Bills assigned to Rules, Joint Rules, Resolutions and Ethics

SB 2 - Pearce - Establishes campaign contributions for individuals and political party committees
SB 11 - Richard - Modifies the law relating to the ethical behavior of public officials and lobbyists
SB 48 - Sifton - Institutes a gift ban for the members of the General Assembly and their candidate committees
SB 96 - LeVota - Establishes campaign contribution limits
SB 97 - LeVota - Modifies the membership and functions of the Ethics Commission and imposes campaign contribution limits
SB 123 - Schupp - Modifies the law relating to ethics
SB 124 - Schupp - Requires tax-exempt organizations to disclose date, amount, and name of persons or entities making donations to such organizations
SB 134 - Holsman - Creates a method for publicly financing election campaigns for legislative and statewide candidates and caps contributions to political party committees
SB 147 - Schaaf - Modifies the law relating to the ethical behavior of public officials and lobbyists
SB 337 - Munzlinger - Bans the Conservation Commission and the Department of Conservation from engaging in prohibited conduct with a connected not-for-profit corporation
SB 428 - Curls - Modifies the enforcement power of the Missouri Ethics Commission
SB 433 - Dixon - Adopts the Compact for a Balanced Budget
SB 475 - Dempsey - Grants the President Pro Tem and the Speaker standing to intervene in cases challenging the constitutionality of state law and authorizes individual legislators to hire outside counsel when sued in their official capacity
SB 514 - Parson - Prohibits each house of the General Assembly from adoption of an amendment to a bill if certain conditions are not met
SB 543 - Schupp - Modifies provisions relating to disclosure requirements made to the Ethics Commission
SB 547 - Riddle - Creates the permanent Joint Committee on Capitol Police to oversee the capitol police and modifies the jurisdiction and duties of the capitol police
SCR 1 - Nasheed - Designates January as Sex Trafficking Awareness Month in Missouri
SCR 2 - Nasheed - Designates the month of November as Pica Awareness Month in Missouri
SCR 3 - Wallingford - Establishes the Joint Committee on Solid Waste Management District Operations
SCR 4 - Walsh - Recognizes every September 26th as Mesothelioma Awareness Day
SCR 5 - Romine - Creates the Missouri Lead Industry Employment, Economic Development and Environmental Remediation Task Force
SCR 6 - Schaaf - Disapproves the salary recommendations of the Citizen's Commission on Compensation for Elected Officials
SCR 7 - Brown - Urges the Department of Defense and the Congressional delegation to protect, preserve, and promote state military bases and agencies
SCR 8 - Parson - Creates a state buildings project list to be funded by revenue bonds issued by the State Board of Public Buildings
SCR 9 - Parson - Creates a higher education buildings project list to be funded by revenue bonds issued by the State Board of Public Buildings
SCR 10 - Munzlinger - Urges the Missouri Congressional delegation to make changes to the school lunch program in the Child Nutrition Act Reauthorization in 2015
SCR 11 - Schmitt - Urges Congress to not remove the tax-deferred treatment of 529 college savings plans
SCR 12 - Wasson - Establishes the Missouri Multiple Sclerosis Task Force
SCR 13 - Curls - Declares November 14, 2015, as Neuroblastoma Cancer Awareness Day
SCR 14 - Schaefer - Recognizes the third Monday in June as Ride to Work Day in Missouri
SCR 15 - Riddle - Designates March as Women Veterans' Month in Missouri
SCR 16 - Schupp - Ratifies the Equal Rights Amendment to the United States Constitution
SCR 17 - Hegeman - Urges schools, little league and recreational programs, law enforcement, and prosecutors to do all they can to put an end to threats and assaults on sports officials
SCR 18 - Schupp - Expresses the support of the General Assembly for the practice of Falun Dafa, also known as Falun Gong
SCR 19 - Schaefer - Applies to Congress for the calling of an Article V convention of states to propose certain amendments to the United States Constitution which place limits on the federal government
SCR 20 - Emery - Urges the United States Congress to propose the Regulation Freedom Amendment to the U.S. Constitution
SCR 21 - Dixon - Applies to Congress for the calling of a convention to propose certain amendments to the United States Constitution which place limits on the federal government
SCR 22 - Schaefer - Directs the Attorney General of Missouri to join in the pending legal action brought by the state of Texas against the implementation of the "Deferred Action for Parents of Americans and Lawful Permanent Residents" program
SCR 23 - Schmitt - Applies to Congress for the calling of an Article V convention of states to propose certain amendments to the United States Constitution which place limits on the federal government
