Senate Action for 2/13/2017

SB 5 - Richard - Modifies provisions relating to tort actions specifically unlawful merchandising practices, products liability claims, and venue requirements
   LR: 0165S.01I    
2/13/2017 -- Bill Placed on Informal Calendar

SB 16 - Kraus - Exempts delivery charges from sales and use taxes
   LR: 0031S.04T    SS SCS SB 16
2/13/2017 -- H Second Read

SB 123 - Munzlinger - Modifies provisions relating to captive cervids
   LR: 0107S.02I    
2/13/2017 -- Voted Do Pass S Agriculture, Food Production and Outdoor Resources Committee

SB 227 - Koenig - Provides that the practice of cosmetology and the practice of the occupation of a barber does not include hair braiding
   LR: 0504S.05C    SCS SB 227
2/13/2017 -- SCS Voted Do Pass S Professional Registration Committee (0504S.05C)

SB 237 - Rowden - Modifies definitions of "employee" and "physician employee" as used in provisions relating to actions against health care providers for personal injury or death
   LR: 1000H.04C    HCS SCS SB 237
2/13/2017 -- SA 1 to SCS S offered & defeated (Rizzo)--(1000S02.02S)
2/13/2017 -- SA 2 to SCS S offered (Schaaf)--(1000S02.01F)
2/13/2017 -- SA 1 to SA 2 to SCS S offered & adopted (Rowden)--(1000S02.05S)
2/13/2017 -- SA 2 to SCS, as amended, S adopted
2/13/2017 -- SCS, as amended, S adopted
2/13/2017 -- Perfected

SB 241 - Schatz - Provides that any person convicted of poaching a turkey, white-tailed deer, black bear, or elk illegally may be required to provide restitution to the state
   LR: 1044S.01I    
2/13/2017 -- Hearing Conducted S Agriculture, Food Production and Outdoor Resources Committee

SB 251 - Kehoe - Requires the Division of State Parks to maintain the fence coinciding with the boundary between individual landowner property and the historic Missouri Rock Island Railroad Corridor
   LR: 0815S.03C    SCS SB 251
2/13/2017 -- SCS Voted Do Pass S Agriculture, Food Production and Outdoor Resources Committee (0815S.03C)

SB 263 - Riddle - Requires licensed chiropractors to be reimbursed for the provision of MO HealthNet services
   LR: 1142S.01I    
2/13/2017 -- Hearing Conducted S Professional Registration Committee

SB 331 - Hegeman - Modifies provisions relating to the confiscation of animals
   LR: 1494S.01I    
2/13/2017 -- Hearing Conducted S Agriculture, Food Production and Outdoor Resources Committee

SB 341 - Nasheed - Modifies provisions relating to offenses involving prostitution when those offenses involve children or persons under the influence of an agent
   LR: 1493S.04C    SCS SB 341
2/13/2017 -- Hearing Conducted S Judiciary and Civil and Criminal Jurisprudence Committee

SB 352 - Sifton - Removes the statutes of limitations on civil actions and prosecutions involving offenses against children
   LR: 0358S.01I    
2/13/2017 -- Hearing Conducted S Judiciary and Civil and Criminal Jurisprudence Committee

SB 353 - Wallingford - Specifies that royalty payments to a dental franchisor by a licensee of the Dental Board operating a franchised dental office is not unlawful
   LR: 1577S.03C    SCS SB 353
2/13/2017 -- Hearing Conducted S Professional Registration Committee

SB 368 - Rowden - Prohibits financial information submitted to the Department of Natural Resources from being subject to public disclosure
   LR: 1383S.01I    
2/13/2017 -- Hearing Conducted S Agriculture, Food Production and Outdoor Resources Committee

SB 382 - Riddle - Modifies provisions relating to state parks
   LR: 1645S.02I    
2/13/2017 -- Hearing Conducted S Agriculture, Food Production and Outdoor Resources Committee

SB 392 - Holsman - Changes the business hours of distilleries who offer drinks at retail on their premises
   LR: 1760S.01I    
2/13/2017 -- Second Read and Referred S Small Business and Industry Committee

SB 393 - Dixon - Adds the City of Springfield to the list of political subdivisions subject to certain provisions relating to property
   LR: 1396S.02I    
2/13/2017 -- Second Read and Referred S Local Government and Elections Committee

