Truly Agreed to and Finally Passed

SCS/HB 1414 - This act modifies provisions relating to agricultural data disclosure.

VOLUNTARY PARTICIPANT AGRICULTURAL PRODUCER DATA DISCLOSURE (Section 261.130) - Under this act, certain information on an agricultural producer or owner of agricultural land in connection with such producer or owner's voluntary participation in a government program that is maintained by the Missouri Department of Agriculture or the Missouri Department of Natural Resources shall not be considered a public record and subject to public disclosure. The Missouri Department of Agriculture and the Missouri Department of Natural Resources may disclose such information under certain conditions as set forth in this act. The participation of an agricultural producer or owner of agricultural land in any program administered by the Missouri Department of Agriculture or the Missouri Department of Natural Resources shall not be conditioned on the consent of the producer or agricultural land owner to disclose such information as set forth in this act.

This provision is similar to SB 928 (2016) and a provision contained in HCS/SCS/SB 703 (2016).

ANIMAL DISEASE TRACEABILITY PROGRAM DATA DISCLOSURE (Section 267.169) - Under this act, certain data relating to animals shall not be considered a public record and shall not be subject to disclosure except under certain circumstances set forth in this act. Any person who knowingly releases such data may be subject to civil action, and a court may order any appropriate relief including damages up to $10,000 and reasonable attorney's fees.

This provision is similar to a provision contained in HCS/SCS/SB 703 (2016), HCS/SCS/SB 131 (2015), HCS/HB 479 (2015), HCS/SCS/SB 506 (2014), and HB 2094 (2014).


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