
SB 213 - This act provides that a time-limited demand occurs when a claimant offers to settle a claim with a defendant in a personal injury or death case and the acceptance of such offer has a time limitation.

A time-limited demand must offer release from future financial liability to the defendant and shall include the time period for which the defendant must accept the offer, the amount of payment requested, the name of the parties which will be released if the demand is accepted, and the claims to be released. The demand also must be accompanied by additional information as provided in the act, which includes authorizations to allow the party to obtain records from all employers and medical care providers.

After acceptance of the time-limited demand, the defendant may provide payment to the claimant in the form of cash, money order, wire transfer, cashier's check, draft or bank check, or electronic funds transfer. A claimant may require payment within a specified period of time, but the period cannot be less than ten days after written acceptance of the time-limited demand.

The act does not apply to offers to settle made within thirty days of the trial.


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