New Audio Available from Sen. Mike Cunningham for the Week of Jan. 4: Beginning of Session

Jefferson City — State Sen. Mike Cunningham, R-Rogersville, recently added a new audio link to his multimedia page, which is located on his Missouri Senate website. This page features audio and video links (both streaming and broadcast quality — when available) for visitors to listen to and watch Sen. Cunningham address issues that are important to him and the citizens of the 33rd Senatorial District. The new audio link includes Sen. Cunningham discussing some of his priorities for the Second Regular Session of the 98th General Assembly, which began on Wednesday, Jan. 6.

Audio Player


Right-click to download the .mp3 files:


Senator Cunningham says Real ID may become an issue during the Second Regular Session of the 98th General Assembly, which started on Wednesday, Jan. 6 (:31)


Senator Cunningham adds he has already filed Senate Bill 612, which would modify the law relating to the offense of illegal reentry. (:21)


Senator Cunningham also says he is sponsoring Senate Bill 613, which seeks to enact new provisions of law relating to the workers’ compensation insurance premiums of volunteer fire departments. (:22)


Senator Cunningham says ethics reform and transportation look to be big issues early on in session. (:30)
