater - Authorizes certain boards and commissions under the Division of Professional Registration to issue opinions for educational purposes and modifies laws relating to speech-language pathologists and audiologists

SB 458 - Sater - Modifies provisions of law regarding healthcare

SB 472 - Schaaf - Requires advanced radiology practitioners and radiologic technologists to be licensed by the State Board of Registration for the Healing Arts

HB 202 - Morris - Prohibits a health carrier or other insurer that writes vision insurance from requiring an optometrist to provide services or materials at a discount that are not covered and reimbursed under the plan

HB 422 - Burlison - Provides that certain boards and commissions under the Division of Professional Registration may issue opinions for educational purposes

Parks and Recreation (3)

SB 413 - Romine - Modifies provisions relating to natural resource damages authorized to be recovered by the state natural resources trustee

SCR 34 - Emery - Urges the federal government to return certain lands to western states where such lands are located

HCR 29 - Love - Urges Congress to make the historic Butterfield Overland Trail part of the National Trails System

Pharmacy (17)

SB 63 - Sater - Establishes the Narcotics Control Act

SB 111 - Schaaf - Establishes a Prescription Drug Monitoring Program

SB 119 - Brown - Modifies provisions of law regarding the Prescription Drug Repository Program

SB 167 - Schaaf - Extends the sunset on certain healthcare provider reimbursement allowance taxes and prohibits enforcement of contract provisions that prevent disclosure of payment amounts for health care

SB 210 - Schaefer - Extends the sunset on certain healthcare provider reimbursement allowance taxes and modifies provisions relating to MO HealthNet and DSH payments

SB 263 - Schaefer - Extends the sunset on the pharmacy reimbursement allowance tax to September 30, 2016

SB 265 - Schaefer - Extends the sunset on the intermediate care facility for the intellectually disable reimbursement allowance tax to September 30, 2016

SB 294 - Schaaf - Extends the sunset on certain healthcare provider reimbursement allowance taxes and prohibits enforcement of any contractual provision that prevents disclosure of the contractual payment amount for health care services

SB 325 - Sater - Delineates procedures to be used by pharmacy benefit managers with regards to maximum allowable cost lists

SB 457 - Sater - Modifies provisions relating to health care professionals and services

SB 458 - Sater - Modifies provisions of law regarding healthcare

SB 528 - Sater - Requires health carriers or managed care plans to offer medication synchronization services

HB 112 - Franklin - Provides that certain licensing boards of health care professionals may contract with entities to collect workforce data from their licensees

HB 130 - Rehder - Establishes the Prescription Drug Monitoring Program Act

HB 198 - Morris - Requires health carriers or managed care plans to offer medication synchronization services

HB 422 - Burlison - Provides that certain boards and commissions under the Division of Professional Registration may issue opinions for educational purposes

HB 538 - Lynch - Allows pharmacists and pharmacy technicians to sell and dispense opioid antagonists

Physical Therapists (6)

SB 107 - Sater - Authorizes certain boards and commissions under the Division of Professional Registration to issue opinions for educational purposes and modifies laws relating to speech-language pathologists and audiologists

SB 146 - Pearce - Modifies provisions of law relating to various regulated professions and establishes the Missouri Health Information Exchange Commission and the Perinatal Advisory Council

SB 197 - Brown - Modifies provisions regarding various healthcare professionals, disease reporting to DHSS, and establishes the Perinatal Advisory Council and the Joint Committee on MO HealthNet

SB 458 - Sater - Modifies provisions of law regarding healthcare

HB 112 - Franklin - Provides that certain licensing boards of health care professionals may contract with entities to collect workforce data from their licensees

HB 422 - Burlison - Provides that certain boards and commissions under the Division of Professional Registration may issue opinions for educational purposes

Physicians (32)

SB 8 - Schaaf - Prohibits enforcement of any contractual provision that prevents disclosure of the contractual payment amount for health care services

SB 52 - Schaaf - Prohibits restrictive physician employment contracts

SB 145 - Pearce - Requires health benefit plans cover diagnosis and treatment of eating disorders

SB 146 - Pearce - Modifies provisions of law relating to various regulated professions and establishes the Missouri Health Information Exchange Commission and the Perinatal Advisory Council

SB 151 - Sater - Sets a reimbursement rate for primary care physicians under Medicaid and requires MO HealthNet to contract with a third party for eligibility verification

SB 167 - Schaaf - Extends the sunset on certain healthcare provider reimbursement allowance taxes and prohibits enforcement of contract provisions that prevent disclosure of payment amounts for health care

SB 197 - Brown - Modifies provisions regarding various healthcare professionals, disease reporting to DHSS, and establishes the Perinatal Advisory Council and the Joint Committee on MO HealthNet

SB 217 - Riddle - Requires certain types of intervention pain management to be performed only by physicians licensed under chapter 334

SB 230 - Romine - Modifies provisions relating to healthcare including telehealth, infection reporting, and the Perinatal Advisory Council

SB 294 - Schaaf - Extends the sunset on certain healthcare provider reimbursement allowance taxes and prohibits enforcement of any contractual provision that prevents disclosure of the contractual payment amount for health care services

SB 313 - Wallingford - Authorizes certain advanced practice registered nurses, physician assistants, and assistant physicians to prescribe hydrocodone

SB 386 - Keaveny - Modifies provisions relating to hemp extract

SB 395 - Holsman - Modifies provisions relating to cannabis

SB 400 - Onder - Provides that the state shall not require maintenance of licensure or any form of specialty medical board certification to practice medicine

SB 411 - Brown - Modifies examination requirements for physicians and surgeons

SB 415 - Wasson - Modifies provisions of law regarding advanced practice registered nurses practicing under collaborative practice arrangements

SB 416 - Wasson - Modifies provisions of law regarding the disposition of deceased human remains, collaborative practice arrangements, regulating new professions, and creates the Missouri Health Information Exchange Commission

SB 422 - Schaaf - Establishes requirements regarding life-sustaining treatment policies

SB 457 - Sater - Modifies provisions relating to health care professionals and services

SB 458 - Sater - Modifies provisions of law regarding healthcare

SB 466 - Schmitt - Requires disclosure of life-sustaining treatment policies of health care facilities and prohibits denial of life-sustaining treatment or anatomical gifts under specified circumstances

SB 472 - Schaaf - Requires advanced radiology practitioners and radiologic technologists to be licensed by the State Board of Registration for the Healing Arts

SB 478 - Onder - Allows for direct primary health care services to be provided through a medical retainer agreement between the physician and patient

SB 479 - Onder - Modifies laws regarding the licensure of midwives

SB 505 - Wieland - Modifies provisions of the Athletic Trainers Practice Act

HB 112 - Franklin - Provides that certain licensing boards of health care professionals may contract with entities to collect workforce data from their licensees

HB 319 - Barnes - Changes the laws regarding the provision of telehealth services

HB 422 - Burlison - Provides that certain boards and commissions under the Division of Professional Registration may issue opinions for educational purposes

HB 618 - Fraker - Modifies provisions of law regarding the disposition of deceased human remains and the electronic vital records system

HB 671 - Frederick - Modifies provisions relating to physician and surgeon licensure

HB 769 - Frederick - Allows for direct primary health care services to be provided through a medical retainer agreement between the physician and patient

HB 867 - Frederick - Establishes dental and medical education days, as well as authorizes a multicenter study into the root causes of depression among dental and medical students

Political Parties (5)

SB 338 - Munzlinger - Modifies the provisions relating to the election of political party committees

SB 454 - LeVota - Modifies the membership of the county political party committees in Jackson County

SJR 13 - Schaaf - Establishes the Missouri Anti-Corruption Amendment

HB 692 - Entlicher - Modifies the provisions relating to the election of political party committees

HB 1039 - Dugger - Changes filing fees for candidates in presidential primaries

Political Subdivisions (45)

SB 1 - Pearce - Modifies provisions relating to elementary and secondary education

SB 22 - Chappelle-Nadal - Modifies provisions relating to elementary and secondary education

SB 41 - LeVota - Modifies the law relating to election authorities

SB 49 - Sifton - Modifies provisions relating to elementary and secondary education

SB 50 - Sifton - Prohibits political subdivisions that participate in the St. Louis County sales tax pool from receiving sales tax revenue to the extent that more than 50% of their annual general operating revenues come from traffic fines

SB 69 - LeVota - Modifies the law relating to election authorities

SB 87 - Emery - Requires persons who submit petitions for political subdivision audits to reside or own property in the subdivision and allows for signatures to be rescinded

SB 149 - Parson - Creates state and local sales and use tax exemptions for data storage centers and allows municipalities to enter into loan agreements, or sell, lease, or mortgage municipal property for a technology business facility project

SB 155 - Nasheed - Creates the Neighborhood Watch Fund for the creation of neighborhood watch organizations throughout the state

SB 175 - Schmitt - Removes a reference to an obsolete section of law

SB 203 - Dixon - Modifies the authority of the State Auditor

SB 222 - Schatz - Bans political subdivisions from requiring the removal or relocation of infrastructure owned by a communication service provider unless certain conditions are met

SB 223 - Schatz - Eliminates a provision allowing for property tax levy adjustments for inflation and modifies standing for Hancock Amendment challenges

SB 245 - Hegeman - Modifies provisions relating to political subdivisions

SB 250 - Onder - Creates the Missouri Electrical Industry Licensing Board and licensure requirements for a statewide electrical contractor's license

SB 253 - Romine - Expands the authority of the Governor to convey easements without the approval of the General Assembly and expands the rights granted by the easements

SB 283 - Kehoe - Allows political subdivisions to assign operation of a retirement plan to the Missouri Local Government Employees' Retirement System and modifies provisions relating to the Police Retirement System of the City of St. Louis

SB 315 - Dixon - Modifies provisions relating to political subdivisions

SB 326 - Sater - Modifies provisions relating to political subdivision audits, county office vacancies, county budgets, special purpose districts, annexations, and sewer districts

SB 343 - Wasson - Creates state and local sales and use tax exemptions for data storage centers and allows municipalities to enter into loan agreements, or sell, lease, or mortgage municipal property for a technology business facility project

SB 353 - Silvey - Creates state and local sales and use tax exemptions for data storage centers and allows municipalities to enter into loan agreements, or sell, lease, or mortgage municipal property for a technology business facility project

SB 364 - Parson - Modifies provisions relating to political subdivisions

SB 369 - Pearce - Expands the authority of the Governor to convey easements without the approval of the General Assembly and allows the Governor to convey certain specified properties

SB 388 - Wasson - Modifies provisions relating to construction management services and allows political subdivisions to use construction manager-at-risk and design-build methods

SB 409 - Wallingford - Modifies provisions relating to emergencies

SB 436 - Walsh - Modifies a provision relating to electrical contractor licenses issued by political subdivisions

SB 497 - Hegeman - Modifies provisions relating to special purpose districts

SB 506 - Riddle - Adds sheltered workshop boards to the definition of "political subdivision" for purposes of laws allowing political subdivisions to cooperate with public and private entities

SB 534 - Schaaf - Makes a technical correction by changing the word "must" to "shall"

HB 42 - Wood - Modifies provisions relating to elementary and secondary education

HB 207 - Curtman - Prohibits, upon voter approval, any political subdivision or state agency from using automated traffic enforcement systems

HB 271 - Hoskins - Requires certain grant agreements to describe the State Auditor's authority with respect to property, equipment, and facilities purchased with the funds from the grant

HB 322 - Shumake - Allows political subdivisions to submit fingerprints to the Highway Patrol for criminal background checks of applicants for employment or licenses or permits

HB 389 - Hoskins - Allows businesses to make one monthly payment to the Dept. of Revenue to cover all taxes and fees assessed against it that month by the state and any political subdivision

HB 410 - Kelley - Adds specified graphing calculators to the list of items that are exempt from sales tax during the annual sales tax holiday for school supplies

HB 494 - Leara - Allows political subdivisions to assign operation of a retirement plan to the Missouri Local Government Employees' Retirement system

HB 616 - Dohrman - Specifies when new political subdivisions will be effective for property tax assessment purposes and specifies that rental merchandise is exempt from property taxes

