Senate Committee Substitute

SCS/SB 239 - Under current law, the Supervisor of Liquor Control must inspect all alcoholic beverages produced or imported for sale or consumption in Missouri. Notwithstanding that requirement, producers or importers of alcohol may provide the Supervisor with a certificate of label approval provided by the Federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms. If this certificate is provided, no additional inspection by the Supervisor is required.

This act modifies the law by requiring all producers and importers of alcoholic beverages to supply the Supervisor with a Certificate of Label Approval provided by the Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau, and removing the duty of the Supervisor of Liquor Control to inspect such beverages. The act states that the submission of this Certificate will constitute satisfactory compliance for the registration of products and labels pursuant to this section, and the registration shall become effective upon submission of a completed application.

This act also provides that the Supervisor of Liquor Control shall approve or deny applications to be the primary American source of supply for any intoxicating liquor product within five business days, and if the Supervisor does not approve or deny a properly completed application within five business days, that application will be considered conditionally approved.

This act is similar to HB 895 (2017).


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