Senate Committee Approves Measure That Will Give Parents More Educational Options for their Children

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JEFFERSON CITY — Today, the Senate Committee on Government Reform approved Senate Bill 32.  Sponsored by Sen. Emery, R-Lamar, the measure would provide scholarships to children, without creating an increased burden on Missouri taxpayers.

“Every child’s story is different and unique. We need to do everything we can to educate our Missouri students so they are ready to succeed personally and professionally in the world when they graduate. This bill recognizes that education is not one-size-fits-all, and provides flexibility to parents so that they can choose an education program that’s right for their child,” said Sen. Emery.

Senate Bill 32 is a tax incentive program funded by businesses and organizations that donate to the Missouri Empowerment Scholarship Accounts Program. “The process established under the scholarship program works similarly to the way a Health Savings Account works. The program awards scholarships to children who can use the funds in a manner that meets the child’s individual educational needs, rather than subjecting them to an education agenda dictated by a bureaucratic agency,” said Sen. Emery.

The bill still needs a vote from the full Senate before moving to the House for consideration. For more on this bill and others, visit