Archive Senator Gary Romine – News Releases Dec. 22, 2015 Senator Romine Encourages Citizens to Attend Upcoming MDC Habitat Management Workshop Nov. 20, 2015 Majority Caucus Appoints Two Members to New Positions Nov. 16, 2015 Senators Urge the Governor to Suspend the Acceptance of Syrian Refugees Relocating in Missouri Oct. 15, 2015 Sen. Gary Romine Named to Senate Transportation Committee Oct. 6, 2015 Senator Gary Romine Encourages Local Communities to Apply for USDA Rural Development Program Sept. 17, 2015 A Successful Veto Session Sept. 4, 2015 Sen. Gary Romine Encourages Local Fire Departments to Apply for 2016 Matching Grant Funds Feb. 17, 2015 Senator Romine Encourages Citizens to Attend Upcoming MDC Meetings on Proposed Hunting Regulation Changes Jan. 8, 2015 MoDOT Rewriting Proposed Change to Traffic Generator Signs for Local Tourist Attractions Archive 2013 | 2014 ← Return to Senator Romine’s Page