HB 643 - Hinson - Modifies laws regarding to local government retirement systems including LAGERS, CERF, and the Police Retirement System of St. Louis

HB 714 - Lauer - Modifies provisions relating to emergency communications services

HB 722 - Shaul - Prohibits certain types of ordinances from being adopted by political subdivisions

HB 751 - Walker - Modifies the definition of "political subdivision" as it relates to its cooperation with other political subdivisions to include county sheltered workshop boards

HB 758 - Rowland - Allows St. Francois County and Taney County to enact nuisance abatement ordinances

HB 979 - Dugger - Modifies the bonding requirement for the treasurer of a seven-director school district

HB 994 - Bondon - Requires persons who submit petitions for political subdivision audits to reside or own property in the subdivision and allows for signatures to be rescinded

HB 1048 - Kidd - Modifies the law relating to design-build contracts

Prisons and Jails (12)

SB 189 - Curls - Provides a process for the Parole Board to review the case histories of offenders serving more than 15 years in prison and recommend clemency or allow release on parole

SB 201 - Dixon - Modifies the state's requirements to reimburse counties for certain costs related to imprisonment and electronic monitoring for criminal offenders

SB 213 - Wallingford - Requires children under the age of 18 to be prosecuted for most criminal offenses in juvenile courts unless the child is certified as an adult

SB 252 - Romine - Prohibits two-way telecommunications devices and their component parts in correctional centers and jails

SB 258 - Wallingford - Extends the authority for regional jail districts to impose a sales tax until September 30, 2027

SB 320 - Wallingford - Requires any juvenile certified as an adult be detained in a juvenile facility until the juvenile has been sentenced

SB 355 - Brown - Requires certain employees of the Department of Corrections to receive hazardous duty pay

SB 511 - Schaaf - Requires healthcare contractors providing services to prison inmates to provide certain information to the Office of Administration

SB 563 - Wieland - Modifies requirements for certain state agency statements to be promulgated in accordance with the requirements of the Administrative Procedures Act

HB 129 - Brattin - Requires the assessment of fees and charges for certain health care services in correctional centers

HB 218 - Wilson - Modifies provisions relating to mutual aid by law enforcement officers, the costs of imprisonment and electronic monitoring, and concealed carry permit fees

HB 1149 - Lauer - Modifies provisions relating to youth in custody of the Division of Youth Services and creates a special class of trust funds for the money of youth in the division's custody

Probation and Parole (4)

SB 31 - Cunningham - Requires a probation officer to notify the prosecutor if he or she has probable cause to believe a probationer has violated a condition of probation

SB 189 - Curls - Provides a process for the Parole Board to review the case histories of offenders serving more than 15 years in prison and recommend clemency or allow release on parole

SB 200 - Dixon - Modifies provisions relating to sentencing of juvenile criminal offenders, an armed offender docket pilot project, and criminal sentence reductions

SB 355 - Brown - Requires certain employees of the Department of Corrections to receive hazardous duty pay

Property, Real and Personal (36)

SB 47 - Holsman - Prohibits planned communities from barring the installation of solar energy systems

SB 54 - Munzlinger - Prohibits certain types of nuisance actions from being brought when the property owner has a government issued permit

SB 121 - Walsh - Allows third and fourth class cities to adopt certain ordinances relating to residential rental property

SB 164 - Sifton - Exempts in bankruptcy proceedings life insurance proceeds for the burial of a family member, modifies insurance foreign investment limits, changes the requirements for the valuation of reserves for life insurance, and modifies provisions regarding qualified spousal trusts

SB 181 - Curls - Changes the notice requirement to a tenant in a foreclosure action from ten days to ninety days

SB 183 - Curls - Repeals provisions regarding nonjudicial foreclosure proceedings and requires all foreclosure proceedings to be handled judicially

SB 216 - Keaveny - Establishes the Missouri Commercial Receivership Act

SB 228 - Curls - Allows certain people to enter abandoned property to secure it, remove trash and graffiti, and maintain the grounds, and provides immunity from civil and criminal liability

SB 229 - Curls - Modifies provisions regarding the ability of neighborhood organizations to bring nuisance actions in certain cities and counties

SB 253 - Romine - Expands the authority of the Governor to convey easements without the approval of the General Assembly and expands the rights granted by the easements

SB 292 - Munzlinger - Changes the percentage of agricultural acreage that may be foreign owned

SB 308 - Curls - Specifies that Kansas City may require the registration of certain properties

SB 317 - Brown - Allows the Governor to convey properties located in Pulaski County, Christian County, St. Charles County, and St. Louis County to the State Highways and Transportation Commission

SB 324 - Munzlinger - Modifies the definition of property as it is used in provisions of law regarding certain private nuisance actions

SB 335 - Holsman - Modifies provisions requiring limited liability companies owning rental or unoccupied property to list a property manager with the city clerk

SB 340 - Pearce - Changes an intersectional reference in a provision of law regarding the determination of heirship

SB 369 - Pearce - Expands the authority of the Governor to convey easements without the approval of the General Assembly and allows the Governor to convey certain specified properties

SB 387 - Wasson - Modifies provisions required to be in nuisance abatement ordinances enacted by municipalities and counties

SB 391 - Curls - Modifies residential property receivership

SB 413 - Romine - Modifies provisions relating to natural resource damages authorized to be recovered by the state natural resources trustee

SB 435 - Walsh - Allows the Governor to convey the State's interest in specified property owned by the state in St. Louis County to the county

SB 441 - Schaefer - Creates a definition for "correspondence" in the chapter regulating real estate brokers

SB 481 - Onder - Modifies laws regarding qualified spousal trusts

SB 495 - Hegeman - Requires candidates for public administrator to provide an affidavit stating that the candidate meets the bonding requirements

SB 499 - Wasson - Modifies laws regarding professional land surveyors

HB 29 - Dugger - Modifies provisions relating to foreign ownership of agricultural land

HB 276 - Cornejo - Exempts in bankruptcy proceedings life insurance proceeds for the burial of a family member, modifies insurance foreign investment limits, changes the requirements for the valuation of reserves for life insurance, and modifies provisions regarding qualified spousal trusts

HB 375 - McGaugh - Modifies provisions relating to the duty of care a landowner owes a person entering without a fee onto the land for recreational use

HB 385 - Walker - Creates a definition for "correspondence" and "sold" in the chapter regulating real estate brokers

HB 462 - Bahr - Creates provisions prohibiting binding agreements that run with the land to prevent displaying political signs

HB 511 - Mathews - Exempts annexations occurring under certain circumstances from boundary commission review

HB 758 - Rowland - Allows St. Francois County and Taney County to enact nuisance abatement ordinances

HB 864 - Solon - Modifies provisions requiring LLC's owning rental or unoccupied property to list a property manager with the City of Kansas City

HB 947 - Wiemann - Authorizes the Governor to convey certain state properties

HB 982 - Rowden - Allows the University of Missouri extension council in any county to obtain financing in order to obtain real property

HB 1052 - Miller - Modifies provisions relating to land surveyors

Psychologists (7)

SB 107 - Sater - Authorizes certain boards and commissions under the Division of Professional Registration to issue opinions for educational purposes and modifies laws relating to speech-language pathologists and audiologists

SB 145 - Pearce - Requires health benefit plans cover diagnosis and treatment of eating disorders

SB 197 - Brown - Modifies provisions regarding various healthcare professionals, disease reporting to DHSS, and establishes the Perinatal Advisory Council and the Joint Committee on MO HealthNet

SB 226 - Emery - Authorizes certain social workers and licensed professional counselors to provide behavioral health services in the MO HealthNet program to MO HealthNet managed care program participants

SB 281 - Silvey - Provides reimbursement for behavior assessment and intervention

SB 368 - Pearce - Provides that a degree in a program accredited by the Psychological Clinical Science Accreditation System meets various psychologist licensure requirements

HB 672 - Frederick - Provides reimbursement for behavior assessment and intervention

Public Assistance (19)

SB 9 - Schaaf - Modifies the duties and powers of the Joint Committee on MO HealthNet

SB 24 - Sater - Modifies provisions of law relating to the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families Program and the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program

SB 35 - Wallingford - Creates additional requirements for public assistance eligibility verification

SB 38 - Romine - Modifies provisions relating to healthcare

SB 45 - Holsman - Creates a new program to distribute empowerment microgrants

SB 90 - LeVota - Provides for the expansion of MO HealthNet services beginning on January 1, 2016

SB 118 - Brown - Requires Mo HealthNet participants to pay an eight dollar copay for the use of emergency room services for the treatment of a nonemergency condition

SB 125 - Schupp - Authorizes eligibility for an alternative package of benefits for certain individuals under the MO HealthNet program

SB 151 - Sater - Sets a reimbursement rate for primary care physicians under Medicaid and requires MO HealthNet to contract with a third party for eligibility verification

SB 186 - Curls - Provides for the expansion of MO HealthNet services beginning on January 1, 2016

SB 218 - Riddle - Requires Mo HealthNet managed care organizations to allow the increase of or combination of healthy behavior incentives so that covered recipients are able to purchase specified infant and childcare items

SB 256 - Sater - Establishes a pilot program allowing noncustodial parents to reduce the amount of state debt owed

SB 287 - Silvey - Allows veterans and their spouses and dependent children, as well as spouses and dependent children of deceased veterans, to be eligible for MO HealthNet benefits

SB 295 - Schaaf - Raises the Mo HealthNet eligibility income limits for elderly and disabled persons

SB 301 - Silvey - Modifies provisions relating to public assistance and MO HealthNet

SB 322 - Dempsey - Modifies provisions relating to public assistance

SB 419 - Silvey - Creates the Healthcare Transformation Trust Fund

HB 796 - Haefner - Modifies provisions relating to SNAP, TANF, and Mo HealthNet

HB 985 - Haefner - Requires the Department of Social Services to contract with a third party to verify eligibility data for public assistance programs

Public Buildings (10)

SB 36 - Romine - Modifies the law relating to the Missouri Human Rights Act and employment discrimination

SB 237 - Keaveny - Bars discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity

SB 330 - Parson - Modifies provisions relating to bond issuance

SB 388 - Wasson - Modifies provisions relating to construction management services and allows political subdivisions to use construction manager-at-risk and design-build methods

SB 460 - Silvey - Prohibits the executive branch from extending existing bonds or issuing new bonds without legislative or voter approval

SB 512 - Schaaf - Creates the Partnership for Public Facilities and Infrastructure Act

SCR 8 - Parson - Creates a state buildings project list to be funded by revenue bonds issued by the State Board of Public Buildings

SCR 39 - Dixon - Requires the Board of Public Buildings to reassign office space within the State Capitol

HB 1019 - Austin - Modifies the law relating to the Missouri Human Rights Act and employment discrimination

HB 1063 - Fitzpatrick - Establishes the State Capitol Complex Committee

Public Officers (12)

SB 11 - Richard - Modifies the law relating to the ethical behavior of public officials and lobbyists

SB 66 - Emery - Requires the Senate to try all impeachments except for the impeachment of the Governor, which shall be tried by the Chief Justice of the Missouri Supreme Court

SB 88 - LeVota - Provides that appointed officers shall only hold office until their term ends

SB 94 - Emery - Modifies retirement benefits for newly elected members of the General Assembly and statewide elected officials

SB 147 - Schaaf - Modifies the law relating to the ethical behavior of public officials and lobbyists

SB 568 - Munzlinger - Modifies various provisions relating to elections

SCR 6 - Schaaf - Disapproves the salary recommendations of the Citizen's Commission on Compensation for Elected Officials

SCR 38 - Richard - Authorizes independent certified public accountant or certified public accounting firm to conduct an audit of State Auditor's office

SJR 4 - Emery - Requires the Senate, beginning January 1, 2017, to try all impeachments except for the impeachment of the Governor, which shall be tried by the Chief Justice of the Missouri Supreme Court

SJR 14 - Dixon - Modifies the gubernatorial appointment process

HB 33 - Walker - Modifies provisions relating to persons eligible to receive survivor's benefits

HCR 4 - Barnes - Disapproves the salary recommendations of the Missouri Citizens' Commission on Compensation for Elected Officials

Public Records, Public Meetings (13)

