SB 328 Modifies provisions relating to higher education
1/23/2017 S First Read--SB 328-Romine S154
2/2/2017 Second Read and Referred S Education Committee S217
2/7/2017 Hearing Conducted S Education Committee
2/14/2017 SCS Voted Do Pass S Education Committee (1496S.02C)
2/16/2017 Reported from S Education Committee w/SCS S290
3/30/2017 Bill Placed on Informal Calendar S605
4/4/2017 SA 1 to SCS S offered & adopted (Hegeman)--(1496S02.06S) S728-729
4/4/2017 SA 2 to SCS S offered & adopted (Munzlinger)--(1496S02.04S) S729-733
4/4/2017 SA 3 to SCS S offered (Nasheed)--(1496S02.07S) S733
4/4/2017 Bill Placed on Informal Calendar S733
5/12/2017 Informal Calendar S Bills for Perfection--SB 328-Romine, with SCS & SA 3 (pending)
