Bills Sponsored by Senator Nasheed

SB 52 - Creates several provisions relating to suicide awareness and prevention
SB 53 - Requires higher education institutions to inform students and employees about affirmative consent to sexual activity
SB 54 - Creates new provisions of law relating to leave from employment
SB 180 - Limits the use of physical restraints on pregnant or postpartum offenders
SB 181 - Requires the reporting of lost or stolen firearms
SB 217 - Adds donations to soup kitchens or homeless shelters to current tax credit for donations to food pantries
SB 218 - Establishes the Missouri Emergency Solutions Grants Program to address the problem of homelessness in Missouri
SB 219 - Creates the Missouri Care Counts Program to provide funding to school districts and public charter schools in St. Louis to purchase washing machines and dryers
SB 253 - Modifies the prohibition on certain use of electronic wireless communication devices while operating a motor vehicle
SB 254 - Modifies the minimum wage laws
SB 255 - Creates the Every Child Can Learn Act to require turnaround options for certain underperforming schools, create personalized learning plans for certain students, address student promotion, and require letter grades for public schools
SB 287 - Creates a process for reducing bias in policing
SB 288 - Allows the circuit court in St. Louis City to collect a fee not to exceed twenty dollars, rather than fifteen, to go toward the law library
SB 289 - Allows tenants to terminate their lease or change the locks on the premises in certain situations of domestic violence, stalking, or sexual assault
SB 341 - Modifies provisions relating to offenses involving prostitution when those offenses involve children or persons under the influence of an agent
SB 344 - Creates a procedure for the expungement of criminal records relating to prostitution
SB 345 - Creates certain policies relating to police-worn cameras, funding, and stored data
SB 451 - Designates the Sheriff of the City of St. Louis and deputies as law enforcement officers eligible for certain training and licensure
SB 496 - Creates a procedure for creating and monitoring certificates of exemplary conduct and good moral character to certain criminal offenders
SB 497 - Requires courts to instruct defendants of certain consequences of a plea of guilty
SB 498 - Establishes a partnership between the St. Louis school district, the city of St. Louis, and nonprofit organizations to allow students who are picked up by a law enforcement officer or safety officer for being absent from school to be taken to the nonprofit organization
SB 507 - Allows the sheriff of the City of St. Louis to appoint deputies and assistants without the approval of a majority of circuit court judges of the City of St. Louis
SB 508 - Specifies that the Regional Taxicab Commission shall not have the authority to regulate medical transportation
HB 183 - Designates every June 7th as "Christopher Harris Day"

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