Farm Service Agency Committee Nominations
On June 15, The United States Department of Agriculture’s Farm Service Agency (FSA) began accepting nominations for the Phelps/Crawford County FSA committee.
County committees are unique to the FSA in that they allow local producers to have a voice on federal farm program implementations at the local level.
Elected members serve a three-year term and the committee makes decisions regarding FSA disaster, conservation, commodity and price support programs, as well as other federal farm program issues. The board consists of three to 11 members.
To be eligible to serve on the FSA county committee, a nominee must participate or cooperate in an agency administered program, be a registered voter, and reside in the Local Administrative Area (LAA) in which they are nominated. All producers, including women, minority, and beginning farmers or ranchers are encouraged to participate.
Producers may nominate themselves or others as candidates.
Nomination forms must be postmarked or received in the Phelps/Crawford County FSA office by close of business on Aug 1, 2016.
The FSA will mail election ballots to eligible voters beginning Nov. 7, and are due back in the office no later than Dec. 5. All newly elected committee members will take office on Jan. 1, 2017.
For more information on the process, please call your local FSA office at (573) 364-2088 Ext. 2 or visit