Thanking Our Interns
I always enjoy sharing the legislative and political process with students. This legislative Session my office has the honor of working with two interns who help serve the 21st Senatorial District. My staff and I are always thrilled to have new faces around to contribute to the work we do, and both of our interns this Session have performed admirably in their duties.
Travis Leader, a part-time intern, is the son of Steve and Jody Leader of Lee’s Summit. He is a senior at the University of Central Missouri majoring in political science, and will graduate in May. He also works as a tutor in the writing center at UCM, and takes great joy in working with students, helping them master their talents to become better writers. Travis is involved in the UCM Navigators as a student leader, where he leads a Bible study and helps others in their spiritual walks. He is also the president of the UCM Chapter of Pi Sigma Alpha, the national political science honor society, as well as vice-president of the UCM Dale Carnegie Honor Society. After graduation, he plans on pursuing a career in state government.

Kyler Cliffman, a full-time intern, is the son of Greg and Traci Cliffman of Nevada, Mo. He is a junior at the University of Missouri-Columbia, and will graduate in May 2017 with a degree in political science. Kyler is involved on campus in the Mizzou College Republicans, an organization that promotes conservative ideals and advocates for student participation in government. He enjoys reaching out to fellow students and discussing current political issues with them. After graduation, Kyler plans on joining the United States military where he can serve his country in uniform. After the military, he hopes to have a career in government and to one day run for elected office representing the state of Missouri.
We are happy to have worked with both Travis and Kyler this Session, and appreciate the valuable work they put into ensuring that we serve the 21st Senatorial District well.
The legislative internship is an amazing opportunity for students to provide public service and to learn first-hand how state government works. Interns help our office address constituent concerns, research issues in the district and in the state as a whole, work on projects related to legislation, write and edit press releases, attend legislative committees and hearings and give tours of the Capitol.
For college students interested in applying for a legislative internship, or high school students looking to do a one-day job shadow experience, please go to my Senate web page (, select “Apply To Be An Intern” under “Constituent Services” and fill out an application. Many colleges offer academic credit for internships, and I encourage students to see if they can apply through their school to take advantage of this opportunity.
As always, please feel free to contact me or my staff with any questions or concerns at any time. We look forward to hearing your comments and suggestions and trying to answer any questions you may have. You can reach us by phone at 866-277-0882 (toll-free) or (573) 751-2272, or by fax at (573) 526-7381.
Senator David Pearce serves Caldwell, Carroll, Howard, Johnson, Lafayette, Livingston, Ray and Saline counties in the 21st State Senatorial District.