SCR 24 - Holsman - Urges Congress to call an Article V Convention for the purpose of proposing amendments to the United States Constitution
SCR 25 - Munzlinger - Establishes the Missouri Wildlife Revitalization Task Force
SCR 26 - Dempsey - Creates the Human Trafficking Task Force
SCR 27 - Onder - Insists that the Missouri Congressional delegation endeavor and resolve to repeal the Affordable Care Act
SCR 28 - LeVota - Urges a commitment to equal rights for people with cognitive disabilities to access technology and information
SCR 29 - Onder - Urges the President and Congress to repeal the federal excise tax on medical devices
SCR 30 - Kehoe - Condemns certain California laws relating to shelled eggs and calls upon the legislature and the voters of California to repeal such laws
SCR 31 - Cunningham - Urges Congress to reinstate the Secure Rural Schools program
SCR 32 - Hegeman - Recognizes April 13, 2015 as "Missouri Lineworker Appreciation Day"
SCR 33 - Curls - Urges the Missouri Congressional delegation to support the use of science-based data to assess the impacts and regulation of modern agricultural technologies
SCR 34 - Emery - Urges the federal government to return certain lands to western states where such lands are located
SCR 35 - Schmitt - Designates May 13, 2015, as Jump Day
SCR 36 - Schmitt - Discourages the Environmental Protection Agency from promulgating any rule regulating the use of individual propane gas barbecue grills
SCR 37 - Wieland - Establishes the Missouri Predatory Towing Practices Task Force
SCR 38 - Richard - Authorizes independent certified public accountant or certified public accounting firm to conduct an audit of State Auditor's office
SCR 39 - Dixon - Requires the Board of Public Buildings to reassign office space within the State Capitol
SCR 40 - Romine - Creates the Study Commission on Mining Property Assessment
SJR 8 - Schmitt - Changes the date for final passage of bills in a regular session of the General Assembly
SJR 15 - Cunningham - Modifies the process for approving the salary schedule of the Missouri Citizens' Commission on Compensation for Elected Officials
SR 200 - Schaaf - Urges the Governor to not issue bonds for a stadium without legislative or voter approval and states that the Senate will not automatically appropriate money to service such bonds
HB 776 - Higdon - Creates the Commission on Capitol Security Infrastructure
HB 1024 - Higdon - Establishes a commission on capitol security infrastructure
HCR 4 - Barnes - Disapproves the salary recommendations of the Missouri Citizens' Commission on Compensation for Elected Officials
HCR 12 - Cierpiot - Encourages the State Attorney General to join a lawsuit against President Barack Obama's immigration policies currently underway in Texas
HCR 15 - Roden - Calls upon President Obama to support the TransCanada Keystone XL pipeline and the permitting for oil production off the northern coast of Alaska
HCR 16 - Gannon - Recognizes September 2015 as "Missouri Whole Child Month"
HCR 18 - McCann Beatty - Recognizes July 1, 2015, as "Lucile Bluford Day" in Missouri in honor of a brave and persistent civil rights activist
HCR 20 - Lynch - Urges the Department of Defense and the Congressional delegation to protect, preserve and promote state military bases and agencies
HCR 21 - Miller - Urges the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to withdraw their proposed rule expanding the definition of "waters of the United States"
HCR 26 - Shull - Designates the month of March for the years 2015 thru 2025 as Women Veterans' Month
HCR 27 - McGaugh - Designates April 24, 2016, as "Alpha Gamma Rho Day" in Missouri
HCR 28 - Houghton - Urges the Missouri Congressional delegation to make changes to the school lunch program in the Child Nutrition Act Reauthorization of 2015
HCR 29 - Love - Urges Congress to make the historic Butterfield Overland Trail part of the National Trails System
HCR 32 - Ross - Adopts the House Majority Floor Leader's filing with the EPA as the state's official position on the Clean Power Plan, and urges the EPA to withdraw the proposed Clean Power Plan rule
HCR 34 - Rowland - Urges Congress to reinstate the Secure Rural Schools program
HCR 38 - Haahr - Establishes the Human Trafficking Task Force
HCR 39 - Houghton - Urges the 2015 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee to reevaluate its recommendations regarding a reduction in meat consumption in Americans' diets
HCR 49 - Alferman - Condemns certain California laws relating to shelled eggs and calls upon the legislature and the voters of California to repeal such laws
HJR 24 - Cierpiot - Extends term limits to all statewide elected officials
HJR 34 - Burlison - Amends the Constitution to limit general revenue appropriations and mandate state income tax rate reductions in certain situations and subject tax credits to appropriations