SB 394 - Romine - Modifies provisions relating to public employee retirement systems
   LR: 1774H.02C    HCS SB 394
2/13/2017 -- Second Read and Referred S Health and Pensions Committee

SB 395 - Hoskins - Modifies provisions relating to the practice of public accounting
   LR: 1632S.01T    
2/13/2017 -- Second Read and Referred S Professional Registration Committee

SB 396 - Wallingford - Repeals the requirement that the Attorney General reside at the seat of government
   LR: 1775S.01I    
2/13/2017 -- Second Read and Referred S General Laws Committee

SB 397 - Wallingford - Changes the requirements for initial licensure as a psychologist
   LR: 1598S.03I    
2/13/2017 -- Second Read and Referred S Professional Registration Committee

SB 398 - Romine - Enacts provisions relating to homeowners' associations
   LR: 1809S.01I    
2/13/2017 -- Second Read and Referred S Judiciary and Civil and Criminal Jurisprudence Committee

SB 399 - Romine - Modifies provisions relating to transportation
   LR: 1725H.03C    HCS SCS SB 399
2/13/2017 -- Second Read and Referred S Transportation, Infrastructure and Public Safety Committee

SB 400 - Hegeman - Establishes a process for the parole of elderly offenders
   LR: 1776S.01I    
2/13/2017 -- Second Read and Referred S Judiciary and Civil and Criminal Jurisprudence Committee

SB 401 - Rowden - Authorizes the granting of a visiting scholars certificate to teachers in public schools
   LR: 1745S.01I    
2/13/2017 -- Second Read and Referred S Education Committee

SB 402 - Wieland - Allows any taxpayer of the state of Missouri to initiate an action pursuant to grievance procedures at any state college or university in the state of Missouri
   LR: 0924S.02I    
2/13/2017 -- Second Read and Referred S Education Committee

SB 403 - Wieland - Modifies Universal Service Fund eligibility requirements for wireless telecommunications providers providing lifeline service
   LR: 1743S.01I    
2/13/2017 -- Second Read and Referred S Commerce, Consumer Protection, Energy and the Environment Committee

SB 404 - Hegeman - Repeals certain provisions relating to the shipment and sale of wine for personal use
   LR: 1715S.03P    SCS SB 404
2/13/2017 -- Second Read and Referred S Small Business and Industry Committee

SB 405 - Hegeman - Modifies provisions relating to public safety
   LR: 1807H.03C    HCS SCS SB 405
2/13/2017 -- Second Read and Referred S Commerce, Consumer Protection, Energy and the Environment Committee

SB 406 - Wasson - Requires the creation of adult high schools
   LR: 1731S.02I    
2/13/2017 -- Second Read and Referred S Economic Development Committee

SB 407 - Riddle - Licenses persons performing radiologic imaging or administering radiation therapy and establishes the Missouri Radiologic Imaging and Radiation Therapy Board of Examiners
   LR: 1610S.02C    SCS SB 407
2/13/2017 -- Second Read and Referred S Professional Registration Committee

SB 408 - Koenig - Requires the use of a fetal heartbeat detection test prior to an abortion and prohibits an abortion if a fetal heartbeat is detected
   LR: 1770S.02I    
2/13/2017 -- Second Read and Referred S Seniors, Families and Children Committee

SB 409 - Koenig - Modifies provisions relating to the public school retirement system of the City of St. Louis
   LR: 1749S.01I    
2/13/2017 -- Second Read and Referred S Health and Pensions Committee

SB 410 - Schatz - Permits hospitals to employ dentists, oral and maxillofacial surgeons, and maxillofacial prosthodontists to treat certain patient conditions
   LR: 1873S.01I    
2/13/2017 -- Second Read and Referred S Health and Pensions Committee

SB 411 - Schatz - Authorizes the addition of Franklin County to the interstate compact creating the Bi-State Metropolitan Development District
   LR: 1821S.01P    
2/13/2017 -- Second Read and Referred S Local Government and Elections Committee

SB 412 - Schupp - Modifies provisions of the Missouri Energy Efficiency Investment Act
   LR: 1875S.01I    
2/13/2017 -- Second Read and Referred S Commerce, Consumer Protection, Energy and the Environment Committee