SB 148 - Parson - Modifies provisions relating to business regulations

SB 160 - Brown - Modifies provisions relating to the regulation of a corporation's rate of return on equity by the Public Service Commission

SB 165 - Nasheed - Creates a petition process for the expungement of records relating to certain criminal offenses

SB 245 - Hegeman - Modifies provisions relating to political subdivisions

SB 331 - Libla - Modifies provisions relating to emergencies, requirements for police officers at protests, and recordings from law enforcement cameras

SB 410 - Wallingford - Modifies provisions relating to criminal nonsupport and provides a method for expungement of a one-time offense of criminal nonsupport

SB 451 - Dixon - Modifies provisions relating to petitions for the expungement of criminal records

SB 536 - Schaaf - Requires state agencies to waive certain privileges with regard to documents requested by members of the General Assembly

SB 549 - Onder - Modifies provisions relating to collective bargaining representation for public employees

SB 550 - Dixon - Makes data from law enforcement cameras a closed record, prohibits the state from requiring law enforcement cameras, and requires written policies on the use of cameras

SJR 2 - Dixon - Changes the procedures for the redistricting of the state Senate and House of Representatives districts

HB 322 - Shumake - Allows political subdivisions to submit fingerprints to the Highway Patrol for criminal background checks of applicants for employment or licenses or permits

HB 762 - Higdon - Modifies provisions relating to the open records law, prohibits the state from requiring law enforcement cameras, and requires written policies on the use of cameras

Public Safety Dept. (34)

SB 76 - Sifton - Requires every individual who is 17 years old or older and arrested for any felony offense to provide a biological sample for DNA profiling

SB 135 - Holsman - Allows qualified motorcycle operators to operate motorcycles and motortricycles without protective headgear under certain conditions

SB 141 - Parson - Raises the amount the Crime Victims' Compensation Fund can pay to eligible victims and provides that the Public Safety Department can negotiate costs on behalf of victims

SB 155 - Nasheed - Creates the Neighborhood Watch Fund for the creation of neighborhood watch organizations throughout the state

SB 165 - Nasheed - Creates a petition process for the expungement of records relating to certain criminal offenses

SB 179 - Sater - Establishes the Missouri Child Protection Registry

SB 196 - Schaaf - Bans the use of automated license plate reader systems and automated traffic enforcement systems and restricts storage and use as evidence of data collected prior to enactment

SB 296 - Schaaf - Exempts users of enclosed three wheel vehicles that contain manufacturer-installed seat belts with shoulder restraints from the requirement to wear helmets

SB 297 - Holsman - Creates the Civil Disaster Response Corps

SB 303 - Keaveny - Requires law enforcement agencies to develop certain policies for eyewitness identification procedures

SB 333 - Nasheed - Allows the family or next of kin of a deceased crime victim to designate a funeral home as a claimant eligible for compensation from the Crime Victims' Compensation Fund

SB 344 - Wasson - Modifies regulation of auto cycle operators and exempts such operators from using protective headgear

SB 356 - Nasheed - Requires law enforcement agencies in certain cities to require their officers to wear a camera while on duty and in uniform and record all contacts with people

SB 373 - Libla - Creates the Division of Alcohol and Tobacco Control Fund for the enforcement of liquor and tobacco laws and directs fees from liquor licenses and permits to the fund

SB 395 - Holsman - Modifies provisions relating to cannabis

SB 396 - Holsman - Prohibits any law enforcement officer from requiring a member of the crew of a locomotive or train to display a driver's license in connection with the operation of a locomotive or train

SB 408 - Libla - Modifies provisions relating to the licensing and commissioning of corporate security advisors by the Department of Public Safety

SB 423 - Brown - Reduces the maximum standard speed limit on all rural roads to forty-five miles per hour

SB 447 - Wieland - Repeals the death penalty and creates the Death Penalty Costs Reinvestment Fund

SB 544 - Schaefer - Defines "motorcycle profiling" and creates regulations to eliminate motorcycle profiling

SB 547 - Riddle - Creates the permanent Joint Committee on Capitol Police to oversee the capitol police and modifies the jurisdiction and duties of the capitol police

SB 560 - Chappelle-Nadal - Allows a person to possess up to one ounce of marijuana and provides a licensure process for retail marijuana stores, cultivation facilities, and products manufacturers

SCR 26 - Dempsey - Creates the Human Trafficking Task Force

HB 121 - Gosen - Permits certain advertising of liquor by retailers and creates a brew-on-premises liquor license

HB 149 - Fitzpatrick - Allows the issuance of a license to sell liquor by the drink on any boat licensed by the United States Coast Guard to carry 30 or more passengers

HB 207 - Curtman - Prohibits, upon voter approval, any political subdivision or state agency from using automated traffic enforcement systems

HB 209 - Conway - Modifies provisions relating to the Crime Victims' Compensation Fund

HB 279 - Cornejo - Modifies provisions relating to liquor licenses and advertising of liquor sales and creates the Division of Alcohol and Tobacco Control Fund

HB 296 - Kelley - Creates the First Informer Broadcasters Act

HB 523 - Burlison - Modifies requirements for protective headgear for operators and passengers of motorcycles and motortricycles

HB 562 - Davis - Modifies regulation of autocycle operators and exempts such operators from using protective headgear

HB 842 - McDaniel - Creates the Division of Alcohol and Tobacco Control Fund for the administration of liquor and tobacco laws

HB 878 - Rhoads - Modifies provisions relating to the licensing and commissioning of corporate security advisors by the Department of Public Safety

HCR 38 - Haahr - Establishes the Human Trafficking Task Force

Public Service Commission (10)

SB 160 - Brown - Modifies provisions relating to the regulation of a corporation's rate of return on equity by the Public Service Commission

SB 310 - Emery - Allows electrical corporations to recover depreciation expense and return for qualifying electric plants placed in service

SB 376 - Schatz - Creates the Competitive Energy for Missouri Jobs Act

SB 403 - Kehoe - Modifies provisions relating to ratemaking for gas corporations

SB 491 - Schatz - Modifies civil penalties associated with violations of the Underground Facility Safety and Damage Prevention Act and federally mandated natural gas safety standards

SB 509 - Holsman - Modifies the Net Metering and Easy Connection Act

SB 510 - Holsman - Establishes criteria for renewable power purchase agreements

SB 521 - Kehoe - Authorizes the Public Service Commission to adopt rules governing the relationship between water and electrical corporations to effectuate potential energy savings

SB 526 - Riddle - Modifies the powers and duties of the Office of the Public Counsel

HB 824 - Korman - Allows sewer providers to contract with certain water providers for termination of water service for nonpayment of a sewer bill

Railroads (3)

SB 168 - Munzlinger - Adds watershed districts to the types of taxing districts eligible to receive property taxes from railroads and public utilities

SB 396 - Holsman - Prohibits any law enforcement officer from requiring a member of the crew of a locomotive or train to display a driver's license in connection with the operation of a locomotive or train

SB 529 - Onder - Allows the concealed carrying of firearms on public transportation, including buses and trains, except school buses and Amtrak property

Redistricting (1)

SJR 2 - Dixon - Changes the procedures for the redistricting of the state Senate and House of Representatives districts

Religion (4)

SB 248 - Schaefer - Prohibits public higher education institutions from denying religious student associations benefits available to other student associations and from discriminating against them

SB 311 - Emery - Prohibits public higher education institutions from denying religious student associations benefits available to other student associations

HB 104 - Haahr - Prohibits public higher education institutions from denying religious student associations benefits available to other student associations and from discriminating against them

HB 187 - Fitzpatrick - Modifies provisions relating to postsecondary education public benefits

Retirement - Local Government (11)

SB 79 - Dixon - Allows counties to join a state's attorney system

SB 80 - Dixon - Modifies provisions relating to county prosecuting attorneys

SB 270 - Nasheed - Modifies public retirement systems

SB 283 - Kehoe - Allows political subdivisions to assign operation of a retirement plan to the Missouri Local Government Employees' Retirement System and modifies provisions relating to the Police Retirement System of the City of St. Louis

SB 300 - Silvey - Modifies provisions relating to retirement benefits

HB 326 - Leara - Specifies that each defined benefit pension plan must establish a board member education program

HB 494 - Leara - Allows political subdivisions to assign operation of a retirement plan to the Missouri Local Government Employees' Retirement system

HB 515 - Leara - Modifies provisions relating to the Police Retirement System of the City of St. Louis and Police Retirement System of Kansas City

HB 629 - Leara - Modifies provisions relating to the Police Retirement System of Kansas City, Kansas City Public School Retirement System, and Public School Retirement System of the City of St. Louis

HB 630 - Leara - Modifies provisions relating to service credit for military leave within the Police Retirement System of Kansas City and the Civilian Employees' Retirement System of the Police Department of Kansas City

HB 643 - Hinson - Modifies laws regarding to local government retirement systems including LAGERS, CERF, and the Police Retirement System of St. Louis

Retirement - Schools (8)

SB 172 - Romine - Modifies provisions relating to elementary and secondary education

SB 219 - Wallingford - Repeals a July 1, 2014, termination date so that retiring teachers with thirty-one or more years of creditable service will receive a retirement allowance with a 2.55 multiplier

SB 270 - Nasheed - Modifies public retirement systems

SB 300 - Silvey - Modifies provisions relating to retirement benefits

HB 326 - Leara - Specifies that each defined benefit pension plan must establish a board member education program

HB 478 - Fitzwater - Repeals a July 1, 2014, termination date so that retiring teachers with thirty-one or more years of creditable service will receive a retirement allowance with a 2.55 multiplier

HB 629 - Leara - Modifies provisions relating to the Police Retirement System of Kansas City, Kansas City Public School Retirement System, and Public School Retirement System of the City of St. Louis

HB 1134 - Bernskoetter - Allows certain public employees and retirees to apply for medical benefits during retirement as specified in the act

Retirement - State (10)

SB 94 - Emery - Modifies retirement benefits for newly elected members of the General Assembly and statewide elected officials

SB 238 - LeVota - Prohibits retired judges or state employees from collecting retirement benefits while employed by a political subdivision

SB 300 - Silvey - Modifies provisions relating to retirement benefits

SB 372 - Keaveny - Modifies provisions relating to the deferred compensation plan

HB 326 - Leara - Specifies that each defined benefit pension plan must establish a board member education program

HB 691 - Leara - Modifies provisions relating to the state employee deferred compensation plan

HB 752 - Dugger - Provides that a public employee who commits a Class B felony for stealing or receiving stolen property shall not receive retirement benefits

HB 940 - Jones - Modifies the definition of "pay" under the Year 2000 Retirement Plan and specifies procedures for when a member of MOSERS or MPERS dies prior to annuity starting date

HB 1087 - Bernskoetter - Changes the limit on the amount that the treasurer can credit to each participant in the state deferred compensation plan

HB 1134 - Bernskoetter - Allows certain public employees and retirees to apply for medical benefits during retirement as specified in the act

Retirement Systems and Benefits - General (8)

SB 94 - Emery - Modifies retirement benefits for newly elected members of the General Assembly and statewide elected officials

SB 238 - LeVota - Prohibits retired judges or state employees from collecting retirement benefits while employed by a political subdivision

SB 283 - Kehoe - Allows political subdivisions to assign operation of a retirement plan to the Missouri Local Government Employees' Retirement System and modifies provisions relating to the Police Retirement System of the City of St. Louis

SB 300 - Silvey - Modifies provisions relating to retirement benefits

SB 372 - Keaveny - Modifies provisions relating to the deferred compensation plan

SB 555 - Emery - Modifies provisions of the law relating to marriages other than a marriage between a man and a woman

HB 326 - Leara - Specifies that each defined benefit pension plan must establish a board member education program

HB 494 - Leara - Allows political subdivisions to assign operation of a retirement plan to the Missouri Local Government Employees' Retirement system

Revenue Dept. (41)

SB 5 - Schmitt - Modifies distribution of traffic fines and court costs collected by municipal courts

SB 14 - Munzlinger - Requires all departments and divisions of the state, including statewide offices, to post copies of contracts entered into for the provision of legal services from outside firms on the Missouri Accountability Portal

SB 15 - Dixon - Creates the Study Commission on State Tax Policy

SB 18 - Kraus - Requires the Department of Revenue to notify sellers if there is a change in sales tax law interpretation

