Senate Action for 4/10/2017

SB 18 - Kraus - Modifies provisions relating to the collection of money by public entities
   LR: 0100H.02C    HCS SB 18
4/10/2017 -- H Second Read

SB 43 - Romine - Modifies the law relating to unlawful discrimination
   LR: 0524S.07T    SS#2 SCS SB 43
4/10/2017 -- Voted Do Pass H Special Committee on Litigation Reform
4/10/2017 -- Reported Do Pass H Special Committee on Litigation Reform
4/10/2017 -- Referred H Rules - Legislative Oversight

SB 62 - Hegeman - Modifies provisions regarding various pension systems and forfeiture of a pension benefit due to a felony conviction
   LR: 0457S.09T    CCS HCS SS SB 62
4/10/2017 -- Hearing Conducted H Pensions

SB 84 - Kraus - Restricts the use of cell site simulator devices
   LR: 0052H.03C    HCS SCS SB 84
4/10/2017 -- H Second Read

SB 88 - Brown - Establishes a two year statute of limitation for claims of malpractice or negligence against veterinarians
   LR: 0367S.02T    SCS SB 88
4/10/2017 -- Reported Truly Perfected S Rules, Joint Rules, Resolutions and Ethics Committee

SB 111 - Hegeman - Modifies various provisions regarding bonds issued by a political subdivision, qualifications for candidates of public office, limited liability companies who own property in certain cities, public administrators, and guardianships
   LR: 0441S.04T    CCS HCS SB 111
4/10/2017 -- HCS Reported Do Pass H Elections and Elected Officials - Consent
4/10/2017 -- Referred H Consent and House Procedure

SB 182 - Onder - Modifies provisions of law relating to project labor agreements
   LR: 0676S.02T    SS SB 182
4/10/2017 -- Reported Do Pass H Economic Development

SB 213 - Rowden - Establishes requirements for certain settlement offers of tort claims which must be accepted within a specified period of time
   LR: 0831S.07P    SS SCS SB 213
4/10/2017 -- H Second Read

SB 240 - Schatz - Creates a statewide license for electrical contractors
   LR: 1045S.03T    SCS SB 240
4/10/2017 -- H Second Read

SB 305 - Kehoe - Modifies provisions relating to lobbyist expenditures
   LR: 1412S.01I    
4/10/2017 -- Voted Do Pass S Rules, Joint Rules, Resolutions and Ethics Committee

SB 313 - Koenig - Modifies provisions relating to elementary and secondary education
   LR: 1258S.13RP    SS#2 SCS SB 313
4/10/2017 -- SS for SCS S withdrawn
4/10/2017 -- SS#2 for SCS S offered (Koenig)--(1258S.13F)
4/10/2017 -- SA 1 to SS#2 for SCS S offered (Holsman)--(1258S13.15S)
4/10/2017 -- SA 1 to SA 1 to SS#2 for SCS S offered & adopted (Koenig)--(1258S13.17S)
4/10/2017 -- SA 1 to SS#2 for SCS, as amended, S adopted
4/10/2017 -- SA 2 to SS#2 for SCS S offered (Dixon)--(1258S13.16S)
4/10/2017 -- Point of order - Beyond Scope
4/10/2017 -- SA 2 to SS#2 for SCS S withdrawn
4/10/2017 -- SA 3 to SS#2 for SCS S offered & adopted (Nasheed)--(1258S13.21S)
4/10/2017 -- SA 4 to SS#2 for SCS S offered & defeated (Romine)--(1258S13.26S)
4/10/2017 -- SA 5 to SS#2 for SCS S offered & adopted (Wasson)--(1258S13.24S)
4/10/2017 -- SA 6 to SS#2 for SCS S offered & defeated (Dixon)--(1258S13.28S)
4/10/2017 -- SA 7 to SS#2 for SCS S offered & adopted (Schatz)--(1258S13.12S)
4/10/2017 -- SA 8 to SS#2 for SCS S offered (Schupp)--(1258S13.10S)
4/10/2017 -- SA 1 to SA 8 to SS#2 for SCS S offered & adopted (Emery)--(1258S13.31S)
4/10/2017 -- SA 8 to SS#2 for SCS, as amended, S withdrawn
4/10/2017 -- SA 9 to SS#2 for SCS S offered & adopted (Hegeman)--(1258S13.32S)
4/10/2017 -- SA 10 to SS#2 for SCS S offered & adopted (Munzlinger)--(8057S17.01S)
4/10/2017 -- SA 11 to SS#2 for SCS S offered (Schupp)--(1258S13.27S)
4/10/2017 -- Part I of SA 11 to SS#2 for SCS S defeated
4/10/2017 -- Part II of SA 11 to SS#2 for SCS S defeated
4/10/2017 -- SA 12 to SS#2 for SCS S offered & adopted (Hoskins)--(1258S13.23S)
4/10/2017 -- SA 13 to SS#2 for SCS S offered & defeated (Schupp)--(1258S13.22S)
4/10/2017 -- SS#2 for SCS, as amended, S adopted
4/10/2017 -- Perfected