SB 413 - Munzlinger - Provides that after July 1, 2018, the amount paid to counties for the local incarceration of prisoners shall not be less than one half of the amount paid to the Department of Corrections
   LR: 1836S.01I    
2/13/2017 -- S First Read--SB 413-Munzlinger

SB 414 - Riddle - Modifies several provisions relating to the administration of public safety
   LR: 1891S.01I    
2/13/2017 -- S First Read--SB 414-Riddle

SB 415 - Hummel - Modifies provisions relating to occupational diseases for firefighters under workers' compensation laws
   LR: 1874S.01I    
2/13/2017 -- S First Read--SB 415-Hummel

SB 416 - Hoskins - Exempts the purchase of utilities for certain food preparation uses from state sales and use taxes
   LR: 1864S.01I    
2/13/2017 -- S First Read--SB 416-Hoskins

SCR 14 - Hoskins - Applies to Congress for the calling of an Article V convention of states to propose an amendment to the United States Constitution regarding term limits for members of Congress
   LR: 1815H.02C    HCS SCR 14
2/13/2017 -- S Offered--SCR 14-Hoskins

SCR 15 - Hoskins - Designates August 21, 2017, as "Total Eclipse Day" in the state of Missouri
   LR: 1818S.01I    
2/13/2017 -- S Offered--SCR 15-Hoskins

SJR 17 - Kraus - Requires the Jackson County assessor to be an elected officer
   LR: 1867S.01I    
2/13/2017 -- S First Read--SJR 17-Kraus

SR 238 - Kehoe - Relating to Use of the Chamber Missouri Girls State
   LR: 1701SR.01    
2/13/2017 -- S Offered--SR 238-Kehoe
2/13/2017 -- Motion to suspend rules S adopted
2/13/2017 -- S adopted

SR 239 - Kehoe - Relating to Use of the Chamber Missouri Youth Leadership Forum
   LR: 1702SR.01I    
2/13/2017 -- S Offered--SR 239-Kehoe
2/13/2017 -- Motion to suspend rules S adopted
2/13/2017 -- S adopted

SR 240 - Kehoe - Relating to Use of the Chamber Silver Haired Legislature
   LR: 1703SR.01I    
2/13/2017 -- S Offered--SR 240-Kehoe
2/13/2017 -- Motion to suspend rules S adopted
2/13/2017 -- S adopted

SR 241 - Kehoe - Relating to Use of the Chamber YMCA Youth in Government
   LR: 1704SR.01I    
2/13/2017 -- S Offered--SR 241-Kehoe
2/13/2017 -- Motion to suspend rules S adopted
2/13/2017 -- S adopted

HB 34 - Plocher - Changes the laws regarding the Uniform Commercial Code to adopt the current version of Articles 1 and 7
   LR: 0055H.02T    
2/13/2017 -- Hearing Conducted S Judiciary and Civil and Criminal Jurisprudence Committee

HB 35 - Plocher - Modifies admissibility of chemical test results in intoxication related proceedings
   LR: 0066H.02P    
2/13/2017 -- Hearing Conducted S Judiciary and Civil and Criminal Jurisprudence Committee

HB 51 - Andrews - Authorizes county commissions that are trustees for a cemetery trust fund to utilize investment managers to invest, reinvest, and manage fund assets
   LR: 0481S.02T    SCS HB 51
2/13/2017 -- S First Read--HB 51-Andrews

HB 54 - Muntzel - Modifies provisions relating to vacancies in certain elected offices
   LR: 0538S.05C    SCS HCS HB 54
2/13/2017 -- S First Read--HCS for HB 54

HB 66 - Ruth - Expands the newborn screening requirements to include spinal muscular atrophy and Hunter syndrome
   LR: 0277S.03C    SCS HCS HB 66
2/13/2017 -- S First Read--HCS for HB 66

HB 190 - Conway - Allows community college police officers to establish regulations to control vehicular traffic on any thoroughfare owned or maintained by the college
   LR: 0105H.02T    HCS HBs 190 & 208
2/13/2017 -- S First Read--HCS for HBs 190 & 208

HB 251 - Taylor - Creates new provisions relating to public labor organizations
   LR: 0642S.02C    SCS HB 251
2/13/2017 -- S First Read--HB 251-Taylor