SB 50 - Sifton - Prohibits political subdivisions that participate in the St. Louis County sales tax pool from receiving sales tax revenue to the extent that more than 50% of their annual general operating revenues come from traffic fines

SB 115 - Kraus - Modifies provisions relating to taxation

SB 149 - Parson - Creates state and local sales and use tax exemptions for data storage centers and allows municipalities to enter into loan agreements, or sell, lease, or mortgage municipal property for a technology business facility project

SB 203 - Dixon - Modifies the authority of the State Auditor

SB 216 - Keaveny - Establishes the Missouri Commercial Receivership Act

SB 242 - Dixon - Allows Greene County, or any city within the county, to impose a sales tax, upon voter approval, to fund early childhood education

SB 254 - Kraus - Modifies provisions relating to motor vehicle license plates

SB 278 - Schatz - Modifies provisions relating to motor vehicles

SB 291 - Cunningham - Allows the Director of Revenue to establish rules and regulations to allow lienholders who have filed a lien electronically to release the lien by electronic means

SB 327 - Onder - Modifies provisions relating to municipal courts

SB 336 - Kraus - Modifies provision relating to income tax withholdings on employee's tips

SB 343 - Wasson - Creates state and local sales and use tax exemptions for data storage centers and allows municipalities to enter into loan agreements, or sell, lease, or mortgage municipal property for a technology business facility project

SB 349 - Schaefer - Adds a motorcycle registration surcharge of five dollars to be deposited in the motorcycle safety trust fund

SB 350 - Schaefer - Specifies when interest begins to accrue on tax refunds and requires the Department of Revenue to deposit payments within 2 days

SB 353 - Silvey - Creates state and local sales and use tax exemptions for data storage centers and allows municipalities to enter into loan agreements, or sell, lease, or mortgage municipal property for a technology business facility project

SB 357 - Nasheed - Requires each law enforcement agency in St. Louis County to be accredited by a certain commission by January 1, 2017

SB 370 - Munzlinger - Regulates the use of automated traffic enforcement systems to enforce speed limits

SB 389 - Silvey - Modifies provisions relating to competitive bidding

SB 443 - Schatz - Allows electronic recording of temporary permit sales as determined by the Department of Revenue

SB 446 - Schupp - Removes additional fee equal to the fee charged for personalized license plates for subsequent sets of special Purple Heart license plates

SB 456 - Kehoe - Modifies provisions relating to the ownership of motor vehicles

HB 35 - Walker - Creates provisions for permanent and historic registration of camping trailer license plates

HB 137 - McCaherty - Modifies provisions relating to competitive bidding

HB 229 - McCaherty - Creates a special motor vehicle license plate for any person who has been awarded the military service award known as the "Korea Defense Service Medal"

HB 268 - Miller - Modifies provisions relating to taxation

HB 299 - Hoskins - Modifies provisions relating to taxation

HB 384 - Flanigan - Modifies provisions relating to taxation

HB 389 - Hoskins - Allows businesses to make one monthly payment to the Dept. of Revenue to cover all taxes and fees assessed against it that month by the state and any political subdivision

HB 403 - Phillips - Removes the additional fee for subsequent sets of special Purple Heart license plates and designates Missouri as a Purple Heart State

HB 517 - Higdon - Modifies provisions relating to taxation

HB 524 - Dugger - Allows the Director of the Department of Revenue to adopt rules and regulations allowing specified motor vehicle or trailer lienholders to electronically release a lien

HB 686 - Hinson - Modifies provisions for registration of motor vehicles

HB 740 - Jones - Changes provisions relating to driver's license suspension for failure to appear for moving traffic violations

HB 759 - Koenig - Modifies provisions relating to sales tax refund claims

HB 777 - Pfautsch - Modifies laws regarding audits for transportation development districts

HB 811 - Richardson - Modifies provisions relating to income taxes

HB 1002 - Berry - Modifies provisions related to motor vehicles

Revision Bills (6)

SB 113 - Dixon - Modifies provisions relating to education

SB 225 - Romine - Modifies Department of Natural Resources permit decision appeal procedures

SB 249 - Holsman - Repeals exceptions to the duty of scrap metal operators to obtain certificates of title for certain inoperable vehicles

SB 347 - Dixon - Codifies part of the Omnibus State Reorganization Act of 1974

SB 476 - Kehoe - Modifies provisions relating to the Department of Natural Resources

HB 92 - Miller - Modifies provisions relating to the Department of Natural Resources

Roads and Highways (32)

SB 3 - Pearce - Expands ban on using cell phones while driving to all drivers and to include telephone calls

SB 50 - Sifton - Prohibits political subdivisions that participate in the St. Louis County sales tax pool from receiving sales tax revenue to the extent that more than 50% of their annual general operating revenues come from traffic fines

SB 135 - Holsman - Allows qualified motorcycle operators to operate motorcycles and motortricycles without protective headgear under certain conditions

SB 156 - Nasheed - Designates certain highways and bridges in the state

SB 236 - Keaveny - Increases the fine for seat belt violations from $10 to $50

SB 245 - Hegeman - Modifies provisions relating to political subdivisions

SB 267 - Schaefer - Increases the penalties and driver license suspension periods for those who fail to yield the right-of-way in certain instances

SB 274 - Schupp - Applies ban on using cell phones related to text messaging while driving to all drivers

SB 275 - Schupp - Requires the driver and all passengers in a car or truck to wear a safety belt with certain exceptions

SB 296 - Schaaf - Exempts users of enclosed three wheel vehicles that contain manufacturer-installed seat belts with shoulder restraints from the requirement to wear helmets

SB 318 - Cunningham - Designates certain highways in the state

SB 339 - Munzlinger - Authorizes all third and fourth class counties to collect a property tax to pay for road rock on county roads

SB 344 - Wasson - Modifies regulation of auto cycle operators and exempts such operators from using protective headgear

SB 370 - Munzlinger - Regulates the use of automated traffic enforcement systems to enforce speed limits

SB 423 - Brown - Reduces the maximum standard speed limit on all rural roads to forty-five miles per hour

SB 430 - Curls - Requires cities, towns, and villages proposing to annex a portion of a state highway to also annex a specified portion of the area on either side of the highway

SB 452 - Schmitt - Provides that no person shall be found guilty of failure to appear if the criminal matter solely involves certain traffic-related infractions

SB 474 - Wallingford - Expands the Heroes Way Interchange Designation Program

SB 534 - Schaaf - Makes a technical correction by changing the word "must" to "shall"

SB 556 - Pearce - Modifies definitions and safety provisions for pedestrians and bicycles

HB 34 - Walker - Designates a portion of Highway 63 in Adair County as the "Harriet Beard Highway"

HB 133 - Rowland - Designates a bridge in Ozark County as the "Irwin C. Cudworth Memorial Bridge"

HB 134 - Rowland - Designates a portion of Highway 160 in Ozark County as "The Jerry Corp Memorial Highway"

HB 207 - Curtman - Prohibits, upon voter approval, any political subdivision or state agency from using automated traffic enforcement systems

HB 324 - Shumake - Authorizes Shelby County to collect a property tax to pay for road rock on county roads

HB 338 - McGaugh - Designates a portion of Highway 10 in Ray and Carroll counties as the "Ray-Carroll County Veterans Memorial Highway".

HB 522 - Cookson - Designates certain highways and bridges in the state

HB 523 - Burlison - Modifies requirements for protective headgear for operators and passengers of motorcycles and motortricycles

HB 562 - Davis - Modifies regulation of autocycle operators and exempts such operators from using protective headgear

HB 775 - Fitzwater - Designates a portion of State Highway 21 as the "Donald Lee Cook Memorial Highway"

HB 810 - Miller - Names a portion of Highway 54 as the "Veterans Memorial Expressway"

HB 873 - Johnson - Designates certain highways and bridges in the state

Saint Louis (23)

SB 1 - Pearce - Modifies provisions relating to elementary and secondary education

SB 22 - Chappelle-Nadal - Modifies provisions relating to elementary and secondary education

SB 49 - Sifton - Modifies provisions relating to elementary and secondary education

SB 81 - Dixon - Authorizes additional circuit judges for certain circuits when indicated by annual judicial performance report and provides that Division Twelve of the 16th Judicial Circuit shall sit in the City of Independence

SB 101 - LeVota - Allows constitutional charter cities that have 100,000 or more inhabitants to enact certain types of ordinances

SB 161 - Nasheed - Modifies requirements for school antibullying policies and modifies provisions relating to reading instruction and student promotion in certain school districts

SB 162 - Nasheed - Authorizes certain tax increment financing projects in St. Louis City to have a longer project period

SB 229 - Curls - Modifies provisions regarding the ability of neighborhood organizations to bring nuisance actions in certain cities and counties

SB 270 - Nasheed - Modifies public retirement systems

SB 283 - Kehoe - Allows political subdivisions to assign operation of a retirement plan to the Missouri Local Government Employees' Retirement System and modifies provisions relating to the Police Retirement System of the City of St. Louis

SB 300 - Silvey - Modifies provisions relating to retirement benefits

SB 319 - Schaaf - Requires approval from the General Assembly for certain bond extension the by St. Louis Regional Convention and Sports Complex Authority

SB 385 - Keaveny - Repeals a provision of current law, which specifies that the St. Louis City Sheriff may employ an attorney who may receive a salary of $3,000 to $15,000 per year

SB 519 - Richard - Creates a separate $4 million cap for state supplemental tax increment financing projects in St. Louis City associated with geospatial-intelligence facilities

SB 527 - Keaveny - Specifies that a majority of the circuit and associate circuit judges of the 22nd Judicial Circuit sitting en banc must appoint the sheriff of the City of St. Louis

SJR 3 - Chappelle-Nadal - Makes St. Louis City a part of St. Louis County

SR 200 - Schaaf - Urges the Governor to not issue bonds for a stadium without legislative or voter approval and states that the Senate will not automatically appropriate money to service such bonds

HB 42 - Wood - Modifies provisions relating to elementary and secondary education

HB 515 - Leara - Modifies provisions relating to the Police Retirement System of the City of St. Louis and Police Retirement System of Kansas City

HB 629 - Leara - Modifies provisions relating to the Police Retirement System of Kansas City, Kansas City Public School Retirement System, and Public School Retirement System of the City of St. Louis

HB 643 - Hinson - Modifies laws regarding to local government retirement systems including LAGERS, CERF, and the Police Retirement System of St. Louis

HB 742 - Bahr - Modifies the operations of the academic standards work groups and creates a Council for Community Education and a Task Force on School Safety Improvement within the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

HB 882 - McGaugh - Modifies provisions relating to agriculture

Saint Louis County (14)

SB 72 - Nasheed - Disincorporates all villages in St. Louis County beginning January 1, 2015, and provides that the area comprising the former villages may not be incorporated or annexed by a city

SB 115 - Kraus - Modifies provisions relating to taxation

SB 221 - Schatz - Modifies provisions relating to annexations and sales taxes in St. Louis County

SB 229 - Curls - Modifies provisions regarding the ability of neighborhood organizations to bring nuisance actions in certain cities and counties

SB 245 - Hegeman - Modifies provisions relating to political subdivisions

SB 319 - Schaaf - Requires approval from the General Assembly for certain bond extension the by St. Louis Regional Convention and Sports Complex Authority

SB 357 - Nasheed - Requires each law enforcement agency in St. Louis County to be accredited by a certain commission by January 1, 2017

SB 379 - Schatz - Requires that municipalities in the St. Louis County sales tax pool receive at least 50% of the revenue generated inside a given municipality

SB 401 - Schmitt - Authorizes sites containing former automobile manufacturing plants in St. Louis County to qualify for state supplemental tax increment financing

SB 435 - Walsh - Allows the Governor to convey the State's interest in specified property owned by the state in St. Louis County to the county

SB 436 - Walsh - Modifies a provision relating to electrical contractor licenses issued by political subdivisions

SB 437 - Walsh - Modifies provisions relating to the sales taxes in St. Louis County

SJR 3 - Chappelle-Nadal - Makes St. Louis City a part of St. Louis County

HB 514 - Leara - Authorizes sites containing former automobile manufacturing plants in St. Louis County to qualify for State Supplemental Tax Increment Financing

