- SB 211 - Wasson - Creates the Office of Resilience and Recovery within the Office of Administration
LR: 0943S.01I
- 12/19/2016 -- Prefiled
- SB 212 - Sater - Provides that inspections of certain x-ray systems shall not be required more frequently than every six years
LR: 0599S.01I
- 12/19/2016 -- Prefiled
- SB 213 - Rowden - Establishes requirements for certain settlement offers of tort claims which must be accepted within a specified period of time
LR: 0831S.07P SS SCS SB 213
- 12/19/2016 -- Prefiled
- SJR 12 - Eigel - Places a cap on annual appropriations and reduces income tax rates based on revenue growth
LR: 0856S.04I
- 12/19/2016 -- Prefiled