Bills assigned to Governmental Accountability and Fiscal Oversight

SB 14 - Munzlinger - Requires all departments and divisions of the state, including statewide offices, to post copies of contracts entered into for the provision of legal services from outside firms on the Missouri Accountability Portal
SB 58 - Dixon - Modifies and repeals a number of existing, expired or obsolete committees
SB 83 - Chappelle-Nadal - Prohibits a workforce development agency from knowingly omitting from any bidding process an entity with whom it has a contract
SB 102 - LeVota - Modifies the time period for, and contents of, fiscal notes on proposed legislation
SB 178 - Munzlinger - Modifies provisions relating to captive cervids
SB 185 - LeVota - Modifies provisions relating to the state budget and fiscal notes
SB 203 - Dixon - Modifies the authority of the State Auditor
SB 240 - Keaveny - Requires the State Auditor to make a one-time report on the costs of administering the death penalty
SB 286 - Schaaf - Requires that all state-owned data centers become consolidated to the State Data Center
SB 319 - Schaaf - Requires approval from the General Assembly for certain bond extension the by St. Louis Regional Convention and Sports Complex Authority
SB 330 - Parson - Modifies provisions relating to bond issuance
SB 347 - Dixon - Codifies part of the Omnibus State Reorganization Act of 1974
SB 369 - Pearce - Expands the authority of the Governor to convey easements without the approval of the General Assembly and allows the Governor to convey certain specified properties
SB 389 - Silvey - Modifies provisions relating to competitive bidding
SB 435 - Walsh - Allows the Governor to convey the State's interest in specified property owned by the state in St. Louis County to the county
SB 460 - Silvey - Prohibits the executive branch from extending existing bonds or issuing new bonds without legislative or voter approval
SB 504 - Wieland - Modifies the law relating to administrative leave for public employees
SB 511 - Schaaf - Requires healthcare contractors providing services to prison inmates to provide certain information to the Office of Administration
SB 512 - Schaaf - Creates the Partnership for Public Facilities and Infrastructure Act
SB 563 - Wieland - Modifies requirements for certain state agency statements to be promulgated in accordance with the requirements of the Administrative Procedures Act
SJR 13 - Schaaf - Establishes the Missouri Anti-Corruption Amendment
HB 137 - McCaherty - Modifies provisions relating to competitive bidding
HB 271 - Hoskins - Requires certain grant agreements to describe the State Auditor's authority with respect to property, equipment, and facilities purchased with the funds from the grant
HB 519 - Vescovo - Modifies the law relating to administrative leave for public employees
HB 947 - Wiemann - Authorizes the Governor to convey certain state properties
HB 1063 - Fitzpatrick - Establishes the State Capitol Complex Committee