Salaries (4)

SCR 6 - Schaaf - Disapproves the salary recommendations of the Citizen's Commission on Compensation for Elected Officials

HB 722 - Shaul - Prohibits certain types of ordinances from being adopted by political subdivisions

HB 1087 - Bernskoetter - Changes the limit on the amount that the treasurer can credit to each participant in the state deferred compensation plan

HCR 4 - Barnes - Disapproves the salary recommendations of the Missouri Citizens' Commission on Compensation for Elected Officials

Savings and Loan (3)

HB 64 - Dugger - Modifies provisions relating to open-end credit fees

HB 807 - Cornejo - Modifies provisions relating to courts, civil actions, wills and trusts, life insurance, crimes, and public defenders

HB 982 - Rowden - Allows the University of Missouri extension council in any county to obtain financing in order to obtain real property

Science and Technology (5)

SB 286 - Schaaf - Requires that all state-owned data centers become consolidated to the State Data Center

SB 546 - Schaefer - Establishes privacy protection for student information used by school service providers of websites, mobile applications, or online services

SCR 28 - LeVota - Urges a commitment to equal rights for people with cognitive disabilities to access technology and information

SCR 33 - Curls - Urges the Missouri Congressional delegation to support the use of science-based data to assess the impacts and regulation of modern agricultural technologies

HB 361 - Spencer - Designates the third week of February as "Engineer Awareness Week" in Missouri

Search and Seizure (1)

SB 530 - Onder - Enacts multiple provisions to protect the privacy of student data

Secretary of State (27)

SB 14 - Munzlinger - Requires all departments and divisions of the state, including statewide offices, to post copies of contracts entered into for the provision of legal services from outside firms on the Missouri Accountability Portal

SB 34 - Wallingford - Extends voter registration requirements

SB 48 - Sifton - Institutes a gift ban for the members of the General Assembly and their candidate committees

SB 59 - Dixon - Modifies the process for filling vacancies in certain statewide and General Assembly offices

SB 94 - Emery - Modifies retirement benefits for newly elected members of the General Assembly and statewide elected officials

SB 97 - LeVota - Modifies the membership and functions of the Ethics Commission and imposes campaign contribution limits

SB 98 - Emery - Exempts capital gains on gold and silver from income tax and authorizes the storage of gold and silver in private repositories

SB 104 - Kraus - Modifies provisions relating to elections

SB 106 - Kraus - Waives Secretary of State fees for new businesses and requires business licenses to be issued within sixty days

SB 112 - Dixon - Modifies provisions dealing with criminal offenses to align with changes made in the 2014 Criminal Code revision

SB 131 - Parson - Modifies provisions relating to agriculture

SB 136 - Sifton - Allows emergency workers to request, receive and submit absentee ballots

SB 147 - Schaaf - Modifies the law relating to the ethical behavior of public officials and lobbyists

SB 148 - Parson - Modifies provisions relating to business regulations

SB 157 - Wallingford - Modifies provisions relating to business filing fees

SB 169 - Schaaf - Modifies the law relating to voting procedures

SB 211 - Walsh - Modifies provisions relating to participants in the address confidentiality program administered by the Secretary of State

SB 212 - Walsh - Adds an element to the crime of aggravated or first degree stalking

SB 399 - Onder - Establishes the paper ballot as the official ballot and requires audits before election certification

SB 486 - Sifton - Modifies class one election offenses

SJR 2 - Dixon - Changes the procedures for the redistricting of the state Senate and House of Representatives districts

SJR 5 - Kraus - Allows for photographic identification for voting

SJR 13 - Schaaf - Establishes the Missouri Anti-Corruption Amendment

HB 233 - Franklin - Modifies provisions relating to the payment of fees to certain state entities by agricultural entities

HB 875 - Hinson - Modifies provisions relating to libraries

HJR 1 - Dugger - Proposes a constitutional amendment specifying that a person seeking to vote in a public election may be required by general law to provide a valid government-issued photo identification

HJR 24 - Cierpiot - Extends term limits to all statewide elected officials

Securities (5)

SB 148 - Parson - Modifies provisions relating to business regulations

SB 244 - Schmitt - Creates the Senior Savings Protection Act

SB 282 - Parson - Requires insurers to mail notices cancelling, refusing to renew, or refusing to issue automobile insurance policies through certain United States postal service methods

HB 185 - Love - Requires a certain type of security for funds deposited by an ambulance district

HB 592 - Gosen - Modifies provisions relating to foreign investment limits

Sewers and Sewer Districts (7)

SB 160 - Brown - Modifies provisions relating to the regulation of a corporation's rate of return on equity by the Public Service Commission

SB 326 - Sater - Modifies provisions relating to political subdivision audits, county office vacancies, county budgets, special purpose districts, annexations, and sewer districts

SB 375 - Schatz - Adds projects which provide economic benefits to sewer and water operations to the types of projects eligible under the Property Assessment Clean Energy Act

SB 398 - Schatz - Authorizes municipalities to use design-build on water and waste water projects and prohibits such projects from being denied grants based on design-build utilization

SB 476 - Kehoe - Modifies provisions relating to the Department of Natural Resources

SB 497 - Hegeman - Modifies provisions relating to special purpose districts

HB 824 - Korman - Allows sewer providers to contract with certain water providers for termination of water service for nonpayment of a sewer bill

Sexual Offenses (2)

SB 234 - Kehoe - Modifies mandated reporting requirements for sexual assault victims in a long-term care facility

HB 807 - Cornejo - Modifies provisions relating to courts, civil actions, wills and trusts, life insurance, crimes, and public defenders

Social Services Dept. (35)

SB 24 - Sater - Modifies provisions of law relating to the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families Program and the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program

SB 35 - Wallingford - Creates additional requirements for public assistance eligibility verification

SB 38 - Romine - Modifies provisions relating to healthcare

SB 90 - LeVota - Provides for the expansion of MO HealthNet services beginning on January 1, 2016

SB 118 - Brown - Requires Mo HealthNet participants to pay an eight dollar copay for the use of emergency room services for the treatment of a nonemergency condition

SB 125 - Schupp - Authorizes eligibility for an alternative package of benefits for certain individuals under the MO HealthNet program

SB 151 - Sater - Sets a reimbursement rate for primary care physicians under Medicaid and requires MO HealthNet to contract with a third party for eligibility verification

SB 186 - Curls - Provides for the expansion of MO HealthNet services beginning on January 1, 2016

SB 197 - Brown - Modifies provisions regarding various healthcare professionals, disease reporting to DHSS, and establishes the Perinatal Advisory Council and the Joint Committee on MO HealthNet

SB 213 - Wallingford - Requires children under the age of 18 to be prosecuted for most criminal offenses in juvenile courts unless the child is certified as an adult

SB 256 - Sater - Establishes a pilot program allowing noncustodial parents to reduce the amount of state debt owed

SB 287 - Silvey - Allows veterans and their spouses and dependent children, as well as spouses and dependent children of deceased veterans, to be eligible for MO HealthNet benefits

SB 295 - Schaaf - Raises the Mo HealthNet eligibility income limits for elderly and disabled persons

SB 301 - Silvey - Modifies provisions relating to public assistance and MO HealthNet

SB 320 - Wallingford - Requires any juvenile certified as an adult be detained in a juvenile facility until the juvenile has been sentenced

SB 322 - Dempsey - Modifies provisions relating to public assistance

SB 332 - Nasheed - Establishes the Missouri Senior Farmers' Market Nutrition Program

SB 341 - Riddle - Modifies provisions of law relating to the protection of children and other vulnerable persons

SB 410 - Wallingford - Modifies provisions relating to criminal nonsupport and provides a method for expungement of a one-time offense of criminal nonsupport

SB 419 - Silvey - Creates the Healthcare Transformation Trust Fund

SB 431 - Onder - Treats changes by the Missouri Medicaid Audit and Compliance Unit of reimbursement requirement interpretations as rules

SB 444 - Schaaf - Eliminates provision of MO HealthNet services through managed care programs

SB 494 - LeVota - Modifies a reference to federal statute as it pertains to funding for federally qualified health centers

SB 542 - Sater - Extends MO HealthNet managed care statewide for only the current managed care populations

SB 563 - Wieland - Modifies requirements for certain state agency statements to be promulgated in accordance with the requirements of the Administrative Procedures Act

SCR 26 - Dempsey - Creates the Human Trafficking Task Force

HB 556 - Wood - Modifies provisions relating to children and families

HB 589 - Hough - Modifies provisions relating to reimbursement for MO HealthNet services

HB 672 - Frederick - Provides reimbursement for behavior assessment and intervention

HB 684 - Koenig - Provides that child protective investigators shall provide community service program information to parents and establishes the Supporting and Strengthening Families Act

HB 796 - Haefner - Modifies provisions relating to SNAP, TANF, and Mo HealthNet

HB 976 - Franklin - Modifies provisions relating to children, including immunization, amino acid-based elemental formula, court orders, juveniles with problem sexual behavior, safe sleep protocols, and the Children's Services Fund

HB 985 - Haefner - Requires the Department of Social Services to contract with a third party to verify eligibility data for public assistance programs

HB 1149 - Lauer - Modifies provisions relating to youth in custody of the Division of Youth Services and creates a special class of trust funds for the money of youth in the division's custody

HCR 38 - Haahr - Establishes the Human Trafficking Task Force

Soil Conservation (1)

SB 469 - Munzlinger - Repeals the Advisory Council to the Director of the Missouri Agriculture Experiment Station and establishes the Fertilizer Control Board

Sovereign or Official Immunity (1)

SB 567 - Chappelle-Nadal - Provides that a person shall be liable for depriving another of a Missouri Constitutional right while acting under the color of law

State Departments (14)

SB 14 - Munzlinger - Requires all departments and divisions of the state, including statewide offices, to post copies of contracts entered into for the provision of legal services from outside firms on the Missouri Accountability Portal

SB 39 - LeVota - Moves sections of law known as the "Animal Care Act" and "Canine Cruelty Prevention Act" to the Occupations and Professions Chapter

SB 109 - Schaefer - Modifies provisions of law regarding claims against public higher education institutions covered by the State Legal Expense Fund and administrative leave for public employees

SB 146 - Pearce - Modifies provisions of law relating to various regulated professions and establishes the Missouri Health Information Exchange Commission and the Perinatal Advisory Council

SB 203 - Dixon - Modifies the authority of the State Auditor

SB 286 - Schaaf - Requires that all state-owned data centers become consolidated to the State Data Center

SB 337 - Munzlinger - Bans the Conservation Commission and the Department of Conservation from engaging in prohibited conduct with a connected not-for-profit corporation

SB 363 - Parson - Creates the Board of Administrative Appeals and provides that a person is entitled a hearing before the Board following a proceeding before a governmental agency

SB 372 - Keaveny - Modifies provisions relating to the deferred compensation plan

SB 416 - Wasson - Modifies provisions of law regarding the disposition of deceased human remains, collaborative practice arrangements, regulating new professions, and creates the Missouri Health Information Exchange Commission

SB 459 - Libla - Modifies rulemaking procedures for rules which affect businesses

SB 536 - Schaaf - Requires state agencies to waive certain privileges with regard to documents requested by members of the General Assembly

HB 430 - Curtman - Establishes the Taxpayer Transparency Act

HB 875 - Hinson - Modifies provisions relating to libraries

State Employees (5)

SB 238 - LeVota - Prohibits retired judges or state employees from collecting retirement benefits while employed by a political subdivision

HB 326 - Leara - Specifies that each defined benefit pension plan must establish a board member education program

HB 519 - Vescovo - Modifies the law relating to administrative leave for public employees

HB 1087 - Bernskoetter - Changes the limit on the amount that the treasurer can credit to each participant in the state deferred compensation plan

HB 1134 - Bernskoetter - Allows certain public employees and retirees to apply for medical benefits during retirement as specified in the act

Suicide (2)

SB 146 - Pearce - Modifies provisions of law relating to various regulated professions and establishes the Missouri Health Information Exchange Commission and the Perinatal Advisory Council

SB 328 - Schupp - Modifies provisions relating to mental health

Sunshine Law (1)