SB 376 - Hoskins - Designates "Old Drum" as the historical dog of the state of Missouri and "Jim the Wonder Dog" as Missouri's wonder dog
   LR: 1709S.01T    
4/10/2017 -- Reported Truly Perfected S Rules, Joint Rules, Resolutions and Ethics Committee

SB 395 - Hoskins - Modifies provisions relating to the practice of public accounting
   LR: 1632S.01T    
4/10/2017 -- H Second Read

SB 399 - Romine - Modifies provisions relating to transportation
   LR: 1725H.03C    HCS SCS SB 399
4/10/2017 -- H Second Read

SB 407 - Riddle - Licenses persons performing radiologic imaging or administering radiation therapy and establishes the Missouri Radiologic Imaging and Radiation Therapy Board of Examiners
   LR: 1610S.02C    SCS SB 407
4/10/2017 -- SCS Voted Do Pass S Professional Registration Committee (1610S.02C)

SB 411 - Schatz - Authorizes the addition of Franklin County to the interstate compact creating the Bi-State Metropolitan Development District
   LR: 1821S.01P    
4/10/2017 -- Referred H Consent and House Procedure

SB 414 - Riddle - Modifies several provisions relating to the administration of public safety
   LR: 1891S.01I    
4/10/2017 -- SCS Voted Do Pass S Judiciary and Civil and Criminal Jurisprudence Committee (1891S.03C)

SB 434 - Sater - Modifies provisions relating to elementary and secondary education
   LR: 1765H.03C    HCS SB 434
4/10/2017 -- H Second Read

SB 493 - Hegeman - Authorizes a health care decision-maker to make health care decisions for an incapacitated patient
   LR: 2128S.01I    
4/10/2017 -- Hearing Conducted S Judiciary and Civil and Criminal Jurisprudence Committee

SB 499 - Onder - Defines the offense of driving with prohibited blood alcohol or drug content
   LR: 2196S.01I    
4/10/2017 -- Hearing Conducted S Judiciary and Civil and Criminal Jurisprudence Committee

SB 513 - Dixon - Modifies certain provisions relating to the testimony of victims and witnesses
   LR: 2127S.01I    
4/10/2017 -- Hearing Conducted S Judiciary and Civil and Criminal Jurisprudence Committee

SJR 5 - Emery - Requires the Senate, beginning January 1, 2019, to try all impeachments except for the impeachment of the Governor, which shall be tried by the Chief Justice of the Missouri Supreme Court
   LR: 0413S.02C    SCS SJR 5
4/10/2017 -- SCS Voted Do Pass S Judiciary and Civil and Criminal Jurisprudence Committee (0413S.02C)

HB 1 - Fitzpatrick - Appropriates money to the Board of Fund Commissioners
   LR: 0001H.02T    HCS HB 1
4/10/2017 -- Second Read and Referred S Appropriations Committee

HB 2 - Fitzpatrick - Appropriates money for the expenses, grants, refunds, and distributions of the State Board of Education and Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
   LR: 0002H.05S    CCS SCS HCS HB 2
4/10/2017 -- Second Read and Referred S Appropriations Committee

HB 3 - Fitzpatrick - Appropriates money for the expenses, grants, refunds, and distributions of the Department of Higher Education
   LR: 0003H.05T    CCS SCS HCS HB 3
4/10/2017 -- Second Read and Referred S Appropriations Committee

HB 4 - Fitzpatrick - Appropriates money for the expenses, grants, refunds, and distributions of the Department of Revenue and Department of Transportation
   LR: 0004H.05T    CCS SCS HCS HB 4
4/10/2017 -- Second Read and Referred S Appropriations Committee

