Keeping America Safe from Foreign Threats

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Legislative Column for Nov. 30. 2015
Keeping America Safe from Foreign Threats
I take pride in serving the citizens of Missouri and keep their best interests in mind every day. Because of this, I feel it is my duty to speak out against the governor’s acceptance of Syrian refugees relocating to Missouri. I am not alone in this sentiment as 22 of my fellow senators have joined voices to denounce this dangerous decision.

I am not against immigration. I believe it is one of the important processes that makes the United States and the state of Missouri a strong, wonderful place to live. However, until the federal government can assure the American people that the refugee screening process is safe and foolproof, we cannot be certain that terrorists disguised as refugees will not enter our country and cause us harm.

I believe the government has an inherent responsibility to protect its citizens, and as a state senator, I attempt to do that by proposing and helping pass legislation that empowers and enriches the lives of Missourians. Allowing Syrian refugees to relocate to our state opens up the potential for danger to enter our midst alongside them. President Obama’s decision to welcome 10,000 of these refugees into our country is a potentially harmful decision for the wellbeing of American citizens. Senator Roy Blunt has also spoken against the president’s decision, saying, “The American people are right in being concerned about this, and we really absolutely should hit the pause button hard until we are sure of what we are doing.”

Senator Blunt is correct, and we as a people should call on Congress to suspend the president’s decision to allow this mass immigration into our country. We can also call on Congress to demand a “no fly” safe haven in the Middle East to help safely relocate refugees near their own home countries.

This coming session I will be introducing legislation pertaining to unauthorized immigrants in the hopes that it will curtail the unlawful entry of criminal aliens into Missouri. My bill would make it a Class B felony for any undocumented alien to re-enter, attempt to re-enter or be found in Missouri after he or she has been removed from the country. I take serious issue with the millions of unauthorized immigrants who have entered the United States illegally, harboring malicious or criminal aspirations. It is exactly this kind of problem that the president’s acceptance of refugees could create.

I have great sympathy for the innocent victims of the war in Syria, but my first concern is – and always will be – the safety of the American people. I call on my fellow lawmakers, constituents and Missourians to speak out against this unwise decision in order to protect our country from those who wish it harm. I will continue to fight for the safety of Missourians this coming session, and will keep up the fight for the betterment of our people here at home.

As always, I appreciate it when groups from around Missouri and from our community back home come to visit me at the Capitol. If you would like to arrange a time to come and visit me in Jefferson City, or if you ever have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact my Capitol office at (573) 751-1882.