Senator Denny Hoskins Invites Veterans to Participate in Video History Project




JEFFERSON CITY— Sen. Denny Hoskins would like to invite local veterans to be a part of the Missouri Veteran’s History Project.  The MVHP provides an opportunity for veterans to tell their stories and have them recorded and archived for historical purposes. Home to Whiteman Air Force Base, Higginsville Veterans Cemetery and the Warrensburg Veterans Home, hundreds of servicemen and women call the 21st Senate District home.

“As the 21st Senate district has one of the largest military and veterans communities in the state, I know there is a trove of stories that needs to be documented,” Sen. Hoskins said. “This is a chance for veterans to have their experiences captured and preserved for generations to come.”

The Missouri Veterans History Project provides a forum for veterans to tell their stories and share firsthand recollections, which add a more personal touch to historical accounts. The videotaped stories will be archived by the Library of Congress and the State Historical Society of Missouri. The recordings are free of charge to participating veterans. The videos are made available to the public through the State Historical Society of Missouri, the Library of Congress and other supporting organizations

Videographers from the MVHP will be at the Capitol, Room 426 on February 7, 14, 21 and 28 from 10 am to 2 pm.   Any veteran interested in participating can contact Kirk Klinger at 660-882-1274 to schedule a date and time. Each recording is expected to take approximately one hour to complete.

For information about Sen. Hoskins please visit his official Missouri Senate website at