Senate Committee Substitute

SCS/HCS/HB 1432 - This act requires that a hearing be held within 60 days from the date that a public employee was placed on administrative leave. Any hearing may be continued for good cause, but shall in no event be continued beyond 180 days from the date the employee was placed on administrative leave.

The act further requires that such employee be advised in writing within seven days of being placed on administrative leave, the reason or reasons for being placed on administrative leave. Such documents shall not be subject to the sunshine law.

Any employer that is also a school district is required to notify the Board of Education within 30 days of placing an employee on administrative leave of the reason or reasons for the placement.

This act does not apply to:

1. Charter counties, charter cities, or home rule cities with administrative leave policies;

2. Any law enforcement agency within a charter county, charter city, or a home rule city, provided such county or city has adopted an administrative leave policy; or

3. Certain law enforcement agencies

This act is substantially similar to SB 982 (2016) and HCS/HB 519 (2015) and similar to SB 504 (2015) as well as a provision within HCS/SB 109 (2015).


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