Senate Committee Substitute

SCS/SB 414 - Under current law, law enforcement agencies which violate certain requirements for the submission of crime incident reports and information may be ineligible to receive state or federal funds which would otherwise be paid to them. This act removes such ineligibility as a potential consequence for such violations.

Also under current law, law enforcement agencies involved in federal forfeiture programs are required to report certain information to the Department of Public Safety and the State Auditor by January 31st of each year. This act repeals the requirement to report this information to the Department of Public Safety and moves the reporting deadline from January 31st to February 15th. This act also removes language relating to the information that must be included in the report, and repeals language relating to penalties for agencies who do not comply with the reporting requirement. The act requires the report to consist of a copy of a certain form which must be submitted to the federal government.

This act modifies certain provisions relating to the Missouri Data Exchange System (MODEX) fund. Provisions of the act allow the MODEX fund to accept money from certain sources and allow law enforcement officers to share certain information stored in the MODEX system.

Also under current law, law enforcement officers in St. Louis County and St. Louis City are not permitted to collect certain fees for services rendered in cases disposed of by a violations bureau established pursuant to law or Supreme Court rule. This act repeals that restriction.

This act also requires the approval of the director of the Department of Public Safety for the expenditure of funds raised by the collection of fees for the usage of criminal history record information, and specifies that a portion of those funds to be determined by the director will be made available to local and county law enforcement agencies by way of a grant. The act also provides that the director will be the state's 911 coordinator and may designate an employee to assist in performing the duties of the 911 coordinator.


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