HB 5 - Fitzpatrick - Appropriates money for the expenses, grants, refunds, and distributions of the Office of Administration, Department of Transportation, and Department of Public Safety
   LR: 0005H.05S    CCS SCS HCS HB 5
4/10/2017 -- Second Read and Referred S Appropriations Committee

HB 6 - Fitzpatrick - Appropriates money for the expenses, grants, refunds, and distributions of the Department of Agriculture, Department of Natural Resources, and Department of Conservation
   LR: 0006H.05T    CCS SCS HCS HB 6
4/10/2017 -- Second Read and Referred S Appropriations Committee

HB 7 - Fitzpatrick - Appropriates money for the departments of Economic Development; Insurance, Financial Institutions and Professional Registration; and Labor and Industrial Relations
   LR: 0007H.05T    CCS SCS HCS HB 7
4/10/2017 -- Second Read and Referred S Appropriations Committee

HB 8 - Fitzpatrick - Appropriates money for the expenses, grants, refunds, and distributions of the Department of Public Safety
   LR: 0008S.05T    CCS SCS HCS HB 8
4/10/2017 -- Second Read and Referred S Appropriations Committee

HB 9 - Fitzpatrick - Appropriates money for the expenses, grants, refunds, and distributions of the Department of Corrections
   LR: 0009H.05T    CCS SCS HCS HB 9
4/10/2017 -- Second Read and Referred S Appropriations Committee

HB 10 - Fitzpatrick - Appropriates money for the expenses, grants, refunds, and distributions of the Department of Mental Health, Board of Public Buildings, and Department of Health and Senior Services
   LR: 0010H.05T    CCS SCS HCS HB 10
4/10/2017 -- Second Read and Referred S Appropriations Committee

HB 11 - Fitzpatrick - Appropriates money for the expenses, grants, and distributions of the Department of Social Services
   LR: 0011H.05T    CCS SCS HCS HB 11
4/10/2017 -- Second Read and Referred S Appropriations Committee

HB 12 - Fitzpatrick - Appropriates money for the expenses, grants, refunds, and distributions of statewide elected officials, the Judiciary, Office of the State Public Defender, and General Assembly
   LR: 0012H.05T    CCS SCS HCS HB 12
4/10/2017 -- Second Read and Referred S Appropriations Committee

HB 13 - Fitzpatrick - Appropriates money for real property leases and related services
   LR: 0013S.04T    SCS HCS HB 13
4/10/2017 -- Second Read and Referred S Appropriations Committee

HB 29 - Pike - Modifies provisions of law relating to intoxicating liquor
   LR: 0265H.02P    HCS HB 29
4/10/2017 -- S First Read--HCS for HB 29

HB 34 - Plocher - Changes the laws regarding the Uniform Commercial Code to adopt the current version of Articles 1 and 7
   LR: 0055H.02T    
4/10/2017 -- Bill Placed on Informal Calendar

HB 35 - Plocher - Modifies admissibility of chemical test results in intoxication related proceedings
   LR: 0066H.02P    
4/10/2017 -- Bill Placed on Informal Calendar

HB 50 - Roeber - Provides that Division Twelve of the Sixteenth Judicial Circuit shall sit at the City of Independence
   LR: 0138S.03T    SCS HCS HB 50
4/10/2017 -- Voted Do Pass H Fiscal Review Committee
4/10/2017 -- Reported Do Pass H Fiscal Review Committee

HB 51 - Andrews - Authorizes county commissions that are trustees for a cemetery trust fund to utilize investment managers to invest, reinvest, and manage fund assets
   LR: 0481S.02T    SCS HB 51
4/10/2017 -- Bill Placed on Informal Calendar

HB 57 - Haefner - Modifies provisions relating to law enforcement
   LR: 0042S.05C    SCS HCS HB 57
4/10/2017 -- Hearing Conducted S Judiciary and Civil and Criminal Jurisprudence Committee

HB 66 - Ruth - Expands the newborn screening requirements to include spinal muscular atrophy and Hunter syndrome
   LR: 0277S.03C    SCS HCS HB 66
4/10/2017 -- Bill Placed on Informal Calendar

HB 85 - Redmon - Adds utility vehicles to the list of vehicles covered under the "Move Over Law"
   LR: 0161S.02C    SCS HB 85
4/10/2017 -- Bill Placed on Informal Calendar