HB 479 - Houghton - Exempts data collected under the federal Animal Disease Traceability Program from being subject to disclosure except under certain circumstances

Surveyors (2)

SB 499 - Wasson - Modifies laws regarding professional land surveyors

HB 1052 - Miller - Modifies provisions relating to land surveyors

Tax Credits (26)

SB 25 - Sater - Creates a tax credit based on the number of the taxpayer's dependent children

SB 40 - LeVota - Authorizes an earned income tax credit

SB 65 - Emery - Creates the Equal Opportunity Scholarship Program to provide scholarships to students from unaccredited school districts for certain educational costs

SB 73 - Holsman - Reauthorizes the Missouri Homestead Preservation tax credit program and modifies certain provisions relating to it

SB 77 - Sifton - Reauthorizes the Missouri Homestead Preservation tax credit program

SB 115 - Kraus - Modifies provisions relating to taxation

SB 163 - Nasheed - Creates a tax credit for adoption of dogs or cats from a shelter

SB 177 - Munzlinger - Creates programs for beginning farmers

SB 180 - Chappelle-Nadal - Creates a tax credit for adoption of dogs or cats from a shelter

SB 194 - Richard - Extends the date that a business must commence operations to qualify for a business facility tax credit

SB 195 - Schmitt - Requires all tax credit programs created on or after August 28, 2015, to comply with the Tax Credit Accountability Act of 2004

SB 293 - Parson - Allows the Wine and Grape Tax Credit to be used for used equipment and caps the credit at one million dollars annually

SB 390 - Curls - Creates a new tax credit for first time purchasers of homes in a blighted area that will be used for owner-occupancy

SB 463 - Dixon - Removes the sunsets on the Residential Treatment Agency Tax Credit and the Developmental Disability Care Provider Tax Credit

SB 507 - Silvey - Creates a limit for the total amount of tax credits that may be authorized in a fiscal year

SB 541 - Pearce - Reauthorizes the film production tax credit and modifies provisions relating to it

SB 551 - Hegeman - Creates a tax credit for donation to an endowment fund of a community foundation

HB 110 - McCaherty - Creates three new tax credits for entities using port facilities in Missouri

HB 468 - Berry - Extends the last year of availability of incentives for new or expanded business headquarters from 2020 to 2025

HB 506 - Zerr - Allows the Wine and Grape Tax Credit to be used for used equipment and caps the credit at one million dollars annually

HB 743 - Shull - Reauthorizes a tax credit for small business guaranty fees

HB 882 - McGaugh - Modifies provisions relating to agriculture

HB 996 - Hoskins - Extends the sunset on the Residential Treatment Agency Tax Credit and the Developmental Disability Care Provider Tax Credit to 2020

HB 1001 - Korman - Changes certain statutory references from the Department of Natural Resources to the Department of Economic Development

HB 1312 - Rowden - Requires state departments that administer tax credits to submit an annual report to the General Assembly regarding its tax credit programs

HJR 34 - Burlison - Amends the Constitution to limit general revenue appropriations and mandate state income tax rate reductions in certain situations and subject tax credits to appropriations

Taxation and Revenue - General (23)

SB 15 - Dixon - Creates the Study Commission on State Tax Policy

SB 114 - Kraus - Allows school and library districts to be reimbursed for 50% of their tax increment under a TIF plan

SB 162 - Nasheed - Authorizes certain tax increment financing projects in St. Louis City to have a longer project period

SB 207 - Pearce - Authorizes an employer to retain an employee's withholding tax for five years if the employee has graduated with a STEM degree from a Missouri Innovation Campus

SB 223 - Schatz - Eliminates a provision allowing for property tax levy adjustments for inflation and modifies standing for Hancock Amendment challenges

SB 341 - Riddle - Modifies provisions of law relating to the protection of children and other vulnerable persons

SB 401 - Schmitt - Authorizes sites containing former automobile manufacturing plants in St. Louis County to qualify for state supplemental tax increment financing

SB 405 - Hegeman - Raises the outer threshold amount for a county to be eligible to collect a greater percentage of the total taxes collected as a fee

SB 442 - Schaefer - Modifies the composition of tax increment financing commissions in Boone County

SB 519 - Richard - Creates a separate $4 million cap for state supplemental tax increment financing projects in St. Louis City associated with geospatial-intelligence facilities

SB 535 - Schaaf - Corrects an intersectional reference

SB 540 - Libla - Raises the tax on motor fuel and creates the Public-Private Partnership Authority Act

SJR 6 - Curls - Authorizes the creation of Show-me Small Business Districts

SJR 9 - Schmitt - Amends the Constitution to limit general revenue appropriations and mandate state income tax rate reductions in certain situations

SJR 11 - Emery - Eliminates income taxes and replaces them with an expanded sales and use tax and creates a property tax relief credit

HB 132 - Brattin - Creates a fuel tax exemption for fuel delivered to marinas for use solely in watercraft

HB 384 - Flanigan - Modifies provisions relating to taxation

HB 389 - Hoskins - Allows businesses to make one monthly payment to the Dept. of Revenue to cover all taxes and fees assessed against it that month by the state and any political subdivision

HB 430 - Curtman - Establishes the Taxpayer Transparency Act

HB 514 - Leara - Authorizes sites containing former automobile manufacturing plants in St. Louis County to qualify for State Supplemental Tax Increment Financing

HB 811 - Richardson - Modifies provisions relating to income taxes

HB 838 - Cross - Authorizes tax preparers, enrolled agents, and CPAs to represent individuals on tax matters before the Administrative Hearing Commission

HJR 34 - Burlison - Amends the Constitution to limit general revenue appropriations and mandate state income tax rate reductions in certain situations and subject tax credits to appropriations

Taxation and Revenue - Income (29)

SB 4 - Schmitt - Increases the amount of the personal income tax cut and the business income deduction in current law

SB 19 - Kraus - Creates a new method of allocating corporate income between states for tax purposes

SB 25 - Sater - Creates a tax credit based on the number of the taxpayer's dependent children

SB 40 - LeVota - Authorizes an earned income tax credit

SB 98 - Emery - Exempts capital gains on gold and silver from income tax and authorizes the storage of gold and silver in private repositories

SB 115 - Kraus - Modifies provisions relating to taxation

SB 177 - Munzlinger - Creates programs for beginning farmers

SB 203 - Dixon - Modifies the authority of the State Auditor

SB 336 - Kraus - Modifies provision relating to income tax withholdings on employee's tips

SB 350 - Schaefer - Specifies when interest begins to accrue on tax refunds and requires the Department of Revenue to deposit payments within 2 days

SB 374 - Schatz - Creates an income tax deduction for payments received as part of a program that compensates agricultural producers for losses from disaster or emergency

SB 420 - Schmitt - Provides for direct deposit of income tax refund to MOST accounts

SB 450 - Emery - Expands the dependency exemption for income taxes to stillbirths

SB 462 - Schaefer - Creates an income tax deduction for certain penalties assessed under the Affordable Care Act and paid on a federal return

SB 471 - Schaaf - Expands the dependency exemption for income taxes to stillbirths

SB 484 - Wieland - Allows taxpayers to deduct the full amount of costs associated with a search and rescue operation

SB 535 - Schaaf - Corrects an intersectional reference

SJR 9 - Schmitt - Amends the Constitution to limit general revenue appropriations and mandate state income tax rate reductions in certain situations

SJR 11 - Emery - Eliminates income taxes and replaces them with an expanded sales and use tax and creates a property tax relief credit

HB 32 - Hoskins - Prohibits increases in user fees imposed by the state until 2019 and reauthorizes a deduction for job creation by small businesses

HB 268 - Miller - Modifies provisions relating to taxation

HB 299 - Hoskins - Modifies provisions relating to taxation

HB 325 - McCaherty - Establishes the Bring Jobs Home Act which creates an income tax deduction for businesses relocating jobs to Missouri

HB 444 - English - Creates a new income tax deduction for taxpayers completing fire fighter training

HB 502 - Kelley - Allows employers to file withholdings taxes on an annual basis when the aggregate amount withheld in each of the previous four quarters is less than $100

HB 517 - Higdon - Modifies provisions relating to taxation

HB 743 - Shull - Reauthorizes a tax credit for small business guaranty fees

HB 811 - Richardson - Modifies provisions relating to income taxes

HJR 34 - Burlison - Amends the Constitution to limit general revenue appropriations and mandate state income tax rate reductions in certain situations and subject tax credits to appropriations

Taxation and Revenue - Property (18)

SB 73 - Holsman - Reauthorizes the Missouri Homestead Preservation tax credit program and modifies certain provisions relating to it

SB 77 - Sifton - Reauthorizes the Missouri Homestead Preservation tax credit program

SB 114 - Kraus - Allows school and library districts to be reimbursed for 50% of their tax increment under a TIF plan

SB 115 - Kraus - Modifies provisions relating to taxation

SB 168 - Munzlinger - Adds watershed districts to the types of taxing districts eligible to receive property taxes from railroads and public utilities

SB 223 - Schatz - Eliminates a provision allowing for property tax levy adjustments for inflation and modifies standing for Hancock Amendment challenges

SB 245 - Hegeman - Modifies provisions relating to political subdivisions

SB 305 - Onder - Authorizes telephone companies to elect to have their tangible personal property assessed in accordance with a depreciation schedule

SB 314 - Wallingford - Classifies short term rental merchandise as inventory and exempt from property taxes and specifies how to assess real property with certain restrictions

SB 339 - Munzlinger - Authorizes all third and fourth class counties to collect a property tax to pay for road rock on county roads

SB 364 - Parson - Modifies provisions relating to political subdivisions

SB 387 - Wasson - Modifies provisions required to be in nuisance abatement ordinances enacted by municipalities and counties

SB 554 - Munzlinger - Specifies that quarries and mining equipment will be assessed based on the previous year's production

SCR 40 - Romine - Creates the Study Commission on Mining Property Assessment

SJR 11 - Emery - Eliminates income taxes and replaces them with an expanded sales and use tax and creates a property tax relief credit

HB 324 - Shumake - Authorizes Shelby County to collect a property tax to pay for road rock on county roads

HB 613 - Crawford - Modifies provisions relating the collection of property taxes

HB 616 - Dohrman - Specifies when new political subdivisions will be effective for property tax assessment purposes and specifies that rental merchandise is exempt from property taxes

Taxation and Revenue - Sales and Use (39)

SB 5 - Schmitt - Modifies distribution of traffic fines and court costs collected by municipal courts

SB 15 - Dixon - Creates the Study Commission on State Tax Policy

SB 18 - Kraus - Requires the Department of Revenue to notify sellers if there is a change in sales tax law interpretation

SB 20 - Kraus - Creates a sales and use tax exemption for materials and utilities used by commercial laundries

SB 32 - Cunningham - Creates a sales and use tax exemption for used manufactured homes

SB 57 - Dixon - Creates a sales tax exemption for fitness facilities, gyms, and dance studios

SB 115 - Kraus - Modifies provisions relating to taxation

SB 149 - Parson - Creates state and local sales and use tax exemptions for data storage centers and allows municipalities to enter into loan agreements, or sell, lease, or mortgage municipal property for a technology business facility project

SB 150 - Parson - Exempts certain motor vehicles older than ten years from the sales tax on titling

SB 190 - Curls - Removes the expiration of the Kansas City transportation sales tax and modifies provisions relating to audits of transportation development districts

SB 221 - Schatz - Modifies provisions relating to annexations and sales taxes in St. Louis County

SB 231 - Kehoe - Modifies provisions relating to watercraft

SB 242 - Dixon - Allows Greene County, or any city within the county, to impose a sales tax, upon voter approval, to fund early childhood education

SB 258 - Wallingford - Extends the authority for regional jail districts to impose a sales tax until September 30, 2027

SB 300 - Silvey - Modifies provisions relating to retirement benefits

SB 315 - Dixon - Modifies provisions relating to political subdivisions

SB 343 - Wasson - Creates state and local sales and use tax exemptions for data storage centers and allows municipalities to enter into loan agreements, or sell, lease, or mortgage municipal property for a technology business facility project

