Bills Awaiting Conference

SB 84 - Kraus - Restricts the use of cell site simulator devices
5/12/2017 - S Bills with H Amendments--SCS for SB 84-Kraus, with HCS, as amended
SB 124 - Wasson - Modifies provisions relating to political subdivisions
5/12/2017 - S Bills with H Amendments--SS for SB 124-Wasson, with HA 1
SB 125 - Wasson - Modifies provisions relating to the regulation of certain professions
5/12/2017 - S Bills with H Amendments--SB 125-Wasson, with HCS, as amended
SB 217 - Nasheed - Adds donations to soup kitchens or homeless shelters to current tax credit for donations to food pantries
5/12/2017 - S Bills with H Amendments--SCS for SB 217-Nasheed, with HA 1, as amended
SB 229 - Riddle - Modifies the law relating to working hours for employees at certain mental health facilities
5/12/2017 - S Bills with H Amendments--SCS for SB 229-Riddle, w/ HSA 1 for HA 1
SB 309 - Walsh - Modifies provisions of various retirement systems and allows single noncharter county judicial circuits to collect a court surcharge
5/12/2017 - S Bills with H Amendments--SCS for SB 309-Walsh and Onder, with HCS
SB 326 - Kraus - Creates new provisions relating to low-profit limited liability corporations
5/12/2017 - S Bills with H Amendments--SB 326-Kraus, with HCS
SB 394 - Romine - Modifies provisions relating to public employee retirement systems
5/12/2017 - S Bills with H Amendments--SB 394-Romine, with HCS, as amended
SB 478 - Silvey - Modifies provisions relating to educational institutions
5/12/2017 - S Bills with H Amendments--SB 478-Silvey and Holsman, with HCS, as amended
SB 488 - Kehoe - Modifies provisions relating to the conveyance of state property
5/12/2017 - S Bills with H Amendments--SB 488-Kehoe, with HCS
HB 302 - Hill - Modifies provisions relating to emergency responders
5/12/2017 - H Calendar House Bills with Senate Amendments (SS#2 for SCS , as amended)
HB 831 - Baringer - Modifies provisions relating to public retirement
5/12/2017 - H Calendar House Bills with Senate Amendments (SCS, as amended)