Senator Jamilah Nasheed Reacts to Reed’s Appearance on Radio Show

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JEFFERSON CITY — Senator Jamilah Nasheed, D-St. Louis, today reacted to a video posted showing Lewis Reed, President of the Board of Aldermen, laughing while a local radio host made inflammatory and derogatory remarks about his colleague on the Board.

“As a female, and as an elected official, I am absolutely appalled that the president of the board of aldermen would allow an individual to disrespect a fellow elected official without coming to her defense,” Sen. Nasheed said.

She continued: “Regardless of your political views, to allow that kind of language to go unchecked is disrespectful to the office and is a disgrace to the entire Board of Aldermen. The key to our entire democratic process is respectful conversation between leaders despite differing views. President Reed’s complicity with these statements is totally unacceptable.”