Senator Joseph Keaveny – Missouri Senate Democrats Defend Equality

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JEFFERSON CITY — After 22 hours of debate on Senate Joint Resolution 39, Senate Democrats continue to filibuster a resolution that would allow discrimination of gay, lesbian and transgender citizens. In Missouri, it is already legal to fire someone or refuse them housing based on sexual orientation. The resolution would double-down on this hateful policy by changing the constitution to allow refusal of wedding-related services to same-sex couples.

According to a 2015 Small Business Majority Poll, 71 percent of small business owners in Missouri believe Missouri should have a state law prohibiting discrimination against gay and transgender workers. Furthermore, 62 percent of Christian small business owners oppose denying goods or services based on an owner’s religious beliefs.

“The effect of this measure on the LGBT community is bad enough – but as we saw when Indiana enacted a similar measure, changing the constitution to allow discrimination could have a devastating impact on the Missouri economy,” said Sen. Joseph Keaveny, D-St. Louis.

For more information, visit Sen. Keaveny’s official Senate website at