SB 353 - Silvey - Creates state and local sales and use tax exemptions for data storage centers and allows municipalities to enter into loan agreements, or sell, lease, or mortgage municipal property for a technology business facility project

SB 377 - Schatz - Creates an exemption for sales of aircraft to nonresidents

SB 378 - Schatz - Creates several new exemptions to the tax on the titling of motor vehicles

SB 379 - Schatz - Requires that municipalities in the St. Louis County sales tax pool receive at least 50% of the revenue generated inside a given municipality

SB 397 - Silvey - Authorizes community improvement districts created by Kansas City in Clay County to impose a sales tax and modifies what the funds may be used for

SB 421 - Dixon - Modifies ballot language for the public safety sales tax in Springfield

SB 437 - Walsh - Modifies provisions relating to the sales taxes in St. Louis County

SB 438 - Dempsey - Creates the Municipal Telecommunications Business License Tax Modernization Act

SB 480 - Onder - Creates a state sales and use tax exemption for utilities, equipment, and materials used to generate or transmit electricity

SB 560 - Chappelle-Nadal - Allows a person to possess up to one ounce of marijuana and provides a licensure process for retail marijuana stores, cultivation facilities, and products manufacturers

SJR 11 - Emery - Eliminates income taxes and replaces them with an expanded sales and use tax and creates a property tax relief credit

HB 101 - Redmon - Creates a state sales tax exemption for utilities use in food preparation

HB 111 - Crawford - Changes the laws regarding sales tax on used manufactured homes

HB 117 - Burlison - Modifies how sales tax is imposed on places of amusement and entertainment

HB 268 - Miller - Modifies provisions relating to taxation

HB 299 - Hoskins - Modifies provisions relating to taxation

HB 410 - Kelley - Adds specified graphing calculators to the list of items that are exempt from sales tax during the annual sales tax holiday for school supplies

HB 440 - Koenig - Allows sellers to advertise that sales tax will be assumed by the seller

HB 517 - Higdon - Modifies provisions relating to taxation

HB 612 - Fitzwater - Modifies provisions relating to the possession of contraband in jails and prisons and tax collection by regional jail districts

HB 759 - Koenig - Modifies provisions relating to sales tax refund claims

HB 869 - Solon - Modifies provisions relating to the titling of motor vehicles, trailers, boats, and outboard motors

Teachers (16)

SB 1 - Pearce - Modifies provisions relating to elementary and secondary education

SB 22 - Chappelle-Nadal - Modifies provisions relating to elementary and secondary education

SB 27 - Emery - Modifies provisions relating to elementary and secondary education

SB 28 - Emery - Requires the State Board of Education to develop a simplified annual school report card for each school attendance center using a letter grade of A to F

SB 29 - Emery - Modifies provisions relating to the employment of teachers in school districts

SB 146 - Pearce - Modifies provisions of law relating to various regulated professions and establishes the Missouri Health Information Exchange Commission and the Perinatal Advisory Council

SB 161 - Nasheed - Modifies requirements for school antibullying policies and modifies provisions relating to reading instruction and student promotion in certain school districts

SB 219 - Wallingford - Repeals a July 1, 2014, termination date so that retiring teachers with thirty-one or more years of creditable service will receive a retirement allowance with a 2.55 multiplier

SB 300 - Silvey - Modifies provisions relating to retirement benefits

SB 328 - Schupp - Modifies provisions relating to mental health

SB 468 - Sifton - Requires each public school to test each enrolling student for dyslexia and related disorders and provide treatment

SB 546 - Schaefer - Establishes privacy protection for student information used by school service providers of websites, mobile applications, or online services

SB 548 - Sifton - Requires the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education to employ a dyslexia specialist and creates the Legislative Task Force on Dyslexia

HB 42 - Wood - Modifies provisions relating to elementary and secondary education

HB 478 - Fitzwater - Repeals a July 1, 2014, termination date so that retiring teachers with thirty-one or more years of creditable service will receive a retirement allowance with a 2.55 multiplier

HB 1023 - Swan - Modifies provisions relating to school quality and creates the School Quality Task Force within the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

Telecommunications (15)

SB 198 - Brown - Modifies law relating to patch-through telephone calls

SB 222 - Schatz - Bans political subdivisions from requiring the removal or relocation of infrastructure owned by a communication service provider unless certain conditions are met

SB 266 - Schaefer - Prohibits municipalities from providing certain services already being provided within the boundaries of the municipality without a vote of the people

SB 305 - Onder - Authorizes telephone companies to elect to have their tangible personal property assessed in accordance with a depreciation schedule

SB 409 - Wallingford - Modifies provisions relating to emergencies

SB 438 - Dempsey - Creates the Municipal Telecommunications Business License Tax Modernization Act

SB 522 - Kehoe - Modifies the measurement of damages in civil actions for trespass or expanded use of an easement against a rural electric cooperative

SB 530 - Onder - Enacts multiple provisions to protect the privacy of student data

HB 120 - Davis - Modifies provisions relating to the privacy of students, prospective students, and employees through the use of certain technologies

HB 296 - Kelley - Creates the First Informer Broadcasters Act

HB 299 - Hoskins - Modifies provisions relating to taxation

HB 319 - Barnes - Changes the laws regarding the provision of telehealth services

HB 377 - Swan - Modifies provisions relating to remediation prevention for public school students

HB 612 - Fitzwater - Modifies provisions relating to the possession of contraband in jails and prisons and tax collection by regional jail districts

HB 714 - Lauer - Modifies provisions relating to emergency communications services

Television (1)

HB 296 - Kelley - Creates the First Informer Broadcasters Act

Tobacco Products (1)

HB 531 - Solon - Requires that nicotine liquid containers sold at retail satisfy federal child-resistant effectiveness standards

Transportation (37)

SB 3 - Pearce - Expands ban on using cell phones while driving to all drivers and to include telephone calls

SB 5 - Schmitt - Modifies distribution of traffic fines and court costs collected by municipal courts

SB 12 - Munzlinger - Modifies provisions relating to agriculture

SB 131 - Parson - Modifies provisions relating to agriculture

SB 135 - Holsman - Allows qualified motorcycle operators to operate motorcycles and motortricycles without protective headgear under certain conditions

SB 190 - Curls - Removes the expiration of the Kansas City transportation sales tax and modifies provisions relating to audits of transportation development districts

SB 232 - Kehoe - Creates additional requirements for tow truck businesses

SB 236 - Keaveny - Increases the fine for seat belt violations from $10 to $50

SB 249 - Holsman - Repeals exceptions to the duty of scrap metal operators to obtain certificates of title for certain inoperable vehicles

SB 254 - Kraus - Modifies provisions relating to motor vehicle license plates

SB 267 - Schaefer - Increases the penalties and driver license suspension periods for those who fail to yield the right-of-way in certain instances

SB 272 - Riddle - Changes the laws regarding motor vehicle height and weight limits in certain city commercial zones

SB 274 - Schupp - Applies ban on using cell phones related to text messaging while driving to all drivers

SB 275 - Schupp - Requires the driver and all passengers in a car or truck to wear a safety belt with certain exceptions

SB 296 - Schaaf - Exempts users of enclosed three wheel vehicles that contain manufacturer-installed seat belts with shoulder restraints from the requirement to wear helmets

SB 344 - Wasson - Modifies regulation of auto cycle operators and exempts such operators from using protective headgear

SB 351 - Schaefer - Creates a regulatory system for transportation network companies

SB 370 - Munzlinger - Regulates the use of automated traffic enforcement systems to enforce speed limits

SB 423 - Brown - Reduces the maximum standard speed limit on all rural roads to forty-five miles per hour

SB 529 - Onder - Allows the concealed carrying of firearms on public transportation, including buses and trains, except school buses and Amtrak property

SB 534 - Schaaf - Makes a technical correction by changing the word "must" to "shall"

SB 540 - Libla - Raises the tax on motor fuel and creates the Public-Private Partnership Authority Act

SCR 14 - Schaefer - Recognizes the third Monday in June as Ride to Work Day in Missouri

HB 34 - Walker - Designates a portion of Highway 63 in Adair County as the "Harriet Beard Highway"

HB 133 - Rowland - Designates a bridge in Ozark County as the "Irwin C. Cudworth Memorial Bridge"

HB 210 - Conway - Allows community college police officers to establish regulations to control vehicular traffic on any thoroughfare owned or maintained by the college

HB 338 - McGaugh - Designates a portion of Highway 10 in Ray and Carroll counties as the "Ray-Carroll County Veterans Memorial Highway".

HB 375 - McGaugh - Modifies provisions relating to the duty of care a landowner owes a person entering without a fee onto the land for recreational use

HB 388 - Hoskins - Modifies provisions relating to weight limitations for vehicles hauling livestock and agricultural products

HB 522 - Cookson - Designates certain highways and bridges in the state

HB 536 - Redmon - Modifies appointment procedures for commissioners to the Mid-America Port Commission

HB 562 - Davis - Modifies regulation of autocycle operators and exempts such operators from using protective headgear

HB 650 - Cornejo - Allows a motorcycle to be equipped with auxiliary lighting

HB 675 - Rowden - Changes the laws regarding motor vehicle height and weight limits in certain city commercial zones

HB 775 - Fitzwater - Designates a portion of State Highway 21 as the "Donald Lee Cook Memorial Highway"

HB 777 - Pfautsch - Modifies laws regarding audits for transportation development districts

HB 882 - McGaugh - Modifies provisions relating to agriculture

Transportation Dept. (13)

SB 156 - Nasheed - Designates certain highways and bridges in the state

SB 166 - Nasheed - Changes the name of the "I Have a Dream" specialty license plate to the "Dare to Dream" specialty license plate

SB 317 - Brown - Allows the Governor to convey properties located in Pulaski County, Christian County, St. Charles County, and St. Louis County to the State Highways and Transportation Commission

SB 318 - Cunningham - Designates certain highways in the state

SB 351 - Schaefer - Creates a regulatory system for transportation network companies

SB 381 - Dixon - Repeals requirement to arbitrate negligence actions against the Department of Transportation upon the request of the plaintiff

SB 423 - Brown - Reduces the maximum standard speed limit on all rural roads to forty-five miles per hour

SB 474 - Wallingford - Expands the Heroes Way Interchange Designation Program

SB 534 - Schaaf - Makes a technical correction by changing the word "must" to "shall"

HB 134 - Rowland - Designates a portion of Highway 160 in Ozark County as "The Jerry Corp Memorial Highway"

HB 338 - McGaugh - Designates a portion of Highway 10 in Ray and Carroll counties as the "Ray-Carroll County Veterans Memorial Highway".

