SB 700 Modifies the law relating to workers' compensation premium rates
12/1/2015 Prefiled
1/6/2016 S First Read--SB 700-Schatz S49
1/11/2016 Second Read and Referred S Small Business, Insurance and Industry Committee S97
1/26/2016 Hearing Conducted S Small Business, Insurance and Industry Committee
2/2/2016 Voted Do Pass S Small Business, Insurance and Industry Committee
2/4/2016 Reported from S Small Business, Insurance and Industry Committee S253
2/24/2016 Perfected S385
2/24/2016 Reported Truly Perfected S Rules, Joint Rules, Resolutions and Ethics Committee S389
2/25/2016 Referred S Governmental Accountability and Fiscal Oversight Committee S397
3/2/2016 Voted Do Pass S Governmental Accountability & Fiscal Oversight Committee (Fiscal Oversight)
3/3/2016 Reported from S Governmental Accountability and Fiscal Oversight Committee S469
3/3/2016 S Third Read and Passed S472
3/3/2016 H First Read H1059
3/7/2016 H Second Read H1070
3/30/2016 Referred H Workforce Standards and Development H1420
4/11/2016 Hearing Conducted H Workforce Standards and Development
4/11/2016 Voted Do Pass H Workforce Standards and Development
4/11/2016 Reported Do Pass H Workforce Standards and Development H1698
4/11/2016 Referred H Select Committee on Labor and Industrial Relations (Pursuant to H Rule 27.10) H1698
4/13/2016 Voted Do Pass H Select Committee on Labor and Industrial Relations (Pursuant to H Rule 27.10)
4/13/2016 Reported Do Pass H Select Committee on Labor and Industrial Relations (Pursuant to H Rule 27.10) H1810
4/13/2016 Referred H Fiscal Review H1811
4/14/2016 Voted Do Pass H Fiscal Review
4/14/2016 Reported Do Pass H Fiscal Review H1821
4/26/2016 HA 1 H offered (Ross)--(4619S01.08H) H2259-2260
4/26/2016 HA 1 to HA 1 H offered & adopted (Korman)--(4619S01.09H) H2260-2261
4/26/2016 HA 1, as amended, H adopted H2261
4/26/2016 HA 2 H offered & adopted (Dohrman)--(4619S01.04H) H2261-2262
4/26/2016 H Third Read and Passed, as amended H2262-2263 / S1176
4/28/2016 S refuses to concur in SB 700-Schatz, with HA 1, as amended & HA 2 and requests H recede or grant conference S1394 / H2635
5/2/2016 H refuses to recede and grants conference H2754 / S1596
5/2/2016 H conferees appointed: Dohrman, Ross, Davis, Webber, Carpenter H2770 / S1615
5/2/2016 S conferees appointed: Schatz, Parson, Libla, Curls, Walsh S2637 / H2816
5/4/2016 H distributes CCR H3010-3011
5/4/2016 Referred H Fiscal Review Committee H3012
5/6/2016 CCR S offered & adopted (Schatz)--(4619S02.1SR) S1905
5/6/2016 CCS S Third Read and Passed--(4619S.02S) S1905-1906 / H3114
5/9/2016 Voted Do Pass H Fiscal Review
5/9/2016 Reported Do Pass H Fiscal Review H3111
5/10/2016 H adopts CCR H3303-3304
5/10/2016 H Third Read and Passed CCS H3304-3305
5/10/2016 Truly Agreed To and Finally Passed S2075
5/25/2016 Reported Duly Enrolled Rules, Joint Rules, Resolutions & Ethics Committee S2296
5/25/2016 Signed by Senate President Pro Tem S2297
5/25/2016 Signed by House Speaker H3694
5/25/2016 Delivered to Governor S2298
7/14/2016 Governor took no action, sent to Secretary of State/Article III, Sec. 31
