General Assembly Approves Legislation to Eliminate Red Tape for Family Farm Corporations

Parson - Press Release - 040616

JEFFERSON CITY—The Missouri Legislature approved legislation sponsored by Sen. Mike Parson, R-Bolivar, to eliminate unnecessary red tape for family farm corporations in the Show-Me State.

Currently, authorized farm corporations and family farm corporations are required to file a corporate registration report annually with the Missouri Secretary of State, even if nothing has changed since the previous filing.

Under Senate Bill 664, such farm corporations would not have to file an annual report if the information required by the corporate registration report has not changed since the filing of the corporation’s articles of incorporation or most recent registration report.

“The location and ownership of these farms rarely change,” said Sen. Parson. “There’s no compelling reason to make them file a redundant report each year. This legislation streamlines the process for family farm corporations, allowing them to focus on what they do best:  Feeding Missouri and the world.”

Senate Bill 664 now heads to the governor for his approval.

For more information on Sen. Parson’s sponsored legislation, visit his official Missouri Senate website at