Audio: Sen. Bill Eigel Discusses Veto Session

JEFFERSON CITY — State Sen. Bill Eigel, R-Weldon Spring, discusses his disappointment with Planned Parenthood adding locations in Missouri, actions taken during this week’s annual veto session, and his vision for what he would like to see discussed by Missouri lawmakers next year.


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Eigel-Podcast-091317 (3:59)

  1. Senator Eigel says he’s disappointed to hear Planned Parenthood is opening another clinic in Missouri.
    Eigel-1-091317 (:32)
  2. Senator Eigel adds state funding for the group has been trimmed, but federal dollars have not.
    Eigel-2-091317 (:24)
  3. Senator Eigel also says a large part of veto session had nothing to do with overriding any of the governor’s vetoes.
    Eigel-3-091317 (:34)
  4. Senator Eigel says the focus for him next year will be economic principles.
    Eigel-4-091317 (:29)