HB 90 - Rehder - Establishes the Narcotics Control Act
   LR: 0046S.09F    SS HCS HBs 90 & 68
4/10/2017 -- Reported from S Transportation, Infrastructure and Public Safety Committee

HB 91 - Rehder - Specifies that a person cannot be required to become or refrain from becoming a member of or paying dues to a labor organization as a condition or continuation of employment
   LR: 0360H.02P    HCS HBs 91, 42, 131, 265 & 314
4/10/2017 -- Bill Placed on Informal Calendar

HB 93 - Lauer - Modifies several provisions relating to job training
   LR: 0086S.04T    SS SCS HB 93
4/10/2017 -- Bill Placed on Informal Calendar

HB 104 - Love - Repeals provisions relating to prevailing wages on public works
   LR: 0069H.01P    
4/10/2017 -- Bill Placed on Informal Calendar

HB 111 - Mathews - Specifies the representation that collective bargaining units can provide within the bi-state development agency
   LR: 0615H.01P    
4/10/2017 -- S First Read--HB 111-Mathews

HB 115 - Shull - Modifies provisions relating to intoxicating liquor
   LR: 0485S.08T    SS SCS HCS HB 115
4/10/2017 -- Bill Placed on Informal Calendar

HB 122 - Frederick - Modifies provisions relating to out-of-state physicians providing sports medicine services in Missouri
   LR: 0454S.03C    SCS HCS HB 122
4/10/2017 -- SCS Voted Do Pass S Professional Registration Committee (0454S.03C)

HB 170 - Curtman - Legalizes the growth of industrial hemp and creates a program for its licensure and monitoring
   LR: 0667H.01P    
4/10/2017 -- S First Read--HB 170-Curtman

HB 175 - Reiboldt - Prohibits political subdivisions from adopting ordinances relating to the labeling, cultivation, or use of seed, fertilizers, or soil conditioners
   LR: 0195S.03C    SCS HB 1758
4/10/2017 -- Hearing Conducted S Agriculture, Food Production and Outdoor Resources Committee

HB 181 - Phillips - Permits agents of the Conservation Commission and water patrol to enforce certain laws relating to littering and abandoning motor vehicles, and requires law enforcement officers to enforce those laws
   LR: 0548H.02P    HCS HB 181
4/10/2017 -- S First Read--HCS for HB 181

HB 190 - Conway - Allows community college police officers to establish regulations to control vehicular traffic on any thoroughfare owned or maintained by the college
   LR: 0105H.02T    HCS HBs 190 & 208
4/10/2017 -- Bill Placed on Informal Calendar

HB 207 - Fitzwater - Prohibits two-way telecommunications devices and their component parts in correctional centers and jails
   LR: 0638H.01P    
4/10/2017 -- Bill Placed on Informal Calendar

HB 230 - Dogan - Provides that the practice of cosmetology and the occupation of a barber does not include hair braiding
   LR: 0699S.04C    SCS HCS HB 230
4/10/2017 -- SCS Voted Do Pass S Professional Registration Committee (0699S.04C)

HB 258 - Pfautsch - Creates new provisions relating to the accountability of public funds
   LR: 0769S.03C    SCS HCS HB 258
4/10/2017 -- Hearing Conducted S Professional Registration Committee
4/10/2017 -- SCS Voted Do Pass S Professional Registration Committee (0769S.03C)
4/10/2017 -- Motion to pass bill as consent taken by S Professional Registration Committee - Consent vote adopted (0769S.03C)

HB 261 - Brown - Requires certain facilities to display a poster relating to human trafficking
   LR: 0568H.02P    HCS HB 261
4/10/2017 -- S First Read--HCS for HB 261

HB 288 - Fitzpatrick - Modifies the duration of unemployment compensation, modifies the method to pay federal advances, and raises the fund trigger causing contribution rate reductions
   LR: 0301H.01P    
4/10/2017 -- Reported from S Small Business and Industry Committee

HB 292 - Crawford - Modifies provisions relating to banks, trust companies, and other financial institutions
   LR: 0685S.08T    SS SCS HCS HB 292
4/10/2017 -- Bill Placed on Informal Calendar

HB 294 - Lynch - Provides certain immunities for persons seeking medical assistance for a drug or alcohol overdose
   LR: 0109H.02P    
4/10/2017 -- S First Read--HB 294-Lynch

