House Committee Substitute

HCS/SCS/SB 399 - This act enacts provisions relating to transportation.


This act modifies the Advanced Industrial Manufacturing Zones Act by changing the definition of "new job" to a job for which an employee is paid at or above the county average wage rather than the state average wage, if the county average wage is lower than the state average wage.

This act also allows a port authority to establish an AIM zone in an area within the port authority's ownership or control, and allows a port authority to expand or contract the area of an AIM zone by resolution.

These provisions are identical to SB 302 (2017), HB 811 (2017), and to provisions in SB 399 (2017), CCS/HCS/SCS/SB 112 (2017), and CCS/HCS/SB 283 (2017).

TAXATION OF PROPANE USED AS MOTOR FUEL (Sections 142.800, 142.803, and 142.869)

This act establishes a five cent per gallon motor fuel tax on propane fuel used to propel motor vehicles, to be increased to seventeen cents per gallon by January 1, 2025. Owners and operators of propane-fueled vehicles may continue to apply for and use alternative fuel decals in lieu of paying the motor fuel tax. If the owner or operator of a propane-fueled vehicle bearing an alternative fuel decal refuels at an unattended propane refueling station at which the motor fuel tax is collected at the point of sale, such owner or operator shall not be eligible for a refund of such tax paid.

These provisions are identical to SCS/SB 435 (2017), HCS/HB 694 (2017), and provisions in CCS/SB 8 (2017), and similar to HB 579 (2017).

COMPLIANCE WITH THE FEDERAL FAST ACT (Sections 287.020, 287.040, 288.035, 301.010, 301.031, 301.227, 301.550, 304.170, 304.180, and 407.816)

This act changes what entity may designate the roads on which a 14-foot length limit applies; and who shall issue permits for the movement of sludge disposal units, pump trucks, well-driller's equipment, and utility wires, poles, and equipment; from the chief engineer of MODOT to the Missouri Highways and Transportation Commission.

This act also provides that stinger-steered combination automobile transporters up to 80 feet long may be operated on or within 10 miles of interstates and other highways designated by the Missouri Highways and Transportation Commission, and that automobile transporters may carry cargo on a backhaul, so long as it complies with weight limitations for regular tractor-trailers. No towaway trailer transporter combination vehicles operating on the interstate or designated primary highway system shall exceed a length of 82 feet.

This act also prescribes separate weight limits for emergency vehicles, and for vehicles powered by natural gas.

This act also modifies several cross-references to the definition of "subdivision (42) of section 301.010" to refer to section 301.010 as a whole.

These provisions are similar to provisions in CCS/SB 8 (2017), CCS/SB 222 (2017), SCS/HB 256 (2017), SB 399 (2017), and HB 542 (2017).

ARTICULATED BUSES (Section 304.170)

This act modifies motor vehicle length regulations to allow for operation of articulated buses of up to sixty feet in length, not including safety bumpers and bicycle storage racks.

This provision is identical to SB 225 (2017), and to provisions in CCS/SB 8 (2017), CCS/HCS/SB 225 (2017), CCS/SB 222 (2017), SCS/HB 256 (2017), HCS/SCS/SB 399 (2017), and HCS/HB 574 (2017). This provision is similar to HB 409 (2017) and HB 806 (2017), and to provisions in HCS/HB 1732 (2016), SS/HB 1733 (2016), SCS/HB 1745 (2016), HCS/SB 640 (2017), and HCS/SS/SB 659 (2016).

MOTOR VEHICLE DEALERS (Sections 301.213, 301.559, and 301.560)

This act increases, from $25,000 to $50,000, the size of the bond motor vehicle dealer license applicants are required to post to receive a license. It also provides that the Department of Revenue may stagger the licenses' expiration dates in order to equalize the workload. This act also adds the applicant's regular business hours, phone number, and email address to the information required to be submitted on an application, and includes language to accommodate application of business entities that are formed as a limited liability company (LLC) instead of a partnership or corporation.

This act also provides that the Director of Revenue may allow a Department of Revenue employee, rather than a uniformed member or employee of the Highway Patrol, to make the required certification that the applicant has a bona fide established place of business.

This act requires applicants to maintain a phone number that allows the applicant to be contacted during business hours, and an email address that can be used for official correspondence with the Department.

Furthermore, this act removes certain exemptions for providing with a used vehicle dealer's license application proof that the applicant has completed a Department-approved education seminar within the preceding 12 months.

These provisions are similar to provisions in SB 492 (2017) and HB 1034 (2017).


This act also specifies that any political subdivision that imposes a local excise or sales tax enacted after January 1, 2017, under Article IV, section 30(a) of the Constitution of Missouri shall use no less than 90% of such funds for road construction and maintenance, and no more than 10% of such funds for policing, signing, lighting, and cleaning roads and streets.


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