JEFFERSON CITY — State Sen. Mike Cunningham, R-Rogersville, recently added a new audio link to his multimedia page, which is located on his Missouri Senate website.
Author: Senate Communications
New Audio Available from Sen. Jill Schupp for the Week of Feb. 22: Suicide Prevention, Ethics Reform, SB 612 and SB 802
JEFFERSON CITY — State Sen. Jill Schupp, D-Creve Coeur, recently added a new audio link to her multimedia page, which is located on her Missouri Senate
The Senate Minute for Feb. 25: Committee Hearings
JEFFERSON CITY — Senate Bill 1026, which would create a lifetime permit to carry concealed firearms, and Senate Bill 822, which seeks to modify provisions relating
For Immediate Release: Senator Joseph Keaveny to Present Legislation to Expand Access to CBD Oil
JEFFERSON CITY — Missouri Senate Minority Floor Leader Joseph Keaveny, D-St. Louis, will present Senate Bill 822 at 8:30 a.m., Thursday, February 25, to the
The Senate Minute for Feb. 24: Ethics Reform
JEFFERSON CITY — Missouri senators spend more time discussing ethics reform. Missouri senators debate House Bill 2166, which seeks to modify provisions of law relating
The Senate Minute for Feb. 23: SB 656
JEFFERSON CITY — Missouri senators give preliminary approval to Senate Bill 656, which specifies no additional fee, beyond $100, may be charged to process concealed carry
The Senate Minute for Feb. 22: Ethics Reform
JEFFERSON CITY — Missouri senators may address more ethics reform legislation in the near future. After amending House Bill 1979 last week, a measure that would
New Audio Available from Sen. Eric Schmitt for the Week of Feb. 15: Tax Policy
JEFFERSON CITY — A new audio update is now available to constituents of the 15th District. Click here to listen to this week’s audio update:
Senator David Sater’s Capitol Report for the Week of Feb. 15: Worst of the Worst Deserve the Ultimate Penalty
Worst of the Worst Deserve the Ultimate Penalty This week marks the two-year anniversary since little Hailey Owens was kidnapped outside her home and then
New Audio Available from Sen. Ed Emery for the Week of Feb. 15: Justice Scalia, SB 678 and 847
JEFFERSON CITY — State Sen. Ed Emery, R-Lamar, recently added a new audio link to his multimedia page, which is located on his Missouri Senate website.