SJR 11 Provides that a nonpartisan judicial commission shall submit to the governor a list of names, rather than a list of three names, to fill a judicial vacancy in a court under the nonpartisan court plan
12/1/2016 Prefiled
1/4/2017 S First Read--SJR 11-Hegeman S49
2/2/2017 Second Read and Referred S General Laws Committee S219
2/8/2017 Hearing Conducted S General Laws Committee
3/1/2017 SCS Voted Do Pass S General Laws Committee (0442S.02C)
3/2/2017 Reported from S General Laws Committee w/SCS S400
3/30/2017 Bill Placed on Informal Calendar S605
5/12/2017 Informal Calendar S Bills for Perfection--SJR 11-Hegeman, with SCS