HB 810 - Miller - Names a portion of Highway 54 as the "Veterans Memorial Expressway"

HB 873 - Johnson - Designates certain highways and bridges in the state

Treasurer, State (19)

SB 14 - Munzlinger - Requires all departments and divisions of the state, including statewide offices, to post copies of contracts entered into for the provision of legal services from outside firms on the Missouri Accountability Portal

SB 48 - Sifton - Institutes a gift ban for the members of the General Assembly and their candidate committees

SB 59 - Dixon - Modifies the process for filling vacancies in certain statewide and General Assembly offices

SB 74 - Holsman - Establishes the Capital Green Program to provide funding for energy efficiency improvements to certain state buildings

SB 94 - Emery - Modifies retirement benefits for newly elected members of the General Assembly and statewide elected officials

SB 97 - LeVota - Modifies the membership and functions of the Ethics Commission and imposes campaign contribution limits

SB 139 - Parson - Creates the Missouri Dairy Revitalization Act of 2015

SB 147 - Schaaf - Modifies the law relating to the ethical behavior of public officials and lobbyists

SB 155 - Nasheed - Creates the Neighborhood Watch Fund for the creation of neighborhood watch organizations throughout the state

SB 174 - Schmitt - Establishes the Missouri Achieving a Better Life Experience Program

SB 366 - Schmitt - Modifies the provisions of the Missouri higher education savings program

SB 420 - Schmitt - Provides for direct deposit of income tax refund to MOST accounts

SB 447 - Wieland - Repeals the death penalty and creates the Death Penalty Costs Reinvestment Fund

SB 531 - Emery - Creates the Missouri Empowerment Scholarship Accounts Program

SB 534 - Schaaf - Makes a technical correction by changing the word "must" to "shall"

SCR 11 - Schmitt - Urges Congress to not remove the tax-deferred treatment of 529 college savings plans

SJR 13 - Schaaf - Establishes the Missouri Anti-Corruption Amendment

HB 259 - Reiboldt - Creates the Missouri Dairy Revitalization Act of 2015

HB 1087 - Bernskoetter - Changes the limit on the amount that the treasurer can credit to each participant in the state deferred compensation plan

Trees and Other Plants (1)

HB 722 - Shaul - Prohibits certain types of ordinances from being adopted by political subdivisions

Unemployment Compensation (4)

SB 220 - Kehoe - Modifies the duration of unemployment compensation, the method to pay federal advances, and raises the fund trigger causing contribution rate reductions

SB 406 - Munzlinger - Modifies the law relating to unemployment compensation benefits

HB 150 - Fitzpatrick - Modifies the duration of unemployment compensation, the method to pay federal advances, and raises the fund trigger causing contribution rate reductions

HB 1010 - Brown - Modifies the law relating to unemployment compensation benefits

Urban Redevelopment (7)

SB 191 - Curls - Creates the "Center for the Neighborhoods Fund" in the state treasury to establish a center for the neighborhoods to conduct applied urban research and outreach programs

SB 390 - Curls - Creates a new tax credit for first time purchasers of homes in a blighted area that will be used for owner-occupancy

SB 397 - Silvey - Authorizes community improvement districts created by Kansas City in Clay County to impose a sales tax and modifies what the funds may be used for

SB 401 - Schmitt - Authorizes sites containing former automobile manufacturing plants in St. Louis County to qualify for state supplemental tax increment financing

SB 442 - Schaefer - Modifies the composition of tax increment financing commissions in Boone County

SB 519 - Richard - Creates a separate $4 million cap for state supplemental tax increment financing projects in St. Louis City associated with geospatial-intelligence facilities

HB 514 - Leara - Authorizes sites containing former automobile manufacturing plants in St. Louis County to qualify for State Supplemental Tax Increment Financing

Utilities (32)

SB 47 - Holsman - Prohibits planned communities from barring the installation of solar energy systems

SB 74 - Holsman - Establishes the Capital Green Program to provide funding for energy efficiency improvements to certain state buildings

SB 75 - Holsman - Modifies the definition of "customer-generator" in the Net Metering and Easy Connection Act

SB 142 - Romine - Requires the Department of Natural Resources to take certain actions when submitting certain plans to the Environmental Protection Agency

SB 160 - Brown - Modifies provisions relating to the regulation of a corporation's rate of return on equity by the Public Service Commission

SB 168 - Munzlinger - Adds watershed districts to the types of taxing districts eligible to receive property taxes from railroads and public utilities

SB 222 - Schatz - Bans political subdivisions from requiring the removal or relocation of infrastructure owned by a communication service provider unless certain conditions are met

SB 266 - Schaefer - Prohibits municipalities from providing certain services already being provided within the boundaries of the municipality without a vote of the people

SB 305 - Onder - Authorizes telephone companies to elect to have their tangible personal property assessed in accordance with a depreciation schedule

SB 310 - Emery - Allows electrical corporations to recover depreciation expense and return for qualifying electric plants placed in service

SB 376 - Schatz - Creates the Competitive Energy for Missouri Jobs Act

SB 403 - Kehoe - Modifies provisions relating to ratemaking for gas corporations

SB 445 - Romine - Modifies provisions relating to environmental protection

SB 476 - Kehoe - Modifies provisions relating to the Department of Natural Resources

SB 480 - Onder - Creates a state sales and use tax exemption for utilities, equipment, and materials used to generate or transmit electricity

SB 491 - Schatz - Modifies civil penalties associated with violations of the Underground Facility Safety and Damage Prevention Act and federally mandated natural gas safety standards

SB 499 - Wasson - Modifies laws regarding professional land surveyors

SB 509 - Holsman - Modifies the Net Metering and Easy Connection Act

SB 510 - Holsman - Establishes criteria for renewable power purchase agreements

SB 521 - Kehoe - Authorizes the Public Service Commission to adopt rules governing the relationship between water and electrical corporations to effectuate potential energy savings

SB 522 - Kehoe - Modifies the measurement of damages in civil actions for trespass or expanded use of an easement against a rural electric cooperative

SB 526 - Riddle - Modifies the powers and duties of the Office of the Public Counsel

SCR 32 - Hegeman - Recognizes April 13, 2015 as "Missouri Lineworker Appreciation Day"

HB 92 - Miller - Modifies provisions relating to the Department of Natural Resources

HB 101 - Redmon - Creates a state sales tax exemption for utilities use in food preparation

HB 119 - Lichtenegger - Requires public water systems and public water supply districts to notify certain persons and entities prior to modifications to water fluoridation

HB 299 - Hoskins - Modifies provisions relating to taxation

HB 824 - Korman - Allows sewer providers to contract with certain water providers for termination of water service for nonpayment of a sewer bill

HB 923 - Miller - Modifies provisions relating to the environment

HB 1058 - Miller - Modifies provisions relating to the Department of Natural Resources

HB 1084 - Miller - Requires owners of a coal-fired electric generating source in a NAAQS nonattainment area to develop an ambient air quality monitoring or modeling network

HB 1119 - Redmon - Designates the second Monday in April as "Missouri Lineworker Appreciation Day"

Veterans (13)

SB 287 - Silvey - Allows veterans and their spouses and dependent children, as well as spouses and dependent children of deceased veterans, to be eligible for MO HealthNet benefits

SB 446 - Schupp - Removes additional fee equal to the fee charged for personalized license plates for subsequent sets of special Purple Heart license plates

SB 474 - Wallingford - Expands the Heroes Way Interchange Designation Program

SCR 7 - Brown - Urges the Department of Defense and the Congressional delegation to protect, preserve, and promote state military bases and agencies

SCR 15 - Riddle - Designates March as Women Veterans' Month in Missouri

HB 179 - Chipman - Expands the documents that may be presented to obtain a veteran designation on a driver's license or identification card

HB 229 - McCaherty - Creates a special motor vehicle license plate for any person who has been awarded the military service award known as the "Korea Defense Service Medal"

HB 338 - McGaugh - Designates a portion of Highway 10 in Ray and Carroll counties as the "Ray-Carroll County Veterans Memorial Highway".

HB 403 - Phillips - Removes the additional fee for subsequent sets of special Purple Heart license plates and designates Missouri as a Purple Heart State

HB 810 - Miller - Names a portion of Highway 54 as the "Veterans Memorial Expressway"

HB 1070 - Davis - Establishes the Office of Military Advocate under the Department of Economic Development

HCR 26 - Shull - Designates the month of March for the years 2015 thru 2025 as Women Veterans' Month

HJR 44 - Shumake - Proposes a constitutional amendment authorizing $50 million in bonds for veterans homes

Veterinarians (4)

SB 12 - Munzlinger - Modifies provisions relating to agriculture

SB 107 - Sater - Authorizes certain boards and commissions under the Division of Professional Registration to issue opinions for educational purposes and modifies laws relating to speech-language pathologists and audiologists

SB 131 - Parson - Modifies provisions relating to agriculture

HB 479 - Houghton - Exempts data collected under the federal Animal Disease Traceability Program from being subject to disclosure except under certain circumstances

Vital Statistics (3)

SB 517 - Wasson - Modifies provisions relating to professional registration, death certificates, collaborative practice, & health information

SB 555 - Emery - Modifies provisions of the law relating to marriages other than a marriage between a man and a woman

HB 618 - Fraker - Modifies provisions of law regarding the disposition of deceased human remains and the electronic vital records system

Waste - Hazardous (1)

HB 132 - Brattin - Creates a fuel tax exemption for fuel delivered to marinas for use solely in watercraft

Waste - Solid (8)

SB 152 - Wallingford - Modifies provisions relating to environmental protection

SB 214 - Pearce - Modifies law relating to emerging issues

SB 225 - Romine - Modifies Department of Natural Resources permit decision appeal procedures

SB 266 - Schaefer - Prohibits municipalities from providing certain services already being provided within the boundaries of the municipality without a vote of the people

SB 476 - Kehoe - Modifies provisions relating to the Department of Natural Resources

SCR 3 - Wallingford - Establishes the Joint Committee on Solid Waste Management District Operations

HB 923 - Miller - Modifies provisions relating to the environment

HB 1058 - Miller - Modifies provisions relating to the Department of Natural Resources

Water Patrol (2)

HB 836 - Ross - Repeals a provision relating to motorboat passengers

HB 1076 - Brown - Creates an exemption from motorboat noise level limits for motorboats registered for and actually participating in any fishing tournament held at the Harry S. Truman Reservoir

Water Resources and Water Districts (13)

SB 160 - Brown - Modifies provisions relating to the regulation of a corporation's rate of return on equity by the Public Service Commission

SB 285 - Kehoe - Modifies the definition of "waters of the state"

SB 358 - Kehoe - Modifies the policy statement of the Missouri Clean Water Law

SB 375 - Schatz - Adds projects which provide economic benefits to sewer and water operations to the types of projects eligible under the Property Assessment Clean Energy Act

SB 398 - Schatz - Authorizes municipalities to use design-build on water and waste water projects and prohibits such projects from being denied grants based on design-build utilization

SB 476 - Kehoe - Modifies provisions relating to the Department of Natural Resources

SB 497 - Hegeman - Modifies provisions relating to special purpose districts

SB 521 - Kehoe - Authorizes the Public Service Commission to adopt rules governing the relationship between water and electrical corporations to effectuate potential energy savings

HB 92 - Miller - Modifies provisions relating to the Department of Natural Resources

HB 119 - Lichtenegger - Requires public water systems and public water supply districts to notify certain persons and entities prior to modifications to water fluoridation

HB 536 - Redmon - Modifies appointment procedures for commissioners to the Mid-America Port Commission

HB 824 - Korman - Allows sewer providers to contract with certain water providers for termination of water service for nonpayment of a sewer bill

HB 1058 - Miller - Modifies provisions relating to the Department of Natural Resources

Weapons (7)

SB 23 - Chappelle-Nadal - Creates the crimes of failing to stop illegal firearm possession, negligent storage of a firearm, and failure to notify a school of firearm ownership

SB 60 - Chappelle-Nadal - Creates the crimes of failing to stop illegal weapon possession, negligent storage of a weapon, and failure to notify a school of weapon ownership

SB 200 - Dixon - Modifies provisions relating to sentencing of juvenile criminal offenders, an armed offender docket pilot project, and criminal sentence reductions

SB 211 - Walsh - Modifies provisions relating to participants in the address confidentiality program administered by the Secretary of State

SB 529 - Onder - Allows the concealed carrying of firearms on public transportation, including buses and trains, except school buses and Amtrak property

SB 552 - Munzlinger - Specifies that no additional fee may be charged, including any fee for fingerprinting or criminal background checks, to process concealed carry permit applications

HB 122 - McGaugh - Modifies provisions relating to self defense, the crime of unlawful use of weapons, and concealed carry training requirements

Weights and Measures (3)

SB 131 - Parson - Modifies provisions relating to agriculture

SB 520 - Kehoe - Modifies the per barrel fee for the inspection of certain motor fuels

HB 882 - McGaugh - Modifies provisions relating to agriculture

Workers Compensation (9)

SB 282 - Parson - Requires insurers to mail notices cancelling, refusing to renew, or refusing to issue automobile insurance policies through certain United States postal service methods

SB 288 - Schatz - Modifies the law relating to workers' compensation premium rates

SB 402 - Wieland - Establishes provisions relating to workers' compensation large deductible policies

SB 457 - Sater - Modifies provisions relating to health care professionals and services

SB 492 - Schatz - Modifies the law relating to discharge of employees under workers' compensation statutes

HB 33 - Walker - Modifies provisions relating to persons eligible to receive survivor's benefits

HB 148 - Fitzpatrick - Specifies that beginning January 1, 2016, certain shareholders of S corporations may elect to reject workers' compensation insurance coverage

HB 609 - Gosen - Establishes provisions relating to workers' compensation large deductible policies

HB 615 - Dohrman - Modifies various provisions relating to workers' compensation