
SB 97 - This act modifies the membership and functions of the Ethics Commission and imposes campaign contribution limits.

Under current law, the Missouri Ethics Commission is comprised of 6 members appointed by the Governor, with the advice and consent of the Senate. Members are chosen from a list created by each congressional district committee of each major political party. The act increases the membership to eight members, with one member appointed with the advice and consent of the Senate, by each of the following: the Governor, each statewide elected official, the President Pro Tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives. The political parties will no longer compile lists of potential nominees.

The act provides that legal counsel employed by the Commission shall not carry out any investigations or audits but shall only serve as advisors to the Commission. Under current law, special investigators, who investigate ethics violations, may be employees of the Commission. This act repeals this provision and requires the Attorney General's office to provide special investigators to carry out investigations and audits.

The act also imposes contribution limits for individuals and committees in support of candidates running for public office. Surcharges will be imposed upon committees that accept or give contributions exceeding the limits.

The limits are as follows for contributions made by or accepted from any person other than the candidate and all committees:

• $10,000 for Governor, Lieutenant Governor, Secretary of State, Treasurer, Auditor, or Attorney General.

• $5,000 for Senators.

• $2,000 for Representatives.

• $2,000 for any other office, including judicial office.

This act is identical to SB 813 (2014) and similar to SB 555 (2014), SB 627 (2014), SB 92 (2013), SB 227 (2013), SB 546 (2012), SB 825 (2012), SB 648 (2010) HB 633 (2009), HB 687 (2009), SB 389 (2009), and SB 270 (2009).


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