Senator Joseph Keaveny: Missouri Senate Democrats Lead 30-Hour Filibuster

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JEFFERSON CITY — After 30 hours of debate on Senate Joint Resolution 39, Senate Democrats continue to filibuster a resolution that would allow discrimination of gay, lesbian and transgender citizens.  In Missouri, it is already legal to fire someone or refuse them housing based on sexual orientation.

Hundreds of businesses, faith leaders and organizations stand with the Missouri Senate Democrats in opposing this anti-LGBT resolution.  Click here to see the list of supporters.

“Rather than adding protections to Missouri citizens through the Missouri Non-Discrimination Act, the Senate has spent over 30 hours singling out a part of the population to prevent them from celebrating their constitutional right to marry someone of the same sex,” said Senate Minority Floor Leader Joseph Keaveny, D-St. Louis. “Additionally, child placement agencies would be allowed to refuse to serve same-sex families by withholding any benefit, custody award, foster home placement or adoption; thus putting innocent children at-risk.”

“This resolution is a national embarrassment for Missouri.  Senate Joint Resolution 39 has the potential to be detrimental to our state’s economy, tourism and businesses willingness to relocate to Missouri,” stated Sen. Keaveny. “My colleagues and I will continue this fight until every Missouri citizen is treated equal.”

For more information, visit Sen. Keaveny’s official Senate website at