
SB 329 - This act requires all employees of public and private institutions, facilities, or agencies that are used, operated, or designed to provide health services, medical treatment, or nursing, rehabilitative, or preventative care and that are inspected by the Department of Health and Senior Services to receive an influenza vaccination every year, three months prior to the flu season. New employees or volunteers beginning work during the flu season shall be vaccinated within 2 weeks of commencing work. The Department is not required to pay for these vaccinations. Exemptions may be granted in specified situations.

The Department may conduct vaccination inspections during any other inspection of the facility. Inspected facilities not in compliance will have an opportunity to be reinspected within three months of the initial inspection. Failure to comply at that time will result in a fine which shall be applied to the costs of inspection and flu prevention education.

The provision of this act shall sunset on August 28, 2021.

This act is substantially similar to HB 1963 (2014).


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