HB 327 - Morris - Establishes the Missouri Senior Farmers' Market Nutrition Program
   LR: 0969H.01P    
4/10/2017 -- Hearing Conducted S Agriculture, Food Production and Outdoor Resources Committee

HB 336 - Shull - Provides that life insurance providers may exclude coverage for suicides occurring within one year of issuance of the coverage
   LR: 0905H.01T    
4/10/2017 -- Bill Placed on Informal Calendar

HB 337 - Shull - Establishes procedures relating to financial accreditation standards for insurance companies
   LR: 0799H.05P    HCS HBs 337, 259, & 575
4/10/2017 -- Bill Placed on Informal Calendar

HB 339 - DeGroot - Modifies provisions relating to settlement agreements in tort claims
   LR: 0981S.05T    SS SCS HCS HBs 339 & 714
4/10/2017 -- Bill Placed on Informal Calendar

HB 349 - Brown - Provides that inspections of certain x-ray systems shall not be required more frequently than every four years
   LR: 1081S.02C    SCS HB 349
4/10/2017 -- Hearing Conducted S Professional Registration Committee

HB 427 - Cornejo - Modifies provisions relating to trust instruments
   LR: 1099S.03C    SCS HCS HB 427
4/10/2017 -- Bill Placed on Informal Calendar

HB 451 - Austin - Provides that a change in population shall not remove a city, county, or political subdivision from the operation of a law
   LR: 1121H.02T    HCS HB 451
4/10/2017 -- Bill Placed on Informal Calendar

HB 460 - Kolkmeyer - Modifies provisions relating to civil procedure for joinder, intervention, and venue in civil actions
   LR: 1153H.02P    HCS HB 460
4/10/2017 -- Bill Placed on Informal Calendar

HB 461 - Kolkmeyer - Amends Supreme Court Rules 52.05 and 52.06 for the purpose of severing parties who are misjoined in a civil action
   LR: 1169H.01P    
4/10/2017 -- Bill Placed on Informal Calendar

HB 462 - Kolkmeyer - Amends Supreme Court Rule 52.12 for the purpose of prohibiting a person from intervening in a tort action if jurisdiction and venue cannot be established independently
   LR: 1177H.01P    
4/10/2017 -- Bill Placed on Informal Calendar

HB 557 - Ross - Removes certain application requirements for enrolling as a land surveyor-in-training and licensure as a professional land surveyor
   LR: 1245H.01P    
4/10/2017 -- Hearing Conducted S Professional Registration Committee

HB 571 - Engler - Modifies provisions relating to natural resources
   LR: 1310S.03C    SCS HB 571
4/10/2017 -- S First Read--HB 571-Engler

HB 576 - McCaherty - Enacts provisions relating to the operation of motorcycles and motortricycles
   LR: 1189H.03P    HCS HB 576
4/10/2017 -- S First Read--HCS for HB 576

HB 655 - Engler - Extends the expiration date of tax credits for donations to pregnancy centers
   LR: 1420H.01P    
4/10/2017 -- Bill Placed on Informal Calendar

HB 719 - Rhoads - Classifies sawmills and planning mills as agricultural property for property zoning purposes
   LR: 1568H.01D    
4/10/2017 -- S First Read--HB 719-Rhoads

HB 813 - Basye - Modifies provisions relating to the regulation of certain professions
   LR: 1516H.01P    
4/10/2017 -- S First Read--HB 813-Basye

HB 815 - Basye - Modifies provisions relating to the regulation of certain professions
   LR: 1514S.04C    SCS HB 815
4/10/2017 -- S First Read--HB 815-Basye

HB 909 - Fraker - Allows the next-of-kin to delegate the final disposition of human remains
   LR: 1848H.01P    
4/10/2017 -- Hearing Conducted S Judiciary and Civil and Criminal Jurisprudence Committee

HB 1194 - Chipman - Prohibits political subdivisions from requiring a minimum wage that exceeds the requirements of state law
   LR: 2328S.09T    SS#2 HCS HBs 1194 & 1193
4/10/2017 -- Bill Placed on Informal Calendar

HCB 3 - Fitzpatrick - Modifies provisions relating to funds for vulnerable senior citizens
   LR: 2360S.03T    SS HCB 3
4/10/2017 -- Bill Placed on Informal Calendar