
SB 328 - Beginning in the 2016-2017 school year, any licensed educator may annually complete up to two hours of training or professional development in youth suicide awareness and prevention as part of the professional development hours required for State Board of Education certification.

The Department of Elementary and Secondary Education must develop guidelines for training or professional development in youth suicide awareness and prevention. The Department must also develop materials that may be used for such training or professional development.

Each district must adopt a policy for youth suicide awareness and prevention by July 1, 2017. The Department of Elementary and Secondary Education must develop a model policy by July 1, 2016, that districts may adopt. The Department must cooperate, consult with, and seek input from organizations that have expertise in youth suicide awareness and prevention. By July 1, 2020, and every three years thereafter, the Department must request information and seek feedback from districts on their experience with the policy for youth suicide awareness and prevention. The Department shall review this information and use it to adapt the department's model policy. The Department must post the information it receives from districts on its website.


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