Bills Sponsored by Senator Dixon

SB 15 - Creates the Study Commission on State Tax Policy
SB 16 - Prohibits gubernatorial appointees from serving more than sixty days after the expiration of their term of office
SB 17 - Changes intersectional references relating to court costs
SB 57 - Creates a sales tax exemption for fitness facilities, gyms, and dance studios
SB 58 - Modifies and repeals a number of existing, expired or obsolete committees
SB 59 - Modifies the process for filling vacancies in certain statewide and General Assembly offices
SB 79 - Allows counties to join a state's attorney system
SB 80 - Modifies provisions relating to county prosecuting attorneys
SB 81 - Authorizes additional circuit judges for certain circuits when indicated by annual judicial performance report and provides that Division Twelve of the 16th Judicial Circuit shall sit in the City of Independence
SB 91 - Modifies laws relating to public defenders
SB 112 - Modifies provisions dealing with criminal offenses to align with changes made in the 2014 Criminal Code revision
SB 113 - Modifies provisions relating to education
SB 199 - Allows an armed offender docket in Jackson County and modifies the self-defense statute and the statute specifying when police officers are justified in using deadly force
SB 200 - Modifies provisions relating to sentencing of juvenile criminal offenders, an armed offender docket pilot project, and criminal sentence reductions
SB 201 - Modifies the state's requirements to reimburse counties for certain costs related to imprisonment and electronic monitoring for criminal offenders
SB 202 - Allows sheriffs and deputies to assist in other counties throughout the state
SB 203 - Modifies the authority of the State Auditor
SB 235 - Repeals a provision of law allowing attorneys in criminal cases to fax or mail their notice of entry of appearance
SB 242 - Allows Greene County, or any city within the county, to impose a sales tax, upon voter approval, to fund early childhood education
SB 315 - Modifies provisions relating to political subdivisions
SB 347 - Codifies part of the Omnibus State Reorganization Act of 1974
SB 381 - Repeals requirement to arbitrate negligence actions against the Department of Transportation upon the request of the plaintiff
SB 382 - Modifies provisions relating to procedures in criminal proceedings
SB 421 - Modifies ballot language for the public safety sales tax in Springfield
SB 433 - Adopts the Compact for a Balanced Budget
SB 451 - Modifies provisions relating to petitions for the expungement of criminal records
SB 463 - Removes the sunsets on the Residential Treatment Agency Tax Credit and the Developmental Disability Care Provider Tax Credit
SB 464 - Prohibits sharing of visual or aural recordings or photographs of minors alleged to be victims of child abuse, except in limited circumstances
SB 550 - Makes data from law enforcement cameras a closed record, prohibits the state from requiring law enforcement cameras, and requires written policies on the use of cameras
SCR 21 - Applies to Congress for the calling of a convention to propose certain amendments to the United States Constitution which place limits on the federal government
SCR 39 - Requires the Board of Public Buildings to reassign office space within the State Capitol
SJR 2 - Changes the procedures for the redistricting of the state Senate and House of Representatives districts
SJR 14 - Modifies the gubernatorial appointment process
HB 108 - Establishes a two-year statute of limitations for claims of malpractice or negligence against mental health professionals
HB 117 - Modifies how sales tax is imposed on places of amusement and entertainment
HB 218 - Modifies provisions relating to mutual aid by law enforcement officers, the costs of imprisonment and electronic monitoring, and concealed carry permit fees
HB 271 - Requires certain grant agreements to describe the State Auditor's authority with respect to property, equipment, and facilities purchased with the funds from the grant
HB 384 - Modifies provisions relating to taxation
HB 635 - Modifies provisions of law relating to the Amber Alert System and the Amber Alert System Oversight Committee
HB 684 - Provides that child protective investigators shall provide community service program information to parents and establishes the Supporting and Strengthening Families Act
HB 734 - Modifies provisions of law relating to child protection
HB 799 - Modifies provisions regarding judicial circuits
HB 807 - Modifies provisions relating to courts, civil actions, wills and trusts, life insurance, crimes, and public defenders
HB 996 - Extends the sunset on the Residential Treatment Agency Tax Credit and the Developmental Disability Care Provider Tax Credit to 2020
HB 1063 - Establishes the State Capitol Complex Committee

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