Senate Democrats End of Session Wrap-up

JEFFERSON CITY — Fighting discrimination, protecting voting rights, beating back harmful labor initiatives, and standing up for Missouri’s most vulnerable citizens were all highlights of the Senate Democrats’ successful session.

Specifically, Senate Democrats:

  • Proudly stood for 39 hours of continuous debate, filibustering the mean-spirited resolution which would have enshrined discrimination in our state constitution.
  • Forced a compromise on photo ID which would allow all citizens to vote a regular ballot even if they do not present photo identification. The compromise would also entitle voters without identification one free form of identification.
  • Stopped paycheck deception, anti-union legislation, which was ultimately defeated in a dramatic close vote; and
  • Fought to expand Medicaid in order to bring jobs to Missouri and to help Missouri’s poorest citizens. Sadly this attempt was rebuffed by Senate Republicans.

The Senate Democrats also passed important legislation, relating to: deadly force, expungement of criminal records, dyslexia screening, suicide prevention, commercial bankruptcy and assistance for human trafficking victims finding peace in a new life.

For more information, visit Sen. Keaveny’s official Senate website at