Statement from Senator Libla: Appreciating Law Enforcement

Libla - Column - 012413

For Immediate Release: Sept. 27, 2015
Statement from Senator Libla:
Appreciating Law Enforcement

On Wednesday, Sept. 30, let’s show our gratitude to the women and men in law enforcement for the job they do every day, without hesitation. Decorate your house, car, or maybe a front yard tree with a blue ribbon to let them know you care. My family and I definitely appreciate our officers who keep us safe; they are always there when needed.

Join me in praying for the safety of each officer and their family not only on Sept. 30, but every day.

Senator Doug Libla proudly serves the citizens of Butler, Carter, Dunklin, Mississippi, New Madrid, Pemiscot, Shannon and Stoddard counties in the Missouri Senate.